Too Wrong: Hayes Brothers Book 2

Too Wrong: Chapter 29

There’s an earthquake.

In my head.

I’m pregnant reverberates through the deepest recesses of my mind, heart, and soul if that even exists.

She’s pregnant.

My eyes drop to her abdomen, but there’s no roundness. No visual representation of her words. It’s an out-of-body experience as I sit here in a state of deep fucking shock.

My vocal cords are tied, and I can’t unglue my eyes from her tummy as if staring long enough will let me see inside.

“Say something,” Cass urges, taking a seat beside me on the edge of the loveseat. I think she’s afraid to startle me if she comes closer. “I know this is unexpected. If you need time to think, that’s okay, just—”

“You were on birth control,” I cut in, remembering that fact. “How can you be pregnant?”

She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth but holds my gaze. “I swear I didn’t do this on purpose. I took the pills every day like I was supposed to. You can check the calendar, I mark it every day, and I can show you the tablets I have left, and you can count them to see I haven’t missed a single one,” she rambles, eyes wide, hands knitting an invisible sweater. She’s so scared of my reaction that she trembles like a cornered animal, her eyes pooling with tears. “Dr. Jones said it happens. Rarely, but it does.”

I take a deep breath, doing my best to calmly assess the situation and think through what comes out of my mouth and how it comes out. “And you’re sure it’s mine.”

It’s not a question.

There’s not an ounce of accusation in my voice. I know the baby is mine. She wouldn’t be sitting here, shuddering, gawking at me with big eyes if the baby were someone else’s.

“I’ve not been with anyone else in over a year,” she says quietly. “I wish I could tell you we have more time to make a decision, but we don’t. A week is all I can give you.”

My brows knit together. “What decision? There’s no decision to be made here. You’re pregnant. It’s done.”

She tucks her hair away, struggling to look me in the eye. I can’t stand seeing her so vulnerable. It’s a side of her I’ve seen before, and one I can’t comprehend exists underneath the confidence and smiles she wears daily.

She’s normally so positive and amazing, but the weight of the world sits on her shoulders right now. The mental scars she usually hides are on display, showcasing that beneath her will to put the past behind and not let it affect her present, there’s still a girl who feels unwanted.

“I’m pregnant now. Your family hates me, Logan. And I know how important they are to you. Please don’t step up just because you think it’s the right thing to do. We’re not in the eighties. Try to think about me, too, okay?”

I tear myself out of the seat, my blood boiling, bubbling, fucking overflowing. “What are you talking about?! Of course, I’m going to step up!” I yank the baseball cap off and rake my fingers through my hair back and forth. “You think I’ll let you raise my baby alone?”

“I’ve been through enough,” she whispers and chews on her lip, glaring at her fingers. “I don’t want to be another bad decision. If we keep the baby—”

“If?” I mouth only now understanding where she’s coming from. “If?!” I boom again, pacing the room. “There’s no if! How can you consider not having it? You said you love me!”

More tears spill from her eyes, mouth opening and closing a few times before she swallows hard and wipes her face for the umpteenth time, attempting to stop the tears that trickle down her pale cheeks on their own accord.

“I do, and if you’re sure you can handle whatever your brothers will do when they find out, then I’ll have the baby. You’ll see it whenever you want. I won’t make it hard for you, but I don’t want you to start hating me down the line. If we end this now, no one has to know.”

Her words ring in my head like a church bell.

Her train of thought unfolds and makes more sense by the minuteShe thinks she’ll be a single mom. That we’ll draw up a schedule of who’ll take care of the baby and when.

I can see why she thinks that. I’ve done nothing but hurt her, intentionally or not, since the start. Even when I tried to help her overcome the fear of water, I locked her in the garage straight after like she was a fucking mistake.

Tonight, I came here with one goal in mind. It hasn’t changed with the news. If anything, my determination to show her that I care about her more than I’ve ever cared about any woman grew tenfold.

She’s pregnant with my baby.

Everything I ever wanted sits on the loveseat… crying.

“If my brothers can’t accept my choices, then to hell with them.” I crouch beside her, taking her hands in mine. “I came here to tell you I don’t want us to be sex buddies. God, baby… you’re all I think about. You’re all I want, and I’m falling in love with you so fucking fast I can’t keep up.”

She stills.

Stops breathing.

A long, silent moment passes with her staring at me blankly before a small, pitiful whimper slips past her lips, and her whole body shudders. “You want me?” she utters, her face a picture of disbelief. She looks from my eyes to my lips, cheeks, nose, and back to my eyes. “Are you sure?”

Her choice of words is another low blow to my stomach.

Are you sure?

She looks and sounds like she can’t fathom that anyone could want her. Like she’s been living under the assumption that everyone is out to take but never give anything back.

I wish I had noticed sooner that all Cassidy wants is for someone to give a damn. She wants to be important to at least one person in her life. Beneath the tough exterior hides an anxious, neglected woman who was never put first.

“I’m sorry.” I wipe the tears from her face with my thumbs, cupping her cheeks. “I know I’ve hurt you, but I’ll do better. You just have to give me a chance to prove myself.”

She leans out, hope glistening in her teary eyes when she presses her lips to mine. “I love you so much,” she whispers, weaving her fingers through my hair and deepening the kiss. “I’ll make you happy, Logan. I promise you won’t regret this.”

I’m fucking reeling.

Hating myself more with every word she speaks.

She’s afraid. I feel how fast her heart is going, and my chest tightens painfully. should be the one making promises, not her. I’m the one who took her for granted.

“You already make me the happiest man alive,” I move my hands to cup her thighs and lift her into my arms, holding onto her for dear life. “I swear I’ll do better. I’ll do my best, princess.”

Nothing else ever mattered as much as the blonde in my arms. The first time I looked at her, I knew I was as good as gone. I’ve wasted three years holding a grudge over something out of our control.

She could’ve been mine for three years.

She should’ve been mine.

She was mine…

I just didn’t know it.

I take her to bed, resting my back on the masses of decorative cushions, and pull her close, careful not to hurt her ribs. She curves into me, her back to my chest, and I wrap one hand across her collarbones, my lips on her temple.

“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry I put my brothers first when it should’ve been you all along.”

She covers my hand with hers, the rhythm of her heart slowing down the longer she’s with me. “They’re your family,” she says, toying with my fingers. “A casual fling isn’t worth risking your relationship with them.” She angles her head, kissing the underside of my chin. “It’s not too late, you know? You can still leave.”

Instinctively, I hold her a little tighter. She fits in my arms like she’s been made for me. How have I not noticed sooner? “We’re not casual. I don’t think we were for long. And this isn’t a fling. You’re mine, Cassidy. You’re pregnant with my baby.”

I lower my free hand and push it under her t-shirt, spreading my fingers over her abdomen. There’s a slight bump there already. Not big, barely a suggestion of what’s to come. It’s firm to the touch, the curve ever so slight, but it’s there.

Hands down, this is the most surreal and amazing moment of my life. I’ve been nagging Theo to start a family since he married Thalia because my paternal instinct has been in the highest gear for a while, and now… I’m going to be a Dad.

“How far along are you?”

“Nine and a half weeks. I only found out yesterday.” She wriggles in my arms enough to turn her body and look me in the eye. “I didn’t know when I went out last weekend. I wouldn’t have had a drink if I knew, but I—”

“Is the baby okay?” I cut in, brushing my fingertips up and down her arm. “What did the doctor say?”

“He said it looks healthy and the right size, and the heartbeat is nice and strong.”

“Then that’s all that matters.” I press a kiss to the side of her head. “God, Cass… you’re pregnant, princess.” I kiss her again. “You’re pregnant with my baby. I’ll take care of you. Both of you. I’ll make this as easy as breathing. I’ll get up in the middle of the night to buy pickles and hold your hair when you puke.” I hold her closer, kissing her head over and over again, my chest inflating like a balloon. “We’ll move your things over to my house tomorrow.”

She jerks away too abruptly and grabs her side, hissing under her breath. “We’re not moving anything,” she pants through gritted teeth, her eyes shut tight. “Don’t rush. We’ve got time. The baby won’t be here until February.”

I pull her back to me, cradling her until the pain subsides. “What do you want to wait for? I’ve wasted three years already. You’re mine now. I want you close. We’ll live together sooner or later, so why not sooner?”

“Because… because you need to be sure you want this.”

She doesn’t say it out loud, but I can tell by the grimace tainting her pretty face and how she nervously pinches the comforter that she’s scared I’ll change my mind and put her out the door a few days from now.

Not a chance. I might’ve been an idiot all this time, but when I realized I’m falling in love with her, a fundamental change happened in the blink of an eye. She’s mine.

Mine to care for. Mine to keep safe.

After all that I’ve put her through, I don’t blame her for not believing my words. Instead of telling, I need to start showing her I mean what I say.


Cassidy is asleep when I wake up, entangled in the sheets and her arms and legs. She clings to my side, one hand across my chest, one leg bent at the knee and draped over my thighs. She nuzzles her face in the crook of my neck, a veil of messy, blonde hair scattered around her peaceful face.

I’ve not seen her like this before, and I take a few minutes to openly stare and commit to memory everything about her. The slight pout of her lips, light eyelashes, every beauty mark. She’s so fucking beautiful curling into me.

I slide my hand under the duvet and push it between us, caressing the tiny bump with my thumb. That’s all I’ve done all evening, and for at least an hour after Cassidy fell asleep.

My heart swells three sizes when the thought hits me once again: I’m going to be a Dad.

It feels like I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, and now that it’s finally happening, I can’t contain the overwhelming joy. I pull my hand out, sliding out from under the duvet, and cover Cassidy back up.

The curve of her hip and waist melts my brain and the morning wood I’m sporting becomes painfully hard. My chances at sex are extremely low, considering she’s got two broken ribs, so instead of making the cock situation worse, I kiss her forehead and tug the same t-shirt I wore last night over my head.

A sense of dread hits me as soon as I spot my phone on the coffee table. I switched it off last night at some point because my brothers were blowing up the group chat, but I can’t keep hiding here forever.

I grab the phone and switch it on. Dozens of notifications pop up immediately, and I find out why they were so fucking relentless in trying to reach me last night. They spent a few hours at my house, waiting for me to show up.

A spare key is in a safe box by the main door, and every one of them knows the combination, but…

Me: The key is for emergencies.

Ping, ping, ping.


Ping, ping.

They swear at me for not replying to their messages last night and swear at me for making them worry, and swear at me for not having enough beer in the fridge to accommodate six uninvited guests who’d dry a well.

I wait until the fucks, shits, and assholes are out of their system, and the first decent question arrives.

Shawn: Are you alright? Where were you last night?

Me: I’m good. I was busy. We need to talk, but this isn’t a chat we can have over texts. Can you all come over around noon?

Shawn: Wink if you need an alibi.

Nico: Are you home now?

Me: Not yet. I should be back in an hour.

A feeling of impending doom settles over me when they reply that they’ll be there at ten o’clock sharp.

A part of me is terrified of losing them. I can’t imagine what my life will look like without them. I’ve never been alone. They were always there by my side, always available when I needed help or advice and the grim possibility of losing their trust and acceptance fills me with mild panic.

But, at the same time, a different part of me that sprouted overnight won’t put their approval before my baby or Cass.

It’s still surreal to think I’m going to be a Dad. Surreal, scary, and exhilarating. My protectiveness toward the life sprouting inside Cassidy is already overpowering. The same words replay in my head like a broken record.

My baby.


My family.

God, I can’t believe my own fucking idiocy. I could’ve had this, the most incredible feeling in the world, for three years now. I could’ve loved and cared for her all this time.

What a fucking waste of life that’s already so short.

The sound of the coffee maker pulls Cassidy out of bed. She enters the kitchen, tightening the straps of her gray robe around her waist.

“You’re still here.” She nuzzles into my chest, peppering my chin with soft kisses. “Good morning.”

“Morning, baby. The door was closed, so I couldn’t sneak out.” I smirk, kissing her head. “Of course, I’m here. You’re stuck with me now. I do need to go out for a bit, but I won’t be long, and when I’m back, I expect to find you packing your bags.” I hand her a cup of coffee and fetch another pod. “No lifting, though, okay?”

It took two hours, but I convinced her last night that she should move in with me. We looked through the ultrasound pictures, too. I expected something different than a bean-shaped blob among white noise, but I stared awestruck at the tiny arms and legs for the longest time.

“How about I pack a bag or two with essentials for now? I need to give my landlord a month’s notice, so we don’t have to move all my stuff right away.”

I wrap her tighter in my arms, ready to argue, but a lone thought pierces my mind before I say one word. I want her to feel safe with me; that won’t happen until she sees I won’t give up on her, so I need to make adjustments.

“Will you feel better if we do this in stages?”

She nods, eyeing the coffee in her hand. “Which pod did you use? The blue one?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

“I can’t have normal coffee for now.” She opens the bin, takes out the pod I threw away, hands me her cup, and grabs a fresh, blue pod. “It’s decaf.”

“Decaf, got it.”

I make a mental note to send my cleaning lady shopping tomorrow. She’s versatile like that: she does more than cleaning. I bet there are more things Cass needs now apart from decaf, and Mira will probably know all the pregnancy must-haves, having raised four kids herself.

Ten minutes later, I kiss Cass and promise to pick her up in a couple of hours. I don’t want to leave even for a few minutes, but it’s time to face the fucking music.

I hop in my car and head home to grab a shower and a change of clothes before my brothers raid the house. I know they won’t be late today, and I almost break a leg trying to get ready before they arrive.

The doorbell rings just as I descend the stairs pulling a fresh jersey over my head, my hair still damp. And as if a switch has been flipped, my stomach twists with nerves.

One deep breath is all I need to get a hold of myself before I let Nico and the triplets inside.

“What’s going on? Why the rush?” Colt sheds his denim jacket in the hallway and tosses it over a narrow side table, readjusting his silver watch. “You don’t look so good, bro.”

“Don’t ask questions. I won’t repeat myself, so we’ll have to wait for the other two to get here, alright?” I lead them into the kitchen, my palms sweating already. “You want coffee?”

Nico’s eyes follow my every move as if he can guess the problem by reading into my gestures and expressions. Usually, he can riddle out what’s going on, he has this sixth sense about him, but it’ll fail him today. No way he can deduce what brand of fresh hell I’m about to unleash.

The triplets bicker between themselves, sitting by the island while I get the coffee maker started, my mind skipping ahead to visualize my brothers’ possible reactions to the news.

All I hope at this point is that the conversation won’t drag.

I want to be with Cass. I want to hold my hand across her tummy, kiss her head, and show her that I meant every word I said last night.

I told her I’m falling in love with her, but the truth is I’m already in love. How did I miss when it happened? How have I not known until the realization hit me square in the jaw last night?

I squeeze the bridge of my nose, pushing the annoyance aside. No point in fixating on what I can’t change.

Theo and Shawn arrive ten minutes later. The atmosphere immediately shifts to heavy, but my mind is made and calm. Cass is what I want. She’s what I need. My brothers will either accept that or they won’t. Simple as that.

I rest my back against the countertop, watching six of them scattered around the kitchen, all equally tense, suspicious, and silent.

“Go on, bro,” Cody urges, holding his cup with both hands and blowing the steam away. “What’s this gathering all about? And why so fucking early?” He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. He’s the resident tension-breaker, but he fails miserably this morning. No one is in the mood to laugh. “I crawled into my bed four hours ago. Spill your guts. What’s going on?”

The Holy Trinity is least involved in the matter, but whatever the older three decide, the younger three will mimic. It’s just how it works among us.

We’re usually a united front in the face of problems, but whenever we argue about how to proceed, the triplets stay to the side, waiting until we agree on a course of action.

They’re still finding themselves, learning how to navigate the world and when big-boy pants are required, they trust us more than they trust themselves.

I’ve rehearsed the start of this conversation a hundred times before I fell asleep last night, long after Cass nodded off, and I’ve not stopped rehearsing it since I left her flat.

“I love you all,” I say, holding my cup in both hands like Cody, to stop myself from squirming.

“Well, shit. You’re gay, too?” Conor huffs, one eyebrow raised. “Jesus, why so grim? It’s cool, Logan. We love you. Chill the fuck out, bro. You’re paler than pale.”

“Shush,” Shawn clips, whacking Conor across the back of his head, then gestures for me to keep going.

“You’re my family,” I recite the rehearsed statement, “and regardless of how this ends, even if you won’t talk to me again, just know that if either one of you ever needs me, be it five, ten, or thirty years down the line, I’ll always be here for you.”

Shawn shifts from one foot to another. His focused look slowly morphs into two vertical creases lining his forehead. It’s the same look on all their faces.

“You’re starting to freak me out,” Colt says, crossing his arms and straightening his back. “Just get it out in the open. What’s going on?”

“Did you kill someone?” Conor chips in. “Are you going to jail or something?”

“Zip it,” Nico clips, the authoritative note in his tone ringing loud and clear. He leans against the doorframe closest to the exit as if he senses that what will come out of my mouth affects him most. “Drop the bullshit. Cards on the table, Logan.”

He’s not the oldest. He’s actually the middle child, but he always commands the room, and we all respect his word most, which is why I’m at a huge disadvantage here.

I reach into the back pocket of my jeans and do put something on the table. Not cards, though. I pull out one of the ultrasound pictures and toss it across the island toward Theo, who sits opposite where I stand.

He grabs it, gawking at the white noise, a blizzard of confusion flashing across his face. “Is that—” his eyes snap to me, growing wider just as Colt snatches the picture out of his hand. “You got some chick pregnant?”

I nod, biting my teeth. “She’s due in February.”

“Fuck me sideways!” Conor exclaims. “Are you serious right now? Bro, that’s good news! Why do you act like someone died? Who’s the—” He halts, sucking in a harsh breath when he adds two and two together. “No way…”

“Who’s the Mommy?” Shawn finishes for him. “You never told us you’re seeing anyone. What’s that about?”

I glance between Theo and Nico, ejecting all air from my lungs. “I wasn’t exactly seeing her per se. We were casual for three months, but it grew out of control. I’m in love with her.”

“That’s still good news, Logan. You’re making no sense.” Cody says, the picture in his hands now. He turns it upside down and tilts his head as if it’s an optical illusion only visible at a certain angle. “What’s the bad news?”

“There is no bad news.” I shift from one foot to another. “Just news you won’t like.”

“Fuck,” Nico seethes, nostrils flared, black eyes shooting daggers my way. “Tell me it’s not who I fucking think it is.”

There. The reaction I expected all along. The reason why I didn’t want to let myself feel for Cassidy sooner.

As disappointed as I am to know I was right, I’m also not fazed by his curt tone.

“I’m sorry,” I say on autopilot. “It just happened, Nico. I don’t even know when. I thought I could stop seeing her at any mome—” The words pile up on the tip of my tongue when he charges at me, fists clenched.

Theo jumps out of his seat at the last second, acting like a barricade and stops Nico from knocking out my front teeth.

“You better let me go, or you’ll get one in your jaw, too,” he snaps, trying to shove Theo away, but he’s not about to knock him out for no good reason, so he glares at me over his shoulder instead. “How many times have you called her a psycho bitch? Fucking unstable. Manipulative. Sorry excuse for a woman! And now you got her pregnant?!”

His outburst doesn’t surprise me. In all fairness, I expected him to get to me faster; before Theo had a chance to get in the way. And him jumping to my aid is a surprise. Short-lived, though, because once Nico’s words sink, I know this isn’t close to being over.

He’s got it all wrong.

“I’m not talking about Kaya,” I say. “I wouldn’t touch her even if you fucking paid me.”

The anger drains from Nico’s face in a flash, confusion taking the stage. He folds his arms over his chest, stepping back from Theo. “Then who are you talking about?”

“Cassidy,” Conor supplies, sporting a self-assured smirk. “Right? That’s why you were so bent out of shape when she crashed into Colt’s car.”

“Yeah,” I admit. The weight of the confession falls to the ground with a thud, but instead of feeling lighter, I feel heavier. Defeated. I’m facing a life without their support, and I’m fucking sick to my stomach at the thought. “We’ve been a no-strings-attached kind of deal since Express Dates. I thought I could stop seeing her anytime, but I can’t, and I don’t fucking want to. I’m in love with her… and she’s pregnant. I’m gonna be a Dad. I love you all, but my priorities have shifted overnight.”

They’re silent for a minute, either waiting for me to speak again or processing the news. I have nothing more to add.

The ball is in their court.

Time slows. Seconds stretch until they feel like minutes, and no one is reacting.

Not one punch from Nico.

Not one frown from Theo.

It’s like waiting for the guillotine to drop.

“You’re making no sense, Logan, and you’re giving me a migraine,” Shawn huffs, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “Explain that opener. Why would we never talk to you again?”

I set my cup aside, no longer needing a distraction. “Her history with Theo, for one, and—”

“That was three years ago!” Theo snaps, slamming his fist on the marble countertop. “Get over yourself. I’ve apologized like a hundred times already. You didn’t know her when we hooked up. What else do you want me to do? It’s not like I can turn back time, bro!”

My eyebrows knot in the middle. “You… what? I’ve been over it for a long time, Theo. It’s all of you who despise her for it. When has either one of you said one word to her? Huh? And you?” I glare at Nico. “You couldn’t even sit at her table for five minutes! So yeah, I know this is a problem, but guess what? Love me or hate me. She’s mine, and I’m not letting her go.”

Nico’s jaw works furiously, nothing but murder on his mind as he balls his hands into tight fists. I’m waiting for another outburst, another lunge forward to land a precise punch on my face that’ll leave me with a dislocated jaw at best, but instead, Nico dents my fridge with his fist.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” he seethes, pointing his finger at me. “There’s a reason why I wanted you to take over my time with Cass at the Express Dates.” He’s no longer stewing.

Well, he is, but it’s the good kind of energy bubbling inside him. I can tell because he’s almost smiling. Almost. It’s not a full-blown smile, but the slight curve of his mouth is more than I’ve seen on him in a long time.

Ever since the Kaya and Jared fiasco, Nico’s emotions range from annoyance to fury ninety-nine percent of the time, but here he is, almost smiling.

“I saw how you watched her at Thalia’s party and how panicked you were when she wasn’t breathing,” he continues. “I’ve seen you with many women, Logan, but Cassidy is the only one that makes you tick. You were miserable for weeks when you found out she hooked up with Theo first.”

“Because I liked her!” My heart starts beating a touch faster as Nico’s words bounce in my head.

He wanted me to go after Cassidy? He tried to help?

Have I fallen into the rabbit hole and emerged in an alternate reality? It sure feels like it. I’ve imagined fifty different scenarios of this conversation, but not one looked like what’s happening right now.

They’re not fuming.

They’re not swearing.

They’re pissed off, alright, but for an entirely different reason than I expected.

“No shit!” Theo chuckles, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you thought we’d stop talking to you if you end up with Cassidy. Come on, bro. We’ve been through so much shit together! How stupid are you?”

“We don’t despise her,” Cody adds, leaning back on the bar stool. “I don’t even know her all that much.”

“I steer clear of her because of Kaya and Jared,” Nico says, sounding apologetic. “Not because I hold a grudge. Shit, does she think we all hate her?”

Everyone in her past did…

I bob my head, my jaw set tight. It strips me of my sanity to know just how vulnerable Cassidy is and how I exploited her weaknesses without realizing. “Why wouldn’t she? Did any one of you say one word to her at Thalia’s party? You treat her like thin air. She’s afraid of you two.” I point at Nico and Theo.

“Great,” Theo mumbles, fiddling with his thumbs. “Thalia’s going to kill me. Listen, I don’t talk to Cass because Thalia knows we hooked up that time, and I thought it’ll be safer for my marriage if I didn’t entertain her with a chat.” He rakes his hand through his hair. “I honestly have nothing against Cass, Logan. Thalia loves her to bits, and if that’s not a statement in Cassidy’s favor, I don’t know what is.”

“It’s not easy to impress your wife,” Colt agrees.

“Well, you’re all assholes, but don’t put me in the same bag as them because did talk to Cass at the party, and she sure isn’t afraid of me,” Shawn says, pleased with himself.

His smile slips fast when Cody bursts out laughing.

“No one’s afraid of you. Not even your son.”

The atmosphere starts to relax, and my muscles along with it. I didn’t know just how scared I was of losing them until now when I know I won’t. It’d be a challenge trying to navigate life without their support.

“Let the record show,” Nico says, glancing at the triplets. “In case either one of you has similar dumb ideas in the future as this genius,” he points at me. “There isn’t a single thing you could do to make us turn on you.” He looks at me again. “Even if you’d have that baby with Kaya, I’d still be here for you. I’d break your jaw first, sure, but I’d be the favorite uncle regardless.” Tension leaves my shoulders and neck, and my heart almost bursts out of my chest when he pulls me into a hug. “Congratulations, bro. Let’s hope your kid is smarter than you.”

They take turns playfully punching my shoulder, pulling me into tight hugs, patting my back, and calling me an idiot. They’re right. I am an idiot for doubting them.

We’re a family.

We’re Hayes, and we’re fucking indestructible.

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