Chapter CHAPTER 25



Penny thanks me as she takes the wine glass, taking a long sip before putting it down and cradling it in two hands. I stare at her intently, a few moments pass with none of us saying anything. She is a beautiful woman which makes this whole experience worthwhile. If I didn’t hate her like I do, I would consider having a no-strings attached kind of relationship with her for life; the sex is great, she is more experienced than most of these young girls I have been with.

She takes another sip of her wine and I do the same. She was such an easy target, I didn’t have to do much to woo her, she fell right into my arms. ‘I missed spending time with you,’ I say, breaking the silence.

‘Why did you want me to be here? You know I am supposed to be home with my husband. You knew I was married even before you approached me so why are you acting like this? When we started this relationship, it was just supposed to be a one-night stand kind of relationship, we both had a good time. Why are you making life hard for me?’

‘I like you a lot Penny and I am not willing to let you go.’

‘Look, Nico. I like you, and we had a great time together. The sex was amazing but it can’t happen again.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because I’m married. Because I am your lecturer. Because you are dating my daughter’s friend. Because I thought sleeping with you would make me feel better but I just feel worse, I feel like a bad person and the guilty is killing me.’

‘That is bullshit. Why can’t we be together if you like me? Your age has never been an issue to me. I don’t even care that you are married. I don’t care that you are my lecturer and if Gabby is the issue here, you know I can always leave her. I can do anything for you babe.’

‘You don’t have to leave your girlfriend for me. You and I are not even the same age, plus I am a honorable woman, I am not a whore, I am not the kind that would leave my husband for someone else. Someone younger.’

I chuckle, ‘You are a married woman, who a few nights ago was squirming beneath me, crying out my name. Several different times. Mrs. K, I am more than certain you are the definition of a whore.’

She gasps in air, shooting me an angry stare.

‘How dare you?’

‘Stop trying to act like you are perfect. You are a cheat and your home isn’t as perfect as you try to make it look.’

She stands up but falls back down on the bed.

‘Essy there!’

I hold her down on the bed before I get on top of her and start kissing her. She tries to fight the kiss but when my hands start exploring her sensitive parts, I know she is gone.


I open my eyes from a deep sleep and slowly become aware of my surroundings. I am comfortably lying on my right side in a bed and snuggled up against another body. An arm is draped over me and a hand tucked under my right breast.

‘OMG!’ I jump out of bed and back away from him. I stare at the clock on the wall, it’s 9 am.

‘Nico! What is going on here?’ I gasp.

He opens his eyes, yawns and stretches, ‘what is it? Isn’t it too early for you to be out of bed?’

‘Too early? It’s 9 in the morning. What do you mean it’s too early? How in hell did I sleep here? What did you do to me?’

‘What did I do to you? Whatever you and I have been doing has been consensual. I didn’t do anything with you that you didn’t agree to. You have been enjoying everything I have been giving you so don’t you dare stand there and make it look like Iforced you into anything you didn’t want to. You came here on your own, you are an adult Penelope, the sooner you start taking responsibility for your actions the better for us all.’

‘Fuck you!’ I yell, picking my clothes and getting dressed.

‘You know I can gladly do it.’

‘Go to hell.’

‘I am just teasing you. You need to loosen up,’ he chuckles, he thinks this is a joke.

I can’t even remember everything that happened last night, the last thing I remember is the kiss. Everything that happened after that is blank. What in God’s name am I supposed to tell my husband? Before Nico happened, I was a good and respectable wife but now I am just a shameless whore.

How on earth do I get out of this?

I finish getting dressed then pick my phone. There are no missed calls from Tessa and none from my husband. How on earth am I going to face this man? Where do I say I slept? I have been injuring this man over and over again the last couple of days and I won’t be surprised if he refuses to forgive me today.

‘Listen to me Nico. I will not do this with you anymore. I am done and if you dare cross my path again, I swear to God you will not know what hit you. I have tried to be as civil as possible with you, none of that is working.’

‘Are you threatening me?’

‘I don’t use threats. I will mess you up if you ever send things to my house. Consider last night as a goodbye night. I hope I have made myself clear.’





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