Thunderlight (The Dragonian Series Book 2)

Thunderlight: Chapter 8

THE BLACK INKED words of my foretelling made my head start to ache as I tried to figure out what it meant. If retrieving the sword wasn’t what the Viden had meant, then what did she mean?

I must have stood there for a long time as the booming voice of the Master of Ceremonies pulled me back to reality. I walked back to the function, but by now it was so crowded that it would be a mission in and of itself to get to Becky and Sammy. I slipped past a couple of people and found a secluded spot right next to the wall. 

The cool surface pressed against my bare arm helped ground me and my worries about my stupid foretelling had started to calm a bit.

The Master of Ceremonies called Lucian first and the photographers that were inside the museum flashed their cameras like mad.

I smiled at him with admiration. He didn’t even flinched or become tongue-tied as he spoke about how brave all of us were and how King Albert had been right about the Chromatics being just as noble as the Metallics. Brian had proven that, and if any of them ever forgot that, they should visit the museum. Brian was the true hero.

Everyone applauded as he walked off the small podium. I stood on my toes and reached out my neck as I followed him with my eyes.

He smiled politely and kept nodding his head, but the way his eyes searched the crowd told me that he was trying to find me.

He took his place next to a huge chair where the royals were seated. I hid again behind a large gentleman standing next to me.

Next up to speak was Arianna. Funny how she didn’t mention saving all of us with her super incantations the way she had in the newspaper. It was a sweet speech though and she even managed to shed a small tear that melted everyone’s heart.

If I didn’t know her better, she would’ve fooled me.

Before she finished, she bent down toward a woman with blue streaks in her hair and a large gentlemen.

“I wish with all my heart that Brian hadn’t passed. I would’ve gladly taken his place.” She said over the mike and the woman smiled, but I could tell on her face that even that small gesture was difficult. They must be Brian’s parents.

A couple of other people, mostly men, spoke next. It was boring as they prattled on about great events in history. When the Master of Ceremonies took over he tried to lighten the mood again. This is it; they are going to do the revealing.

The room fell into utter silence as everyone held their breath, waiting for him to pull of the curtain.

He called up Brian’s parents and allowed them the honor of revealing what was behind the large white cloth. They did it together.

Everyone in the room gasped as it revealed a huge Sun-Blast with Brian’s human figure holding my axes in his hands.

They’d chosen the subject perfectly and tears threatened to roll down my cheeks as I gazed upon his wax doll.

“I’ve changed my mind.” Blake’s voice came from right behind me. I turned around and found him leaning against the wall inches away from me. He gave me a seductive lop-sided smile with a wink. “Don’t go anywhere,” he mouthed.

My eyes grew bigger as hot flushes raised the temperature of my body. I pulled my top away from my skin with fast movements hoping it would cool me down.

I watched as Blake stumbled through the crowd and slipped as he went to step onto the podium.

Oh, crap, he’s drunk!

He found his balance fast and took a glass of champagne off a tray as a waiter walked past the podium. Liquid spilled everywhere soaking a few of the ladies dresses standing nearest him.

He laughed as he grabbed the microphone. “I’ve decided after all to give my speech.”

I closed my eyes, not knowing where he was going to take this one.

“Nice outcome.” He looked at the crowds and his gaze stopped on me. He looked at me for a couple of seconds and I looked down as another set of heat waves ran through my entire body.

When I looked back up, his gaze was on the glass box. “Brian,” he said as if Brian was alive in that box. Saluting him, he finished the glass of champagne.

The crowd fell dead silent.

“There is one thing missing though and by the buzz going on before this spectacular event started, I need to put one thing straight.” He paused for a couple of seconds. “You forgot to put Elena in that box.”

My face went red. He did not just say my name!

“None of you on that mission, including myself can take any credit for how any of this turned out. Not even the Princess of Areeth,” he looked at one of the reporters right below him. “You’re taking this down, right?” A smile appeared on his face as the man nodded slowly. “Good. As the papers stated before, the Princess of Areeth saved the day with her enhanced ability in incantations, blah, blah, blah. Biggest load of crap! She wasn’t even worthy enough to enter the Sacred Cavern.”

As much as I wanted to gloat at his spoken words, it was too harsh.

At that moment, Sir Robert walked onto the podium and grabbed Blake’s arm.

“No, you wanted me to speak, now let me speak.” He growled softly at his father, but the microphone was still in his hand so the entire room heard.

I shook my head as my eyes caught on a blond gentleman with a mustache who was sitting on one of the thrones. By the look and resemblance I knew it was King Helmut and he was staring straight at me. He had a huge frown dented on his forehead and his gaze looked puzzled.

First impression, Elena.

I gave him a soft smile and nodded once, politely. He turned back his head and I only then realized that Lucian wasn’t in his seat.

I decided to hell with Blake’s speech as I walked past the guy that stood behind me. I passed a woman that tittered something to her companion who laughed, found the first door leading away from the room and slipped through it.

I was suddenly in another part of the museum but instead of a red carpet lining the floor, there were solid grey, stone tiles. I took the stairs to the right and turned left to walk one level up and plunged myself down onto the smooth stone.

A funny feeling told me that this area was only for staff, but I didn’t care. This wasn’t my scene at all, and Blake had just made it ten times worse. 

What the hell is he trying to do, ruin my life?

I tried to make myself comfortable and was grateful for the cold stairs as the heat flashes began to stop. The riddle from the book jumped into my mind once again.

If it wasn’t going after that stupid sword, and finding the truth about dragon offspring, Chromatic dragons and the sword’s magical abilities, then what could be more important to Paegeia’s survival?

I pondered on it for what felt like hours, but nothing came.

Suddenly, light filled the room as the door to my hiding place opened.

“How dare you say those things?” Sir Robert yelled, his tone sounded extremely pissed off.

“What did you wanted me to say” Blake laughed. “I can’t lie and if you think I’m going to suck up to those idiots out there…” Blake said slurring a bit.

“You are the Rubicon. They expect you to give an honorable speech at events like this. Look at you, you reek of alcohol and …” he sighed. It was silent for a couple of seconds. “When is this going to stop, Blake? I raised you better than this.’ I could hear the disappointment line his voice. “You would have broken King Albert’s heart.”

Blake laughed again. “He doesn’t give a shit, he’s dead. It’s time you deal with that.”

A hard slap echoed off of the unforgiving stones and I flinched. “Don’t push me, Blake. He was our King and deserves all the respect in the world even in death.”

Blake didn’t say anything back. I only heard one pair of footsteps exit the area and it was silent for a while.

I silently hoped whoever had stayed behind would leave soon.

With a soft squeak I heard the door open once again.

“What the hell was that about?” Lucian’s voice filled the room.

“What are you going to do?” Blake voice was close to my hiding spot and I pulled my legs tight into my chest.

My heart went a couple of beats faster as I tried to make myself as small as I could.

“Don’t, Blake. I’m not in a good mood.” Lucian sounded upset too. “Let me get one thing clear. Elena is off limits.”

Blake roared with laughter. He was so arrogant. “Relax, Lucian. I don’t want your girl. I just gave her the credit she deserves.”

Lucian took a huge breath and chuckled too. “I have to admit, that speech was something else.” They both laughed. “Did you have to be drunk though?”

Blake didn’t reply, but I could hear him descending down the stairs.

“What are we going to do with you?”

A deathly silence filled the area. “Slay me,” he begged in a soft voice, and my eyes closed at the sadness Blake’s tone carried.

“Nah, you’re too good for that,” Lucian finally said.

Both footsteps walked to the door and I closed my eyes as I rested my head against the wall. It was silent for a long time and I must have dozed off because the screeching sound of a dragon made me jump back to reality. My heart beat wildly and I took huge breathes as I realized it was only a dream.

Quickly, I made the decision that it was time to leave my hiding spot and find Becky, before she’d left me here.

The function had started to quiet down but there were still groups of people having conversations and enjoying the champagne and appetizers the waiters still passed around.  Most of them appeared to be talking about that wonderful speech Blake had made. I slowly walked behind a group of men with cognacs in their hands.

“Hopefully the Prince of Tith will claim him soon,” a tall guy with red hair spoke assuredly. He was dressed in a black jacket covered with an array of medals as well.

“Nobody will claim that dragon. It’s destined for him to become evil,” an old fart with a belly that made him look like a little Buddha statue said. 

“Where the hell have you been?” Becky grabbed my arm as I was eavesdropping. Her eyes were huge but relief washed over her face as she took me in. “Lucian is looking for you.”

She started to pull me in the direction of the King and Queen. They were deep in conversation with another couple. I assumed the gentlemen must have been a knight in his younger days as he too wore a jacket just like a lot of the other men in black jackets and medals wore.

She cleared her throat as we came near and Lucian turned his head. A huge smile broke over his face and his eyes grew wide as he saw me.

He walked over and hugged me gently. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.” He whispered in my ear and I struggled to suppress my smile.

“Well, you don’t look bad yourself.”

He looked handsome, wearing a royal uniform with silver buttons that went up to his neck line.  On his head was a small crown. I hugged him and breathed him in. He smelled so good.

“You ready?”

“No.” I looked at him with wide eyes. “But I guess it’s now or never, right.”

He nodded. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

He moved beside me and positioned us so his mom and dad’s backs were facing the two of us. My heart felt as if it was lodged inside my throat.

“Mom, Dad.” He tapped his dad on the arm softly. The king made an excuse for the disturbance before he turned around. I could feel his mother’s gaze on me as she took me in. “I want you to meet Elena.”

The King’s eyes grew a bit as he realized it was me he’d been staring at earlier.

I smiled softly and looked at his Mom. The Queen had more or less same expression but turned to her husband to gage his reaction.

“Say something,” Lucian grumbled softly to his Mom.

His Mom closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Lucian, I hate it when you just spring someone on us.”

“I’m not. If you’d given us a chance before, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“This is not the time for this. Nice meeting you, Elena.” His father said in a cold tone.

“Likewise, King Helmut,” I said in the most confident tone I could master.

He glared at Lucian. “We’ll talk later.”

Both of them went back to their conversation as if nothing had happened. I shook my head slowly and walked toward the door.

Arianna’s right, they’re never going to accept me.

Lucian grabbed my arm softly and pulled me into the room I’d been in a moment ago. “Don’t do this.”

“Lucian, we tried.” I couldn’t believe I was saying it.

“Give them some time. They met you, they heard that wonderful speech Blake just gave, and they need time to process, please. Everything is going to be okay. I’m not going anywhere.”

“No, you’re just going to marry someone else in two years.”

He closed his eyes. “That will never happen.” He opened them again and pulled me into his arms. “I love you. You are my choice.”

So the plan hadn’t worked out as well as we’d hoped for, but at least they’d met me and I would give them time, as Lucian had begged me to.

He walked out with Becky and me and cameras flashed brightly. I tried to pull my hand out of Lucian’s to hide my face but he held on tight. “It’s time. Let them take their pictures. Just smile,” he whispered and pulled me closer.

A couple of journalists yelled questions at me, but my heart was beating so hard that I didn’t hear any of them. Lucian answered all of them and even got a couple of reporters laughing.

The flashing went on for another couple of minutes. When Lucian asked them politely to stop, and explained that he just wanted to do the gentlemen thing and walk me to the cab, they actually listened. He gave me a kiss on my head as he held the door open and I got in. “Sleep tight, I’ll speak to you soon.”

I nodded and gave him a small, unsure smile as he shut the door.

The cabby drove off with Becky and Lucille right beside me. “See, that wasn’t so bad,” Becky said.

“I so don’t love this the way you do,” I mumbled and both of them laughed.

“Give it time, you will eventually.” Lucille tapped me on my knee. I looked out the window as the events of the night washed over me. It had started to rain and as the raindrops made their way down the pane of glass I couldn’t help but feel like a failure at our pathetic attempt to get Lucian’s parents to accept me.

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