To Find a King

Chapter 8

Shortly after dawn on the fourth morning, exhausted and hungry, Legolas and Aragorn approached the outskirts of Rivendell.

"We've seen no guard," Aragorn mused. They approached Rivendell from the north, and entered the valley via the underground tunnel below the plains, which opened up into the canyon where the city of Imladris lay.

"They know we're here," Legolas said. They may not have seen any of Lord Elrond's scouts, but knew that word would have reached the Lord's ears of their imminent arrival, just as Legolas's arrival had many months prior.

Rivendell in all its splendour now lay before them in the morning sun, with many of the trees showing just the slightest golden autumn glow.

"My Lords," a herald said, coming around a corner of the cliff, "You are well met. Rivendell is at your disposal."

"Is Lord Elrond available?" Legolas asked, not allowing the beauty of the morning affect the sharpness of his manner, "I must speak with him at once. The matter is of grave urgency."

"He is, as far as I am aware," the herald replied, "If you will with me, I have been instructed to see you washed and fed."

Legolas frowned. "Let us to the city. There is no time for this." He pushed past the herald and followed the winding track towards Rivendell.

Aragorn kept close to the Prince. "You do not think you were a bit short with him?" he asked quietly, hoping the herald would not overhear.

"There is not time. I will not be avoided by Lord Elrond."

"Why would he be avoiding you?" Aragorn asked.

"Because once more I feel I come with questions he wishes to avoid," the Prince replied.

Aragorn pondered his friend's comments and followed him down to the home of his childhood. Seeing Rivendell again both pained his heart and filled it with gladness. The conflicting emotions confused the Ranger and he wished to be gone of the place, but they were here now, and he trusted Legolas's motives. Perhaps some good would come of their stay.

Not long after they crossed the narrow stone bridge across the ravine into Rivendell's main entrance. "Well met, my Lords!" Elrohir called, Elladan beside him, each twin touching his hand to his heart, then holding it out to the travellers. Legolas and Aragorn returned to gesture.

"Well met indeed," Elladan said. "It is some time, brother Estel. And Legolas, of course. We are glad of your return."

"It is only on Legolas's word that I am here," Aragorn said, wishing he didn't sound so blunt, as he was glad to see the twins once more.

"Where is your father?" Legolas asked, "I must speak with him at once."

"Would you not rather refresh yourselves first?" Elrohir smiled.

"Would you rather I shove you into the ravine, then find your father for myself?" Legolas asked curtly.

"Very well," Elrohir said, putting up his hands to show he meant to harm, and forgiving Legolas his for bad manners, "We will take you to him."

The four marched up the steps winding through the gardens of Rivendell and into the halls.

"Ada, we have much welcome guests," Elrohir said, entering Lord Elrond's chambers, followed closely by Legolas, Aragorn and Elladan.

"Well met," Lord Elrond said, standing up from his desk, his back to the four friends. He turned, his eyes catching Legolas's first. "What's happened?" he asked, sensing something was terribly wrong.

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