To Owe a Favor

Chapter 8

Lillianna's POV

"Wake up."

The strong voice is punctuated by a gust of wind that disrupts my breathing pattern.

I wake with a cough, and glare at Killian as he stands over my bed. His wings fold downwards behind him, the moth-like pattern concealed behind his armored back.

My weight shifts awkwardly as I roll off the side of my bed, "Why are you here so early?"

"Turn around." I grumble as I spin so my back is facing him.

My sleepshirt is lifted up straight to my shoulders, and the cloth that had been placed on my back yesterday is quickly removed.

Killian hums to himself and runs his fingers between my shoulder blades. I shrug my shoulders to suppress a shiver, "Is it still infected?"

Killian is quiet for a moment as his fingers continue skimming the skin on my back, "No. The wound has completely healed."

I roll my shoulders, "It feels better. Those herbs must've helped."

“Yes,” Killian clears his throat and steps away from my bed, pealing the gauze away with him, “Take off the dress my parents made you. Redress quickly. We have places to go before the dinner tonight.” Each of his short sentences was punctuated by a flap of his wings. Like he is just itching to get moving.

I don’t question the Fae Warrior, and instead pull on a long sleeve shirt and leggings, “Is it raining today?”

Killian holds my left shoe as I tie the laces to my right one, “Slight rain that will continue all day.”

I huff slightly, pulling on my second shoe as Killian grabbed a fistful on my long hair. His long fingers run through the strands and tugs some knots away.

I gesture to my hair, “Would you help me braid it?”

Killian gives me one skeptical look before shaking his head, “No. I’ll be downstairs, human. Do not take long.”

He disappears from the room, and I’m left to quickly grab a hair tie and corral my hair into a thick bun. Killian is already outside by the time I make it downstairs.

I gingerly step on his toes as I wrap my arms around his lower back. I don't miss the eyeroll of annoyance as we take off into the air.

The wind carries my voice faintly toward Killian, "Can we stop and get breakfast first?"

The question causes him to hover slightly above a certain building as we descend toward the street.

Killian checks his watch, "You will eat whatever is offered at the coffee shop." He says this as we land in front of the usual store. With the light rain, barely anyone is inside the shop. Only two older Fae that have already ordered and sit near the window.

I scurry up to the front counter as soon as Killian sets me down. The new Fae barista eyes me skeptically as I order my drink and muffin in their language.

Offering me only a slight nod, she accepts my order and readily turns to Killian. The barista's wings flutter slightly as she takes his order. Killian stoically stands off to the side, glaring outside toward some unknown object. Or maybe he was just looking outside and his face is permanently fixed into a scowl. Either way, he missed the flirtatious look from the barista.

Killian pays for the food and steps off to the side, his wing stretches out to bat my shoulder, effectively forcing me to move off to the side as well.

I swipe my shoulder, pretending that his wing left some residue on my clothing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the smallest of childish smirks on his lips.

I cross my arms and turn my back on him, patiently waiting for my breakfast and tea to finish. The barista gives me a disapproving glance before whispering something to the Fae beside her.

Our drinks finish in standard timing, and Killian nearly knocks me over when he brushes past me to grab his drink. It takes everything in me not to accidentally spill my drink on him, but I'm fairly sure the look on my face conveyed my intent because Killian gave me a warning glare before leaving the shop.

I rush out of the coffee shop after him, barreling into his side on the dirt walkway when he spreads his wings like he is going to fly away.

He grunts and lowers his wings to his sides, ignoring the slight rain that is rushing off of the waterproof appendages.

"So..." I walk beside him as we near the end of the street toward a bouquet shop, "Did you give the barista your fairy number?"

I bat my eyelashes when Killian snaps his head in my direction, pinning me with a disgruntled sneer, "I most certainly did not."

I shrug and sip my tea with raised eyebrows, "I'm sure she would have taken it."

Killian shakes his head, "Stop playing games Lilli-"

"Ah shit!" I look at both of my hands wrapped around my tea and stop dead in my tracks, "I forgot my muffin!"

The perplexed look on Killian's face washes away at my declaration. In a swift move he opens the door to one of the shops and slides me inside, holding the door open with one arm as he stands outside, "Ask them to find you the proper headdress for the dinner tonight. I'll be back."

"With my muffin?"

Killian takes one look at my pouting face and dips his head, "Yes. With your muffin."

He lets the door fall closed and I turn around in the small shop. A female fae walks to my side and notices the dress in my hands, "A proper dress for a dinner with a warrior. If you don't mind my overhearing, we have a few headdresses that would match that attire."

I nod quickly, knowing that this fae would know exactly what to get.

The box with my new headdress is clasped in my hands tightly as I walk back to the coffee shop. The fae mentioned that Warrior Killian had already paid beforehand.

The bell on the shop door didn't chime when I walked back into the shop. Instead only the voices of the barista, blocked by Killian's massive frame, and Killian's voice echoed through the shop back to me.

The barista's voice is high-pitched, "-you still need a date for the dinner tonight. Everyone will know the human is there merely because your mark is wrapped around her throat."

I tentatively reach a hand to my throat, remembering the colorful mark of a favor to be owed.

Killian's voice is laced with disgust as he clenches the baggy with my muffin in his fast, "As I said, Garina, Lillianna is my date to the ball, and I will have no other."

I clear my throat with a grin. Killian's shoulders raise as he stiffens. Obviously realizing that I overhead the last part of his conversation without his knowing.

With a flutter, Killian hands me my muffin and pulls us out of the coffee shop. Not allowing me to say a word for the remainder of our shopping trip.

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