TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 10: The Visit

“Every little thing mean a lot.”

Despite of knowing the real identity of Gaile, she remain a friend to us. Nothing has changed.

Actually, if we had an extra time before bed she teach us some of the ways of being a Princess. The struggle is in Gaile’s eyes but deep inside I know the real happiness is there. Becoming a princess is not easy. The Obligations is on you. But if you love the people around you...you’ll gonna realize how blessed you are. There happiness is your happiness also. But like, the other ladies Gaile wanted to win and marry Prince David. She has so much plan to do..to serve people from her Kingdom Laverna and Kingdom Oreon. Her determination to win is just a sign that she deserve to win this.

(Kingdom of Revelan)

(Hans Patterson’s place)

“Hey! Aren’t you excited to meet Prince David?” Faye asked.

Gaile smiled at her. We are on Gaile’s room right now and having some talks. A girly thing talks.

“Everybody is excited. When I’m on our Kingdom I heard some good thing about the Prince.” Gaile said, and post for awhile. Faye and I , are curiously waiting for her next words. “His mysterious and unknown. But im pretty much sure that his handsome just like Prince Dale. I don’t know what’s his reason about hiding his identity but as soon as forty five days pass, we gonna see him.” she added.

“How about you Chloe? Gaile asked me while looking straight into my eyes.

“Nah!! Don’t asked her about the prince. I sense something is going on. That man, named Hans. Do you like him?” she asked like interrogating me on a hot seat.

“Why your not answering.” Gaile teased me..no they actually teased me.

“Hey! Stop that!” I said. Fine, I like Hans. Since the day I meet him, I had this feeling that I couldn’t explain. Everytime his near my heat beat fast. But it’s all up to there. I can’t see him anymore.”

“I knew it. You like him.” Faye said.

“Psshhh! Lower your voice please.“I begged them.

“So you really do?” Gaile asked me. I just simply say yes by my head gesture. They smiled at me and teased me a lot. “Did you tried to tell him your real feelings?”

“No I’m not. And not gonna do that.”

“Why not?” Gaile said.

“What if the feeling is mutual?” Faye added.

I breathe deeply. “His not. Definitely not. Because he once told me to win this competition and marry Prince David. He doesn’t have this feeling like mine. ” I answered, then i lay down my head to the back rest.

“It’s okey Chloe. Everything has a reason.” Gaile said.


Early the next morning, I heard someone is knocking on my door. I grab the alarm clock behind me 5"o’clock in the morning. It’s too early for our next training. I opened the door and Aunt Elisa is standing out there.

“G-good morning! Aunt !”

“Same too you Lady Chloe. Im sorry for waking you up early. The schedule been changed and Froilan told me to fixed your self because you all ladies where going to the nearest Kingdom to meet and greet the people of Revelan.” Aunt Elisa explained.

I take a shower and wore a jeans and a shirt. We are going to see the Revelan’s people so I just wear a simple dress just like an ordinary lady. After fixing my self, I go through the front door and saw the other ladies there. A cars are waiting for us. I’m excited to go in Revelan. I heard that Kingdom before but wasn’t able to have a chance to go there. It’s a beat far from Oreon and a car needed to be there. While we are on the exclusive car, other ladies are talking about Revelan.

“Did you hear about Revelan?

“Yeah! I heard a lot about that.

“Is it true that Prince David is schooling in Revelan?

“I don’t know. But it’s not possible. Revelan is the nearest Kingdom from Oreon.

“What if the Prince is there?

“OMG! I have to look beautiful.

“Me too....

I just keep on listening from there conversations. Is it really true that the prince is studying in Revelan? I asked my self. They’re right. Its not possible. And it’s not possible that we can encounter the Prince. After an hour of traveling we finally reached Revelan. Everyone is amazed. From where we are standing. We can see the Palace, and at the right side is the school and from the left is forest surrounded with green trees. But before we could finally came to the palace, we need to walked through the town where ordinary people like me is living. Froilan told us that being here is part of the training and we need to get extra points on how to treat and talked with people. Interacting with different people. Faye and Gaile is not with me because we are separated by four groups and luckily I’m with Freda and her friends. This must be the hardest part of the competition. As we walked through, I saw a little boy hurriedly running. Then suddenly, he bumped into Freda.

“Hey you. Are you blind? Don’t you see me? Looked at my dress.. your hand is dirty and you look like an ewww....” Freda shouted the little boy.

“I’m sorry! ” the boy said.

“Your sorry is not enough. How about this..you make it a mess. Go away and don’t block my way... she said and push the boy and suddenly fall off the ground. He cried.

“Freda....shut up. His just a kid. And he said sorry isn’t it? You don’t have to push him like that.” I said, while calming the boy. It catches the attentions of the people around and all eyes is on us. Like there is a scene from the movies.

“You bitch. I don’t care. You and that poor kid is the same....” she answered then turn her back and walked away.

“Are you okey? I asked the kid and I wipes his tear.

“Thank you for helping me...” he said and smiled at me.

“You really deserved to be a princess......The kingdom need like you..” I heard a familiar voice coming from my back. I turned around and saw Hans standing next to me. Smiling. That smile. I missed that smile.

“Hey! Chloe are you okey?” he asked me, then laugh.

“Yeah! I’m fine. I just don’t expect to see you here.” I answered. What are you doing here? I asked him.

“I live her.” he said.

“You live here? Really? ”

“You don’t believe me?

“No..I mean I was just surprised and haven’t expected to see you..I thought I couldn’t see you again..

“Again? You wanted to see me? Do you miss me?

I’m face is blushing again. Chloe why did you say that. Your stupid. Maybe he will think something about that. No please. I can’t looked straight at him. My toes is getting weak....

“Hey! Im just kidding. Your so serious...” he said, I take a deep breathe. This man, is too gorgeous.

“Big brother. Is she your girl? the little kid asked him. I almost forgot the boy. Im too carried away with my feelings.

Hans laugh.

“No. She’s a friend. “he replied immediately. I felt some ache. He just treat me as his friend. Only a friend. The feeling is not mutual. I make a fake smile. “Go back to your home now. And next time be careful okey?” he said then the boy run away.

“Anyway what are you doing here?” he asked me, I can’t still looked at him straight.

“Uhmm. We are here to interact with the people Revelan. I’m with Freda and her friends but they dropped me off and her I am alone.” I explained,

“Why don’t you go with me. I can tour you around. ” he offered.

“R-really? I excitedly asked him.

This mean I can be with him and I have a lot of time to be with him. Im secretly happy to see him again. It’s so unexpected. He had a lot of talks about the Kingdom Revelan and I felt like he almost knew every little details about the Kingdom. As he said, he guided me to different places. I enjoyed a lot, the people is so nice. And most of all im happy to be with Hans in a couple of hour. I’m looking forward to be here next time.



To see him again.

....to be continued [:>)

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