To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Better Not to Meet Again
On the car ride away from the hospital, Faye’s question was still on Alec’s mind. Why did he seem to care so much about Jenny?
He couldn’t figure out why. Perhaps her strange behavior intrigued him, and he wanted to find out why. Maybe that was
all.Suddenly, his phone rang, jarring him from his thoughts. He scratched his forehead in annoyance and answered the
call.“Speak.”“Mr. Faust, I have examined your activities for the past five years, and you haven’t met Dr. Walter in any of them. But
the strange thing is that no one knows where Dr. Walter went after she retired two years ago, so it was hard to find out her
activities for the past two years. Why don’t we ask Mr. Wagner for help?”Paul Wagner was an expert when it came to matters of
the underground. Whereas they couldn’t get the information they wanted through ordinary means, he might have a shot at it.
That was the reason Vincent made that suggestion.After a long silence, Vincent thought Alec would agree. To his surprise, Alec
replied, “There’s no need for that. She’s just a doctor, and we don’t need to pay her so much attention.”Did that mean he didn’t
need to investigate any further? However, before he could confirm that, the call ended. While he felt helpless, he knew better
than to ask Alec.A few days later, Jenny facilitated the hospital discharge procedure for Faye.“Although the tumor has been
removed, we cannot be certain that a relapse will not occur. So, please attend check-ups regularly, and make sure you take care
of your health,” Jenny reminded her in the hospital lobby.“Okay,” Faye nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Walter.”“How are you going
home? Are you going to hail a cab?”Jenny was a little surprised that no one had come to pick her up.She hadn’t seen Alec for
several days. Contrary to her expectations, he did not show up when Faye was discharged from the hospital. It made her wonder
if he genuinely cared about Faye.Just then, Faye pointed to an approaching car and said, “Alec is picking me up.”Jenny turned to
look in the direction she was pointing at, where the car stopped next to them, and Alec got out of the car. It had been a few days
since they last met. As usual, he was wearing a stoic expression, showing no signs of happiness or anger.“Is everything
completed?” he asked Faye.“Yes, it’s all thanks to Dr. Walter. She took care of everything for me,” Faye replied, her eyes darting
back and forth between Alec and Jenny.She remembered the question she had asked Alec a few days ago. Although he didn’t
answer her, she had an inkling that he felt a certain way toward Jenny. However, at present, Alec didn’t appear interested in
Jenny at all, which made her wonder if she had been overthinking.Alec opened the door to the car and said, “Let’s go.”“Okay,”
Faye nodded. “Goodbye, Dr. Walter. I hope we meet again.”“I think it’d be better if we didn’t meet again,” she replied with a laugh
as she waved them away. After all, she was a doctor, so meeting her again meant bad news. Unfortunately, Alec misunderstood
her. He thought she was talking about him, and his face darkened immediately. After Faye got into the car, Alec headed to the
driver’s seat without saying a word to Jenny or even glancing at her. However, it didn’t bother Jenny as that was the attitude she
had expected from Alec. He was the lofty president of Faust Group. A lowly person like her was nothing in his eyes.As the car
pulled away, Faye glanced at Alec several times, wondering if she was imagining that Alec was in a bad mood.“Alec, please
don’t take what I said last week to heart. I didn’t mean it,” she explained, unable to remain silent. Alec grunted in
acknowledgment and continued driving.Soon, they arrived at their destination, and Alec said, “Take a good rest, and call me if

you feel any discomfort.”“Are you going to work?” she asked, feeling quite disappointed as she thought he would keep her
company.“Yes, quite a few things are going on at work,” he nodded. With that, he returned to the car and disappeared from
Faye’s line of sight.Faye watched as the car left, chewing on her lip in discontentment. However, she quickly collected herself,
telling herself that she needed to take good care of her health and that she didn’t need to rush things as there would be plenty of
opportunities in the future.At Perry Residence, Jenny watched speechlessly as Stephanie Walker dragged her suitcase into her
house.“Did you run away from home again?”“Spot on! Congratulations, you guessed it right,” replied Stephanie, grinning as she
entered the living room with her luggage in tow.“What’s the reason this time?” asked Jenny as she closed the door behind
her.“My dad refuses to buy me the latest bags but wants me to go to work at his company. Do you think I would tolerate that?”
she asked as she lugged her suitcase into a room of her choice.Jenny smacked her forehead, feeling a little helpless.“Weren’t
you traveling abroad? When did you come back?”As soon as she said that, Stephanie quickly approached her and said
solemnly, “Of course, it’s because I heard you got a divorce, so I hurried back. We’ll talk on the way; I’m famished!”With that, she
dragged Jenny out of the house, ready to grab food. After Jenny briefly explained how the divorce took place, Stephanie stared
at her like she was a fool.“Don’t you think you were too generous? You didn’t even ask him for anything! You should have taken
every penny you could from him instead of letting him off so easily. I have hated that man forever. I would have beat him up for
your sake if he weren’t the mighty Alec Faust himself.”On the way to the elevator, Stephanie kept talking. She was so angry and
loud that they didn’t notice that someone was behind them.“Oh, how I wish I could beat that bastard Alec up!”Stephanie felt
upset for Jenny’s sake, especially when she thought of how Jenny got nothing from the divorce.“Is that so? Why don’t you try it
and show me what you’re capable of?” asked a cold voice behind them.Startled, Jenny and Stephanie turned around in disbelief.

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