Tirone: Texas Chapter Duet Part Two (The Night Skulls MC Book 2)

Tirone: Chapter 25

Ty and I stood in the bathroom with only our gazes discoursing. The tension in the air between us could be sliced with a knife.

“You remembered that night?” He finally spoke.

“I’ve never forgotten. I remember everything.”

“But you want to forget.”

“You’re making sure I never will.”

“You’re blaming me for opening your eyes? Since when do you like to be fooled, Jo? Since when do you wish to live a lie?”

“I’m not blaming you for telling me the truth, but you can’t deny you didn’t do it for me. You only spoke when it was convenient for you, to break Furore and me up.”

A sigh erupted from his chest as he slumped against the wall. “I can’t live without you, Jo. I don’t know how.”

“I used to feel the same way when you left. I wanted to die when you weren’t next to me.”

“We don’t have to feel that way anymore. We’re both here, and we can be together forever.”

“It doesn’t mean we’re not toxic. We bring out the worst of each other. You pulled a knife on your father, Tirone.”

“I’d do anything for you.”

“Don’t you dare. I never asked you to hurt anyone on my behalf. That’s all you.”

“Let me rephrase. I’d do anything to have you.”

A knock on the door set that dark promise a finality.

“That must be Fort,” I said. “Stay here. I won’t be long.”

I shut the bathroom door and headed out of the room. Fort had the medical supplies. I took the bag and examined his forehead. Band-Aids covered the wound. “I was going to take care of that.”

“Already did. Not my first time, and it’s just a scratch.”

“Okay.” I fished the keycard to his room from my pocket and gave it to him. “Your room is right next to mine. You should rest.”

“I’m here to keep an eye on you, teach, not rest. You should go to bed. You’ve been through a lot.”

“Neither of us will be doing any sleeping tonight. I’ll just watch a movie, try to get my head off things so I can gain some clarity.” I waved the bag. “Thanks for these. If Ty comes back, send him over so I can patch him up.”

“He won’t. He’s probably running back to his mama.”

“You don’t know the first thing about Tirone Lazzarini. He will be here first thing in the morning, if not sooner. Good night, Fort.”

“Night, teach. If you need anything, I’m one knock away.”

“Um…actually, do you have a…backup?” I pointed at his gun, in case he was confused. “I don’t have mine.”

 He stuck his hand in the back of his pants and brought out a pistol. Then he handed it to me. “Don’t shoot me like you did with Hook.”

I labored a chortle. “No promises.”

He waved a hand in dismissal and entered his room. I went inside mine and locked the door.

Tirone’s smoldering eyes met me. I stood where I was, resting my back at the door, my hands clasped behind me. He strode toward me, closing the distance between us. He reached for my hand, unclasping it from the other. He took the bag and put it aside, and then the gun. “I get the bag, but the gun?”

“For protection.”

“From me? Are you scared of me?”

I shook my head. “I’d never use a gun on you and you know it, even when you scare me. But I’ve always had one. Can’t sleep without knowing I have a weapon. You know that, too.”

He took both of my hands in his and made me sit on the bed. Then he dropped to his knees and rested his cheek on my thigh.

His sobs pierced the silence, and his tears seeped into the fabric of my pants, wetting my skin. A painful sigh escaped me, and I stroked his hair gently, hoping it’d ease his own pain.

We stayed like this for twenty minutes, my own tears flooding, too. Then, without changing his position, he finally spoke. “I don’t think you’ll ever understand how I feel about you. I meant it when I said I couldn’t live without you, Jo. Literally.”

“You can’t say things like that. That’s emotional blackmail. You can’t think like this either.”

“I can’t help it. It’s how I feel. I’m not trying to blackmail you. I’m just talking my heart out because you’re the only one I can talk to freely without filters.” He took a deep breath and lifted his head to look at me. “I don’t just love you, Jo. You own me. I fucking worship you. I’d fucking worship the dirt you walk on, if it pleased you.”

In a way, he owned me, too, even if I wouldn’t admit it to myself or even fathom it, my weakness around him was strong evidence that his power over me was a force I couldn’t fight.

Perhaps Tirone and I were destined for each other after all. Perhaps us wasn’t the mistake but the dream coming true.

He smiled at me through the tears and blood. “Do you remember what happened that night?”

We formed a bond that would never be erased, and he showed me what making love truly was. “I showed you my eyes and hair. You called me your little faerie.” I downsized it, making it awfully shallow. I was falling to pieces, and the emotional weight of the reminder would break me.

“You’re so beautiful. Stunning. But I never cared how you looked like. I’d fallen for you a long time before. You’d enchanted me and become my obsession, my lifeline.”

My tears sparkled in my vision and dropped on the back of my hands. “You’ve always made me feel beautiful.”

“Because I love you for you, not because you look like some fantasy or an old flame.” He printed a kiss on my knuckles. “But showing me your real looks wasn’t what mattered that night. You opened your soul to me, and so did I.”

“I remember.” I’d told him, without names, who I was and what destiny awaited me. He was so brave with his acceptance, and his over protectiveness doubled. He, too, shared with me his history about his dead dad, the dark feelings and aches he carried because of it.

“Remember what else you told me that night? I’d never forget those doe eyes you made when you said it. I’m tired of being punished. Tired of feeling like a bad girl. I want to be your good girl, and I want to earn it.”

The memory hit me hard, waves and waves of emotions and desire.

“That night I learned your body better than my own,” he said. “I gave you everything you needed, and had you writhing, screaming and begging for more.”

I licked my lips involuntarily. I breathed out slowly, averting my gaze, rubbing my thighs together, hoping it’d take down the deluge of nagging need a notch.

“Don’t try to hide or deny it. It’s what you need, and I’m right here, begging you to let me take care of you because you’re such a good girl.”

“Tirone…um…you’re bleeding and hurt. Let me… Jesus… Let me help you first.”

“See?” His lips feathered on my fingers before his tongue licked them one by one. “Always a good girl. My good girl.”

“Oh God.” I jumped, heat cascading from my cheeks to my neck and down to my core. I fumbled with the drugstore bag, but I couldn’t focus or even see what was inside. I was thinking with my ovaries. Everything in me with wrapped around the memory and the impulsive arousal those two fucking words induced. “Can you wait for me in the bathroom and run the hot water please?”

“You got it, Miss Meneceo. I’m your good boy, too.”

Fuck me. Biting my lip, I closed my eyes. Then I tried to even my caught breath in vain.

After several inhales and exhales, I gained a window of cohesion and managed to focus on the things I needed to patch him up. “That’s all I’m doing,” I whispered to myself. “Clean and stitch him up. Then I’m sending him to Fort and going straight to bed, alone.”

Like a good girl.


I wiped my face with both hands, practically slapping myself. Then I shook my head with long exhale, taking the bag and heading into the bathroom.

He was sitting on the edge of the tub, stripped to his boxers. I looked. I fucking leered. Even with the bruises, cuts and blood, he was gorgeous. That deep sinewy V peeking out, bracketing his pelvis… I dragged my gaze to his neatly folded clothes away from the water splash range. “Why did you take your clothes off?”

“I was under the impression you wanted me naked.”

My nipples hardened. “A-a-re you hurt in your legs, too?”

“Maybe. I wasn’t aware of what I was doing at the compound. We’ll have to check my whole body to see where it really hurts.”

I moaned audibly. He smirked and slid down his boxers, too. “Holy…” My head whipped away. “Jesus, Ty.”

“Nothing you haven’t seen before…or played with before.”

“Oh my God. All right. Okay. I’m an adult here and can do this.” I can’t do this, not without soaking my panties and aching for his cock.

“I’m an adult now, too, you know? Have been for a while.”

“Doesn’t look like it, not with the way you behave.”

“What have I done now, Miss Meneceo? You asked me to come here and run the hot water.”

“To clean you up and close your wounds.”

“If you say so…”

Sweating, I sprinkled water on his face and shoulders. Then I started to wash off the blood. Our breaths did their usual forbidden dance, wreaking havoc on my body. The way his gaze kept dipping to my lips as I patched the wounds on his face and upper body didn’t help either. Visions of our past kisses played behind my hooded eyelids, begging for a reminder.

“Angel of my heart and dreams, how I wish it was me you saw when you have your fantasies,” he breathed.

Like I could see anything but him right now…

I worked as fast as I could, but my trembling fingers treacherously lingering instead of speeding. His body was sin. Firm and hot and inviting.

“Your aura brightly glows, heaves of your breasts giving you away. Sensuality flows from you, my love. Your sweet curves are begging for attention. My imagination debauched and decadent. You tantalize my everyplace. But nothing quite excites me as…the smile in your doe eyes you only have for me… Look at me, Jo.”

I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to be weak. Yet, as if in a trance, I lifted my gaze to him, giving him what he demanded. The smiling doe eyes I’d never had for anyone but him.

“That’s my good girl.”

“Tirone, you have to stop.”

“Don’t fight me, good girl. I’ll make this good for both of us,” he said softly.

I knew he would. That was what scared me the most. “I don’t want to be a weak, little whore for you.”

He squinted at me in disbelief. “I haven’t fallen in love with a weak woman or a whore. I’ve fallen in love with you. You’ve never been weak, Jo, and never a whore.” He caressed my face. “I know you want this as much as I do. It takes a strong woman to let go of her fears and take what’s rightfully hers.” His whispers were those of the devil, numbing my brain, sweetening sinful pleasure, sanctifying it, as he started to undress me. “Show me how strong you are, my little faerie.”

Swallowing hard, I rose to my feet. His hooded gaze traveled down my half naked body in a slow intense stare. “Strip for me, good girl.”

I obeyed, my breath stammering on my lips. Our eyes met with a familiar gleam in those dark green abysses. I knew what he wanted. And he was going to get it.

He took me by the hand and led me back into the bedroom. Then he switched on the TV and turned up the volume a bit. Obviously, so Fort wouldn’t hear the sounds of the crime we were about to commit.

Ty, holding me from behind, his erection poking my flesh, breathed hard into my ear, and my pussy clenched, and then gushed. Kissing and licking down the back of my neck, he walked us to the bed. He sat first and then brought me on top of him so that I was straddling him. He didn’t enter me with his cock but with his fingers, positioning his crown for teasing only.

“You’ve been a very bad girl, Jo. You know that, right?”

The feeling of his fingers inside me tied my tongue, so I just nodded.

“But you want to be my good girl, don’t you, baby?”

More than anything. I nodded again, gasping for air.

“You have to earn it.”

I love to earn it. “I know,” I panted.

“I need you to tell me who this body belongs to tonight.”

I wet my lips, hesitation flickering through me. “Yours, Ty. Tonight, I’m all yours.”

He shook his head. “No. You have to mean it. You’re holding back on me. You’re holding on to him, even if he was never yours. You have to give in, Jo. It’s the only way to earn it.”

He was right. Furore’s love for me was a lie. I couldn’t live a lie. I was about to give Tirone up for good and throw myself under a bus because I was torn between the father and the son and had to make a choice. I was wrong. The choice was made for me. Furore never belonged to me. But Ty did. My body knew it and craved it. I had to let Furore go even if my heart wouldn’t let me yet.

“Is your body mine tonight?” he repeated.

No hesitation. “Yes.”

“Mine to do with what I like?”

“Yes. I’m your good girl.”

His heavy breathing in my ear and the speed of his fingers in my pussy made me wetter than ever. “Then show me. Show me how you’re going to come for me like my good girl.”

His words were like magic, bringing me to the edge. For the first couple of months of our relationship, I’d thought I had a degradation kink, but after that night he saw who I really was, I found out I had a serious praise kink. I wanted to be loved. I wanted to be worshipped. And I wanted it to feel real. That was why I had to earn it like a good girl.

He rocked his hips in a slow rhythm, the feel of his cock slipping in and out of my opening set me heady. “Jesus Christ, you’re wet.” Nipping my ear, he growled. “After tonight, you’re not going to want anyone but me. You’re never going to be with anyone but me. Why, Jo?”

“Because I’m yours. Because I’m your good girl.”

“Yes,” he hissed. “Fuck yes. Come for me, baby. Show me what a good girl you are.”

Just like that, I fell apart around his fingers and teasing cock. I stifled my screams into the crook of his neck so that Fort wouldn’t hear me as I came hard for his prez’s son.

“Yes, baby. That’s it. Ride it to the very last drop like a good bitch.” He pulled my hair a little only to bring his lips to mine, swallowing my moans. “You like to be my good bitch, don’t you baby?”

“Holy hell, yes. I’m such a slut, such a bad girl fucking a man I should never fuck, while I can get caught so easily, but you’re making me good, just for you. I’m your good, little bitch.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, fondling my hips and adjusting me on his cock to ride him. “Show me.”

I adjusted my ass on his thighs while I held the base of his cock and centered it into my opening. Then I pushed myself down, listening to the slippery sounds of taking him in my pussy.

I rode him nicely, and he suckled on my nipples, making me writhe and cry out like a real whore. He thrust his hips up with me, countering each one of my moves, deepening the pleasure tenfold. “Do you like how I ride your cock?”

“Fuck yes.” Thrust. “Such a good girl.” Harder thrust with gasping groans. “Come for me again, my little faerie. I need to hear you scream my name and see that fucking face you make when you come one more time. Would you do that for me?”


“That’s my fucking good girl.” He gripped the back of my head and my shoulder and then his thrusts chased the fluttering pressure gathering down my belly.

I didn’t know how he did it, but Tirone could make me come back to back and keep me high on orgasms for an eternity. He did know my body better than his own. He did own me, and right now, I fucking loved it so much I was drenching his big fat cock with my cum.

I screamed into his mouth, waiting for his own cries of pleasure. He gave them to me, filling me with his delicious seed, because he, too, was my good boy, and I loved that even more.

As I took his beautiful face in, his eyes rolled back, his mouth curving up with a sated smile. “Welcome back to me. Your real home.”

I grinned back, a certain peace I’d never found anywhere but with him wrapping around me like a fuzzy blanket, shutting out the whole world with all its problems and dangers.

He rolled me off him and laid me gently on the sheets. Then he spread my legs and watched his cum spill from my pussy, filling me with a new rush of arousal. I glanced at his cock, being a bad girl one more time, and he, with his cock that was still hard, made me his good girl one more time.

Then he curled me up against his body and kissed me goodnight, promising me to banish the nightmares away so I could sleep, like old times. I closed my eyes as he folded his arms around me, unbothered with tomorrow.

Until he said, “I’d kill about anyone just for you to sleep through the night without nightmares.”

That wasn’t the first time he’d said something similar to me. After he knew whom I was, he kept promising me that. Back then, I found it sweet and even satisfactory. But now, it felt the opposite. Knowing Ty, his promise wasn’t just empty words. It was literal and real. It didn’t bother me when whom he meant were the Larvins and the criminals that threatened my existence.

Except now, he didn’t mean just them. He meant the Night Skulls and their president. His own father.

My heart squeezed dangerously, painfully at the thought, and unlike before, I wasn’t equally scared for Tirone and Laius. I was scared of Tirone for Laius. I didn’t want Ty to kill Laius, and not because of how gruesome that sounded or how Ty would end up in prison or worse. I simply didn’t want Laius dead because losing him outweighed all the other pains and guilt and shame.

What did that mean?

Just like that, Tirone brutally snatched away the peace that had washed over me, and my eyes snapped open for fear of what I’d see when I closed them.

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