Tiger's Blood

Chapter 7 -Ethan

I tried forcing myself to stay, but I just couldn’t. I have to go back to my dad to let him know that I’m ok. If he even cares that I’m ok. I want to ask about this note that Kira got four years ago. I fold up Kira’s note and put it in my pocket. Even though my plan was to leave, I didn’t want to leave. I just feel like I have to right now. I’ll be back for Kira, and I’ll even get her that sword that she wants. If only I could sneak in and grab her a good sword or ask Chase to make one for me. It shouldn’t take him more than a few days to make a sword for Kira. I look around to see if anyone is close before pushing a large bush out of my way. I forgot dad uses artificial bushes instead of real bushes for the hidden entrances. I examine the hole under the bush and slowly crawl down inside it. I land in what used to be my old bedroom and I cover up the hole.

My dad uses holes like the one I just crawled in through to trap Bloods and kill them. He either lures Bloods in or just goes out and kidnaps them without warning. I disagreed with that and my dad just ignored me. It’s really hard when you try and speak out but nobody will listen to you. That has been basically my whole life, which is why I ran away and why I don’t give out my opinion anymore.

I stand up and brush the dirt off my jeans. I walk out of my room and everyone stares at me. They suddenly get on their knees and bow to me. Royalty has its strange perks to it I guess. I’ve never liked being a prince though, everyone expects things from you and all I’ve done is talk back to my father. If I become King one day, I’m going to stop the war and make peace like the world was again. I won’t be King for at least thirty years though, maybe more if my brother decides to have kids. That’s what sucks about being the younger brother in a royal family; I won’t be King unless both my brother and father die and if Jett doesn’t have kids. My brother is next in line, like he’s going to do any good to this Kingdom.

A guard spots me and quickly runs over to me. Shit, now I’m in trouble. “Prince Ethan, King Andrew has been searching for you. You must go see him at once,” the tall guard says to me. “Thank you, I’ll definitely consider this offer,” I say and try to walk away from him. The guard then grabs me by the arm aggressively and chuckles as he leads me towards the throne room. “That wasn’t an offer Prince Ethan; the King needs to see you now,” he says. When we get there he lets go of my arm, and I walk in and see my dad sitting there with his shiny golden crown atop his head.

“Ethan,” his deep voice calls my name. I walk up to my dad and look him straight in his dark, careless eyes. “Where have you been the past two months, son?” he asks. “Oh you know…just killing Bloods and hunting…and stuff,” I lie through my teeth. He laughs deeply then catches his breath. “Don’t lie to me boy. I know where you have been. Have you forgotten about our security cameras?” he asks me. “No I haven’t,” I say. “That I know is true because I see you have been destroying over half of our finest tree cameras,” he says then shows me a video on the camera screen behind him.

The video shows me traveling with Kira and Noah. I look directly into the camera and smash it with a stick then the camera feed shuts off. I swallow nervously then look back at my father. “Who are those Bloods you are traveling with?” He asks me with a smug look on his face. “Well, the male is a Wolf Blood. I’m not sure what the girl is,” I lie again. He squints at me then frowns. “Hmm ok,” he grumbles. He doesn’t know that Kira is a Tiger, that’s good. I turn around and try to leave the room, but two guards block the exit. “Wait son, I have a mission for you,” he says sharply.

I turn around and look up at him. “If you do not complete this mission entirely then you are not allowed back here again. Do you understand son?” he asks. I nod my head and he continues. “You are going to go back out there and kill those two Bloods that you have been traveling with. If you fail this, then I’d might as well just throw you in jail with the rest of those traitors. Prove to me that you are truly my son, and you will get more respect from me and the rest of the Kingdom,” he says sharply. I’ll take those chances. Even if I do kill Kira and Noah, he still won’t have any respect for me. I swallow deeply then nod. “Good, now you should be on your way-”

“Wait,” I interrupt him. He looks at me puzzled. “What?” he asks irritated. “I need more weapons, perhaps a sword?” I asks him. “Very well son. Jett!!” He cries out. My older brother walks in the room dressed in all black. His hair is spiked up a little with pale skin like mine, and he has a smirk on his face. “Yes father?” he asks. “Take your brother to Chase and see that he gets a new weapon,” he says. Jett nods and he gives me an evil glare. We leave the throne room and he takes me downstairs to the blacksmith room. He shoves me and growls deeply at me. What’s his problem? I walk into the blacksmiths room and I look at all the wonderfully designed weapons around me. There were bows, swords, knives, crossbows, shields, you name it. A large crashing sound catches my attention and I turn to see my old friend, Chase.

Chase and I grew up together. He has dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and light skin. He is as tall as me and has always been a loyal friend to me. When we were little we used to play with each other all the time. We loved to role play together; I would be the bad guy and he would be the one defeating me. He would make us stick swords and shields made of logs and leaves and we would pretend to fight each other. We would swim in the river when it got hot outside and play with cards. We had a lot of fun together when we were little. He started making and designing weapons when he was nine out of scraps of metal and wood. Now he is the head weapon maker for the Lions, even though he’s not a Lion. He is a very skilled Eagle Blood.

“Why hello most noble and handsome Prince Ethan, I haven’t seen you in a while,” he jokes around. We both laugh and I walk over and give him a hug. “How have you been Chase?” I ask. He frowns. “Well, I do wish that the Lions would give me a raise, but otherwise I have been living here happily,” Chase says. “Well, I can talk to my dad about a promotion for you,” I say. He smiles.

“You’ve always had a good heart Ethan. I wish you were the King here. You would be an excellent King,” he says. I smile at him. “No I wouldn’t be a good King. It’s a nice thought though,” I laugh. Chase smiles and rubs his hands together. “Now what sort of weapon would you like?” he asks politely. I lean in close to him. “I actually need you to make me a special sword,” I whisper. “It must be so special because you have to whisper it to me,” Chase whispers back jokingly.

I explain the detail and the design for the sword I want him to make for Kira. I remember the cool design that she explained to me in the cave about the purple swirls and the leather handle for the sword she wants. “It has to be a one handed sword and make it unique. This isn’t going to be for just any random Blood,” I say. “Easy, that shouldn’t take me longer than a couple hours since I was already in the process of making a one handed sword,” he smiles. He begins to create the sword and I look around at some of the tools and materials that Chase has. “Hey, do you think I could use some of these?” I ask Chase. “Use whatever you need buddy,” he says and I nod in response.

I take some leather, metal, and some screws. I make two brown leather straps and I wrap it together to make a nice cover for my knife. After I make that, I take some old rusted metal, and bend it into a circular handle. I then take one of Chase’s metal blades and attach it to the handle. I hold up the knife and grip it to make sure that it stuck together. The blade came apart, so I pick up a new blade and make it tighter. I lightly touch my pointer finger to the tip of the blade and I chuckle to myself. “Awesome,” I whisper to myself. I hide the blade in my pocket and wait for Chase to be done.

“Here you go Ethan,” Chase says holding out a beautiful silver sword with the swirl design in purple and a leather handle. I stand there breathless and he hands me the sword. It’s a little heavier than I wanted it to be, but that’s alright. “This looks amazing Chase, you really are talented,” I compliment him. “Hey, it’s my job. I’ve been doing this for nine years. I know how to deliver,” he laughs. He hands me the case for the sword and I thank him. “She’s going to love this sword,” I whispered to myself. “She? Is our beloved Prince Ethan finally taken interest in women?” Chase laughs. “Haha, no not in women. In a certain woman. She’s a special girl who deserves a one of a kind sword,” I say.

“Well, I hope this special girl likes this custom made sword,” Chase says. “I know she will,” I say. I pat him on the back then I leave the room. Just as I was about to leave, my dad comes up to me. He grabs my shoulder. “Remember son, I want those kids dead. I don’t want one of my Lions coming back here telling me that my son is hanging around two other Bloods,” he says. I deeply swallow and nod. “Yes sir,” I say. He lets go of my shoulder and I walk up to my room.

I walk inside my room and close the big wooden door. I sit on my bed with my dark blue blanket and I stare at the pictures on the wall. I take off the portrait of my family and put it in my lap. My father frowns in the picture as usual. My brother sits proudly in my father’s lap. The baby version of me sits in my mothers arms and smiles happily with only three teeth in my mouth. My mother looks at me and smiles with the prettiest smile. She had curly brown hair and grey eyes like mine. I miss you mom. Even if I didn’t know you for long, I still miss you. I put the portrait back on the wall and climb out of the hole in my room. I cover the hole up with the bush and start walking.

I put Kira’s sword in the case and sling it around my shoulder. I walk around in the dark night and follow my tracks where I came from. I hope that Kira is alright. She’ll love the sword that I made just for her. The problem is she is going to ask where I got the materials to make a sword. I don’t know whether to lie to her or tell her the truth. I should be honest with her. She might be angry that I went back to the Kingdom without her. Maybe I shouldn’t tell her. I look around me for a spot to rest and I stop for the night. I struggle to climb up into the closest tree and lie down on a slick branch. I close my eyes and listen to the crickets sing their songs in the dark night.

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