To Love Jason Thorn

: Chapter 27

I woke up feeling like my blood was humming in my veins. My hands met soft flesh and I groaned. I was burning from the inside out. My hips flexed and I heard a small moan.

Smiling, I let my hands wander up a pair of thighs.

“Mmmm, what are you doing, little one?” I murmured and squeezed Olive’s hips, successfully stopping her upward movement while my dick was snuggly resting inside her.

Feeling her weight on my chest, I opened my eyes and looked into her sparkling green ones. Hesitantly, she pressed her lips over mine and lifted her head to stare down at me again. Freeing my right hand, I gathered her hair in my fist, held it away from her face, and pulled her back down. When she parted her lips for me, I kissed her the way she was always supposed to be kissed, the way she deserved to be kissed. She moaned and opened her mouth wider, turning the kiss into liquid lust.

She was welcome to do so.

Hell, she was welcome to wake me up every morning by climbing onto my dick for a ride.

I nipped her lips and she stopped, her breathing ragged, her hips restless.

Holding on to the back of her waist, I flipped us over and had her under me in a second without breaking our connection.

“You should’ve woken me up if you needed more, baby,” I whispered as I thrust into her. She hid her face in my neck as she let out a long, sexy moan.

Her legs were hugging my hips, but with my second thrust she let them fall open and lifted her hips in sync with my leisurely thrusts.

“I just…”

She bit her bottom lip, her eyebrows drawing together.

“You just, what, sweetheart?”

She gazed into my eyes with such longing that I couldn’t look away from her.

“I just wanted to make sure last night wasn’t a dream.”

I thrust as deep as I could go and reveled in the way her body trembled under mine as she arched her neck and let out another deep groan.

“And you decided to ride me?”

“Yesss,” she hissed, throwing her head back when I grinded into her.

Her pussy was so damn hot, sucking my dick in, squeezing me. Not able to stop, I pulled back and filled her again and again.

Her hands were roaming my chest, her touch waking something inside me. When I started pounding into her, her breaths came out in gasps and she let out sultry, incoherent mews.

Each time my cock disappeared inside her, ripples of pleasure rocked my body.

“Jason,” Olive moaned under me, her hands over her head, palms resting against the headboard. I slowed my pounding and roughly pulled down her bra. Why had we not taken it off the night before? Oh, right, I had barely been able to think, let alone care about losing the bra. As long as I had access to what was underneath, I hadn’t cared, but now I wanted it off. I wanted every inch of her skin on mine as I buried myself into her.

“When you were writing those sex scenes were you thinking of your boyfriend?” I asked, my voice all fucked up.

She hesitated.

“Answer me, Olive.”

I pulled out my dick, loving the way she tried to grab on to it with her muscles, then slammed it back in.

“No,” she gasped, grasping the bed sheets with small fists.

“Who were you thinking of?”

“I can’t tell.”

“Oh, you will, sweetheart.”

I dropped my head to her breasts and sucked her nipple in my mouth as I started grinding into her. I loved how she arched her back to feed me more.

“Do you want me to stop?” I barely held back my hips. She looked gorgeous under me, taking my cock so nicely.

The little witch started to move her hips under me.

Gritting my teeth, I said, “You can get yourself off, baby but it won’t be the same as how I’m going to get you off on my dick. Who were you thinking of, Olive?”

“You,” she whispered, turning her head away from me.

I started throbbing inside her, so I picked up my pace again, driving into her.

“So what they say is true, you really were thinking about me when you wrote Isaac,” I said conversationally as if even thinking about it wasn’t kicking up my heart rate.

Her eyes were lazy when she opened them to look at me.

“Yes,” she whispered, her voice scratchy.

“Do you want me to talk dirty to you, baby? Like Isaac?”

Leaning down to her ear, I stopped when my lips were only millimeters away and breathlessly whispered, “Do you want me to take you hard, too? Fuck you into oblivion?”

As an answer, she tangled her hands behind my head and took my lips, playing with my heart like no one else ever had.

A bold caress of her tongue and everything went hazy. Wrenching my lips away from her mouth, I straightened my arms and looked down to her.

“All you have to do is ask, sweetheart. I’ll give you everything you need.”

My body surged into hers and I looked down to watch my thick cock disappear into her sweet heat. I catalogued every curve and dip of her body. She was so damn tight and already breathless, her clever hands touching every inch of my body she could reach.

When I realized my control was shot to hell, I got off of her to stand on my knees.

“Hold on to the headboard, baby.”

When she reached up and curled her fingers on the headboard, I hooked my arms under her knees and put her legs over my open thighs, making sure to hold her legs open for me.

Wiping off the sweat on my forehead, I grabbed her hips and slowly fed my dick to her pussy, reveling in her loud swearing and moans.

“Oh, god,” she mumbled when I was all in.

“Fuck, yes,” I said in reply.

Then my fingers dug harder into her flesh and I fucked her like I hadn’t fucked her the night before. While the night before had been amazing, it had been more than just sex. This…this was pure pleasure. It was hard, deep, and definitely out of control.

I loved it.

She loved it.

Every time I surged into her body, I bottomed out. I was drinking in her sharp cries and gasping breaths. When her head hit the headboard from the force I was pounding into her, I tried to slow my pace down but it was too late, for both of us.

“Fuck, Jason…shit, fuck… Yes, yes, please…”

Her eyes rolled back into her head and her body froze under my hands. Her release coated me in a rush and I groaned louder than her cries.

She took a gasping breath.

Then another.

As I kept pounding into her, she slowly came down from her orgasm, her legs relaxed, and she opened her eyes. It was enough to ignite something inside of me, so I let it all go and joined her in oblivion.

I was trying to catch my breath and slowly keep thrusting into her when she splayed her fingers over my contracting abs, looking at me as if she was ready to lick me up and eat me. Out of my mind with need for her, I dropped to my elbows, held her head in between my hands, and gave her the rawest and most passionate kiss I’d ever shared with anyone.

When we were half-dead, I dropped a kiss on her nose and tried to ignore my throbbing cock. I was ready to go all over again.

“We need to repeat this a few times a day. You okay with that, sweetheart?”

As an answer she kissed me and in the middle of our kiss gave me a lazy smile.

“Also, when my brain is functioning, remind me to ask how you managed to roll a condom on me without waking me up. Or maybe we can talk about not using them at all if you’re ready for that.”

“I vote on not using them at all,” she murmured in a soft voice.

I smiled. “Good. We’ll handle it as soon as possible.”

It was by far the best morning I’d ever had in my entire life.


When we got to the set, everything was ready for the first day of the filming. Olive was beside herself, her beautiful eyes taking in everything with a contagious smile on her face. Before I had to go in for makeup and hair, I introduced her to the director Tanner Pace and a ton of others. When I had to leave her with Alvin to go and run lines with Lindsay Dunlop, I felt a small ache in my heart. I wanted to keep her by my side at all times, have her hand in mine, lips on mine, permanently.

However, I couldn’t do that.

After an hour of rehearsal with Lindsay, I checked the trailer but couldn’t find any trace of Olive or Alvin in there. Walking around the lot, I found them both munching on fruit and candies, next to the craft service area.

“Jason!” Olive exclaimed when she saw me heading their way. Her smile hadn’t diminished a bit, and her excitement was just as contagious as her smile.

“There you are,” I said when I reached their side. Hooking my arm around Olive’s waist, I leaned down and took a bite of the strawberry in her hand. Then I lowered my head and captured her mouth in a quick kiss.

When it was over, her eyes were half-closed and glazed; maybe it hadn’t been such a quick kiss after all. Licking her lips, she murmured, “Strawberry. Yummm.”

I laughed and said hi to the electricians, who were getting coffee from the other end of the set up.

Keeping Olive close to my side, I faced Alvin. “Didn’t you guys make it to the trailer yet? I looked there first.”

“Olive wanted to see the set first.”

Olive scrunched her nose and gave Alvin an apologetic look. “Yeah, sorry about that. It’s hard to explain how it makes you feel when you see something in real life that was created in your mind.” She turned those green eyes at me. “You should’ve seen Alvin’s face when I teared up. Even the bed covers on Evie’s bed have the same feather pattern I wrote in the book, Jason. That’s the bed where they shared their first kiss.”

I smiled down at her. “The author approves, then? Does she approve the leading actor, too?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “I definitely approve the leading actor. I approve him the most.”

“I wanted to show you around myself, but I’ll settle with showing you my trailer. Since you brought your laptop with you, I’m assuming you’ll want to write?”

“Yes, I figured I’d find a quiet corner. I didn’t want to be in your way the entire day.”

“You wouldn’t be, sweetheart. I spend most of my time in the trailer in between takes, and I enjoy watching you write.” I gathered her hair and dropped it back over her shoulder. “You want to go see it now?”

I tried not to look too eager, but I was dying to get her alone for a few minutes. That kiss hadn’t been enough to quench my thirst for her, and it had been a few hours too many since the last time I’d had her naked and writhing in my arms.

“Boss,” Alvin interrupted before Olive could give her answer. “As much as I love to spend time with your lovely wife, I’m afraid I need to leave so I can take care of the house while you’re not actually in it. Is there anything else you need from me here?”

“Right. Did they assign a production assistant already?”

“Yes, I talked to him. He should’ve already dropped the call sheet in your trailer. Anything else you need, you let me know.”

“I’ll be okay. We’ll talk later. Right now, I’ll go spend some more time with my lovely wife.”

Alvin left and I walked through the studio lot with Olive toward where most of the trailers were kept.

 “You’re kidding, right?” she asked once we were standing in front of the two-story monster.

“Why would I kid?”

“This is gigantic, Jason.”

“It’s not mine, actually. I don’t care that much about having a big one. The production company offered for me to use this one during filming, and since I knew you would be coming with me, I thought you’d enjoy having a bigger space to yourself. Come on, I’ll show you inside. You’ll be more than comfortable enough to work in here.”

Resting my hand on her back, I urged her to move forward.

“So you’re saying I can come to the set with you and work in your trailer? Whenever I want?”

I met her gaze. “I assumed you’d want to come with me, little one. If not to write, then maybe to watch the shooting.”

She averted her gaze, but not before I saw her brilliant smile. Walking ahead of her, I ripped off the call sheet the production assistant had secured on the door and unlocked the trailer.

“They don’t go in?”

“Not when I’m not in here. You saw what happened in London. Even though this place is pretty well guarded, I wouldn’t trust anyone in here.” I held out my hand for her to take. “You should keep it locked when you are alone in here, too.”

Holding on to my hand, she took the narrow steps up and entered the trailer.

“Holy crap, Jason. I’m in love with your home, but this…this is pretty close to love too.”

Wanting to feel her body close to mine, I wrapped my arms around her abdomen and rested my head on top of hers. When she placed her hands over mine, I was grinning like a kid.

Get it together, man.

“This is the lounge area,” I explained, standing next to the white leather sectional. I took a few steps forward, shuffling her with me. “Through here, there is the makeup station/office area and a small kitchenette, as you can see.” I took a small step forward and let my hips rest against her so she could feel how much I was affected by our closeness. I heard her quick intake of breath when my erection nestled against her fucking fantastic ass.

Better speed this up.

“Through the other door, there is a bathroom and wardrobe area. Upstairs there is a screening room.” Done with the tour, I turned her in my arms, pushed a button on the wall to close the door that separated the lounge area from the office space, and backed her up against it.

By then, I was more than ready to have her again.

Touching my lips to hers, I waited to see what she would do. She kissed me back, but it was softer than what I wanted. Not wanting to scare her away on day one, I kept it soft, but still let my tongue out to play with hers. By the time we were done, she was breathless and I could see red flames in her green eyes.

My voice was huskier than I expected when I spoke. “Are you okay with everything that’s been happening?”

Seeing her red, swollen lips did something to me, so I reached up and traced her soft lips with my thumb.

She avoided looking at me but nodded her head. I leaned in closer and whispered into her hair. “Can you look at me, baby?”

Then she did, and fuck me, but she was beautiful. I went for her lips again, and this time she was just as eager as I was.

Her hand timidly reached under my shirt and she rested it against my stomach. Involuntarily, I thrust my hips into hers. Before I could lift her up and take her to the couch, someone started pounding on the door.

“Jason, Tanner needs to talk to you about some changes he wants to make in the first scene.”

 “I’ll be right there!” I yelled.

I rested my forehead against Olive’s and sighed. Focusing on her parted lips, I discreetly rearranged myself. “I don’t think I can make it more than a few hours without having you again,” I whispered over my frantic heartbeat.

What was happening to me?

“Go,” she said, taking her hand away from my skin and placing it on my chest, over my shirt. “I’ll snoop around in your trailer some more. Your tour was pretty lame.”

“All you need to focus on is me, woman.”

She laughed and halfheartedly pushed at my chest. “Go. Will you come back and take me to watch the first scene?”

Reluctantly, I let her go and rubbed my face. “Let me check the call sheet.”

She came to the table with me and looked at the paper over my arm. “Oh, the first scene is the same one you read at the audition. I thought it would be the first time they saw each other on the empty street.”

“Movies are almost never shot in sequence. Since I’m in LA and don’t have any other shoots, they don’t have to schedule the scenes around me, but I think Lindsay has another commitment and she’ll have to be away from the set on certain days. They’ll want to take care of the scenes we have together first.”

“Ok,” she said, her eyes still taking in the call sheet. I smiled and handed it to her.

“Do you want to keep it, maybe?”

“Yes!” She ripped it out of my hands and turned her back to me.

I laughed and pulled away her hair so I could brush a small kiss on her neck. “I’ll be back to get you for the first scene, sweetheart. Be good.”

Why couldn’t I keep my hands and lips away from her?

Twenty minutes later, I headed back to the trailer and collected Olive so the PA could drive us to the location.

Leaving Olive to sit on my chair behind the cameras, I took my place in front of them. Half an hour later, Lindsay was in place and we were ready to start.

Before the director could call out action, I glanced back at the spot where I had left Olive, but I could barely make out her face with all the lights that were directed at us. Closing my eyes, I relaxed my body and thought about Isaac. Hearing Olive’s voice in my mind, I took in every detail she’d given me about him. She had sounded like she was actually in love with him, but I understood that kind of commitment all too well. She wouldn’t be a good writer if she couldn’t fall for her characters, the good and the bad.

I relaxed my shoulders and let out a deep breath. When I opened my eyes and looked at Evie, I was Isaac, the Isaac Olive had given her heart to.

Action!” Tanner yelled.

It all began.


Two hours of shooting later, I found myself next to Olive, gripping her hand tightly, her grip on mine just as strong.

“I have an hour in between takes,” I said as I checked the watch on my wrist. “You want to head back to the trailer? I could use some quiet.” I needed to get her alone.

She followed me without a peep.

The PA dropped us off at the craft service station and I got myself coffee and Olive some tea. Since the trailer wasn’t far away, I sent the PA away so I could have Olive to myself as we walked the short distance.

A big group of people exited one of the warehouses that was on the way to my trailer and swarmed around us. We had to slow down our steps and let them pass toward the small fake town. I figured they must have been taking a break from shooting.

When Olive suddenly stopped moving, I halted and glanced back at her.

“What’s going on?” I asked as she jerked her hand from mine and started waving it in front of her face. “Olive, what are you doing?”

“Is that a bee?” she squeaked, hurriedly backing away.

“I guess so. Why? What’s wrong?”

“Oh my god, there are more!” she yelled and jumped on the bench that was closest to her.

By then a few people had stopped and started watching her, trying to understand what the commotion was about.

I jogged to her side. “Olive stop jumping, you’re gonna fall and break your neck.”

“Jason! Jason, you have to help me!”

Yup, there were only two bees, though these two were persistent suckers.

“Baby,” I said, chuckling. “Quit waving your hands around and jumping away if you don’t want them to sting you.”

“They’re coming after me! How can I stop! Get them away from me, please.”

“Okay.” I sighed and caught her behind her knees. Without hesitation, she jumped into my arms and wrapped herself around me, her face hiding in my neck.

She whimpered and I had to bite back my laugh.

“I didn’t know you were afraid of bees, Olive.”

“Are they gone?” she whispered into my neck. I could barely make out her words.

“Actually, they are still flying around, but I won’t let them get to you, don’t worry. No one’s taking you away from me, not even these evil bees.”

She groaned, but her hold on me was more relaxed. “Don’t make fun of me. I’ve never been stung by a bee, so if they sting me, I might die within minutes.”

This time I couldn’t hold it back; I laughed, tightening my hold on her waist so I wouldn’t drop her. Feeling eyes on us, I glanced behind me and saw a few people taping the whole spectacle with their phones.

Great. More media coverage was exactly what we needed.

“I’m probably allergic. That must be why they are waiting to get to me. Are they gone? If not, wave your hands so they won’t get close to us.” Olive was oblivious to what was happening around us so I quickened my pace, knowing she wouldn’t want to be filmed while wrapped around me. Also, even if it made me a bastard, I liked her wrapped around me. If they filmed it, photographed it…so what? She was my wife after all.

“I’m pretty sure if I wave my hands around that’ll only piss them off more, and then they’ll steal you away from me.”

Lightly, she hit my shoulder and muttered, “I said don’t make fun of me. I’m dead serious.”

I patted her ass and smiled into her hair. “I know, baby. It’s okay, we’re almost at the trailer. I’ll protect you.”

“Are we going to the hospital?”

“Olive, they didn’t even touch you, sweetheart.”

“But what if one of them is in my hair? If he is anywhere near my head, I’ll be dead in seconds.”

Her nose was tickling my neck, but then I felt something different.


“Yes,” she mumbled back.

“Did you just sniff me?”

Her body tightened again. “No. No. I sniffled. I was checking to see if I was about to cry. You know, readying myself just in case.”

“I see.”

My body shaking with laughter, I managed to open the door to our trailer and carried my wife inside. Walking toward the couch, I gently lay her down on it.

With a smile glued to my face, I looked down at her. She genuinely looked scared. Pushing her bangs away from her eyes, I said, “Don’t move a muscle, beautiful.”

Before I could extract myself from her arms, her hand reached up and touched my dimple. Tilting my head, I kissed her finger and left her side so I could go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I had kissed Lindsay, or I should say Evie, a total of twenty times. I didn’t want the lingering taste of her in my mouth. It wasn’t that Lindsay wasn’t a professional about it, I just wanted Olive’s taste back.

As soon as I was done, I was crawling on top of her and reaching for her lips. She hadn’t said anything about the filming, and while I was curious to hear what she thought about the scenes we had shot, kissing her was higher on my priority list.

Nudging her lips open, I sneaked my tongue inside her mouth and gently tilted her head back so I could sink into her. I didn’t know how long I kissed her liked that, drinking her in, memorizing her scent, but when I slid my erection against the seam of her leggings, her little moan reached through the thick fog that was blinding me.

Ending the kiss, I rested my forehead on hers and listened to her heavy breathing.

“What did you think?” I asked in a heavy voice when I could think more clearly.

“You were amazing,” she whispered as she looked into my eyes with her heart shining right at the edges.

Amused, I asked, “Lindsay?”

She made a cute, funny face. “I think I’m okay with the fictional Evie having her happy ending with Isaac, but watching it in real life…actually watching her kiss you soooo many times, and from so many different angles? Not so sure about that.”

I laughed and kissed her again.

“That’s why I was dying to get you back here. I think I prefer to kiss the author.”

“How does it work exactly? I mean, how can you not feel something for her and then go ahead and kiss her like that?”


“Like you wanted to eat her up?”

“I want to eat you up, Olive. Can I?”

“I’m serious, though.”

“Baby, nothing about those kisses was intimate. Didn’t you see how many times we had to stop to make sure the director was happy with the angle and the lighting? It’s Isaac and Evie kissing at that moment, not Lindsay and Jason. Now, I really want it to be Jason and Olive kissing,” I murmured into her ear and left a trail of small kisses on her neck.

Arching her neck to get more, she lifted her hips.

I groaned and pushed her hips back down to the couch with my hand. “I’m afraid if we start with that, I won’t be able to get back to the set.”

Ignoring my warning, she pulled me down by my neck and kissed the fuck out of me.

By the time there was someone banging on the door, I was fucking her through our clothes.

I wrenched my lips away from hers and snarled at whoever the hell was at the door.

“Starting the scene in ten, Jason!” someone yelled from the other side. It sounded like the AD.

I rested my head on Olive’s shoulder. “Be there in a minute.”

Watching how fast her chest was rising and falling gave me immense pleasure. I did that to her. I took her breath away.

Pushing up with my hands, I looked down at her flushed face. Her eyes were dilated.

“I love this look on you, Olive,” I said, feeling so many things all at once.

“What look?” she asked breathlessly.

“This look that says, I’ve been fucked so very well.”

She laughed. “I don’t remember being fucked.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “You don’t? Maybe we should amend that.”

Her expression serious, she nodded. “We definitely should. I want you so bad, Jason. In me. On me.”

I groaned and hid my face against her throat. They pounded on the door again.

“We need to leave.”

“I’ll stay here. The kissing and all that was starting to get to me. Plus, I want some of it to be a surprise when I’m watching the movie. I feel motivated enough to write more so I should take advantage of that.”

“Ok, sweetheart.” I kissed her nose and slowly backed away from her body. “If I can’t come back in between takes, I’ll make sure to have somebody bring you lunch.”

“When does shooting end today?”

“I think closer to eight. Tanner wants to shoot some of the street shots today. Why do you ask?”

Sitting cross-legged on the couch, she straightened her shirt and looked away. “No reason. I thought maybe when we get home, we could…” Her words trailed off.

“We could what, baby?”

She stayed silent but bit her lip, drawing my attention.

Placing my hands on either side of her hips, I got in her face and asked again, “We could what, Olive? What do you want from me?”

She lifted her eyes and met my gaze. “I want you.”

“You got me.”

“Did I?” she asked, tilting her head.

I nipped her lips and she squealed. “Does my wife want her husband to fuck her? Is that what you are trying to ask?”

Her gaze softened and she placed a hand over my cheek. “Can he?”

“Oh, baby,” I murmured, breathing in her unique scent. “You want to be properly fucked, don’t you?”

“Mr. Thorn? Everyone is waiting for you on set. What should I tell them?” This time it was the PA they had assigned to me—you could tell from the uncertainty in his voice.

“For god’s sake! I’m coming,” I shouted again.

I sighed and said to Olive, “Hold that thought until I get back.”

By the time we were shooting the martini shot, it had already gotten dark outside and I hadn’t seen or heard from Olive for hours. After a quick talk with Tanner and Lindsay about the next day’s schedule, I was heading straight to her, hoping that she was still in the trailer.

I unlocked the door and got in, but couldn’t find her on the first floor. Heading up to the screening room, I found her curled up on the corner of the couch, her laptop on her lap, her fingers tapping furiously. When I got close enough to see her face, I noticed the tears falling from her eyes.

“Olive, what’s wrong?”

She flinched and her fingers stopped moving for a moment as she looked up at me.

“Sorry,” she sniffled. “I didn’t hear you. Can you just give me a second? I need to finish this scene.”

“Of course,” I said, a little dumbstruck. I sat down. She gave me a small smile and then turned her eyes back to the screen.

Sitting beside her, my hands were adamant that she needed them on her skin, so I reached out and gathered her hair on the other side of her neck. Small goose bumps appeared on her skin, but I doubted she even noticed me touching her.

After several minutes passed and she was done with whatever was making her cry, she twisted in her seat and faced me. My hands were on her face in a second. “Sweetheart, why are you crying?” I asked, wiping away her tears. She must’ve been crying for a long time for her eyes to be so red and puffy.

She gave a miserable laugh and wiped at her face with the back of her hand. “Her father…her father died.”

“Aww, baby, whose father died?” I brushed a small kiss on her mouth, tasted her salty lips, and leaned back. I was still stroking her jawline, quite possibly to assure myself that she was okay.

“Maya’s,” she replied as fresh tears started spilling down her cheeks. Noticing my questioning look, she clarified. “The new book I’m working on. Maya is the heroine. Her father had cancer, and she was with him…his last night, holding his hand, and then he never made it to morning. He knew…he wasn’t going to, and he loved her so much.”

Her breath hitched and the tears started coming faster.

“Oh, baby,” I whispered with a small chuckle, and then she was in my arms, her face buried in my neck. She was so warm, so beautiful, both inside and out.

“And then,” she continued. “And then she met this jerk in a hotel and he heard her crying from next door and barged into her room when…” Another sniffle. “When she was reading her father’s letters.”

I stroked her hair and then her back. My heart was breaking into a million pieces as she cried her heart out for her characters.

“That’s good though, isn’t it?” I asked softly. Pulling the rest of her body into my lap, I let her straddle me and plaster herself to my chest as I started to stroke her thighs to calm her down. “She won’t be alone. I’m sure you’ll make the guy help her.”

She put her small hands on my shoulders and lifted her head up. “He’d been a jerk to her before that so they don’t like each other that much, but he’ll be worried when he sees her crying.”

I brushed her hair back so I could see her splotchy but still beautiful face. “Will they fall in love?”

She gave me a small smile. “Very much so.”

“Good for them,” I whispered, loving how she was looking at me. Her eyes had a vulnerability in them, yet it made her look all the more powerful somehow.

“But first she’ll ask him to have sex with her,” she said, her smile turning wicked. That’s when I realized exactly where she was sitting. Returning her smile, I gathered all of her hair in my hands and dropped it back over her shoulders.

“I thought they didn’t like each other, little Olive. Does she really want him to have sex with her?”

She nodded eagerly and wiggled her sexy ass a little back so she could settle down more firmly on my newly awakening erection.

“I bet her lips look so beautiful all red and swollen, just like yours do now. I bet he jumps on that idea.” I gripped her chin and pressed my thumb on her bottom lip, pulling on it gently.

She rolled her hips and I had to drop my head back and close my eyes to hold it together. Resting her cheek on my shoulder, she whispered, “Not really. He didn’t want to take advantage of her when she was upset, but she’ll change his mind.”

“I bet she will. I bet he can never say no to her,” I said, not moving my head an inch. If I looked down at her and those lips, I was going to lose it.

Her warm lips pressed against my neck and my hands tightened on her thighs. When I felt her body lean away from mine, I opened my eyes to see her reaching for her bag. I steadied her hips to keep her where she was.

After struggling to find something in her bag, she whipped out a condom, looking pretty proud of herself.

I chuckled and pulled her chest back against mine. “You want me to make it all better baby?”

Another hip roll and a firm nod.

“Up,” I said, spanking her ass lightly. “Take off your pants and climb on.”

Her eyes glanced at the narrow staircase, and I spoke before she could start worrying about people coming up.

“Everyone knows not to come up here, sweetheart, and I locked the door when I came in. Don’t worry.”

I unbuttoned my jeans and lowered the zipper. She only hesitated for a second or two, but when she saw my dick proudly standing up, waiting for her, she was rolling down her leggings and stepping out of them in a heartbeat.

My blood roaring in my veins, I quickly rolled the condom on and held out my hand to her. She climbed on and I grabbed her waist as I lowered her down on me.

That feeling.

That first slide where she took me into her body and her eyes fluttered closed… It was the most erotic and beautiful thing I’d ever seen on a woman’s face. Her eyes still closed, she bit on her lip and gave me a half-smile as if she was drunk. Hell, she hadn’t started moving yet and I was already feeling dizzy. Instead of going all the way down, she held on to my shoulders and lifted herself up, keeping the head in her body. Then on the next downward move, she sank all the way down to my base and we waited until her legs started shaking.

I never stopped touching her, stroking her thighs, pushing my hands under her shirt, caressing her bare skin.

Oddly, it was even sexy to be half-clothed with her. It felt forbidden to slide my hands under her shirt and in between her thighs. Every moan, every tremble belonged to me. When she rested her palms on my pecs and started rising and falling faster and faster, it was all I could do to not spill myself inside her before she could find her own release.

She looked amazing. The lip biting, the half-lidded eyes, her pussy hugging my dick so tightly, the eye contact, the moans…I was simply mesmerized.

I was falling deeper and deeper for her and we needed to have a serious conversation if this kept picking up speed.

Suddenly, she slowed her movements and leaned down for my lips. Instead of kissing me as I was expecting her to do, she stopped when our lips were touching. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she murmured.

“Is my baby shy?” I asked in a heavy voice.

She hid her face in my throat again, but kept working my cock into her pussy.

Putting my hands under her ass, I urged her to take me deeper and faster.

When she let out a long moan, I asked, “That good, baby, huh?”

“Yesss,” she whispered, her fingers threading into my hair. Her lips grazed my ear. “I love it when you talk to me when we are doing this.”

I pushed her hips down and forced all of me into her. “When we do what, sweetheart?”

She tried to move up, but I held her down. “Tell me, baby. When we do what? I want to hear you say it.”

She licked my earlobe and then whispered, “When you fuck me, Jason. Is that what you want to hear?”

I slid myself a little down and Olive squealed in my lap, rounding her arms on my neck.

“That’s exactly what I want to hear, baby,” I said with a growl and started fucking her from beneath.

She groaned and moaned. She curled her little fingers around my biceps and held on for the ride as I stretched her open and took everything she was willing to give me. While I made her see stars, I kept talking to her, revving her up more, enjoying the way she got all wet around my dick.

Closer to the end, she whimpered my name, her breath hitching.

“I love how you take all of me without a single complaint, Olive. I love it. I love it,” I murmured into her ear.

When we came, we came together.

My teeth grazing her neck.

Her fingers clutching my biceps.

My hands gripping her hips, holding her in place.

Her whole body trembling.

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