Too Hard: Hayes Brothers Book 5

Too Hard: Chapter 36

“IS ANA FEELING OKAY?” Nico asks once the best man, Theo, is delivering his speech filled with jokes and gags.

“She’s fine. Why?”

“She’s been disappearing upstairs every half hour since the reception started. I thought she might not be well. A stomach bug or something.”

She’s been checking on Blair for me so I can get send her something to eat when she wakes up. It’s almost five in the afternoon, and she’s still asleep.

Colt’s the family’s resident Poirot, but he’s too preoccupied with Abby’s babbling to pay attention to anything else. Nico, on the other hand, has way too much time, considering his fiancée is spending most of the evening at the piano as per Logan and Cassidy’s request.

“She’s fine,” I say, hoping I sound convincing. “Powdering her nose. She feels a bit out of place here.”

Too bad it’s not Theo asking. It’s easier to lead him astray than Nico. He’s way too fucking perceptive, and I’m pretty shit at coming up with lies on the spot, so that doesn’t help the situation as Nico drags his gaze to Ana chatting with our grandmother. She’s all smiles as she sips her wine.

Yeah… she hardly looks out of place.

His burning gaze moves to me, one eyebrow raised like he’s calling my bluff. “Out with it, Cody.”

I heave an exasperated breath, knowing damn well I’ve already lost the fight before it began. Nico won’t stop. He’s a bloodhound when it comes to family matters. He’ll push for details until I tell him exactly what’s happening.

“The reason Colt, Conor, and I had a drink last night without you four was that my girlfriend dumped me… and this morning she turned up to apologize.”

Nico leans in with a look of genuine concern as he rests one arm on the table, turning his body my way. “What happened, man? You didn’t tell us you had a girl.”

“I had a few good reasons not to. The main one is that the girl I won’t leave, no matter what you all say is—” I pause, quietly chuckling under my breath. “I’m starting to sound like Logan, aren’t I? He had a point, though. I love you all, but I’m not letting Blair go.”

The muscles in Nico’s shoulders tense on cue and his jaw clamps tight. I can almost hear his brain working overtime. It takes a long, tense minute of him processing, rationalizing, or using whatever information he already has to answer his own questions before he looks at me again.

“Blair Fitzpatrick,” he states for the record, then falls silent again, probably recalling everything Mia told him about the abuse she suffered at my girlfriend’s hand.

“There’s more to this story than you know, Nico, I—”

He raises his hand, shutting me up with that and a pointed, furious glare, then takes another long moment to think.

I like that about him. He usually thinks before he speaks.

Although right now, I’d rather have him lash out. The tension’s growing so fucking taut I’m uncomfortable in my own skin.


“Shut. Up,” he grinds out, clenching his fists on the table.

So I do. I wait, the clock inside my head ticking as if counting down my last seconds on earth.

“I was nine when you were born,” Nico finally says, his tone level, though far from light. “I remember when you took your first steps, when you said your first word… I watched you grow up, Cody. You lived under my roof after you graduated high school. I saw you with countless girls and friends… I saw the kind of people you let close and I know the kind of person you are.” He inhales deeply, raking a hand through his hair before he looks me in the eye. “You wouldn’t be with a girl who was vile just for the sake of being fucking vile. Give me some credit. The fact you love her tells me—”

“I never said I love her. I just said I won’t leave her.”

A truly amused chuckle rips from his chest. Still a rare sound even now that Mia lightened his life. “That’s the same thing. You’re forgetting I watched Shawn, Theo, and Logan fall in love before it was my turn.” He drops his heavy hand on my shoulder, squeezing tightly. “You’re in love. Don’t fucking deny it. Out of all of us, you have the biggest heart, Cody. If you love this girl, you don’t have to prove to me that she’s worth it. I know it. And Mia will too, so instead of hiding Blair upstairs, bring her down here to meet the family.”

I didn’t realize how scared I really was of his reaction until now. He’s once again proved there’s nothing in this world that can tear our family apart. I pinch my lips, swallowing the wave of intense emotions burning my throat.

“Thanks, Nico. I meant it. I love her, but it means a lot that you’re not throwing punches right now.”

The corner of his lips twitches. “You thought I’d hit you?”

“At the very least. I knew you’d support me after you’d calmed down, but I thought the calming down would take longer.”

“It would probably be different if Blair hadn’t apologized to Mia a few weeks ago.”

“I didn’t know about that until last night. We weren’t a thing when she did that, so don’t think it was because of me.” I lift my glass, draining half the whiskey. “I wasn’t ashamed to bring her out yesterday like I planned, but tonight’s about Logan and Cassidy. B can meet everyone tomorrow.”

“Well, at least you’re smarter than Logan,” he says with a smirk. “I’m still annoyed he thought we’d abandon him.”

I laugh at that. “So am I. Conor said last night that the three of us turned out better than the four of you. We learned from your mistakes.”

“That’s how it’s supposed to be. It rarely happens, so I’m glad you paid attention.” He pats my back, exhaling a deep breath when Mia approaches, the adorable sweet and stern act she’s got going on aimed directly at her man.

“It’s been half an hour since you promised to dance with me,” she says, holding her hand out to Nico.

He grabs it, kissing her knuckles, then passes her hand to me. “We have the whole night, baby. Now grab Cody and distract him. He’s been on edge all day.”

Dancing is the last thing on my mind, but Mia’s cute smile convinces me otherwise. I take her delicate hand, leading her into the middle of the couple-filled dance floor.

I wrap my hands around her, pulling her close as I dip my head to speak in her ear so nobody can eavesdrop on our conversation. “I love you, Bug.”

She laughs softly, gliding along the dance floor with me to the sound of “Swim” by Chase Atlantic.

“I love you too. And I know, Cody.”

“I do say it a lot,” I agree.

“No, I mean I know you’re in love with Blair,” she explains with a cheeky smile. “I saw it coming from a mile away. Every interaction you ever had, even when you were rude, there was tension between you. It was a long time coming.” She twirls away, flashing me another smile before she comes back, wrapping herself around my arm. “Once she moved across the hall from you, it was just a matter of time.”

My hands tighten around her as I pull her in closer. “I never meant for it to happen. I’d never intentionally hurt you, Bug.”

“I know. I love Conor and Colt, but you are the best friend I ever had. Which is why…” She twirls around my finger with a beaming grin before she leans in. “I’m happy you found what I have. Don’t let it go.”

“I won’t. I don’t know what Blair told you, but I’m sure it wasn’t much. She’s so careful not to sound like she’s making excuses, but it would mean a lot if you could give her a chance to explain. There are some things in her past that might give you a little bit of perspective.”

Mia smiles, stepping three steps away from me, our hands outstretched, fingers locked together. “Remember how worried you were when Nico told you he was going after me no matter what you said and how we turned out just fine?”

I nod, pulling her back and dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “That’s different, Mia. Nico never hurt you.”

“No, he didn’t. However, you knew what kind of man he was but still allowed him the benefit of the doubt. That’s what I’ll do for Blair.”

How this girl fits her big heart into that tiny body will forever remain a mystery. We glide across the dance floor until we bump into Theo and Vee, and switch.

Then I switch again, and again, until not many women in the room are left that I haven’t danced with. Cassidy is in high demand, so it takes almost an hour, two cigarettes and one drink before I steal a dance.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her, holding her close.

Not close enough to risk Logan knocking my teeth out. I wouldn’t put it past him. His irrational temper tantrums rival Nico’s. While he trusts me, he’s absolutely obsessed with his wife, so a safe distance is a necessity.

Cass beams at me, the white dress hugging her curves in all the right places as it falls to the floor, trailing two feet behind her, making it impossible to effortlessly glide around.

“Do you think I’m snobbish, Cody?”

My eyebrows meet in the middle. “Far from it. Why? Did someone say something?” I quickly scan the crowd, gauging who’d have the audacity. “Who?”

“No one said anything. Do you think I love you?”

“Well, you better,” I laugh, playfully pushing her away before pulling her back in. “Yes, I think you love me…” I glance around, searching for Logan, “…in a very appropriate way,” I add, louder. “You think I love you?”

“Yes, but that’s not my point. Do you think I’m a bridezilla?”

“Hell no, you’re a very mellow bride. Where are all these questions coming from?”

“So you don’t think I’m a snob, you know I love you, and you don’t consider me a bridezilla,” she lists, as she spins away and back in. “Then explain one thing. Why the hell do you think you’ll steal my spotlight if you bring the girl you love downstairs?”

My step falters and then I all-out stop dancing in the middle of the dance floor, holding the bride in my arms. “Who told you?”

A satisfied smirk quirks her lips. “Logan.”

“And how the fuck—”

The words fall off my tongue when I look over and spot Logan’s shit-eating grin that morphs into two eyebrows punched in the middle as soon as he catches my evil stare.

“Colt, Conor, Nico, Mia… they all know. Did you really think you could keep it a secret for the whole weekend? I mean, yes, it’s my wedding, and—” She pauses, rolling her eyes. “Fine. Mine and Logan’s wedding. The spotlight should be on us today because this is the best day of our lives…! Or so everyone tells you.” She twirls away, her dress swishing in the air. “You know what the best day of my life was?”

I could guess at a few, but Cassidy doesn’t let me get a word out.

“The day I slapped Logan’s stupid face in Q.”

I don’t know the story, but I sure want to. It’s always fun when my brothers get slapped around by their girls. It brings me so much joy. And it’s fun to give them shit for it, too.

“That’s when I found my worth,” Cassidy continues. “I realized Logan treated me badly because I treated myself badly. That day our relationship took a turn. I realized my worth, and so did he.” She twirls away again, beaming. “I always wanted an amazing wedding, but seriously, you really think anything can overshadow me in this dress? Do me a favor. Turn around and ask your girlfriend to dance.”

She pecks my cheek, then spins me around. My chest tightens and my heart contracts until it hurts. But it’s a satisfying pain.

I wish I could say it’s because Blair looks spellbinding in her navy dress, but it’s not that. It’s the fact my brothers went behind my back and brought her downstairs without me knowing. It’s because Ana, Rose, and Mia stand beside her without an ounce of tension in the room.

How did I get so lucky?

“Thank you,” I tell Cass.

“Oh, stop it,” she whispers, holding back the tears welling in her eyes. “Don’t mind me. I’ve been like this since I got pregnant with Noah. Too emotional.” She pushes me forward a step. “Go before you ruin my makeup and Logan ruins your face.”

As I start walking, crossing the room toward Blair, the girls make themselves scarce.

“They wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Blair mutters, her cheeks pink. “Even Logan came upstairs.”

“I told you they wouldn’t mind.” I dip my head, pecking her lips. “You must be starving. Come on, you should eat something and then we’ll dance.”

She bites her cheek, looking up at me. “I can’t dance.”

“What do you mean you can’t dance? What about all those banquets and balls you went to?”

“I wasn’t there to dance,” she says, something dark marring her features before she blinks it away, shooting me a coy smile. “Can you teach me?”

She’s deflecting, pivoting my attention from the sadness in her eyes. While all I want is to drag her back upstairs to talk, I think we could both use a few hours of not thinking about the hard things.

“I’ll teach you.” After I stamp a kiss on her head, we knot our fingers together, and I take her to our table, where somebody’s added another chair between me and Ana.

I have the best family in the world.

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