Tobias - A cursed boys novel


Today took a different turn than expected. I’m used to spending my birthday alone and I was prepared to spend it alone again, but instead I’m being dragged all over town by the last person I’d have ever thought would be nice to me. Tobias might act like an egotistical asshole most of the time, but today is proof that he really does have a soft side.

He says he doesn’t believe in love but I think he’s still hurt over what happened with his wife and his brother. I decided not to push it too much since it seemed like a sore subject for him. Now I’m standing inside of a dressing room stall with the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

The dress was blue and matched the color of the streaks in my hair. The fabric felt amazing and the strapless sweetheart neckline was studded with crystals. I pulled the dress on and zipped up the back with ease. I’m not sure how he knew my size but the dress fit perfectly.

The dress clung to my chest and made my breasts look fuller than they actually are. There was a thin ribbon-like strip of silk that ran around the dress just under the bust separating the chest from the flowing fabric full of glitter that hung halfway down my thighs.

I was in awe at the beauty and didn’t feel worthy of something so perfect. In fact it made me feel sort of self-conscious. I took a deep breath before unlocking the stall door and stepping outside. I found Tobias lounging on a couch like he owned the place. Typical. As soon as he saw me though he jumped up pretty quick. The look on his face made me bite my bottom lip. I was nervous. He makes me nervous. When I’m around him it feels like someone’s sucking the air out of the room and it’s hard to breath.

I turned in a circle slowly so Tobias could see the entire dress. He stayed silent which only made the butterflies worse. I couldn’t tell if his expression was a good or bad sign.

“This dress is beautiful Tobias.”

“You’re beautiful.”

I flushed and hid my face. Direct compliments were never something I was used to, especially coming from a guy as hot as Tobias.

“Don’t hide.”

I felt his hands against my arms. His touch sent chills over my body. I don’t know why, but every time he touches me he brings my entire body to life. He pulled my hands away from my face then cupped my cheek and tilted my head up.

His eyes were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Soft green like the early sprouts of life in spring. I could get lost in them forever.

“You are beautiful Willow. In fact you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

Was he serious? His words made me want to melt. As much as I disagree with that statement, something about the way he said it made me believe that it was true.

Before I could stop myself I leaned up on to the tip of my toes and captured his mouth with my own. As soon as our lips met it was like every nerve ending on my body exploded with feeling. I’ve heard people talk about feeling a spark from a kiss but this was a full on Fourth of July fireworks show.

I felt his hand at the back of my head pulling me deeper into the kiss. His lips were the most delicious thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. I have never wanted someone as bad as I did in that moment. Every part of my body begged to feel his touch.

I nearly whimpered when he pulled away breaking the kiss. I wanted nothing more than to devour him and he seemed like he was in pain. His eyes were shut and his body was shaking as he released me.

“Tobias? Are you ok?”

I put my hand against his back gently when he didn’t reply. He spun around so fast I had to jump back. His eyes completely lost the green and seemed to be a deep red color.

Every part of his body seemed to ooze danger. It was almost like he had become some kind of animal.

“Um, Tobias?”

I backed away from him slowly but it seemed that every step I took he followed until he had me pressed back against a mirror.

“Tobias!” I cried out to him desperate to snap him out of whatever trance he seemed to be stuck in.

I watched his attention turn from me to the mirror behind me. His eyes were focused on his own reflection. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but I knew that I’d be a complete idiot if I wasn’t afraid of him.

“Willow…” His voice came out as a whisper.

I looked back up at him and saw the beautiful green eyes staring back at me. His face was pale, almost like he had just seen a ghost. Actually, he looked like he was about to be sick.

“Oh God. I’m so sorry.”

The look on his face broke my heart. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and tell him that it’s ok and I was fine, but as soon as I reached out to touch him he backed away like a terrified abused animal.

“What just happened?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking. I needed to know what the hell that was.

“I told you I’m cursed. All of us are.” His eyes looked sad and empty at his confession.

“So you’re cursed to have eyes that change color and scare people?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then what is it?” I know he promised to explain it to me tomorrow but I’ve run out of patience.

“I’m a vampire.”

I stared at him, waiting to see a smile or a hint of a laugh, but there was nothing. I think he might actually believe what he’s saying.

“A vampire?”

“Yes, a vampire.”

I was trying to wrap my head around that. He actually thought he was a vampire. Oh my God. He wasn’t lying. It was all starting to make sense. Amelia couldn’t die, Tobias hates being out in the sun, he can manipulate people’s minds, his eyes do a strange color changing thing and now that I think about it, I’ve never seen him eat anything. Ever.

“Holy shit!” I felt a little light headed.

Tobias came over to me and brushed his thumb against my cheek gently. It was the softest thing I have ever felt. Even though he just admitted to being a vampire, I wasn’t afraid. Being around Tobias makes me feel safer than I ever have in my entire life.

“Are Tristan and Mia vampires, too?”

“No. The curse affected us all differently. Tristan is a wolf, and Amelia really isn’t anything. She just can’t die.”

A wolf? Seriously? Well that explained a lot.

“What about your other brothers?”

“What about them?”

“How did the curse affect them?” Tobias looked a little hesitant to answer me when I asked.

“Well, my youngest brother Colton is a fire starter.”

“What is a fire starter?”

“He can create or manipulate fire with his mind, or a wave of his hand. None of us really know how it works, not even him. He still doesn’t have it under control, so he’s off with Jeremy trying to find a way to fix it.”

“That sounds awful, how old is he?”

“He stopped aging at nineteen.”

I couldn’t believe it. Facing something like that at only seventeen must be so hard on him. He’s probably scared but at least he’s not alone.

“Who’s Jeremy?”

“Jeremy is my second youngest brother. He stopped aging at Twenty one.”

“Why is he the only one who went to help Colton? It sounds like he needs all of you. He’s probably terrified.”

“He’s more in denial. Refuses to acknowledge that he’s a freak. I told him the sooner he accepts it the faster he can control it. And the reason Jeremy is with him is because Jeremy can’t get hurt.”

“I thought that you were all immortal.”

“We are cupcake, but just because we can’t die don’t mean we don’t feel pain.” The way he looked at me was as if that was supposed to be obvious. I wanted to slap him.

“So Jeremy’s gift is not feeling pain?”

“First, none of this is a gift. Second, not exactly. Jeremy is a ghost. He’s alive and you can see him. Hell, you can even touch him. Only thing is, he can’t feel you. He can’t feel anything. Even when he passes through walls he doesn’t feel a damn thing. Which means when Colton burns him he doesn’t feel it and it doesn’t even leave a mark.”

I couldn’t imagine existing in a world but not really being able to enjoy it. Poor Jeremy couldn’t feel the warmth of the sun or a cool summer’s breeze. He can’t even feel the loving touch of another person. That must be hell.

“You’re right. It doesn’t sound like a gift at all.”

He just nodded his head and stood silently. We must have completely lost track of time, because the woman from earlier came over and thrust a pair of shoes into my hands and began rushing us out the door.

Tobias took my hand in his and led me to a bench near the park. The sun was setting and the sky was beautifully streaked with colors of orange, pink and purple.

He took the shoes from my hand then pulled my feet into his lap. I watched him remove my shoes and replace them with the beautiful shoes the woman had handed me. They were silver open toed heals with a strap around the ankle. The strap was even studded with blue crystals.

The shoes complimented the dress perfectly and in this moment I felt like a princess. I looked over to Tobias and caught him staring at me.

“What about your last brother?”

“You’re persistent, aren’t you cupcake.”

“I am.” I smiled innocently at him which made him chuckle before answering me.

“Jasper is a hunter.”

“What the hell is a hunter?”

“He hunts all the scary things that go bump in the night.”

“Wait, like you and your brothers?”


“Is that why he isn’t here with you guys?”

“Yes and no. He’s actually doing the world a favor. Not every supernatural being is all sunshine and rainbows like Tristan. We were cursed into this life, they were born into it. They are meaner and deadlier than we will ever be. For example, I can control my hunger most of the time. But for real vampires, the hunger controls them all the time.”

That was a terrifying thought. I barely caught a glimpse at the darker side of Tobias and it scared the shit out of me. I couldn’t imagine meeting someone who’s like that all the time. Someone with no humanity left.

“How did you guys get cursed?”

“It’s a long story. How about we keep that for another day, and we get to the next part of your birthday surprise?” He winked then held his hand out to me.

I put my hand in his and got to my feet. Today was already amazing! I can’t imagine it getting any better than this.

We walked down the street for about ten minutes before we came to the large building that looked like a lodge. I remember being there the night Tobias took me home.

“Ready cupcake?” He didn’t wait for an answer before opening the door and leading me inside.

The music was playing louder than I remember and the room was a lot darker. It was almost like we walked into the wrong place. It was amazing. The black lights made the room practically sparkle.

“This is amazing!”

“Happy Birthday Willow.” His voice was a whisper in my ear.

He was standing so close to me I could feel his breath against my neck and his hard body was pressed against my back. Even after his lapse of control earlier, I still wanted to have my way with him.

I caught sight of Tristan with Amelia across the room. I’m not sure what surprised me most about tonight; the fact that Tobias was an immortal vampire, or that Amelia was actually wearing clothes.

The dress she wore could barely count as clothes to most people, but compared to her usual attire, it was the equivalent of a trench coat for Amelia. Tristan spotted us almost instantly and waved us over.

I bit my lip when Tobias placed his hand against my lower back and escorted me to our own private booth. Amelia looked less bitchy than usual and Tristan was already halfway drunk. I could tell by the way he slurred his words when he wished me a happy birthday.

“You guys are unbelievable! Is this why you wouldn’t let me come to town this morning? You were busy planning this party?”

“Not exa-” hiccup “ctly.” Maybe Tristan was a little more drunk than I thought.

“I felt bad for blowing you off without giving it a chance.”

I smiled at Tobias then wrapped my arms around his torso. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead before whispering in my ear.

“I wasn’t ready to lose you yet cupcake.”

Those were possibly the sweetest words anyone has ever said to me. Thank God the room was dark and no one could see the shade of red my face was turning. I bit my lip to keep from kissing him. After his reaction to the kiss earlier I didn’t want to take the risk of him losing control.

It’s not that I was afraid he would hurt me; it was more about me not wanting to see the look of fear and guilt on his face again. He looked so vulnerable in that moment I wanted to shelter him from the world.

“So this must be the mysterious girl who has my boy’s world flipped around.”

I turned to see an older gentleman in his sixties approach the table. His hair was fading a little on top and it was peppered with greys. He wore a smile that stretched across his face from one ear to the other.

“Micky, this is Willow. Willow, Micky.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Micky.” I extended my hand but instead he pulled me into a bear hug.

“Pleasure is all mine darlin’. Any gal who can make my boy willingly toss away his manhood and twist streamers for three hours is family to me.”

Tobias rolled his eyes, but I could see the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. I had only just met Micky but I could tell he meant a lot to Tobias, and vice versa.

Micky made everyone laugh. He seemed like a really sweet guy but there was something sad about his eyes. He was good for Tobias though, I could tell. This is the most relaxed and “at home” I’ve seen Tobias since the day I met him. He even seemed more at ease here than he did at his own house.

Micky disappeared only to return with a tray full of shots. I’m not sure what is in them but as soon as I smelled it, I felt the burn.

“What are these?” Amelia asked while watching Tristan down two in a row.

“Rocky Mountain Bear Fuckers.”

Micky grinned and waved as he returned to manage the bar. Rocky Mountain Bear Fuckers? What the hell kind of a name was that?

“Well, happy birthday to me.”

I picked up one of the shot glasses. Tristan and Amelia followed suit and the three of us took our shot together. It burned going down, but left behind warmth that made my whole body tingle. Once you get over the initial burning sensation the shot was actually quite amazing.

I was shocked how well Amelia and I got along outside of the house. When she wasn’t all cooped up she wasn’t such a raging bitch. The two of us spent most of the night on the dance floor and taking shots in between.

The boys refused to dance with us, something about immortals being terrible dancers. We didn’t believe them but I didn’t really care. It was nice to bond with Amelia. Maybe now I could have a friend back at the house other than the boys.

I left Amelia on the dance floor to order us another round from Micky. There was quite a line and poor Micky seemed a little over run. That was when I realized Tobias was behind the bar table with him.

I watched the two of them work in sync with each other. They made quite the team and Tobias actually didn’t seem to mind the work.

“If you want his attention, you will have to get in line.”

I turned around to see a man in his early twenties. He was pretty cute.

“I’m sorry?”

“The young bartender. I saw you looking at him. Actually I saw about half the bar looking at him.”

I looked over to find that he was right. Nearly every girl in the bar was checking him out. Some of them were even flirting shamelessly with him at the bar. Even worse, he seemed to be smiling about it and flirting back.

I don’t know why it bothered me so much, but seeing him flirting back made me want to storm over there and drag the bitches away by their hair. I know I have no right to be upset, it’s not like Tobias and I are dating. He was free to do whatever he wanted.

“I don’t care about the man candy, I just wanted a drink.”

“Well good, because a girl as beautiful as you deserves someone better than that.”

I was actually kind of offended by his compliment. Who the hell did this guy think he was? He didn’t even know Tobias. I watched a half dressed bimbo slip Tobias her number and he actually had the audacity to wink at her and put the number in his pocket. He was flirting. Two could play at that game.

“Well then let’s go dance and after you can buy me a drink.”

He smiled and then held out his hand. I took it and followed him to the dance floor. Amelia seemed to have disappeared and Tristan wasn’t at our table anymore. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where they disappeared too.

I felt the man’s hand slide around me to pull me closer to him. His hands were surprisingly cold considering it was really hot in here. Something about him made me feel a little uncomfortable.

“Tell me something Willow, why would you want anything to do with Tobias and his brother?”

My blood ran cold as his grip tightened around me.

“I didn’t tell you my name.”

“I know.”

I tried to pull away from him, but it was no use. He was too strong. I looked towards the bar and tried to scream for Tobias, but before I could even get a word out everything went black.

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