Tirone: Texas Chapter Duet Part Two (The Night Skulls MC Book 2)

Tirone: Chapter 36

They ruined my life. Now, I’ll fuck up theirs.

It hurt my pride that she didn’t recognize me right away. How could she think I was him? Did we smell the same? Touch her the same? Fuck her the same?

I knew the piercings fooled her. It was the point, but I still believed she could tell the difference. If she didn’t, who would?

“No, no, no, Tirone, no,” she whimpered. “What the fuck? What the fuck? This is—”

“Revenge. Pay-fucking-back.” I thrust my cock inside her. “It’s what you get when you make a whore of yourself. When you belong to a man and go marry someone else.”

“You’re raping me,” she sobbed.

“You didn’t even know who was fucking you until I spoke. You’re a bitch. It’s what bitches get.”

“Please, stop,” she gurgled.

“Or what? You’ll scream? Go for it. You’ll tell him? I want you to. Let the mighty king know he couldn’t protect his wife on their wedding night. Let him know another cock fucked your dirty pussy in his own house, in his fucking bedroom. Let him know you’re ruined.”

“I’m not ruined, and I won’t let you ruin my marriage.”

I chuckled, and then I groaned, defiling her pussy for him, filling it with my cum. “It’s already done, little faerie.”

“I made him promise not to hurt you. Now, I’ll make him kill you himself.”

“Not if I killed him first.” Without pulling out my cock, feeling a few drops of my cum trickling out of her, I pinched her nipple. “Did you know if your ol’ man died, you’d have to marry another from the club?”

“If you even think—”

“I don’t give a shit about having a life with you anymore, and I don’t want your husband out of the way. I want him to live. I want to look him in the eye every day, smiling at him while knowing I fuck his wife under his roof while he can’t do anything about it. I want to watch you crumble day by day with the guilt and shame you deserve until you go to fucking pieces so you can feel a slice of what you did to me.”

“You promised me, Tirone. You promised you wouldn’t hurt me again. You promised you wouldn’t try to break us up again.”

“And you promised me forever. Where’s my forever with you, Jo? Why did you give it to someone else? Love cools, friendship falls off, brothers divide; in cities, mutinies; in countries, discord; in palaces, treason; and the bond cracked ‘twixt son and father.”

She writhed violently, spilling more of my cum between her thighs. “You sick son of a bitch. I should have killed you the day you shoved a gun inside me. I should have never kept making excuses for you or forgiven you. I’d rather die than become yours again. I’m going to kill you myself if I have to this time.”

I closed my eyes and folded my arms around her in one last embrace. “You already did, little faerie.”

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