Tiger's Blood

Chapter Prologue

The rough winds glide our boat swiftly throughout the sapphire sea. I look ahead at the green land in the distance and I sigh. A year of traveling on this smelly sea and we finally get here. If the weather wasn’t so horrible we would have gotten here sooner. I turn around and watch the hundreds of boats with the gold and red symbol of the Lions on the sails following behind me and I smile. My Kingdom of the Lions. I’m glad that so many Bloods decided to follow me. “Bryce!” I yell loudly. My young servant quickly scurries through the ship to get to me. “Yes sir?” he asks. “Please bring me my sons at once,” I look in his anxious, brown eyes and he nods. “Yes, of course, your highness,” he says. Your highness, I can get used to that. This was a great idea leaving that shithole home behind.

Bryce comes back with my eldest son Jett and I frown at him. “Are you deaf? I told you to bring both of my sons,” I say angrily. “Yes sir but-but Ethan, he won’t leave his room,” he stutters. “He won’t stop crying daddy, it’s starting to get really annoying,” Jett tells me. “Ugh, alright I’ll go get him myself,” I grunt. Jett follows behind me as we push through the crowd. The crew bows their heads as my son and I walk by. We stop at my stateroom and I walk inside. I eye my youngest son squalling in his bed, red faced and miserable.

I walk over and sit next to him on his bed. He looks up at me with his light grey eyes and I frown. “What is all your fussing about Ethan? People are complaining,” I ask. He wipes his big eyes and little nose and looks down at the ground. “I-I want mommy. When is mommy coming back?” he sniffles. I roll my eyes and stand up in front of him and sigh loudly. “How many times do I have to tell you that your mother is dead boy. Her body burned up in an immense fire. She is never coming back. Your brother got over it so why can’t you?” I yell. He starts bawling again and I groan in anger. “Bryce!” I yell again. He shuffles in the room quickly. “Yes, King Andrew?” he says. “Calm down my toddler and when he stops crying bring him to me. He needs to get over this sooner or later. Preferably sooner,” I say. “Yes sir,” he says and Jett and I leave the room.

I walk back to the helm of the boat and look back out towards the land. I turn around to the captain. “How much longer until we reach that land?” I ask. “No more than an hour sir. Do you know where we will settle all of the Lions?” he asks me. “We will make camp just off the coast for now. I’ll go talk to my top builders to design our future Kingdom,” I say. The captain nods and I leave him. I walk to the promenade deck and take a seat in a cold, metal chair. I snap my fingers and a servant comes over and stands in front of me.

“Yes, King Andrew?” he says. “Fetch me Alan, Basil, and Glenn please, I need to discuss the plans for the Kingdom. Also, go to the galley and ask them to cook me something other than disgusting fish. I’m tired of seafood,” I say. “Right away sir,” he says and leaves. Moments later, the designers show up and sit down at the table. “Hello your highness, how are you doing?” Alan asks. “Fine, fine, I need to ask you three a question,” I say. “Anything your highness,” Glenn says.

“I need you to design me a rough draft of a Kingdom to build, but I want to make sure that no one will disturb my Lions. I don’t want any other Bloods besides Lions in my Kingdom. If there are others who would like to be in the Kingdom, then they will be servants. Of course, they won’t be treated the same as the Lions. We are more superior than any other Blood in Bitotem and I want everyone to know it,” I say. “So what you are saying is that you want a large Kingdom that is hidden from other Bloods?” Alan asks. He taps Basil on the shoulder and he starts sketching on a large white paper.

“Yes, I want a hidden Kingdom. Will that be a problem?” I ask. Alan and Glenn look at each other nervously. “Maybe, depends on what you mean by hidden sir. Do you mean you want the Kingdom physically hidden?” Alan asks. “Yes,” I say. “I think I have an idea sir,” Basil blurts out. “What’s your idea?” I ask. “What if we built the Kingdom underground?” he says. Alan and Glenn laugh. “Come on Basil, be serious about this. King Andrew needs a real idea for a Kingdom,” Glenn says. “Quiet, I want to hear what he has to say,” I say curiously. Glenn and Alan stop laughing.

“Thank you sir. What I was saying is that I heard that Eastern Bitotem has beautiful caverns with rivers that run underground. If that is true, then we can build a Kingdom underneath the caverns. We can still get enough sunlight through, and it will be hidden from other Bloods. The only way into the Kingdom will be down,” Basil says. I rub my chin with my hand and study Basil. “And what if there aren’t caverns?” I ask. “If there aren’t caverns, then we can build it above ground, and build a giant wall protecting the Kingdom,” he says. I breathe softly. “I like it. Start sketching buildings. I want that underground Kingdom and if there are caverns over there, can you build a giant wall underground?” I ask. “Yes sir it is possible. I will get to work right away,” Basil stands up and shakes my hand firmly then leaves. Alan and Glenn leave soon afterwards.

Two servants bring out white cheese, red grapes, and a glass of red wine. I pop a few grapes in my mouth when seven-year-old Jett comes by and sits next to me. “Daddy, I have a question,” he says. “What is it son?” I ask. “I know you told me before, but I forgot. Why did we leave home again?” he asks. I take a sip of wine and I sit up in my chair and look him in the eye. “We left home because the Bloods who lived there were bloody idiots. They all talked about peace, equality, and fairness for all. If everyone is equal and in peace, then they form their own opinions, which will cause arguments that will lead to war. Everyone should be under the rule of a King like me to keep the order straight and keep everyone in line. Everyone will love me as King, and you in the future my son.”

“Right, and whats a Blood again?” he asks. “We are Bloods son. We are half animal and half human. We can mutate or shift into our animal forms whenever we want to. I’m a Lion Blood, you’ve seen that before back home. I forgot how Bloods came to be in Bitotem, but our Blood is who we are; our personalities. You haven’t discovered your Blood yet because you are too young, but I bet you’ll be a Lion just like me,” I say. Jett nods then frowns. “What’s the matter Jett?” I ask. “I can’t ask. You’ll get upset at me,” he says. It’s about Lynn I know it. I can tell by his expression. “Is it about your mother?” I groan. He nods. “I just want to know why you killed her and the rest of the village back home. Wasn’t mom a Lion too? The Lions are the good guys right?” he asks.

“Yes, your mother was a Lion, but we didn’t agree on things all the time. She wanted peace like those other Bloods back home. She didn’t like my idea of the Kingdom. She was a selfish, good-hearted bitch,” I grumble. Jett looks at me baffled. “What’s a bitch daddy?” Jett asks. “You’ll learn about that later. You’re not old enough. Don’t go repeating that around or that will make me look bad,” I say and take another sip of wine. Jett takes a few bites of the cheese. “Why do you hate Ethan so much?” Jett asks. I look into his light brown eyes. Because he acts like your stupid mother. He even has her grey eyes and her light brown hair. At least Jett looks like me and isn’t dumb. “I don’t hate your brother, Jett, but he just doesn’t know about this world yet. You still have a lot to learn as well.”

“What do I have to learn?” he asks. “You’re full of questions today aren’t you?” I laugh. “Sorry, I won’t ask any more questions,” he lowers his head in shame. “That’s alright. I was the same way when I was your age. I wanted to know everything about the world. You will learn how to become a proper King like me so that when I pass on to the next life, you and your future sons will be as great as me and my father before me. I will teach you how to fight and defend yourself. I will teach you the ways of war if there is ever such an event in the future. I will teach you what is right from wrong in this world,” I say.

Jett looks up at me and smiles. “I want to be a Lion just like you. I want to be the best King ever,” he laughs. “I bet you will be son,” I smile back at him. “What about Ethan? Will he be King too?” he asks. I frown. “No. Ethan’s your younger brother. After you it will be your sons. Ethan won’t really get anything. Unless you and I die before you have kids, Ethan will not have any rights to the Kingdom,” I say. “Oh ok, I get it. Only the older Prince gets ownership of the Kingdom,” Jett says. “Very good son,” I nod at him and frown. If somehow Jett and I die, and Ethan becomes King then this world will go to shit. He will never be allowed to be King even if I have to die for it.

I finish my wine and walk to the bow of the boat with Jett. I look off to the land and stroke Jett’s thick black hair, same as mine. Jett will be a good King, I know it. He’s just like me. “King Andrew, sir, we should be arriving ashore in about five minutes,” the captain yells behind me. “Thank you captain,” I yell back at him. Bryce walks up to me with little Ethan in his long arms. Ethan rubs his eyes and sniffles lightly. “I got him to stop crying sir. Would you like to hold him?” he asks. I scowl. “No just put him next to his brother. Thank you Bryce,” I say. He nods then places Ethan on the ground next to Jett.

We land ashore and I take the boys out first before the crew steps off. The moist yellow sand leaves footprints as we walk along the beach. I look off into the distance and see miles and miles of forest. I wonder if there are any Bloods living here already in this part of Bitotem. If there are, they will follow me as their King whether they like it or not. If I have to send my men to kidnap them, then I will. I won’t be shut down by Bloods who think they are better than the Lions. We are the strongest and most populated Blood in all of Bitotem. If anyone tells me I am wrong, I’ll kill them. I am not getting treated like we were back home.

“Dad, are we going to live here forever?” Jett asks me. “Yes, I already made plans to build us a Kingdom here. I will give you anything you want my son. We will live better here than back at our old home,” I tell him. “Awesome, thank you for bringing me here,” Jett smiles then picks up a stick and whacks it against a tree. “I’m going to be a knight!” he screams with joy. I look down and glare at Ethan who is curled up around my leg. “Daddy?” Ethan looks up at me. “Yes?” I reply. “Do you wove me?” he asks. I gulp nervously. I despise looking into those grey eyes. “Yes, yes. Of course,” I say and give him a half smile and pat his little head. He smiles back at me and runs off to play with Jett. Ethan picks up a stick and they play together along the shore. This child is going to be the death of me, I swear.

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