Tiger's Blood

Chapter 12- Ethan

“Chase!! Chase!!” I whisper through the thick metal bars of my cell. He glances at me nervously then walks away. Huh? Why would he leave me here? I thought he was my best friend. Maybe my dad told him not to talk to me, don’t overthink it. I lay back in my bed and crawl under my blanket. Another cold night alone in this prison cell. I close my eyes and I think of Kira. I swear even if my dad hurts her a little bit, I’ll kill him. I sit up on my bed and I take my knife out and hold it firmly. I could stab my father with this. I giggle softly to myself and put the shiny blade back in my pocket. Is it wrong to kill my own father? Probably. Is it wrong to kill innocent bloods who’ve done nothing wrong just for power? Absolutely.

It drives me insane that somehow I’m related to that manipulative-demented asshole. Being his son is probably the worst thing I could be. I would rather be his nephew or his cousin, but no, I had to be his son. I would rather not be related to him at all, but I can’t change that. I was born into this family and I can’t be un-born into the family. I think mom was the lucky one in this family. She didn’t have to suffer the rage of my father that I am dealing with right now. She is calm and peaceful in the next life; maybe she’s even looking down on me. I hope she is watching over Kira and giving her strength.

I hope Kira can fight. She’s aggressive, and I think she can handle herself. I still want to protect her though. I mean who knows what my father will do if he finds out she’s a Tiger. He might know already. He has those cameras hidden all over Bitotem. He doesn’t usually look at the cameras unless there is a threat. Unless someone really pays attention to those cameras, I don’t think he knows about Kira. He’ll do anything in his crazy mind to kill her. I won’t let him though. I’d rather be killed than watch Kira be tortured. I finally make a decision on what to do. “I will kill my father and end this war,” I whisper to myself.

I plot out a plan in my head perfectly. First, I ask my dad to let me go and I’ll tell him that I’ll kill Kira and Noah. Second, I find them and tell them to run away. Third step, Kira breaks the bracelet off of me so I can escape. Finally, I’ll use my blade to kill my father in great defeat. “Hehehe,” I giggle. Now for phase one. “Hello! Dad! Jett?” I shout. I only hear my echo scream back at me. “Hello! Guards! Somebody?” I scream once again. Nobody responds to me and I bang my bracelet against the metal bars and make a loud clunking sound. I then hear stomping footsteps walking towards me.

“Quit making noises!” A guard screams at me. “Could you do me a grateful honor of getting the King for me, sir? I would like to speak to him,” I ask him. “Will you shut up if I do?” He grumbles. “Yes, I will I promise,” I say and give him a smile. “Fine,” he groans then left. About five minutes later, my father storms up to my cell. “What do you want?” he grumbles. “I have a proposal I think you may be interested in,” I say. “I’m listening,” he says. “Do you want those two bloods down here in the next twentyfour hours?” I ask him. He looks at me suspiciously. He smiles for a minute then it quickly wipes away. “I want their heads chopped off and then sewn back on together,” he laughs. I swallow nervously.

“For my release from this bracelet, I’ll bring the Wolf Blood and the other girl here by tomorrow,” I say. “Eh so? What’s in it for me son?” he asks. “You didn’t let me finish father,” I say politely. He squints at me then breathes in sharply. “Go on,” he says. “I will kill them in front of you and the whole kingdom. If that will win back your trust, I will do it,” I say bravely. He looks at me and smiles. “Now there’s the son I know!” he says excitedly. He presses the button by the door to release me and I walk out. “Before you go, stand right here, and close your eyes. I have something to give you,” he says. This can’t be good. He will probably do something horrible to me. I have to listen to him though or he will kill me.

I respectfully obey and close my eyes. I hear the sound of metal clanging against the ground. Crap. That sounds like a weapon. I try to ignore it and stand still. All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain slice straight through my shirt. Pain swarms my chest and warm blood runs down my body. “Dahhh!” I shriek and fall down on the ground. I open my eyes and my father grabs my bloody shirt and pins me against the hard brick wall. I open my eyes and watch the blood drip down my chest. He throws me in my cell and I wince in pain on the floor.

“Do you think I’m an idiot boy? The minute I let you step out of this Kingdom, you will run off with that little bitch and never come back. Whether you like me or not, you are my son and I will not have my son disrespect me and his Kingdom,” he growls. I glance over at the weapon he used to attack me. The bloody sword sits on the ground and I stare at it carefully. The sword shines brighter than the blood shed on it.

That sword looks familiar. My father slaps me hard across the face. “Don’t you dare think you can get out of here easily like that!” My father threatens. He stands up, closes the door and lock it up. I shake violently and I hold my chest with my left arm. “Oh relax it’s just a paper cut,” my dad laughs. I crawl over to the entrance and I watch my dad clean the sword with a towel then he hands the sword to one of his guards. I swallow deeply and sit in the back of my cell in pain.

My dad fixes his collar and stomps out of the room. Not only did my own father strike me, but he did it with Kira’s sword. What is he doing with Bloodshed? If he has Kira’s sword then he has Kira. Shit. Kira is here somewhere too. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I slowly climb up on my uncomfortable bed and shake, blood spilling everywhere I go. I rest my thumping head on my pillow and try my best not to cry. Oh Kira. If you and Noah are here, please be safe. Don’t piss off my father, or he will just torture you. Be smart about what you say and do, Kira or you might get killed.

I squirm around in my bed for the next few hours. I cover up my wound with my blanket and try to apply pressure to it. I whimper loudly and a tear runs down my cheek. I call for help, but no one hears me. Or they are ignoring me. I then sit there waiting for my seventeen years of my not so wonderful life to flash by me. Just then I hear someone unlock my door and I look up at the person. “Chase!” I say loudly. He puts a finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet. He then takes a bottle of water and pours it on my wound.

He takes out a white cloth and he wraps it tightly around my wound. I wince slightly as he focuses on my chest. He tapes up the cloth then he steps out silently. He locks the jail cell and glares at me for a second. “I’m so sorry Ethan,” he whispers then disappears. Thank you for helping me Chase. I know you probably have orders not to talk to prisoners. I can feel my wound starting to heal already. I lay back and try to catch up on sleeping.

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