To Tell a Tale (Season One)

Chapter Ep 7 - Part Two: Target Found

Airianna stared into Nash’s brown eyes. Why was he still standing there? He just discovered what the people who killed his mother look like, but he hasn’t rushed out of her house to go find them. He was still standing there, staring at her as if…

Airianna didn’t get to finish her thoughts as Nash set the drawing down and pushed her against the wall behind her. She stared at him as he moved her hands above her head. He pressed his hard body against hers, making her whimper.

“Nash,” she whispered.

“Thank you,” he whispered, then devoured her mouth.

“Nash,” she moaned against his kiss.

“Thank you,” he whispered again as he kissed down her throat.

Airianna moaned as he kissed down both sides of her throat, thanking her over and over. When his lips were on hers again, he pressed his hardness against her. She groaned and bit his lip. He growled against her lips, making her body shiver from the vibration.

He kissed across her jaw and nipped at her left earlobe. She groaned and pressed herself against his hardness still pressed against her.

“Fuck,” he groaned, taking hold of both her wrists with one hand and running his other hand down her body. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Nash,” she whimpered when his hand cupped her breast.

Nash shook his head as he pulled back from Airianna. She looked up at him with lust in her eyes; he liked that look on her. He smiled, kissed her lips one last time, and then let her go.

“Nash?” she asked, watching him back away.

“It’s not you,” he promised when he saw the look in her eyes. “But I don’t want to do this here, like this.” He pointed around them. “I just… wanted to thank you.”

She giggled. “Best thank you I’ve ever gotten.”

He grinned. “I’ll call you when we find them. I need to go.”

Airianna nodded. She understood. Though her body was humming from his kisses, she knew this wasn’t the right place or time. But damn, she’d have let him take her here and now, exactly like this, up against her art room wall.

“Stop looking at me like that,” he growled.

She smiled. “Like what?”

“Like you’d let me take you here against the wall.”

She chuckled. “Maybe I would.”

Nash growled and pinned her to the wall again, making her yelp.

“Don’t tease me,” he whispered into her ear.

“I’m not teasing,” she panted.

He kissed her again, making her head spin. She looked up at him when he lifted his head from the kiss. His eyes were almost black. Her heart skipped a beat, and she swallowed. Dang, what was a girl to do when a guy looked at her like that?

“I have to go.” He kissed her again and moved back from her. “I swear, woman. You’re going to kill me with that look.”

She smiled. She liked the thought that she had that kind of effect on him.

“I will call you.” He picked up the drawing, kissed her one last time, and left.

Airianna slid down the wall. When her butt hit the floor, she started giggling. That man had her hormones out of control. She seriously would have let him take her against the wall. She closed her eyes, wishing he’d done that before he’d left to find his mother’s killers.


“She found them.” Nash set Airianna’s drawing on Smitty’s desk.

“Found who?” Smitty asked, picking up the drawing.

“My mother’s killers.”

Smitty looked up at Nash. Nash nodded, then turned and headed for the captain’s office. He heard his partner shuffle out of his chair and follow him. He tapped twice on the captain’s door.

“Come in,” their captain called.

Nash opened the door and entered their captain’s office.

“Sir, Miss Williams found a picture she had drawn when she was ten of the two who killed my mother.”

“She was ten when she drew this?” Smitty asked, astonished.

“Let me see.” The captain held his hand out to Smitty.

Smitty handed him the picture.

“Shit,” Captain Dish said, looking over the picture. “I know these two.”

“What?” Nash asked, shocked.

“Really?” Smitty asked at the same time.

Their captain looked up at them. “Yeah. I arrested them ten years ago for extortion. They’d tricked over a dozen people out of their money. But there wasn’t enough evidence to convict them.”

“Fuck,” Nash grumbled.

“They left the country after that and haven’t heard anything about them since. Shit, they had enough money to live comfortably anywhere for the rest of their lives.” Their captain looked at the drawing again.

“How do we find them?” Nash asked.

“We don’t.” Captain Dish set the drawing on his desk.

“But the drawings. The dreams came to Airianna for a reason,” Nash tried to reason with his boss.

Michael Dish looked from his top Detectives to the picture Miss Williams had drawn twelve years ago. He picked up his phone and dialed a number he’d hoped he’d never have to use again.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Captain, so sweet to hear from you. What’s on your mind?”

Her sweet voice had Michael’s blood boiling and his stomach churning.

“I need your help.”

“Oh? I thought you said you’d never call on me again.”

Michael grumbled. “It’s important.”

“Is that so? Well, it’s going to cost you….”

“You owe me, Veronica,” Michael growled.

He’d let her go all those years ago. Hadn’t arrested her for killing her target rather than retrieving him. She owed him big time.

“So, I do.”

He heard her sigh and closed his eyes.

“Okay, what’s the job?”

“I need you to find a couple for me.”

“Oh, a couple? What did they do?”

“I can’t tell you that….”

“Then I guess I can’t help you. You know the deal, Mickael. Tell me everything, or no deal.”

Michael opened his eyes and looked at his Detectives.

“They killed someone over twelve years ago….”

“Ah, one of your old cases.”

“In a way, yes.”

“Do I have a partner?” she asked with a purr.

“Only if you find them. Two of my top detectives will join you.”

“Oh, goodie. They better be good.”

“I said they’re my top detectives,” Michael growled.

Veronica chuckled that laugh that used to turn him on so many years ago before she showed her true colors.

“Give me all the juicy details, and I will see what I can do.”

Michael sighed with relief. She may be the worst person he has ever met. But she’s good at what she does, even at breaking a young man’s heart.


“Did you find them?”

Nash looked up as he exited his car. Airianna stood on the porch, holding the banister.

“Not yet.” He closed the door and headed toward her.

She took a step down from the porch and met him halfway.

“What did you find out?” she asked, looking into his eyes.

Nash smiled as he watched her eyes light with desire. Desire for information, desire for him.

“The captain knows them. He arrested them ten years ago for extortion but didn’t have enough to convict.”

She frowned, and he wanted to kiss it away.

“Can you still hear me?” he asked, moving closer.

She shook her head. “I’m reading your lips.”

“Then read this.” He pulled her to him and kissed her.

She moaned against his mouth, and his cock came to life. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and he grunted, holding her up by her ass.

“Take me into the woods,” she whispered into his ear.

She didn’t have to tell him twice.

Nash moved down the stairs and headed for the woods behind her father’s house. He found a path and walked down it, Airianna secure in his arms.

“There.” She pointed to a patch of grass off to the side.

Nash smiled and walked over to the grass. He laid her down and came down beside her. She smiled up at him, her hand sliding through his hair.

“I’ve always wanted to bring a boy here.”

He grinned. “Glad to know I’m the first.” He leaned forward and kissed her.

She moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“Airianna,” he whispered against her lips.

Airianna’s body thrummed to his voice. She couldn’t hear him on the porch, but once he was making out with her, she heard every word he said. And his touch set fire to her skin. He kissed down her throat, making her moan and shiver beneath him.

“You’re so beautiful.”

She loved to hear his sweet talk. Earlier, when she could hear his every word, was so wonderful. She’d hoped it would last. But when he’d returned, she couldn’t hear him anymore. Now, as he made love to her body, she heard every sweet word he said.

“Nash,” she whispered.

His hands roamed over her body, making her back arch from the grass. She has never had a man touch her like this. Her body was on fire, and Nash was the only thing that could put her out.

“I want you so bad,” he whispered into her ear.

A tingling sensation vibrated through her body, and she pulled his lips to hers.

Nash groaned as he kissed Airianna. She was amazing, and he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone before.


“Shit,” Nash groaned.

“What?” she asked, looking around them when he moved off her.

“Your father.”


He looked at her, forgetting she couldn’t hear him anymore. Why she’d heard him earlier in her art room, he would never know.

“Your father is calling for you,” he said, making sure she read his lips.

“Shit,” she mumbled, straightening her shirt he’d pushed up over her stomach.


“We’re over here!” Nash called out to Mr. Williams.

The man appeared before them, an angry look on his face. Shit. Nash hasn’t felt like this since he was a teen and his girlfriend’s dad caught them making out in her bedroom.

“Hi, Papa.” Airianna smiled at her father as she sat up.

“What are you doing out here?” Mr. Williams asked.

“Just relaxing,” Airianna said with a smile. “I wanted to show Nash my spot.” She looked at Nash and giggled.

Nash stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Her father will never believe them, especially with her giggling like that. God, he feels like a teen again. Next time, he’s taking her to his place.

“What did you discover?” Mr. Williams asked Nash, ignoring Airianna’s giggles.

Nash told Mr. Williams what his captain had told him. The older man nodded.

“Are you going after them?”

Nash shrugged. “If my captain’s contact can find them, Smitty and I will join her.”

“I want to go.”

Both men turned to Airianna. Of everything he has said, she heard that?

“No,” Nash and Mr. Williams said at the same time.

Airianna pouted. “But I can help….”

“How?” Nash asked.

She looked at him. “If I have a dream….”

“Then take a picture of the painting and send it to me. You’re not coming with.”


“No buts, Airianna. I can’t work if I have to worry about you. I can concentrate on my job if you’re here, where you’re safe.”

She sighed. “Fine. But you better keep in contact with me while you’re gone.”

Nash grinned. “Wouldn’t want to upset my little seer, now, would I?”

She grinned and pulled him to her. “No, you wouldn’t.”

Airianna surprised Nash by pulling him to her and kissing him in front of her father.

Jeremy Williams watched hisdaughter and the detective. The man seemed to be acting more like a muse than he had been. Maybe he was wrong about the young man, and the other was just a test to see if he was fit for Airianna. He seemed to be just right; everything seemed to be coming into place now. He turned and walked back to the house. The detective may be his daughter’s mate, but that didn’t mean he had to like it when the man had his paws all over Airianna. He sighed and went into the house to fix dinner.


Nash woke to his phone ringing. He picked it up and looked at who was calling him at three in the morning.

His captain.

“What?” he answered.

Captain Dish chuckled. “Wake up. It’s time.”

Nash sat up in bed. “She found them?”

“Yep. You, me, and Smitty are heading out in one hour. Get your ass in gear.”

“Yes, sir,” Nash said as he jumped out of bed.

He hung up the phone and prepared himself for the trip. Soon the two people who killed his mother will be in his hands.

He looked at the clock on his nightstand. Three-thirty. He picked up his phone and hit speed dial for the only person he needed to let know he would be gone.

“Hello?” her groggy, sexy voice had his body trembling to hold her.

“Hey, sweet seer.” He knew her phone would type to her what he said, thanks to Smitty.

“Nash. Is everything okay?”

“They found them. I’m heading out now and won’t be here tomorrow. Probably for a couple of days.”

Nash heard Airianna sit up in bed.

“Are you sure I can’t go with you?”

Nash chuckled. She’d tried many ways last night to get him to agree she could go with them. But not even her sweet kisses could convince him to let her go on this mission. No way in hell was he putting her sexy ass in danger.

“Yes, I’m sure you can’t come. I will call you every night….”

“And morning when you get up.”

He chuckled, knowing that wasn’t a request; it was an order.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’t call me ma’am,” she grumbled.

Nash grinned. “Yes, sweet seer.”

“Call me when you get into a hotel room.”

“I will.”

“Be safe,” she whispered, then hung up.

Nash sighed. He’s going to miss Airianna like crazy. But they’re finally going to catch the two people who ruined his life.

The fake psychic and her husband.

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