Too Hard: Hayes Brothers Book 5

Too Hard: Chapter 15

SHE CLOSES THE DOOR BEHIND HER, and I stumble into my condo.

What the fuck have I done?

The idea struck me like lightning, powerful and unshakable. I didn’t plan on using Blair to send Ana a message, but I also didn’t know what else could stop her obsessive stalking, short of calling Shawn for help.

And when Blair appeared just as Ana accused me of cheating, I took it as a sign. Fate showing me the way. Maybe seeing me with someone else will stop her fixation?

Deep down, Ana’s a good person. She’s just lost, struggling to find her way. As much as I’d like to help, she takes every kind word the wrong way. I’d rather hurt her feelings than mess with her future by filing a restraining order.

What I didn’t expect was how quickly my dumb idea would backfire. I thought I could stamp a quick kiss on Blair’s lips and get on with the show. Baby, Ana was just leaving. Nothing happened, I swear. Please don’t go, I’ll explain everything… blah, blah, blah.

I took an acting class out of boredom in high school, so I knew I could pull this off, but the moment I kissed Blair, my entire body spasmed. One taste of her sweet mouth and I couldn’t fight the urge to explore deeper.

The softness of her lips against mine, the smell of her perfume, the surprised little gasp she let out, and her delicate fingers tangling in my hair, reeling me in as if she needed me as much as I needed her…

Desire seared through me, and I snapped, sinking into her mouth like a fucking savage. Consumed by primal desire burning within me. The need to possess her, to feel her body beneath mine… Jesus fuck. My hands ached to touch every inch of her body. I couldn’t get her close enough, so I hauled her into my arms and pressed her against the wall, almost fucking afraid she’d disappear.

The heat between us erupted like lava. I was drowning in her, my hands mapping every curve and dip of her body.

Visuals of the new Blair in those cute t-shirts and jeans, baking cookies and cuddling into my chest raced to the forefront of my mind. Mix that with my undeniable arousal, and hatred got lost in translation.

Thank fuck Ana was still there, snapping me out of the trance with a whack to the back, or I probably would’ve tried to fuck Blair against that wall.

Considering how eagerly her body responded to my touch when she kissed me back, I don’t think she’d say no.

There’s always been this electricity between us, sparking just below the surface. Hatred laced with lust, a potent combination I thought I buried long ago.

Turns out it was just laying dormant, biding its time. I suppressed the desire, and it reared its head when I let my guard down.


The feel of her in my arms, ready, melting, willing… yep, I’m going straight to hell. No number of good deeds can save my ass.

My hands shake as I stand in my living room, glaring at the couch. Part of me wants to barricade the door with it, along with all the other movable furniture, so I can’t storm out and cross the hallway to Blair’s apartment.

I don’t trust myself not to go after her right now.

The memory of her soft curves against me, her sweet mouth, that breathy gasp hitting my ears… perfection. The pull between us is undeniable. It’s a drug I can’t get enough of. I’m already addicted.

God, I’m so fucking screwed.

I open the door and stomp out of my condo, heading straight for hers, my heart pummeling my chest.

My mind’s in a tumult. Knocking doesn’t occur to me until I’m already inside, my feet carrying me straight to her bedroom.

I don’t know why that’s where I aim. Whether my intuition, the sounds emanating from there, or something else guides me, but I’m suddenly right there. And I stop.

Moving, breathing, thinking.

Her scent wafts in the air, a stimulating mix of vanilla, jasmine, and arousal. Coupled with the eyeful I’m getting, it’s almost enough to bring me to my knees.

She lays on her unmade bed, the room dimly lit, the curtains drawn. My eyes adjust to the soft glow of the lamp in the corner. The tiny summer dress has slid off her shoulders, her small, perky breasts on display. Pink, puckered nipples stand to attention, begging to be bitten.

Blair’s head is thrown back, her eyes shut tight, the hemline of her dress bunched around her wasp waist. Her legs are bent at the knees, feet digging into the crumpled sheets, a purple wand between her bare thighs.

The pulsating vibration echoes throughout the room, accompanying her breathless moans and gasps. Her hips move, back bows off the bed, as she firmly presses the wand against her pink, swollen clit with both hands.

She’s fucking magnetic.

The gold, tanned skin of her thighs quivers in anticipation. Knowing that our kiss triggered this sends a rush of smugness through my veins. If I needed confirmation that she thought the same as I did when we kissed, this is it.

I don’t believe in God, but there must be something out there because holy… she’s spectacular. I can’t decide if I want to join her or stare until she comes.

My dick hardens in no seconds flat, straining against my pants, begging to be released. I’d go wild if I got my hands on her right now. I’m already losing touch with reality. Lust and want writhe inside every atom of my body.

My balls pull tight when another breathless moan ricochets off the walls. I could easily come in my pants just watching her thrash on the bed.

A veil of hair scattered across the pillow surrounds her flushed face, and a few locks tangle in her earrings. She circles her hips, pressing the wand closer like she just needs the right angle to set off the climax. Just a little more friction.

Friction she can’t seem to find.

I’m rooted to the spot, my legs like lead weights. I don’t know if she heard me come in. If she did, she hasn’t let it show. It’s not like I kept quiet. Either she’s lost inside her fantasy, deep within the moment, or she’s aware of my burning gaze, and putting on a show.

And if that’s true… should I fucking join her? God knows my cock is more than ready.

But I can’t move. And I can’t peel my eyes off her.

A whimper breaks free as her hips gyrate. She’s mindlessly pressing a small button on the handle, increasing the intensity, pressing the wand harder against her clit, eyes shut tight.

She moves it left, right, in small circles, desperate for that orgasm. I can tell she’s close. She has been since I walked in, but it’s not fucking happening.

Seconds pass before her desire turns to annoyance, then nervousness, her moans of pleasure now turned to defeat.

Her skin heats, her back arches further off the mattress, toes curl, and she pumps her hips harder, but no matter the effort, she’s stalled on edge, her mind putting up a roadblock.

And then, as hard as she tried, she gives up, throwing the wand to smash against the wall. Draping one arm over her face.

Slowly she tunes herself back in to reality, and as if she feels my burning gaze, her eyes open, clashing with mine. She doesn’t speak, and neither do I as we stare each other down, a silent declaration of want and need. Her cheeks heat and she squirms, pressing her thighs together.

“I won’t tell if you don’t,” I say, shattering the quiet, the words laden with promise.

Her eyes never leave mine, burning with the intensity she had inside her seconds ago before it abruptly went off.

Now it’s back twice as powerful. Twice as bright.

And when she answers me with a tiny nod, the dam bursts. Tangible heat between us erupts as I surge forward, my knees hastily digging into the mattress. I crawl over her, and she meets me halfway, our lips clashing in a hot, urgent kiss.

It’s an all-consuming wildfire, tongues dancing, teeth nipping, breaths mingling in an intoxicating mix of desires. She tastes like sugar and spice, cherry candy and everything tempting.

Her fingers dig into my hair, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss as we battle for dominance, her trying to crawl on top while I try to pin her down. Our hands and legs tangle and suddenly, with a soft gasp, Blair’s on the edge of the bed, then off it just as fast, pulling me with her as we fall off in a web of sheets, never breaking the kiss.

I hover above her, our bodies pressed together, shared desperation tearing through us. Fuck, it’s only been twenty minutes since I tasted her, but it feels like an entire lifetime.

“You taste like cherry candy,” I say, gripping her thigh to yank her fully under me, my elbow by her head supports my weight even though I want to sink and feel every inch of her.

“Did you watch?” she whispers, her cheeks glowing with alluring embarrassment. “How long were you standing there?”

“Long enough to see you were doing a lousy job.” I move my hand to her ankle, then brush my fingertips up her smooth skin to the inside of her thigh.

A soft shudder shakes her, and the red of her cheeks fades to pink. “The toy is new,” she admits, each word growing in confidence. “I’m not sure how to use it properly… I don’t think it’s very good.”

“I think it’s just fine, but it’s not what you want today, is it?” I nose a line on her jaw, my hand camping close enough to her pussy that I’m almost brushing it with my fingers. Almost but not quite. Not yet. “Ready to cross some lines with me, B?”

Our breaths mingle as she reaches to brush those delicate hands up my arms, feeling every muscle, awe replacing embarrassment. “Are you?”

I grip her wrist, settling her small palm over my hard cock. “What do you think?”

“Are you sure you want this?” She squeezes me gently, tearing a guttural groan from my chest, and the fire in her eyes rekindles. With measured strokes, her hand glides over my cock, making it jut against the zipper. “You’ll regret it tomorrow.”

I pull us back onto the bed, Blair flat on her back while I hover over her, and she immediately grabs hold of my cock again.

“My sister-in-law once told me it’s better to regret things you have done than things you haven’t, and you…” I angle my hips, grinding into her palm, “…I definitely want to do you.” I dip my head, gliding my lips up her neck, marking every inch with open-mouthed kisses before speaking in her ear. “You’re tense, B. Looks like you could use an orgasm or two to take the edge off.”

“Since you’re so kindly volunteering…”

I grip her wrist again, moving her hand under my t-shirt, then take over the teasing, touching her thigh, up, up, up until my fingers caress around her pussy.

I love how warm she is. How her eyes hood over, and lips part in an inaudible gasp. Long nails dig into my shoulder blades as she tries to pull me down, hungry for my lips.

I give in a little, kissing and licking the seam of her mouth, a hot ball of pure need swelling behind my ribs. She hooks her fingers in the belt loops of my jeans, pulling me to where she needs me most.

“You want me to touch you?” I ask, not moving an inch. “Look at me.”

She obeys, pumping confidence into her gestures as she drags my hand back to her thigh. “Yes, please.”

“You had anything to drink today?” This time, I move straight for the prize, sliding my fingers between her pussy lips, locked in some alternate dimension when I check how wet she is.

A soft moan falls from her parted mouth, and her head hits the pillow. I’ve not pushed one digit inside her yet. Not touched her clit, but she’s back on edge, humming beneath me.

“I asked you a question.”

“What?” Her skin heats once more, but it’s not shame this time. It’s arousal. “Oh… n-no,” she mewls, gripping my t-shirt with both hands. “No, I didn’t drink.”

“Good.” I locate the small button on the apex of her thighs, gently rolling it under two fingers. “Birth control?”

“No, please stop talking.”

That earns her a gentle slap of her clit. We’re not done with the questions yet. If she thinks this is a turn-off, she should see what a fucking turn-off a teenage pregnancy scare is. I lived through it once in high school, and I’m not doing it again.

“Condoms?” I ask, slowly playing her clit like I would a guitar.

“No, I don’t have any. Do you?”

“Not on me.”

“Just… pull out, okay?”

I cock an eyebrow. “Pull out?”

She bucks her hips, inching away from the mattress, looking for more friction. “God, Cody… stop teasing. You should’ve sent me a survey before you came over.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I whisper into her mouth. Rubbing her a bit faster. “This is important, B. I’m not getting you off until you answer the questions.”

She groans, rolling those aroused eyes at me. “What a waste.”

“A waste?”

“You had the best opportunity to end that sentence differently, and you blew it.” She grips my shoulders to yank me down. “Say it again.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“And take that dick like a good girl. That’s how it ends.”

A small smirk plays across my lips. “You’re not a good girl. You’re a brat and I don’t like brats, so you need to lose that attitude.” I bite her earlobe, then nose a line down her cheek. “I like the idea of you taking my dick.”

“I’d be full of it now if you’d just. Stop. Talking.”

I slap her pussy again, harder this time, making her jerk, her eyes wide, but she soaks my hand, so I know she loves it.

“Watch your mouth. We’re not cutting corners. I want consent. Audible consent to fuck you.”

“You have it,” she sighs, her hips urging me to work her faster. “Permission, consent, do what you want.”

“What I want is for you to understand I won’t be gentle.”

“I can handle a hate-fuck, Cody.”

“Good, because that’s exactly what it’ll be.” With a low groan, I sink my fingers into her pussy, stroking her G spot hard and fast. “Now pretend you’re a good girl and come for me.”

All the tension in her body ebbs away. She melts into the bed, giving up control and dropping the fake, confident mask she’s been wearing for years.

At least I think it’s fake.

I don’t pump my fingers long. Less than a minute is enough to tip Blair into the abyss she’s been teetering on since I entered.

She vibrates beneath me. Her loud moans cease, the orgasm stealing her voice. My hand is soaked she’s so wet. When the pressure increases, realization dawns and I yank my fingers out, looking down just in time to catch the sight.

“You didn’t tell me you’re a squirter,” I rasp, the words strained because fucking hell… it’s the hottest thing I ever saw.

“I… I didn’t know I could do that… I’m so sorry.” She throws one hand over her face, hiding away and trying to shut her legs, denying me access.

She never squirted before?

Well, shit, and here I was, thinking my ego couldn’t possibly get any bigger, only for Blair to double its size.

I triggered her squirting.

“Sorry?” I pry her arm off her flushed face. “What the fuck are you sorry for? That’s hot, baby girl.” Pushing my hand back between her legs, I groan at how wet she is. “Show me again.”

“It’s not gross? Are you sure?”

I push my fingers inside, stroking her G spot again. “I’m sure. Now relax. I want another one.”

With a small nod, she grips my shoulders, gliding her hands higher until she cinches my neck, tugging my hair as I work to bring her higher.

She just had an orgasm, but the next one’s close behind, her body still not mellow enough. I dip my head, sealing her lips with a kiss, working her up even more, and that fucking kiss…

It’s a replay of what went down in the hallway. A complete loss of inhibitions. Our tongues fight for dominance, mouths come together in a rushed rhythm, and Blair mewls, her thighs slapping closed to lock my hand between them.

She’s back to the putty version of herself. Adjusting to my pace, giving into my dominance as if allowing herself to let go of the fight that fuels her is all she craves.

“Almost there,” she mumbles, angling her head back and exposing the porcelain column of her throat. “Cody, I—”

“Come,” I cut her off, sucking a bit of flesh above her pulse, not hard enough to mark her but hard enough that her eyes burst open in shock. “Now, B. Show me how good it feels. Let go.”

And she does, her chest rising and falling faster as she pulls down quick, erratic breaths. The orgasm hits, the pressure pushing my fingers out, and her legs shake as she drowns the sheets.

I’ve watched enough porn to know this isn’t over.

Pushing my fingers back in, I pump fast and hard while she’s still in the throes of orgasm, and the wave retreats only to gush back stronger.

Blair’s moaning, gasping, muttering something incomprehensible, her nails drawing long lines down my back, legs shaking so hard her feet float above the soaked sheets. I’ve never seen a woman this lost in the moment, fueled by nothing but desire. She’s still quivering, beads of sweat forming along her hairline, blue irises almost swallowed by black pupils.

“That’s so fucking hot,” I say.

I could force another out in seconds, but her skin’s clammy like she’s not far off passing out.

“And so intense,” she half gasps, half whispers when I glide my fingers between the swollen lips of her pussy.

Bracing both hands against my pecs, she finds enough strength in her frail body to push me back until I sit on my calves.

Her delicate hands go straight for my zipper. She pulls it down, flips the button, and urges me to help as she hauls my jeans down my thighs. My cock springs free, the head red, precum beading at the tip.

“Are you always walking around commando?” She locks her fingers around my shaft, maneuvering to lay on her belly.

“I jumped out halfway through the shower when Ana battered at my door, screaming the place down,” I say, weighing every word because Blair’s hot breath is right there, fanning my cock, her hand deliberately pumping up and down.

“Consent to put your cock in my mouth?”

I laugh. Well, try, but it comes out desperate because she uses her thumb to massage the underside, and after watching her writhe on the bed for the past fifteen minutes, I’m not far off shooting the load from this tiny move alone.

“I might fucking die if you don’t,” I groan, and as soon as the words fully roll off my tongue, she licks me balls to tip, my whole body jerking with the motion.

“Is Cody Hayes losing his cool?” she teases, rising a little higher on her elbows as she smears the growing bead of precum around the head. “Do you want to know a secret?” she whispers, peering up to meet my eyes.

I freeze because now I realize there’s one standard question on my list I didn’t ask. It seemed such a fucking stretch considering Blair’s reputation that I didn’t bother, but now, looking into her beautiful eyes, a cold chain closes my throat.

No, no way she’s a virgin.

According to hundreds of rumors, she fucked half the football team, for crying out loud.

“I do want to know a secret.”

With a tiny smile, she parts her lips, then quickly bows, swallowing my cock all the way down.

All the way.

The head hits the back of her throat, then slides deeper, and before long, Blair’s bottom lip touches my balls.

My mind can’t comprehend how she fits eleven inches there, but my body responds in kind, growing that much hotter because one, two, three… and she lifts her head, releasing me with a pop.

“I don’t have a gag reflex,” she says, beaming at me from under thick eyelashes.

And she’s back on my shaft like it’s a lollipop, and she can’t get enough, her fingers toying with my balls in time with her head bobbing up and down.

Sweat coats my back, the orgasm so fucking close I won’t last much longer, and this is not how I want to finish the evening.

I want her pussy, but instead of yanking her off me, my fingers tie her hair, and I look down, loving the sight of her swallowing me all the way.

The image of her kneeling, lips parted as she lets me deep-throat that pretty mouth flashes on the back of my eyelids, and I almost lose it.

“As amazing as this feels, I want your pussy, B.”

She claws my thighs, swallows me once more, and freezes for three long seconds before she comes up, wiping the corner of her mouth with one finger. That sultry, heated look in her blown pupils flips a switch inside my head.

I grab her by the waist and sit her in my lap, her legs locking around my back. It’s intimate, this position. We’re face to face. Her nipples brush my chest, and when I take her lips, she weaves her fingers through my hair, grinding her hips to slide her wet pussy along my cock.

Moving one hand under her butt, I lift her enough to get us in position. A small, satisfied whimper rips into my mouth as she inches down my length.

There are so many contradicting emotions running through me I can’t decide which takes the stage until she yanks my hand from under her butt and drops in one quick motion.

We both let out a moan. My muscles pull taut, her wet, tight pussy gripping me like a vice, pulsing along my shaft like she’s on the verge of coming undone.

“That feels so good,” she breathes, trying to rise, but I grip her hips firmly in place.

“Don’t move. Give me a minute.”

She remains still, but her soft, warm lips brush my ear, and she bites gently, sending a pleasant sting through my entire body.

“Fuck…” I groan, my cock jutting inside her, muscles spasming to rein in the overwhelming need to offload. “Jesus, B… you’re so fucking wet.”

“That’s supposed to be a good thing,” she whispers, skating her mouth along my jaw.

“It’s the best thing, I promise.”

Testing the waters, I lift her hips up slightly. The angle is perfect. Too perfect, but with a deep breath, determination, and a few unsexy thoughts, I keep my orgasm in check, pushing it down enough that I won’t come the second we up the tempo.

“Take charge. Ride me.”

She arches back like she’s about to show me the time of my fucking life, and gasps, rising on knees buried in the mattress either side of my hips. She rises so high my cock almost springs free, nothing but the tip left inside her, and then she falls, impaling herself on me in one long thrust.

Bruising her lips with a deep kiss, I marvel in the feel of her locked in my arms. I’m fucking drunk on the intense craving for her body even while I’m balls-deep inside her. I pull her flush against me, and our brakes snap.

It’s frantic the way we move in sync. Loud, too, with her gasps, and moans, and my growling every time she sinks. We claw for control, taking and giving at the same time.

“My turn,” I say when her moves gradually slow like her legs lack the strength to keep going.

Both hands under her butt, I move her onto her back so I can fuck that sweet, tight pussy like I really want to.

But as soon as she lays under me, her tiny summer dress still bunched at her waist, those small boobs covered in goosebumps, candy-hard, pink nipples standing to attention, the merciless fuck loses its appeal.

I wanted to imprint myself inside her. I wanted her to feel me for days every time she sat down, but I can’t find it in me to use her body like that. She’s so pure in this moment, her eyes full of trust, arousal, and bliss, her fingers ghosting my skin like she’s worshipping every inch.

So I return the favor.

I move my hips back then forth, driving myself home, bottoming out inside her, not relentlessly pounding her like she’s nothing more than a cum drop.

Because she’s not.

There’s more to Blair than I let myself see. More than just Blair the bully. There are deep emotions and layers to her personality, secrets she guards, hurt she harbors, regret that gnaws at her mind. I see it. I notice because I finally look past my own fucking hatred, and now…

I want to use her, but I also want to please her.

Sex is suddenly way fucking different to what I had planned. It’s hot, fast, and hard but not insensitive.

If anything, we both fight to touch as much as we can. Kiss like we’re losing our grip on reality. Speak with gestures instead of words. Every stroke of her tongue against mine sets my mind alight. Every sound she makes, every sound we make, pulls me deeper into our bubble.

And when she comes beneath me, shuddering, moaning, clawing my back… I fuck her until the pressure is too intense and I pull out, spilling across her stomach as she squirts all over the bed sheets.

“That was… overdue,” she sighs, amusement coating her words as she brushes her hair behind her ears and looks down at her hot body. “What a mess.”

I roll onto my back, my chest heaving, ears ringing, cock at half-mast still. I’m waiting for the awkwardness to creep up. We both lost our minds tonight, crossing lines we were never meant to cross.

Well, I was never meant to cross.

Blair doesn’t share my sentiments. She’s not stabbing anyone’s back by giving in to me.

Inhaling a deep breath, I push those thoughts aside for a few more minutes. I’ll have plenty of time to torture myself once I leave her bed.

“You should invest in waterproof mattress protectors and thick, chunky towels,” I say, leveling my breathing.


“It’ll be easier than changing your sheets every time.”

“I doubt you’ll want to repeat this, so no point getting prepared,” she sighs, not a trace of sarcasm or hurt in her words.

That’s… not what I expected.

She’s not hoping for another round. She knows even this was never supposed to happen, and that’s all she’s getting.

Girls always act cool about a one-night stand before it happens, but most grow attached during sex, and by the time we orgasm, one night is not enough.

At least as far as my experiences go.

But Blair… she’s not pining. Not fishing for more, and… Fuck, I’m confusing even myself. I never enjoyed girls who clung to me longer than agreed after I’d had them, but the indifference radiating from Blair—the same one I always projected—has my panties in a fucking twist.

It almost feels like rejection.

For the next minute or so, I rationalize, calming my racing heart and mentally revitalizing my limbs. Once my breaths lose their irregular edge, I sit up and take a moment to admire the wet sheets and Blair’s still-naked body.

Ribbons of my cum adorn her stomach, boobs, and neck, a sight to fucking see.

She stares at me, nothing short of content bliss in her heavy, hooded eyes. She looks ready to fall asleep.

“You need a bath,” I say, getting to my feet.

“Is that a subtle way of saying I smell?”

“It’s a subtle way of saying you need to relax your muscles and wash my cum off your stomach.” I enter the bathroom, halting with my hand on the doorknob. “You smell delicious, B. Sweet like candy, you taste like it, too.”

She doesn’t respond, but the shy smile I get in return is everything. I turn the faucet to fill the tub, pour some bubble bath in, then clean myself up, and go back to the bedroom, where she’s on her feet, the spaghetti straps of her summer dress back in place, the bed stripped of the sheets.

“Get in the tub. If you’re sore tomorrow, take another bath in the morning, okay?”

Her eyes widen, but she quickly wipes the surprise off her face, nodding once. “This was fun.”

I smirk, crossing the room to kiss her lips one last time. “That it was, but don’t forget I fucking hate you, B.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.