Too Hard: Hayes Brothers Book 5

Too Hard: Chapter 38

“B! BABY, I KNOW YOU’RE BUSY, but if you don’t move that sweet butt we’re gonna be late!” I shout from upstairs.

She said just five more minutes twenty minutes ago. Most other days, I’d call off whatever we had planned so she could indulge her passion, but that’s not possible today.

“I’m coming!” she huffs back, her soft footsteps padding up the stairs. “Why the rush? We still have almost an hour.”

“It’s an important evening.”

“So you keep saying.”

She doesn’t bother asking why. She’s tried a few times, but my reply is always the same: it’s top secret, B. Patience.

While I rummage through the closet for my favorite t-shirt, Blair locks herself in the bathroom. The shower starts running making me groan for two reasons.

One, she’s not exactly quick in the shower with all that long hair and we don’t have much time. And two… she’s there, all wet and lathered up, and my dick hasn’t seen action for five days.

Two years together and she still doesn’t let me touch her while she’s on her period.

I busy myself picking out a watch to match… nothing, really. I’m all in black so any will do, but looking over each and every one keeps me from barging into the bathroom and stroking my cock while I watch her soaping down that body.

Two years and I’m still out-of-control hungry for Blair on a daily basis. I can eat her out first thing in the morning, sink my cock into her tight ass after she orgasms and I’ll want her again by lunch time.


Perfect, addictive, blissful madness.

Twenty minutes later, when we should be leaving the house, B emerges from the bathroom. She’s dressed, dry hair up in a ponytail, and delicate makeup done.

“You look beautiful, you know that?” I say, my eyes roving her from head to toe.

She rolls her lips, biting back a smile. “It’s the dress.”

“Yeah, the dress is pretty, but you’re prettier.” I cross the room to where she’s putting her earrings on.

The summery, spaghetti strap dress—Blair’s very first design in the flesh—rolls up her tanned thighs. Not on it’s own. My finger might’ve helped a little.

Since the day her father disappeared from her life, shortly after Logan’s wedding, B started living to the max instead of merely surviving every day. Once she graduated, she immediately started a fashion design company. Twelve months, endless sleepless nights, and a lot of determination later, she’s wearing a dress she designed.

And it’s gorgeous. Something I’m sure Mia will want in her collection, though not in black. Delicate, flowy fabric swishes around Blair’s knees. Tiny, cherry blossom patterns tone down the black fabric, making it look cute but edgy. Modest neckline, perfect fitting, and a bow under the bra line.

Once B’s business operation outgrew her condo, I bought a house and converted the double garage into a studio. We only moved in last month, but Blair’s already filled the shelves and racks to the max: while I painstakingly unpacked the rest of the house.

Oh the joy.

Thankfully, the Hayes came on a rescue mission and we were done inside two days.

“You haven’t kissed me today,” Blair says, angling her head.

I have, but apparently a simple peck after work while she was busy sewing doesn’t count. Or maybe she didn’t even notice.

I don’t mind. I love finding her by the sewing machine after I come home from work. I love the smile on her face when she shows me her new designs or tells me about the independent boutiques emailing her about selling her work.

She’s determined to make a name for herself in the fashion industry and I couldn’t be prouder. A girl who two short years ago didn’t believe she deserved a meaningful life, now spreading her wings and living to the fullest.

And I get to watch. I get to share that life with her.

“Let me fix that.” I dip my head, sealing her lips. Nothing aligns my mind as fast as B’s kisses.

She sighs softly, leaning into me as I slip my tongue inside the silk of her mouth, our breaths mingling, mouths coming together, bodies pressing closer and—

I pull away when she bites my lip. She knows that gets my cock begging for attention.

“You want me to drive to Mom’s house with a boner?” I ask, brushing a few stray locks behind her ears. “Or would you rather I get my fill really quickly?”

She trails her hands from my neck, down my chest, and lower still. “Just letting you know we’re in the clear.”

“My dick sure got the message, baby.” I grip her wrists in one hand before she makes the situation worse. “Stop teasing. You should’ve said we’re in the green zone before you got in the shower, baby. Fucking you was all I could think about while you were in there, but as much as I want to, we don’t have time. We’re in for a treat tonight. I don’t want to miss that, so behave.”

She puts on a fake pout. “Whatever’s happening must be ridiculously important if you’re forfeiting sex.”

“See? You get it.” I stamp a kiss on her forehead. “Now, can we please go?”


My father, together with Mia’s and Vee’s, takes charge of the barbeque. It’s not uncommon for Mom to invite them over for a get-together. It’s also not uncommon for three grown-ass men to burn the meat. Instead of committing to the task, they chat and bicker like teenagers, and the cooking part slips their attention. One time, we ended up ordering pizza because the meat they cooked was inedible.

I don’t bother offering my help. Blair and Vee already have me on kitchen-to-garden food-transfer duty along with Conor and—if he gets his ass here on time—Colt. The girls are setting the table and Theo’s in charge of the makeshift bar while Shawn and Jack entertain the kids.

“Shit,” Conor huffs, looking out the living room window. “I need to get out there. Too many kids, not enough adults.”

The ratio is about three and a half adults per kid in this family, but Conor’s eight-month-old twin boys require constant supervision. There’s only two of them, yet they’re everywhere.

“Yeah, go on. I’ve got this,” I say, hugging two crates of Corona to my chest. Food can wait. We need fuel first. “Imagine what it’ll be like when they start walking.”

Conor lets out a half laugh half pained groan, hurrying outside to where the twins have attached themselves to Jack’s legs.

I get back into the kitchen, eyeing the last case of beer. One trip outside is better than two, but no way I can stash it on top of the two I’m already holding.

Shit. Two trips it is. Colt’s getting a whack across his head as soon as he shows up. Not only should he be helping me, but Mom’s already jittery he’s late. Logan’s not here yet with Cass and the boys, but Logan being late is not news. We’d be more concerned if he showed up on time.

Colt being late, on the other hand, has everyone on edge. He’s not particularly punctual when we go out drinking, but he’s always on time for Mom. And he fucking knows tonight’s important, so he should be here by now. It’s already well past four and he’s a no-show.

“What’s wrong?” Blair asks, following me into the kitchen as I return for the third case. “You look tense.”

She doesn’t realize how important tonight is. Technically Colt doesn’t either, but I did hint at it. You’d think he’d take that hint and get here on time. It’s a rarity we need to spell shit out to one another. Conor figured it out no problem, though given the looks he’s been sending my way since I got here, he might’ve misunderstood.

I think he expects an engagement announcement.

It’s probably overdue by now, but B and I have chatted extensively about our future plans. We will get married. And we will have kids, maybe not next month but it is happening and we’re both in agreement. I could pop the question right now, but I know B’s main focus is her career, so for now, I’m supporting her along the way by giving her all the time she needs.

“I’m fine, baby,” I say, opening the fridge to check how many trips it’ll take to transport all the damn food the women in this family have prepared. “Just pissed off at Colt. He’s skipping the helping part—again.”

B laughs softly, pulling two salad bowls from the top shelf. “There’s twenty people here, Cody. I think we can manage without him.”

She’s right and wrong at the same time. Sure we can set up the table without his help, but he’ll miss the news if he doesn’t get a move on and I know he’ll fucking regret it.

“I know,” I say, catching her wrist to tug her closer.

One kiss before we get back outside where the whole family—minus Colt—is already by the table. Even Logan’s made it, with his two and a half kids; Cassidy’s pregnant again, her four-month bump proudly displayed. Logan hides all her baggy clothes whenever he knocks her up so everyone can immediately see she’s a two-pack. Fucking caveman.

Colt gets another thirty minutes to show up, but once we all finish devouring the first round of grilled meat, time’s up. Nico rises from his chair, a flute of champagne in hand like he’s about to make a toast.

“While we’re all here, I have some news,” he says, pulling Mia up. “We’ve decided to call off the wedding.”

A chorus of gasps rises over the table, and to be perfectly honest, my stomach sinks too. I didn’t expect that.

They’ve been planning the wedding for months.

Blair grabs my hand under the table, gouging her long nails into my skin. I gently flex my fingers around hers.

“You’re not getting married?” Logan asks, eyebrows drawn together. “Why?”

“We are getting married,” Mia corrects. “Just not this year.”

“Jimmy,” Nico urges, grabbing the attention of his soon-to-be father-in-law who doesn’t look one bit pleased. “As promised, she finished college,” he says, setting his flute aside.” So I hope this…” He moves Mia in front of him, his big hands flattening her swing dress to reveal her small baby bump. “…is good news.”

Endorphins hit, obliterating that sinking feeling in my stomach. I’ve known for three weeks and keeping this a secret was fucking torture. Same as not holding my hand across Mia’s tiny bump every time I saw her.

Everyone is silent for the first three, maybe five seconds. My mother reacts first with a quiet elated whimper that snaps everyone out of the shock.

“I’m going to be a grandpa?” Jimmy asks first.

“Surprise.” Mia beams. “And… it’s a girl.”

“No fucking way!” Logan booms. He’s trying really hard to look pissed off, but he’s smiling so wide his mouth’s not far off splitting in half. “How far along are you?”

I chuckle under my breath. Him and Cass are still waiting to find out if baby number three is a boy or a girl because the baby was facing the wrong way during the last scan.

“A couple of weeks behind you two,” Nico admits.

While everyone gets up with congratulations, I remain seated. Once I get my hands on Mia, there’s no way I’m letting her go quickly just because someone else is waiting in line.

“You knew,” Blair whispers, angling her head to speak in my ear. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

I stamp a kiss on her temple. “I found out by accident and promised to keep my mouth shut.”

She smirks, bouncing her eyebrows. “It’s killing you to wait right now, isn’t it?”

“You have no fucking idea,” I huff, dragging my hand down my face. “Nico doesn’t let me hold her anymore. He’s gone off the rails but he won’t shove me away in front of everyone.”

Blair chuckles, nestling her head on my shoulder. “You’re both off the rails about Mia.”

Yeah… that’s true. I love my real sister, Rose, but Mia’s more. She’s my best friend. And when she went above and beyond to give Blair a chance two years ago, our friendship grew that much deeper. We’re living proof that platonic friendship between men and women is possible.

The doorbell rings, announcing the arrival of the last missing piece of the Hayes family. Colt’s the only one we’re waiting for and with the beeline for Mia still six people deep, I make my way across the lawn, inside the house, and to the main door.

But when I yank it open it’s not Colt standing outside with a solemn look on his face. It’s a friend of Shawn’s from work in full police uniform. A squad car is parked behind him, another cop standing ground by the hood.

“Tim, hey, man. You looking for Shawn?”

He pinches his lips together, an uncertain gloom in his blue gaze. “No, actually, it’s you I need.” His jaw works for a moment as if he’s battling whatever he needs to say. And that’s enough for anxiety to invade my mind.

Uncomfortable silence, lack of eye contact and a heavy, threatening atmosphere is never a bearer of good news.

“There’s been an accident, Cody,” he eventually says, the sentence leaving his mouth slow and heavy.

Everything inside me seizes. Everything apart from my heart that hammers so hard it’s fucking painful.

“Colt,” I rasp, my voice distant, hands clammy. I immediately know it’s Colt because I’m his emergency contact. “Where is he? What happened?”

“Car crash. High speed from what I gathered so far. He was airlifted into the hospital half an hour ago. It’s… it’s bad, Cody. He’s in critical condition. They’re operating as we speak, but—”

“What’s going on?” Theo’s voice comes from behind me, his heavy footsteps clapping like tiny thunder in the empty entryway. “Hey Tim,” he adds, stopping on my right and I must look like absolute shit because his face falls immediately. “What’s wrong?”

“Colt’s in the hospital,” Tim reiterates. “They’re operating, but it doesn’t look good. The steering wheel crushed his chest, damaged his lungs and heart…”

The world tips on it’s fucking axis. Shatters around me as the news rips me apart.


Damaged heart.


Damaged heart.

I don’t realize I’m sitting on the floor, my back flush with the wall, my hands shaking until I see Blair’s tear-stained face before me, people rushing about in the background.

“Baby, you need to get up,” she says, her warm hands on my cheeks. “Come on, he needs you. You need to keep it together.”

A big hand grips my arm next and Blair’s gone. Then another hand on the other arm and I’m up, barely holding my own weight.

“He’ll make it,” Nico says forcefully, his fingers digging into my bones. “Say it, Cody. Say it and you better fucking mean it.”

I swallow hard, closing my eyes briefly to get a hold of the scorching sensation burning through my veins.

“He’ll make it,” I say and make myself believe it.

I have to believe it.

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