To Owe a Favor

Chapter 4

Killian POV


Lilianna must’ve had caffeine in her tea today. There’s no other explanation for her ability to withstand the pull of the music. Only the Shifters and the Fae can withstand the lure to sleep, to become vulnerable, when listening to this song.

I shift her weight in my arms, keeping her face concealed from the view of others. To other Fae, she would look like a clingy Shifter instead of a sleeping human.

With my gaze on Prince Erin, I can already taste trouble in the air. The prince’s large wings sweep through the air and fascinate many beautiful women. Of course, Prince Erin chose to entertain the obviously drunk Fae woman instead of the well-kept princesses flitting around.

My nose crinkles in disgust when I notice the drunk woman flutter her wings carelessly until she bumps into another Fae. Prince Erin chuckles and pulls the drunk woman closer to his chest.

Just as the space between their bodies is demolished, another Fae male swoops up from below and begins shouting, it becomes apparent that the woman is his mate. He pulls his mate clear from Prince Erin’s grasp before pulling a knife from his loincloth.

My wings easily push me forward and in front of Prince Erin. Lilianna’s limp body is difficult to hold onto, and unless I planned to drop her, I would have to protect Prince Erin with her body at risk.

Her words from earlier echo in my mind, don’t drop me. Such a human thing to worry about.

A sense of protectiveness washes over me for the defenseless human, and I keep my hold on Lillianna tight. Not willing to let her fall when she can't catch herself.

The Fae man swings his knife forward and I only have a moment to push my forearm forward. My metal armor clashes with the knife, but instead of bouncing away, the knife slides downwards.

Directly into Lilianna’s back.

She wakes with a scream and grabs onto my shoulders. Pushing herself closer to my body to escape the pain her back. In seconds, I twist the Fae’s arm, and he lets the dagger go, but the blade is already imbedded in Lilianna’s skin.

The jostling of the dagger causes Lilianna to cry out again. I easily put her face into the crook of my neck since she is still tired. Her cries are stifled as my fellow warriors guard the prince and take the opposing Fae man and drunk Fae woman away from the ball.

My voice is coarse as I command my warriors, “Find out which Clan they have arrived with. Let our High King know.” I turn to Prince Erin, his gaze is so similar to his father’s, “Try to court an unmated female next time, Prince Erin.”

His cheeks burn red and he glares at me before finding solace in Prince Ellis, his eldest brother, at the far side of the ballroom.

Warrior Selivan pats my shoulder, “Good work Kill, I can take second watch.” If I weren’t already glaring, I would have fixed Selivan with a murderous glare at shortening my name to ‘Kill’ instead of Warrior Killian.

Warrior Selivan begins to flit back to position, but his gaze slips down to Lilianna causing him to frown.

Lilianna’s trembling hands reach my chin, pulling my face down. Her usually red cheeks are a ghastly white, and her long hair is matted with blood.

She looks too delicate. A woman easily destroyed by a warrior.

I return my attention to Warrior Selivan, “Take her to her home. Heal her. I will watch over Prince Erin until you return.”

Lillianna is too weak to hold onto Selivan, so her arms cross protectively in between her chest and Selivan’s.

She props her chin on Selivan’s armor, watching me from over his shoulder as the pair fly away from the Eastern Ball. My stomach twists at the sight, knowing that for the rest of the ball I will need to stick toward the edges of the dance floor.

Instead of a mated Fae, I will appear as a lone Fae, waiting to court a woman. A scowl forms no my face and sticks with the memories of attending many Courting Festivals with no success.

I remember all of those Courting Festivals I had to attend in my youth. Not a single Fae would take me as their suitor; drunk or sober.

I keep an eye on Prince Erin to keep my mind focused on him and not Lilianna's knife wound. With Selivan's magic it should heal without a trace. For now, I would have to decide on the next favor she will owe me.

Nearly two hours pass before Selivan returns. My shoulders are tense from keeping an eye out for both Selivan and Prince Erin.

I subtly tilt my head in the direction of the prince to cue Selivan into his duties, but Selivan begins talking to me animatedly instead.

"I can see why you like Lilianna-"

"I don't like her. She owes me a favor."

He waves his hands in the air as though he's scratching that statement away, "Doesn't matter. Her parents wouldn't let me heal her wounds."

My attention drifts from Prince Erin to stare at Selivan. Humans never refuse the free healing powers of the Fae, not when they are so effective.

At my shock, Selivan continues with mild shock in his voice, "They said she would get sick." He shakes his head in disbelief.

My eyes narrow in thought as I keep my gaze on the prince. Her parents must be mistaken.

Lillianna drank an entire cup of Fae tea to cure her health. If there is anything that tea is known for, it is its powerful herbs with magical qualities, Lilianna couldn't possibly become sick from Selivan's healing magic.

Needless to say, while my eyes were focused on Prince Erin, my thoughts were on Lilianna.

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