To Hate Adam Connor

: Chapter 19


Our trip to Paris changed nothing. Every year, we took Aiden with us, despite Adeline’s objections, and every year I asked the same questions, scared out of my mind that the answers would change. Other than the fact that Adeline hadn’t joined us on our trip, nothing had changed. Not the answers. Not the city. Not the people in it. Not anything.

“Daddy? Can I go see my friend first? I know they missed me.”

“You just talked to Henry a few hours ago, Aiden. I’m sure he’ll manage for a day until you see him in class.”

“But it’s not just Henry or Isabel.”

Isabel, right. How could I have forgotten about Isabel?

“You FaceTimed Isabel just yesterday, I believe.”

“Yes, but it’s not just them. I have more friends, you know. What about Lucy? What about Olive? Even Jason must’ve missed me. We were gone for days. Tell him Dan.”

I met Dan’s eyes in the rearview mirror, and he shook his head.

“Tell him,” Aiden pressed.

“I’m sure they missed you, buddy.”

“See, Daddy? Even Dan missed me when he didn’t see me for a whole day. Dan got to see me, we should let them see me too.”

“Aren’t you forgetting someone else?”

He looked at me silently, eyes still begging.

“Your mom? She missed you too, buddy.”

“She did?”

Such an innocent question.

I caught Dan’s eyes again as he took a left turn, getting closer to Adeline’s house.

“Of course, little man,” I replied to Aiden.

He nodded solemnly and turned his head to look outside, hugging his iPad to his chest.

“I’ll stay with Aiden,” Dan interrupted my bleak thoughts. “You take the car and go to your meeting with the agent. I’ll drive Adeline wherever she wants to go in her car.”

“Thank you. I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.”

“When will you come back to take me?” Aiden asked, his fingers swiping the screen of his iPad even though the thing was out of battery.

I ruffled his hair. “Your mom gets to have you for one week, buddy, remember? Then I’ll come and take you home.”

Nothing but a quick nod.

Everything was set in motion, but it would take time to get full custody, which was why I had to adhere to the rules we had set before, after the divorce. Until it happened, until Aiden stayed with me full time, I’d come and check on him more often. If that meant I had to come face to face with Adeline more, or share a dinner or two in that timeframe, I’d be okay with that.

After dropping Aiden and Dan off at Adeline’s and watching her give Aiden a quick hug, for the life of me I couldn’t understand how she couldn’t bond with him like a mother was supposed to bond with their kid. At the time she had wanted him more than I did. She fought for him more than I did. He was the perfect boy.

He was perfect, and he was mine.




Adam: Why are you hiding from me?

Lucy: Who says I’m hiding?

Adam: You don’t take my calls.

Lucy: I’m texting back, aren’t I? Maybe I don’t want to hear your voice. Maybe I don’t like it. Be a little humble.

Adam: You love my voice, Lucy. You loved it when you were begging me to talk to you so you could come around my cock. And you came so gloriously.

Lucy: I hate you.

Adam: We need to talk.




“How is she doing?” I asked Jason as he met me in their backyard. It was late at night, the lights in their pool dim, the house completely dark.

“She is okay,” he said after a moment of hesitation. “She is handling everything okay. But, that’s Lucy for you. She won’t cry and scream about it.”

I was starting to realize the same.

“She asleep?”

He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I heard you’ve been talking to Tom. Jumping ship?”

“Last movie is in production and I’m itching to start something new. Bob Dunham has been good to me, but I don’t think we’re seeing eye to eye anymore.”

“I’ve heard you’re contracted for one more movie with Sun Down Pictures. How is that going?”

I shook my head and looked back at their house. “I don’t like it. That was his first mistake. They change their people too much. I’m not a big fan of the writers they have right now. I still have time until the end of 2018. I’ll decide on something. Until then, I think it will work out with Tom.”

“You’re in good hands. He is excited to take you on. Since you’re the family type, he’s over the moon that he’ll have no problems with you in the media.”

I chuckled. “Not much of a family left.”

“Still. I don’t believe you have any sort of sex tape hidden away, do you?” Jason arched his brow as he waited for an answer.

“I don’t believe I do.”

“Then you’re golden. After the scares I’ve given him for years, I don’t think he can go through it all over again. Other than this latest news frenzy about your divorce and ex-wife, I rarely see you on any of the tabloid covers—unless it’s a family photo, that is. You’re Tom’s dream actor. He’ll have fun working with you.”

Tired, I rubbed the back of my neck. “We had a good meeting the other day. He said he might have something I’d be interested in. We’ll see how it goes.” Thinking I’d heard a door open, I looked over my shoulder.

Jason laughed, the sound low and warm. “It’s a little late to pay her a visit, don’t you think? But if you want to see if she is okay or not with your own eyes, I can’t fault you for that.”

“If you don’t mind.”

His mouth still curved up at the edges, he dropped his arms and gestured for me to walk ahead of him. “If she attacks you, it’s on you.”

“I’ll take my chances,” I muttered. I figured she was probably going to make a scene, but maybe I’d get lucky and slip out of her room without waking her.

Stopping in front of Lucy’s room, Jason whispered, “We care about her, Connor. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Without making any further comment, I ducked my head and entered Lucy’s room.

Just like her personality, she slept all wild and free: legs tangled in the sheets, face buried in her pillows, her body sprawled right in the middle of the bed. It was too dark to notice anything other than her beautiful silhouette.

From where I stood, she looked peaceful, yet my feet still took me closer to make sure. I pushed a few strands of her hair out of her face and watched her sleep.

She hiccupped.

I smiled and found myself getting in bed with her. I’d been out all night. Rushing to a meeting with my lawyers. Having dinner with the director as we discussed the production process for the movie. Talking to my new publicist. Talking with the production company about which shows I’d have to appear on for the promotion of the new movie. I’d talked and talked and talked.

Now I just wanted to listen to Lucy breathe.

I curled my arm around her stomach and slowly pushed my hand under her T-shirt, stroking her soft, warm skin.

She released a soft groan, and I felt my dick come to life.

I sighed against her skin, resting my nose against her neck. My hand stilled on her stomach, and I listened to her soft breathing.

She hiccupped again.

I laughed and ran my hands down her arms as gently as possible.

She stirred in her sleep. “Olive?”

“Shhh, it’s me,” I murmured, kissing her neck.

She shivered under my lips.


Leaning forward, she reached for the light.


“What’s going on?” she asked in a low voice still laced with sleep. It was sexy as hell. “Breaking and entering again?”

I took her hand in mine and kissed her wrist as she turned to face me.

“Don’t hide from me, Lucy,” I said, surprising myself. I hadn’t come into her room to tell her that. “Don’t ignore me.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Adam. What time is it?”

“Past midnight.”

For a little while we lay silently on our sides, doing nothing but staring into each other’s eyes. The light coming from under the door wasn’t enough to let me see her beauty mark, or those stormy eyes that pulled at something in my chest, but I was content; what I could see of her was enough to settle my heart.

“The doctor?”

“I have an appointment for tomorrow.”

“Your ex?”

She shook her head, glancing up at the ceiling. “I talked to him, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

I didn’t push. I wasn’t itching to talk about her ex either.

“How was your vacation?”

“It wasn’t a vacation. I…I have to fly to Paris every year.”

She moved a little, getting comfortable. “Your sister’s birthday, right?”

I smiled a little. “Stalking me online again, I see.”

She snorted. “You keep calling me a stalker, I might as well earn my nickname.”

Would I share my secrets with her one day?

“You’re not trying to kick me out or slapping me for getting in bed with you…you sure you’re okay?”

Propping her hands under her head, she took a deep breath.

“I’m scared, Adam.”

For her to admit that to me, someone as strong as her, was huge. The worry in my chest lessened. She was letting me have a piece of her heart without even knowing what she was doing.

“Come here,” I muttered and pulled her closer. She didn’t put up a fight. She didn’t ask what I was doing or why I was doing it. She simply lifted her head and let me slide my arm under her neck so she could rest more comfortably.

Playing with her hair, I closed my eyes and let my forehead rest against hers.

“It’ll be okay, Lucy.”

“It won’t be. It can’t be. And I’m so fucking scared because I’m not ready to have a baby by myself, Adam. I know nothing about babies.”

“I do. We’ll make it okay, Lucy. I’m here for you. I have no intentions of letting you hide yourself from me.”

“You don’t understand,” she insisted, her body pulling away.

I put my hand on her back and pulled her flush against my chest, our noses inches apart, her breath becoming mine.

“Don’t hide from me, Lucy. Don’t pull away.”

“I’m so tired,” she whispered, her body still alert, still ready to put distance between us. “I’m so tired of trying to hold everything up and just messing things up even further. I talked to Catherine.” She sighed and dropped her forehead to my chin, her hands curling into her chest in between us. “I don’t even know why I did it. That’s not true, I know why I did it. I thought…maybe, you know. Maybe she’d be there for me. Maybe she’d do something and everything would be okay. She is family after all; that’s what family does. That’s what Olive does for me.”

“I take it that didn’t go well.”

A humorless laugh. “Yeah, you could say that. Every time I talk to her, happy or sad, she has a way of killing something inside me.”

“I’ll hold you up, Lucy. You can trust me. I see who you are. I see who you are, and I want you to choose me. I want you to open your eyes and look at me so you can see that I have what it takes, that I can take care of your heart for you.”

“I don’t hate you anymore.” Her fingers moved on my chin, on my neck, her touch a searing mark on my heart.

I wanted this girl…this strong, beautiful girl. I wanted her to be mine. To hold her hand and walk on the street. To smile with her. Do simple things. Things other people took for granted. I wanted to laugh with her.

I wanted to sneak into her heart just as I’d sneaked into her bedroom.

“I don’t hate you anymore, Adam Connor, but I can’t love you. I can’t fall for you like that. I don’t want to break like them.”

“Lucy,” I murmured. “Do you think even for one second that you’d let anyone break you? Don’t you see who you are when you look in the mirror? If someone’s heart is breaking, you’ll be doing all the damage.”

“You would. You and your son would break me.”

“Aiden loves you.”

“And I love him. But when you break my heart, I’ll lose him, too. Because of you…being an asshole,” she said with the first signs of amusement in her tone. “I’d lose both of you.”

“So you’re sure it’d be my fault. Something I’d cause.”

“Have you looked at me? I’m an angel.”

I tilted her head back and pressed a soft, quick kiss on her lips. “Let’s not play games, Lucy. I want your heart, and I will have it. Let’s not play, let’s skip those parts.”

“Hmm.” Her lips moved against mine, and she cupped my chin in her hands. “Brat.”

Coming from her lips, it didn’t sting. “Just because you are who you are, do you think you can take anything you want?”

Her finger parted my lips and pushed into my mouth. I grazed her skin with my teeth then gently sucked on it. She moved closer.

“I don’t want much, Lucy. You should’ve seen that by now.”

“Yet you still want my heart.”

“I want a chance to have your heart. I’ll do the rest. Just forget about your stupid curse and trust me. That’s all I want.”

With her palm on my cheek, her lips pressed against mine.

Time stood still as she kissed me like she’d never kissed me before.

“You wouldn’t be good to my heart, Adam Connor,” she whispered against my lips. “You’re already making it hurt.”

I wove my hand through her hair and held her head still as I took over her lips. She let me. She moaned so sweetly, so ready for me already.

Did she know her hand was shaking as it lay on my cheek? That she was falling for me even as I kissed her like she was already mine? Did she know how much she was ruining me?

I moved my lips over hers more firmly. I moved my arm from under her and held her beautiful face in my palms. With every moan, with every gasp, I took a little bit more from her. I took everything inside me and told myself that this would be it. That my nights and days and everything in between would be filled with this woman. That I wouldn’t let her go. I’d be her home. I’d give her a family. I’d be her family. Her heart.

In that bed, her lips against mine, her hands holding on to my wrists, I promised her without words that I’d take everything I could take from her and in return give her the world.

I’d be that wind she loved to feel on her skin so much, the wind that put that peaceful smile on her lips.

I’d be her love.

The one who broke the curse she believed in so strongly.

If she had a baby, I’d give it my world. In return, all I’d take from her would be the battered yet still strong heart in her chest.

She let go of my wrist and one of her hands moved on my chest, sliding lower and lower. Her hips were restless, her body constantly moving against mine. I let go of her lips and pulled my shirt off so I could feel her hands on me.

Breathless from my kiss, she didn’t even hesitate before taking off her own.

“Lucy,” I growled softly as I took her in my arms again, her nipples hard against my chest.

“I want you,” she whispered. “I want your cock inside me again. Stretch me wide open, Adam.”

Her dirty, dirty mouth…

“You can have me, anything you want, Lucy.”

“Now,” she whispered, her hand sneaking in between us, her legs tangling with mine as if she wanted to make sure I’d stay.

She quickly worked my pants open and her hand was on my hot flesh, pulling my dick out. Stroking. Moving.

“I’m seriously in love with your cock,” she murmured, her eyes closed, her teeth biting on her own lip. “You’re not even in me and my legs are already shaking.”

“Good,” I managed to say roughly. “Mine is the only one you’ll have for quite some time as far as I’m concerned.”

She laughed, a beautiful sound. “Always so sure of yourself. You’ve barely learned how to kiss. I wouldn’t be so sure of myself if I were you.”

My hips moving on their own, I let her play with me, pet me. She tilted her head down and watched her hand move on me as I closed my eyes. It was dark, but I knew she could see enough. My cock pulsed in her hands, growing and hardening. When she swiped her thumb around the head, I leaked onto her fingers, more than ready to get inside her tight, wet pussy. I roughly pulled her head up and kissed her until she was out of breath again. Her hand tightened around me, her fingers not quite closing around the girth as I growled into her mouth, kissing her harder.

When she was drunk on my lips, I pulled away and bit her chin. “I thought you wanted to take me inside you. Are you done playing with me?”

She let me go and reached down, sliding off her underwear. As soon as she was done, I reached for her leg and pulled it over my thigh.

I palmed the curve of her ass, closing my eyes and memorizing the feel of her under my hands.

“Adam,” she groaned impatiently.

I dropped my head against her chest.

“Lucy. I didn’t plan for this. I don’t have a condom with me.”

Her groan caused my dick to twitch.

“Are you…clean?” she asked.

“Of course.”

“Well…I am too. If you want to…that is…because…I want to…”

My forehead resting against her chest, I pulled on her hips and pushed the head of my cock into her.

“Christ,” I groaned, feeling her hot flesh ripple around me without any barriers between us.

“Yes…” she moaned, her head falling on the pillow with a soft thud. “Yes.”

She was so tight. One of her legs was still flush against my thigh, so I made sure to lift the other one higher to slide in more easily. I was tempted to slide another finger in her ass again, just like the last time, but didn’t want to push my luck. This…taking her bare, skin to skin…it was more than enough.

Swallowing thickly, I buried myself deeper into her, inch by inch. Before I could go all the way, she pulled my head up by my hair and kissed me in a frenzy.

Returning her kiss with fervor, I pulled out of her wetness and thrust back in, my grip on her ass tight.

“Adam…” I was a whisper on her lips. The sweetest whisper.

“You’re not gonna ask me if it’s in or not again, are you?”

A strangled laugh escaped her lips.

“No. It’s in there all right.”

“Good,” I murmured and thrust back in. “You want it all?”

She nodded and bit her lip as she rested her forehead against mine. “Do it.”

I moved my hips up at the same time I pulled hers down on me.

She groaned, her back arching, her muscles contracting around me. “It’s in. It’s in.”

I laughed, trying to keep it as low as possible. “And you’re soaked. Again.”

“Yeah.” Her hand moved up and down on my arm, fingers twitching at the slightest move of my hips.

I pulled out and slammed back again, starting us in a slow but steady rhythm.

Closing my eyes, I listened to her shaky breathing.

“I won’t last long,” she whispered like she was in pain.

I stopped moving. “Am I hurting you?”

She laughed softly. “Yeah, but you make it hurt so good. I feel like I’m flying. I don’t even care if I come or not, this is…” She groaned and gasped when I pounded into her a few times and then slowed down again. “This is perfect. I’m trying my best to keep quiet, but—” Her breath hitched when I started pumping into her harder and faster.

“You can take it,” I growled into her ear.

“Yeah. Yeah. I can. Don’t hold back.” She held on to my shoulders and arched into me.

My hips pounding into her, I watched her bite her lip to quiet herself and my dick got harder in her tight pussy as her walls shook around me. Her fingers bit into my skin, and I was simply mesmerized by her.

“S-slow. Slow, Adam.” Her palm pressed against my chest.

“Why?” I groaned into her neck. I was having trouble focusing on anything but the tight, soft flesh around my cock. She was so wet, so warm.

So unbelievably mine.

“If you keep driving into me like that, I’m gonna come, and I want you to stay inside me a little more. Just a little more.”

I drove into her with lazy but deep strokes and pushed her hair away from her face. We were still on our sides, her ass still in my hands as I used it as leverage, pulling and pushing her on my cock. “I’ll stay inside you as long as you want, Lucy. Don’t hold yourself back. I’m not going anywhere.”

Leaning down, I licked her nipple and groaned when her muscles squeezed me even tighter.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Oh, shit!”

Desperate to give her more, I pulled her over me in one quick move and her eyes went wide open, her shock clear on her face.

She gasped loudly when my cock slid into the hilt.

Thank you, gravity.

I grabbed her wrists and pulled her down on my chest.

“Shhh,” I whispered, sliding my hand around her neck. “You don’t want to wake up your friends, do you?”

In reply, she ground her hips on me, moving them in a circle, driving me out of my mind.

“You love it, don’t you? You love making me go crazy.”

She put her hands on my chest, giving me a view of her beautiful, swollen breasts. I caressed her thighs, her skin burning hot under my hands.

“You are the one who makes me go crazy with your stupid cock,” she whispered.

My hands moved up to her ass, and I made her sit up. Before she could slide down on me, I lifted my knees up and started fucking her from underneath.

Her hands on my chest made tight little fists as I gave her every inch of my cock, slamming into her until she was a shaking mess over me, seconds away from tipping over. I pulled my cock out until all she had was the tip and then seated her back down, going in as deep as her body would let me.

I didn’t think she was even expecting the orgasm that took over her body. I picked up my pace and fucked her harder as she barely managed to hold herself up. I was relentless, watching her breasts move with the power of my thrusts…I wanted her to give me everything, to let go.

When her breath hitched, she cupped her mouth with her hands and let out a loud groan, her hand barely muffling the sound. I sank into her over and over again until her body started swaying over me, her eyes rolling back into her head.

My jaw clenched. I hissed out a breath and slowed down my thrusts so she could take a breath and calm down. Her pussy was gripping me so tightly, making it almost impossible to move inside her.

When she opened her eyes and looked at me with that gorgeous smile on her lips, I was gone. Taking over for me, she moved on my cock, her inner muscles still twitching.

“You’ve ruined me,” she said, that smirk still very much in place. “I love it. I fucking love the way you bump uglies with me, Adam.”

My heart hammering in my chest, I laughed and let my hands roam over her stomach, her thighs, her breasts.

I wasn’t going to last long.

“Where do you want me for your second one?” I asked in a raspy voice. “I’m too close. How do you want me to take you?”

She tilted her head and looked at me for a few silent seconds.

“In my mouth,” she said finally and slid off my cock. I was completely drenched with her juices. As she positioned herself between my legs, I stroked myself, loving the fact that I was the only one who could make her come so hard.

“Look at this mess,” I mumbled, watching her lick her lips at the sight of me. “Are you going to clean it all up?”

She nodded and rounded both of her hands around the base of my cock before pulling up. Licking her lips, she got closer and licked the side of it from top to bottom.

“Come here, Lucy.”

Letting go of me, she moved and gave me her lips before I could even ask for it. I kissed her and sucked her tongue into my mouth, loving her taste. Too soon, she pulled back and went back to my dick.

I opened my legs wider and watched her slowly pull the head into her mouth, her eyes locking with mine as she slowly took it deeper.

She sucked me into her mouth, making me groan and relax deeper into her bed.

With one hand, I gathered her hair so it wouldn’t take away from my view as I watched her suck me off.

“You’re perfect, Lucy. You’re so perfect.”

She moaned while I was still in her mouth and started sucking me harder, moving her hands up and down at the same time.

I loved to watch my dick disappear in her pussy, but watching her take me in her mouth and doing it with such pleasure…it sent tingles down my spine.

There was no way I was letting her go. I could spend a lifetime just watching those lips suck me off, kiss me, smile, sputter lies as she insisted on how much she hated me.

When her gag reflex kicked in, I eased her off me and caressed her cheek. “Easy, sweetheart. Nice and easy.”

She nodded and swirled her tongue around me.

I was seconds away from making a mess on her face, not minutes.

“Suck on the head,” I rasped out, barely enough strength left in me. Thank God she listened. “A little more. That’s it. That’s it, sweetheart. Take more of me.”

Desperate to come, to have her in my arms, to feel her heartbeat against mine, I grabbed her under her arms and pulled her up next to me.

“What are you doing? You were so—”

I kissed her and pushed her hand on my cock again, rounding my own over hers.

“I want you closer,” I said in a thick voice. “I want you on my lips when I come.”

Giving me a soft kiss as if she understood what I meant, what I needed, she let me set the pace and in a few seconds I came all over our hands and my stomach, the warm liquid rushing out of me in waves.

Groaning into her mouth, I closed my eyes and let her hand softly stroke me down from my high.

For a few minutes, neither one of us spoke as our bodies calmed down. I grabbed the sheet and cleaned my stomach and our hands. When my heart rate was back to normal—or at least close to normal—I turned to Lucy and softly took her mouth.

She melted in my arms.

When she gently stroked my cheek, I stopped kissing her and just breathed in her scent.

“I want you, Lucy.”

“You’re not coming anywhere near my vagina right now. Every time you get in there, my legs start to shake uncontrollably.”

I laughed softly. “Lucy, don’t you know? If your legs aren’t shaking at the end of it, you haven’t been fucked good and well.”

She laid her head on my chest, and I stroked her hair.

“Thank you,” she said. “I didn’t realize how much I needed you tonight. Thank you for coming to me.”

Tipping my head down and seeing the look on her face…I shut my mouth and held her tighter against me.

She was mine and that was that. I didn’t have to understand what was going on, I just had to accept it, and it was okay if she wasn’t ready to accept that yet. I didn’t mind waiting. She was worth it.

“I will be the one who speaks to your heart, Lucy Meyer, just like you seem to speak to mine,” I murmured as my lips moved against her forehead, and she slowly fell asleep in my arms.

Breaking News: Adeline Young’s Alleged Sex Tape

Yes, you read that right. There are rumors and, well…a hard copy of Adeline Young’s sex tape being passed around. The thing that makes this unexpected news even more shocking is that the person who is trying to sell the twenty-minute video to the highest bidder claims that the video is dated to a time when Adeline was still married.

Have we actually seen this alleged sex tape? Are we sure Adeline Young is the star of the show? Yes, and yes. We’ve viewed certain parts of it and we’re sorry to say that, yes, Adeline Young is indeed the star of this short movie. And what a movie it is…if you don’t believe us, you can have a look at the stills that popped up online late last night.

Throughout their marriage, neither Adeline nor Adam was spotted with a stranger. When we first heard about the divorce, we kept repeating that fact, but if the reported date of this tape is true, it means Adeline Young did indeed cheat on her husband at least once that we know of.

We are still waiting to hear back on the identity of this mystery man, and as soon as we have a name we will share it with you. Then again, does it really matter? Will it affect Adam Connor any less if it’s another actor or a random guy from the street? We don’t think so.

We reached out to Adeline’s publicist early this morning, and they profusely denied the sex tape claims, insisting that the stills taken from the tapes were altered. Since the young actress has been using every opportunity to get in front of the cameras since her divorce, we are expecting her to send out a press release out or show up in a live interview to try to get ahead of the claims.

No word from Adam Connor’s reps yet.

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