Tobias - A cursed boys novel


After the guys left, I made it my mission to talk to Tobias when they got back, whether he wanted to or not. He might be able to lock me out of his room, but he would be forced to face me now.

“Are you seriously going to sit here until they come back, just to have him tell you he doesn’t want to talk you?” Jennica asked as she came into the kitchen.

“Yes, because at least then he will have to say it to my face.”

“He doesn’t even want to see your face. For Christ sake Willow open your eyes; he’s locked himself in his own room just to get away from you. If anything we should be packing and gone before they get back so we can spare both of you the awkward break up.”

I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath. I love my sister, I truly do, but if she didn’t shut the hell up I was going to hit her.

“Are you even listening to me?”

“She hears you, Jen. Lay off!”

I have never been so happy to hear Amelia’s voice. I put my elbows on the counter and held my head in my hand trying to gather my thoughts and drown out the two of them bickering.

I wanted to scream and possibly break something because I was getting frustrated with the both of them. Whatever happened between Tobias and I was no one’s business but our own.

“Boys are back!” Amelia called as she peered out the window.

I jumped up out of my seat and rushed into the entrance hall to wait for them. My arms were crossed over my chest and I’m sure I looked just about as irritated as I felt.

The door opened and the first one in was Colton. He held the door open so Jasper and Jeremy could carry in the rather large box that held a 65 inch flat screen television.

Once everyone filed in and closed the door, they realized the three of us were standing there. I didn’t even have to take a look around to see that Tobias wasn’t with them.

“Where is he?”

“Where is who?” Jasper asked.


None of them said anything. I understood brotherhood and loyalty, but this was getting absolutely ridiculous.

“He’s staying in town for a few days.”

“He’s what!” Amelia shrieked and looked like she was about to take Tristan’s head off.

“He’s got some things to take care of; I’m sure he will be back before you know it.”

I walked over and grabbed a pair of my shoes that sat by the door and started putting them on.

“Um, what are you doing?” Jennica asked, but something about her tone said she already knew the answer.

“If he doesn’t want to come home and face me, then I’ll just have to go to him.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea. He doesn’t want to see you, Low.”

“I think it’s a fantastic idea!” Colton chimed.

“See, even his brother agrees with me.”

“He doesn’t agree with you; he’s just disagreeing with me.”

Although that was probably true, I will take all the help I could get. Once my shoes were on I went into the kitchen and grabbed a jacket that hung off the back of a chair.

“Willow, I think Tobias really wants to be alone for a while.”

I sighed and turned around to face Tristan. Amelia had followed him in and left Colton and Jennica arguing in the other room.

“I don’t care if he wants to be alone! I need to talk to him, Tristan, and if I don’t do it now I’ll probably never get the chance.”

Tristan pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh and handing over the keys to his truck.

“Fine, but don’t be too hard on him; he’s already too hard on himself.”

I thanked him with a smile before he took off upstairs to help Jasper and Jeremy set up the new TV in my room.

“Want me to come with you?” Amelia asked.

“Thanks, but I think this is something I need to do on my own. Just do me a favor and keep Jennica from killing Colton while I’m gone.”

Amelia laughed then pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her gently.

“I’ll be back soon.”

She released me and walked me to the door. I don’t know where Jennica went, but Colton stood leaning against the banister with a cocky little grin on his face as he waved good bye to me.

I climbed into Tristan’s truck and started the engine. It was still early in the day so I had a lot of day light left. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about driving in the dark.

It took a while to get there, so when I finally pulled up in front of Micky’s bar it was nearly four in the afternoon. I took a minute to steady myself, because now that I was actually here and about to face Tobias, I was beginning to have doubts.

What if all Tobias really needed was some time away to get over everything that had happened? I didn’t want to end up pushing him away.

I closed my eyes and lay back against the seat. I needed to really think this through before rushing in there and potentially ruining everything I wanted to fight for.

I jumped at the sound of knocking on the glass. A grinning face waved at me from the other side. It was Jonathan. I smiled back, then opened the door and climbed out.

“You really are a persistent little bunny, aren’t you?”

“I’m the kind of girl who is willing to fight for what she wants, and if Tobias sent you out here to stop me then tough titties, because I’m not going anywhere until I see him!”

Instead of fighting me on it, Jonathan just laughed and stepped aside, clearing my way to the door.

“He doesn’t even know you’re here, but it’s definitely about to get interesting, that’s for sure.”

I half smiled then headed for the door. Before coming, I had a whole speech prepared for him; but, now that I was here, I couldn’t remember a damn thing.

Jonathan followed me inside and we found Micky and Daniel sitting at a table.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” Daniel said while leaning his chair back and balancing on only two chair legs.

“Actually, it’s more like a dog, a very large sexy dog.”

Was he serious? I never actually saw Tristan fully transform and I had no idea what the hell these two were, but now I’m assuming werewolves.

“Did you just use the word ‘sexy’ and ‘dog’ in the same sentence?” I asked, with a rather disturbed expression on my face.

Jonathan just grinned and disappeared behind the bar table. Micky got up out of his seat and scooped me up into a bear hug, which succeeded in making me actually whimper.

I have healed a lot since being home, but I am only human after all. Micky must have realized this because he let me go really quick with an apology.

“I take it Tobias doesn’t know you’re comin’?”

“Not exactly, but he’s smart, so I’m sure a part of him knows he’d be an idiot not to expect it.”

“He’s not quite himself right now. Are you sure you want to go up there?”

“No, but if I don’t I might lose him forever, that I am sure of and it is not an option.”

Micky nodded then kissed the top of my forehead. He reminded me of everything a father should be, everything my father wasn’t.

I walked up the stairs slowly and with each step I could feel my heart beat speeding up. I reached up and knocked on the door; there was no turning back now.

“Not really in the mood Jonathan, or Daniel; whichever one you are.”

I bit my lip and turned the door handle. I let out a low breath in relief that the door wasn’t locked. I pushed it open and stared at Tobias’s back. I could still see the marks from being tortured. I don’t know if he would be scarred forever, or if the marks would fade in time.

“How do you know it wasn’t Micky?” I finally asked.

I could see Tobias tense up at the sound of my voice. The entire room shifted; it was almost like someone had sucked the air out.

“Micky doesn’t bother me up here unless it’s important. Even then he doesn’t knock.”

I smirked a little then sucked my bottom lip in between my teeth. My words were completely failing me right now and I hated myself for it.

I walked into the room and closed the door behind me so the two of us could have some privacy. I didn’t know how this conversation would go, but I didn’t need everyone else over hearing it, especially if I was going to end up humiliated.

“What are you doing here?” he asked flatly without even turning around.

“You didn’t come back to the house. I wanted to make sure you were alright. You haven’t said a word to me since you got home.”

“I’m fine.”

I didn’t believe that for a second. I took a step towards him and he moved away from me before I could touch him.

“I said I’m fine.”

“I know.”

Silence filled the air. Tobias stood by the cot and kept his back to me the entire time.

“Is that it then? You refuse to talk to me for days and now all I get is ‘I’m fine’?”

“What more do you want from me?”

Was he serious right now? I could feel the painful tingling of my throat closing up as sobs threatened to choke me.

“What do I want? I want you to stop shutting me out and actually talk to me.”

Tobias finally turned around and, instead of being greeted by a beautiful green; I was staring into the piercing red eyes of his hunger.

Instinctively, I took a step back, but regretted it instantly at the look on his face before he turned away from me.

“You should leave.” He growled.

“No, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Leave!” he screamed.

In an instant he was turned around and his face was less than an inch from mine. His fangs were bared and I could feel his hot breath against me with each pant he took to keep himself under control. I swallowed back the lump in my throat and let out a slow breath before shaking my head.


Tobias growled, then reached for the door but I quickly moved to stand in his way. I finally got him alone; I wasn’t about to let him run off again.



“I don’t want to hurt you, Willow.”

“You won’t. You would never hurt me, so don’t even pretend you want to.”

“I’d never hurt you? I almost killed you!”

Tobias turned around and started pacing the room like a caged animal.

“That wasn’t you Tobias. That was me. I almost killed me; I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

I could feel the tears slip free and slide down along my cheeks. Tobias just kept pacing like it was the only thing that was keeping him human.

“Just talk to me Tobias, and when we’re done I’ll leave, if that’s what you want.”

“What I want? I don’t want that, but you should.”

“Then what the hell do you want, because I’m getting really fucking tired of playing guessing games.”

“I want to go back to the day I saw you almost get raped and killed in an alley-way, so I can stop myself from bringing you home with me. That is what I want.”

His words completely shattered my heart. There was no way I could stop the tears from flowing now.

“Is that what you want? You want to take back everything that has happened since the day you met me? You regret being with me that much?”

“Don’t put words in my mouth Willow, that’s not what I fucking said.”

“It pretty much is. You wish you never met me, I get it.”

“No. I wish I could take back the last fucking month of hell from you. I want to be able to take away all that pain, everything that had been done to you because of me.”

“I’m fine. I’m home and I’m safe.”

“Yeah, but not because of me.”

“What does it matter who saved me; I was saved and I’m ok. We are both alive so why do you hate me so much?”

“Fuck me, is that what you think Willow? That I hate you?”

“Well yeah, after the last few days it’s kind of hard not to think you hate me. You barricaded yourself in your room so you didn’t have to talk to me. Hell, you’d rather stay in a cot above a bar than see my face.”

We stood in silence as he stared at me from across the room. Tears continued to flow and if I didn’t know any better I could have sworn I saw a few running down his cheeks as well.

“I hate myself, not you. I was there with you and I couldn’t do anything to protect you. I should have been the one who made the nightmares stop. Not my brothers.”

Tobias crossed the room and pulled me against him; his one hand held me around the waist and the other brushed away my tears.

“I don’t hate you. I could never hate someone as perfect as you. I just couldn’t face you because I thought you would hate me after everything I did, but more importantly I couldn’t face you if you didn’t hate me. You deserve so much more than I’m able to give you.”

“I only want you.”

“I can’t be the man you need me to be, Willow. I’ll never be able to grow old with you and I could never give you children. You deserve to have children; you would be an amazing mother.”

“I really wish people would stop telling me what I do and don’t deserve. I get it enough, now that Jennica has shown up at the house; I really don’t need it from you too. I’m a grown ass woman Tobias. I can make my own decisions, so stop treating me like I’m a child and taking them away from me.”


“No! No buts! Let me make my own choices. I don’t want to grow old with someone or have children or live the life everyone else expects me to have. I want you! ”

I could see him clenching and unclenching his jaw. I could tell he wanted to argue, but there was no way I was backing down from this. Before he could come up with an excuse to deny me what I want, I used the only thing I could think of that might change his mind.

“I love you.”

It felt like my chest was going to explode with the way my heart was racing. This was the moment of truth, when I would find out how Tobias truly feels about me.

I waited for him to say something, anything, but he remained silent. My heart felt like it was going to fall apart. Maybe he didn’t feel the same about me after all.

I turned away from him, unable to take the uncomfortable silence anymore. If he didn’t feel the same about me, then so be it. There was nothing I could do to change his mind at this point.

I grabbed onto the door handle; but, before I could pull it free, I felt his arms around me. Tobias pulled my back against his chest and tilted my head so he could capture my mouth with his.

My whole body was set on fire the second he touched me and I wanted nothing more than to melt against him. I reached up and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him deeper into the kiss; I was afraid if I didn’t hold on to him I’d lose him all over again.

Tobias finally pulled away from the kiss and spun me around so I was facing him, but kept me pinned against the wall.

“You’re going to regret choosing me.”

“It’s still my choice to make, as long as you choose me, too.”

“I will always choose you.”

He leaned in and kissed me again, but this one was a lot gentler, like he was afraid to hurt me. It made me weak in the knees and I nearly lost balance completely.

“You should still be at home recovering.” He said as he lifted me off my feet and sat me down on the cot.

“I’m fine; I just haven’t been able to keep any food down. It’s because of the pain killers your brothers got me. They are messing with my stomach and making me feel sick all the time.”

“I’ll take you to a doctor; they can get you s different kind that doesn’t bother your stomach so much.”

“And what do I tell them when they ask what the hell happened to me?”

“We tell them you were in a car accident. They don’t really ask too many questions around here.”

I never thought about that; it was actually a brilliant idea. I should have done it days ago.

“Alright, we can go tomorrow or something.”

“Why not now?”

“Because right now, I’m with you and that is exactly where I want to be.”

The smile on his face gave me butterflies. God I loved this man, and I was an idiot not to realize it sooner.

“Are you coming home with me? I have Tristan’s truck.”

“Later. Right now I’m going to do something I’ve been dying to do since the night I first made you mine.”

I was about to ask him what he was talking about when he leaned in and claimed my mouth with his. All words and questions fled my mind at his touch. All I could think about now was the gorgeous man in front of me.

I placed my hand against his chest and traced the contours of his perfectly sculpted body. I could never get enough of this man.

I could feel the desire spreading through me as my body craved him. Tobias clearly felt the same way because he growled into the kiss and pulled me to my feet.

Before I knew it, my body was already obediently lifting my arms while he pulled my shirt free. I was glad I didn’t bother putting a bra on before coming to see him, because I was desperate to feel his mouth on me.

Tobias carried me across the room and used his hips to pin me against the wall and hold me up, as he cupped one of my breasts with one hand and took the other into his mouth. His tongue was electric and sent pulses through my entire body, making me crave him even more.

I moaned as he took my nipple between his teeth and pressed my hips against him. It has been far too long since I felt him inside of me.

He released my nipple and stood me on my feet only long enough to rid me of my pants and to undo his.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pulled me up again, with his hands grasping my bare ass. I used my feet to push down on the waistband of his boxers until they fell around his ankles with his pants.

He’d barely touched me and he’d already made me breathless with desire.

I could feel the heat of his breath against my chest as he kissed his way upwards and along my collar bone. I closed my eyes as I felt him trail his lips along my neck in small gentle kisses.

“I want you.” He whispered, and the feeling was mutual.

“Then take me.”

Without warning, Tobias turned me around, gripped my hips and brought me down on his cock. I saw stars as my body felt like it had exploded around him. This man had forever ruined me for anyone else; I was his, always.

I was barely able to keep my legs from giving out on me; it was a good thing he had me pinned against the wall with his shaft inside of me.

The wall was cold, and it sent goose bumps all over my body as soon as it came in contact with my chest. I rested my forehead against the wall and took slow deep breaths to steady myself.

“I’m going to make you mine, cupcake.” He growled in my ear from behind, which sent chills over my body.

Fuck, he was hot! Tobias reached around me and slid his hand down along my stomach until his hand rested between my legs and his middle finger was pressed against my slit.

“Already wet for me?”

The only response I could manage was a whimper as he coated his finger in my wetness and slid it across my clit.

“That’s my girl.” He mumbled against my shoulder, as he kissed and nipped along my back.

Tobias reached up and gripped onto my hair with one hand, pulling my head to the side and exposing my neck to him, as his other hand kept busy parting my pussy lips so he had full access to me.

I had to arch my back as he continued to rub my clit, which only pushed Tobias’s cock deeper into me. I let out a soft moan as he pressed his chest against my back, keeping me pinned as he began sliding himself in and out of me.

He kept at a slow pace to start, but each stroke had my body burning with desire. My body hungered for him in every way possible.

Tobias started thrusting himself into me faster, and harder. The pleasure was blinding and I was thankful for the wall; because without it, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to support my own weight.

I put my hands against the wall, trying to grip on to anything within reach as Tobias hooked his arm under one of my legs and pulled it up so I was only standing on one foot.

My body was completely submissive to his every move. Tobias was able to push himself deeper inside of me; it drove me closer to the edge of my climax.

I couldn’t focus on anything; my hands clawed at the walls in a desperate attempt to grasp on to something with every wave of pleasure that tore through me.

I was going to cum. My body was so close to the edge I could feel the sensation growing in the pit of my stomach as my body started to tremble.

My leg was starting to give out, but Tobias wouldn’t let me go; his other arm wrapped around my stomach pulling my body back against him to support my weight as I finally found my release. I swear I could see stars as the room spun around. I couldn’t focus on anything as the ecstasy blinded me.

“I’m not done with you yet, baby.” He growled in my ear.

I felt him pull out of me, and scoop me up in his arms. There was no bed in the room aside from the cot and it didn’t look very comfortable.

I expected him to lay me down on it anyways; but, instead, he placed me down on the small dresser that Tobias kept spare clothes in.

The cold wood felt amazing against my skin and even though my body felt like it was burning up, I needed Tobias inside of me again.

He didn’t waste any time. Within seconds Tobias took his stance between my legs and pulled me to the edge of the dresser. I grabbed the sides of the dresser to steady myself as the room still felt like it was spinning.

Tobias kissed me, which only made me want to devour his mouth, but he pulled away and winked at me as he hooked his arms behind my knees and slid himself inside of me again.

My eyes rolled in to the back of my head at the feeling of his fullness. It felt like my body was built specifically to fit him and only him.

“Hold on tight, cupcake.”

And I did. My hands gripped even harder onto the dresser as he pulled himself out to the tip slowly, and then drove himself deep inside of me.

He sped up his pace with each thrust until it felt like we were going to break the wall behind me. I had to lean back against it; this man was driving my body crazy.

I could feel my legs start to tremble as my body craved release. Wave after wave of pleasure spread through me bringing me closer to the peak of ecstasy.

I felt myself tighten around Tobias’s cock as he pulled my legs up higher and left them resting over his shoulders. His hands gripped my thighs as I felt him nip the side of my calf.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I was going to cum.

“Hold it in baby, don’t cum yet.” Tobias gasped between breaths.

I tried to keep my sweet release at bay as he moved faster and deeper inside of me. My whole body began to tremble as I couldn’t hold on much longer.

“Now, baby. Cum with me.” He moaned.

I dug my nails into the side of the dresser as my whole body felt like it was coming apart. I cried out Tobias’s name as my pussy tightened around his cock, wringing out every last bit of his orgasm as he lowered my legs to wrap around his waist.

It took us both a minute to catch our breath. I couldn’t move even if I wanted too and Tobias was bent over me, raining my face with gentle kisses.

“I need you, cupcake. I don’t think I could survive without you in my life.” He confessed in a whisper.

“I’m all yours.”


“Until the day I die.”

I could see the relief in his face. He was just as afraid of losing me as I was of losing him. I loved this man; there was no doubt about it.

“Come on, let’s get you home.”

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