TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 14: After Years

I was about to go to bed when I

heard a knocked on my door. I

stood up and saw Gaile and Faye

standing gazing at me. They

breathe too fast.

“You two. You okey?” I asked


“You’re really her..” they said in

chorus. Then they hugged me so

tight. I smiled at them and offer

them to enter in my room.

“Did you both run away?” I


“Yeah! We run just to confirm

that you’re really still her in

the Palace.” Faye answered

while drinking a glass of water.

“Right, Aunt Elisa told us that

the King let you stay. And just

punished you. We’re so happy

that you’d be join us for the

next training.” Faye added.

“But..Sad to say that you lose

the chance to talked to Prince

Dale personally.” Gaile said,

and lay down into my bed.

“It’s okey, one of day maybe I

could.” I just simply answered.

Gaile and Faye tell me what

happen this day. They told me

that three ladies been quit this

morning and decided to go back

home. There are only nine of us

left for the competition. I was

wondering what will be the

next training do we have to do

the next day. It’s always a


“Anyway, Chloe. We have to go

back to our rooms now. See you

tomorrow on the ground.” Gaile

said, she stood up and handed

Faye out of the room. I just

smile and go to the terrace when

I see a familiar face on the

garden. Is that Prince Dale. And

who is he talking to. I couldn’t

see the face of the guy standing

in front of him. The moon is

too dark tonight and the palace

light is the only one who gives

brightness to the surrounding.

They looked so serious and feels

like that they we’re so close to

each other. I knew it because

of the way they talk to each other.

I also heard a laugh from Prince

Dale. Oh, my... is that Prince

David? I asked my self. Maybe,

he is. Aunt Elisa told me that

the school term is about to end.

And it’s not possible that he

arrived already. I felt the

excitement. I need to see his

face, so I decided to go out and

use the backstairs so that I could

hide from the trees. But, im

late. I can no longer see them

from where they are standing.

I take a deep breathe and lean

on my back of the wall.

“You look pale..you’re looking

for someone or something?”

I heard someone’s voice from

nowhere. I’m almost fall off

because of it. I can’t see

anything, it’s more darker in


“Hahaha.. You should not drink

too much coffee.” he said. I

know what he mean. My heart

is beating so fast. Who is this

man? Is he the Prince? I felt

more nervous. What if he really

the Prince? I’m not ready to

see him.

“Your still the same girl I meet

a years ago.” he said,

“Huh? Who are you?” I asked

him. Then I saw a shadow

coming from the other side of

the wall. I was so shocked when

I saw Prince Dale smiling at me.

He looked more handsome than

before. Even if years passed.

“A-ahh...” I can’t find a right

words to say. I looked down.

“Hey, young lady.. why you’re

not speaking?” he asked me.

Why your here?

“I’m sorry your highness..” I

said. I can’t tell him the reason

why I am here hiding.

“You lied again..” he answered.

Your not a good actress young

lady... I still remember that

lines back then. I’m so

embarrassed that night and

it happen again.

“Don’t worry, I still don’t punish

you. But you owe two times.

Follow me.” he added then

walk so I followed him like

what he said.

I stopped from walking when

I saw a familiar place. “Did

you remember this place?” he

asked me at seat on a bench.

“Yes, I answered.

“It’s been a years since the

coronation night and the place

is still the same isn’t it?” I

occupied the seat next to him.

“Yeah, it looks like the same.”

“I know that this day will come.

And I’m right. Your lucky to be


Gaile and Faye will be envious,

if I tell this to them. Aunt Elisa

is right of describing Prince

Dale. His so nice and smart. He

told me how happy he is being

with Princess Kaitlyn. And told

me that the Princess is bearing

there child in her tummy. They

will soon be a happy complete

family. It’s a big surprised to

the palace. And I’m lucky that

Prince Dale he told me a secret.

I go back to my room with a

big smile. I wasn’t expected that

he still remember me.

“I hope you’d win this

competition..Prince David will

be happy if you do. So please,

win this battle for him. I’m

looking forward to see you

around not being in a

competition but being a part

of the family. His excited to

see you.

What does Prince Dale mean

about his last world? His

excited to see you. Why me?

We don’t even meet yet. Maybe,

Prince Dale told him about

me. It’s been in a middle of

night but I’m still awake. I

can’t sleep. Oh, not now. I have

to rest tonight and be ready for

the next challenge.

.....to be continued (:-]

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