To Love Jason Thorn

: Chapter 5

Eight years later…

Pushing the private back door of the nightclub open with my shoulder, I dragged the giggling mess out with me. Since she was busy pawing at me with those claw-like fingers, she tripped over her own feet, righting herself at the last moment, her giggling getting even louder. Gripping her waist to make sure she didn’t face plant in those spiky-heeled shoes, I checked the alley to make sure we were alone. As soon as the door closed and the heavy bass of the music drifted away to a buzz, I took Jenna’s hand off my dick and slammed her back against the concrete wall, eating up her moan in a hungry kiss.

Wait, is her name Gemma?

“Take me home, Jason,” she said, her words slightly slurring. She wasn’t drunk—if she were, I wouldn’t do this with her—but for some reason she chose to act like she was. I didn’t care for her games. “Take me home and I’ll show you a few new tricks.”

More giggling.

Jamie maybe?


“This is better, babe. Don’t you feel the thrill?” I asked in a low voice as my lips ghosted over her skin against her throat. “Anyone can walk out on us. Doesn’t that excite you?”

What the hell is her name again? She hadn’t had a big role in the movie, but we’d shared the same set for about a month. She twirled and skipped around me whenever she found me alone in a corner, watching the crew work. She whispered dirty, dirty things in my ear—at least dirty for a girl her age—when no one was around. At last, after countless ‘fuck me eyes’ had been thrown my way at the wrap party that night, little brunette beauty Jessie (???) was about to get the fuck of her life against a concrete wall in the back alley of a club. Looking at her flushed skin and already dazed eyes, I could see that it wasn’t bothering her in the slightest that she was about to get fucked like a cheap hooker, out in the open.

That was all she would be for me, and most likely for the others that would come after me—producers, agents, etc.

“Aww, you can’t wait to slide your dick into my pussy, can you? I can’t wait either. I knew you were crazy about me Jason,” she whispered into my ear right before she licked it, trying to kill my ear with the stabbing motions of her tongue.


I pushed her face away.

Her high-pitched voice buzzed around in my head, making me too aware of the alcohol I had consumed.

Ignoring her words, I lifted Jenna’s skintight silver dress up and over her hips, making sure to caress her toned thighs as she moaned against my neck, her heart racing.

She kept mumbling in between sloppy kisses, but I tuned her out and let myself get lost in her body.

At that point, I wasn’t feeling much, just some sort of house music pounding in my head making it too hard to think clearly. My dick was definitely feeling something as it strained against my jeans, dying to get into her tight pussy.

“You knew you were gonna get fucked tonight, didn’t you…babe?”

Damn it! I still couldn’t remember her name.

“Yes. Yes. I knew you couldn’t stay away.” She gasped as my fingers found their way to her…butterfly? What the hell? Normally I wouldn’t care, but, well, sue me, I was a curious bastard.

I took a step back from her octopus arms and looked down to find a sparkling butterfly holding two flimsy straps around it wings. Her pussy was open for all to see in her crotchless panties—if you could even call them panties, that is.

“Huh,” I muttered. “I guess that makes my job easier.”

My dick was still roaring to get into action so I shrugged her hands off my shoulders and took out a condom from my back pocket, pulling it on pretty quickly considering my buzzed state.

Lifting her thigh as high as it would wrap around me, I entered her in a quick deep thrust as she gasped in delight.

“Jesus, you filled me,” she said in surprise.

“You like that, babe? Is that what you’ve been after for so long? Getting filled up properly?” Another thrust and her eyes fluttered close.

“Yeah, it’s better than what I’ve heard.” Her voice was all dreamy, which made me hesitant to keep fucking her. I didn’t do dreamy. A one-time quick fuck that would get us both off was more my kinda thing. Dreamy led to complicated stuff, and even though I liked to believe that as an actor I could sell a good dream, or hell, even be a good dream, I wasn’t fucked up enough to think that I would find my own happy ending with my career choice. Not everyone would tolerate the lifestyle I led.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job. It was the only thing that made any sort of sense in my life. However, everything else? The constant isolation forced on you, the paparazzi hounding you, everyone dissecting your every little move… After a while it felt like there was a noose around your throat that was being tightened by everyone in your life.

Yes. That’s exactly how I felt.

Indifferent. Tired.

The only time it seemed like I was breathing again was when I was on a movie set, pretending to be someone else.

In a way, my life was a play.

“Oh my god, Jason. Yes. Yes, I knew it would be like this with you.” She moaned as her words slurred. I picked up my pace. This was the only time she’d be getting fucked senseless by me; I should’ve been focused on her.

“Keep it quiet,” I hissed in her ear as her cries started to get higher. “You don’t want to get caught getting fucked in the street, do you?”

“I do. I do. Yes! Yes!”

I dropped my head to her shoulder and raced for the finish line. The quicker this was over, the quicker I could get back to my house.

Grabbing her ass, I wrapped both of her skinny legs around my waist and kept drilling into her. Her sharp cries echoed in the dark alley, blending with the music that was coming through the walls of the nightclub her back was against.

“Oh, fuck me, Jason,” she screeched in my ear.

“That’s what I’m trying to do,” I said through gritted teeth. With all her shrieking, I was already sobering up.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the task at hand. When she suddenly tipped over the edge to fucking dreamland, I swore and came after her as she kept squeezing my dick rhythmically.

Tipping my head back, I felt every muscle in my body relax and experienced the bliss I appreciated so much, even if it was only for a few seconds.

That’s exactly when I heard the running footsteps coming from behind us. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the first of many blinding flashlights.

“Fuck,” I swore, my hands quickly getting rid of the condom before they could get to us.

Jenna slumped back on the wall and sighed, an even more doped up smile beginning to form on her lips as she started to fix her hair.

Zipping up my fly, I pulled down her skirt for her as she was too busy already beaming up to our intruders over my shoulder.

Shit! They were almost on us. Thankfully, my body was big enough to hide her from their cameras so I doubted they had gotten any shots of what we’d been doing just seconds before. At best, they would think I’d taken her out for a quick make out session.

“Jason! Jason! Is this a new relationship?” the one with the mustache yelled.

Click. Click. Click.

“Did your love start on set? Are the rumors true?”

“When are you goin’ public with this?”

Click. Click.

“Did you start a relationship to promote your new movie?”

“Jason! Talk to us man! What were you guys doing back here?”

A few of them snickered.

Click. Click. Click.

What’s-her-name threw her arms around my neck and beamed at the cameras. “How did you find us back here? This was supposed to be secret. We were being clever.”

My face a mask of calm, I gently shrugged off her arms yet again and opened the private back door to push her back into the club.

Her eyes were as big as saucers and she couldn’t do anything but gape at me as I closed the door on her face and turned to face the paps still shouting questions at me. Thankfully, there were only seven or eight of them.

“Jason! There is a clip of you with Zoey where it looks like you are getting busy in your car. Now you are with Jennifer, any comments?”

Ah! So that was her name.

“Have a nice evening, guys,” I said in a bored tone, ignoring their questions. I put my hands in my pockets and they parted for me to pass, their voices getting higher and higher in my head. I didn’t specifically hear what they were saying, but I knew I would be getting a phone call first thing the next morning from my agent, Tom Symond, who had become a good friend over the years, and of course my publicist, Megan.

A few minutes later, I was in my car racing back to Bel Air, still as edgy and empty as I’d been at the beginning of the night.

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