Thunderlight (The Dragonian Series Book 2)

Thunderlight: Chapter 21

KING HELMUT ARRIVED later that night with about twenty other people and dragons that I had never seen before. They had a meeting and more guards were stationed to protect Dragonia over the next couple of days.

Paul kept me busy while Lucian practiced for his third attempt to claim Blake.

To be honest, I wanted to know more about Paul Sutton, since we were going to spend our entire lives together. We met up underneath one of the huge oak trees while Lucian practiced in the Parthenon dome.

We tried to figure out what else we had in common, and like me, he loved eighties music and didn’t have a lot of friends. It became our usual spot and the more time I spent with Paul, the more I liked him for what he was trying to become.

“I wanted to show you something,” he said as we sat down on the blanket he brought with him every day.


He took out a red cloth that covered something big. “I got this from my grandfather when I was about ten years-old.” He opened the cloth and revealed a medallion hanging from a silver chain. “He used to be like me, not really sure if he was a Wyvern.” He gave me a lopsided smile as he handed the medallion to me.

“What is it?”

“It’s the sign of the dents.”

I gasped as I saw their mark for the first time. Now I know where China and Japan had gotten the idea for the yin-yang sign. The two looked very similar, but instead of white and black with the small opposite circles in each one, it had a teardrop shape of a dragon figure with a human head, and a teardrop human figure with a dragon head. I suppose the heads resembled the circles.

“Where did your granddad get this?”

“King Albert gave it to him about twenty years ago.”

“You knew the King?”

“If I did, I don’t remember him. He used to have a right hand that could speak Wyvic fluently.”

“Wyvic is your language?”

He nodded.

“Will you teach me?”

“You don’t need to learn it, Elena. When you Ascend you would be able to understand it fluently.”

“I will?” I gave him a skeptic look.

He nodded.  “I guess you can say it’s a dent thing. I still don’t know what it’s called between a Wyvern and Rider. We’re the first so I guess we can call it anything we want.”

“I like the word dent. I still want to know a little Wyvic. What does it sound like?”

“You’ve never heard me speak Wyvic in your head before.” He frowned.

“I don’t think so, but then again I’ve got no idea what it sounds like.”

“I call it the drunk-language.” He chuckled. “Almost every word has a z sound in it, and when you speak it fluently… well you get my point.”

I laughed. “So what you’re saying is that we’re going to sound like a couple of drunks when we speak to one another.”

“Something like that.”

“Say something.” Curiosity washed over me like a tidal wave, and I just had to know what it sounded like.

“Okay.” He looked deep into my eyes and I could feel my stomach started to twist and turn. “ Re fzirza zul Paul, Buzik zul Ezezun?”


He laughed. “I told you it sounds like someone who is drunk.”

“What did you ask me?”

“I said, ‘My name is Paul, what is yours?’”

“Say that again, but slowly.”

“Re… fzirza… zul… Paul,… Buzik… zul… Ezezun?”

I tried to repeat it but it sounded ten times worse coming from me and we both started laughing.

“It’s not the easiest language there is, but it’s one. The P usually comes out as an F sound, especially if it’s next to a Z, which is most of the time. We have vocals just like in English, but where your vocals are solid sounds, Wyvic vocals are zi, za, zo, zu and ze. That’s why our language sounds like someone who has had way too much booze.”

I smiled at him, wondering how on earth I could be so lucky to have him as my dragon. I didn’t care if he was a Wyvern anymore. He was my dragon to keep and he didn’t have a scary hair on his body.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“What can Wyverns do? I mean how many abilities do you have?”

He grinned from ear to ear, which brought out the vertical lines in his cheeks. It reminded me of Dad again and a hollow space filled my heart. I was still hanging on to the idea that when I Ascended I would see him again.

“The Wyverns are much smaller than the other dragons. So we do have extra abilities. All of us are fire breathers and you know that Raven-Snouts,” he rolled his eyes at the name, “like me can read minds. The Hammer-Head is a trickster. Their human form can appear and reappear in different spots. They say the older they get, the more copies they can generate. I don’t think there were that many Wyverns that night they attacked us. I think it was about ten to fifteen Hammer-Heads.”

I remembered the guy he saved me from. I tried everything to kill him, but he didn’t want to budge. “You mean the other body’s they generate are flesh and bone.”

He nodded.

“The Brown-Horn’s scales are like flying stars. They can release them and new ones will grow in their place, the same with some of the horns on their back. Their horn is dangerous and carries a poison that ages you extremely fast until you die.

The Spike-Tail and Spear-Tail are so much alike. One has the ability to see through animal’s eyes and the other one, well, can suck out souls. The more they have the longer they live. With each soul, they have a life, so they can die ten times over. I think there was at least one Spear-Tail there that night. He gained a lot of lives through all the people and dragons that were killed.”

A shiver ran up my spine as Paul told me in detail what their abilities were. They were indeed very dangerous creatures. No wonder he wanted to escape from his colony.

“Raven-Snouts are just as dangerous. As you know we have the gift to change people’s minds. Make them see things that aren’t there. Blinding an enemy, making him believe that he’s safe when he’s not is one of the Raven-Snout’s best abilities.” He shuddered. “It’s sick if you think about it.”

“I don’t think it’s sick. It’s an awesome ability and one we will desperately need if we get attacked again.”

“They won’t attack again. They are scared of the Rubicon. While he still holds on, he’s a danger to the Wyverns. His pink fire incinerates everything on the spot and there is no cure once you’re burned. It spreads like a disease and only takes you more slowly.”

Blake jump into my mind.

“He sure is one powerful dragon. It would be a pity if he turns.”

“Lucian works pretty hard on that one,” I said.

“You really think he will be able to claim him?”

“He’d better,” I said and he gave me a lopsided smile. It was quiet for a minute. “Wait, how will I get a saddle on you?”

He started to laugh again, this time it came from his belly. “My dragon form has quite a huge neck line. My grandfather told me that King Albert rode him once, a long time ago. They hoisted the saddle onto his neck and they flew around like that for a couple of hours. The stories my Pappy used to tell me.” He sighed. “It’s why I wanted to be part of this.” He gestured towards the area around him. “I don’t know what it is with the other Wyverns, but I promise you, Elena, I’m not like them.”

“You proved that to us, Paul.”

“You don’t know how long I’ve been praying for an opportunity just to prove my loyalty. This wasn’t the opportunity I wanted, but …”

“I know what you mean.” I leaned closer to him. “Don’t mess it up.”

He laughed. “That I promise I will never do.”

The bell at the Academy rang in the distance, announcing that it was time for dinner. We got up and I handed the medallion back to Paul. He lifted his hands up. “Keep it.”

“Paul, I can’t…”

“Keep it, Elena. I mean it.”

I smiled and my stomach made another turn. I didn’t like this feeling at all. I promised Lucian no one would come between us, and I wasn’t the type of person who broke their promises.

“Thank you, Paul.” I put the medallion around my neck and hid the huge round pendant inside my shirt.

We parted ways by the main door leading to the cafeteria. I went to my room first so that I could put the medallion in a safe place.

I found a spot in my drawer, right beneath my panties. I looked at it one last time. The silver needed a clean, but it looked ancient and beautiful. The human head had tiny red rubies for eyes, where the dragon head had tiny blue ones. The symbols engraved around them resembled all the signs of the dragons. It was really the most exquisite thing I’d ever seen, and I couldn’t believe that Paul had told me to keep it.

The King had been right to try and find an alliance with them. I didn’t care who those men were, but if there were colonies with Wyverns like Paul, it could still become a reality. Once I claimed him and I’d Ascended, it would become our mission; to find an alliance with the Wyverns.



ON FRIDAY AN announcement came over the school system. Lucian was going to claim Blake in Monday. My heart skipped a few beats and my stomach twisted and turned a couple of times. Lucian received a lot of cheers but when Blake got up and walked out of the cafeteria, it died immediately.

“He doesn’t like it when you try?”

“I think he’s just scared that I might Ascend this time.” He joked and gave me a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Don’t look so worried. You might just be surprised.”

I smiled. He had all the confidence in the world and I prayed that he would be able to succeed on Thursday.

For the next two days, banners of Lucian and Blake hung everywhere on the school grounds. Reporters even came to have a couple of interviews with Lucian. It was all so overwhelming and Paul tried his best to take my mind away from it all.

He didn’t succeed though.

Thursday couldn’t come soon enough and before I knew it, it was time to go to the Coliseum. I stayed by Lucian’s side and went with him where the Dragonians were suited up to get ready for the claim. He came out of the bathroom and I couldn’t help but swoon.

He was wearing a new Samurai Three Thousand vest over a shirt. His arms were bare and it went well with the leather pants and knee high black army boots that laced up his legs. He really looked like some sort of hunter. He had a thick robe around his shoulder and a shield in his other arm.

“You are going to claim him with a rope?”

He roared with laughter and my serious expression changed into a smile.

“No weapons are allowed in a claim, Elena. Only shields, this,” he lift up a piece of the robe, “and abilities.” He shook his head while a huge grin stayed plastered on his face.

He pulled me by my shirt and I smacked into his chest. The robe was pressing hard just above my hip, but I could also feel his heart thumping as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Whether it was excitement or fear, I didn’t know.

Suddenly, the crowd went wild and we went to look out the gate that looked on the arena. Blake had just entered the Coliseum. He had wrapped some sort of a leather garment around his waist and also wore boots. He looked swoon-worthy and when the guilt of wanting him rose up again, I looked away.

I didn’t know why I always ended up wanting him whenever he paraded around half naked, but then again, it had to do with a part of him wanting me whenever he was drunk. Flashes of cameras went off as he just stood there. He had no expression on his face and looked intimidating.

“He doesn’t even look scared.”

“He never does.”

Lucian finished putting blunt gadgets around his belt. I couldn’t help but notice that it had so many sheaths.

“So what’s your plan?”

“To enjoy it as much as I can,” he said with a voice full of confidence.


“Shhh.” He put his finger to my lips. “No negative vibes are allowed in this room.”

The doors opened and Mia walked in. “You ready?” she asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You look ready. Just fucking claim him this time,” she cussed and we laughed.

“That is the plan.”

A guitar-filled intro started to blare from the speakers and I know the song well. It was Thunderstruck from AC/DC and the song Blake once admitted to Lucian that scared the living crap out of him. The music echoed through the walls as the crowd started to sing along. Lucian closed his eyes, and bounced in one spot. Professor Mia and I just stared at him. It was like the music was starting to give him some strength or magical powers. He opened his eyes, took a huge breath, and looked at me.

“Go get your dragon,” I said and gave him a quick, hard kiss on the mouth.

“Don’t go too far,” he said out of breath as we broke away. He turned and winked as the gates pulled up. The crowd cheered when they saw Lucian parading with his arms in the air as if he had already won. Loud ripping noises came from the coliseum and I knew Blake had transformed. More cheers came as I plunged myself onto the bench and started to pray. This was one claim I didn’t want to see.

I hadn’t forgotten what Blake had told me that night in the mountains. He was giving it his all not to kill Lucian. What if he slipped up today, and killed him.

“You don’t want to watch?” Mia sat with me on the bench.

I shook my head keeping my eyes closed.

“That makes two of us,” she admitted and I turned my head to the left to look at her.

“But you give a mean pep talk.”

She smiled. “Claiming a dragon that doesn’t want to be claimed is one thing, Elena. Claiming a dragon that doesn’t belong to you is another.”

The buzzing sound of the wall popped and I knew we were safe from the Rubicon’s fire.

Worry came back with a vengeance and nausea so strong filled my stomach. I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

“Don’t worry. Lucian always finds a way to not get himself killed.” She tapped my leg. She really doesn’t know when to shut up.

For the next thirty minutes both of us listened to the crowd cheering and gasping outside. Every time they gasped I felt I was going to die a thousand deaths, and I waited what felt like an eternity for them to cheer again.

By the fifth gasp the cheer didn’t come and both Professor Mia and I jumped up to see what was going on.

My hand grabbed my mouth as I saw Lucian lying face down on the floor. Five dragons tried to distract Blake as he still wanted to go for Lucian. Constance and Julia worked fast and I saw Julia use spells to block the Rubicon’s abilities from them.

The door to the Coliseum flew open and King Helmut and Queen Margerite came rushing inside. I jumped out of the way as the gate lifted and watched as Constance and Julia brought Lucian’s limp body inside.

My hand was tucking my hair as I didn’t know if he was dead or alive. He couldn’t be dead.

King Helmut shouted questions at Constance.

Mia tried to keep both of his parents away as Constance worked her magic.

Please, please, please, just save him!

When he took a deep breath my energy dropped to zero and I found myself on the floor.

His parents rushed to his side.

“Did I get him?” He croaked which sounded like music to my ears.

He was alive.



FOR THE NEXT couple of days I had to listen to all of Lucian’s moves. He’d almost had him was what everybody kept saying.

Blake released an ability at the last minute that nobody knew he had; Telekinesis.
It didn’t belong to any dragons; only their human form can develop it the same way as a Dragonian, through a spell. Yet the Rubicon conjured it, so he had to own it. How many more abilities did he hide?

I visited Lucian every day in the Infirmary. The first two days he just slept and his Mom never left his side.

At first I was scared to enter but when she gave me her friendly smile and gestured for me to come closer, I couldn’t reject her offer.

Lucian woke up for a couple of seconds, just to smile at me, or touch my arm and then he would fall into another deep sleep.

“Sleep is good for healing his body, Elena,” his Mom said.

“He could’ve died.”

“Lucian knows the risks.”

“How can you be okay with this?” I wasn’t thinking again.

“I’m not,” she said sternly. “But how do you tell your son he can’t do it if he truly believes he can.”

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I was out of line, Your Majesty.”

She gave a tired laugh. “You don’t need to call me that, Elena. You’re going to become a Princess one day, so call me by my name.”

I giggled. Mine sound just as tired as hers. “You sure about that?”

“If it is up to Lucian, yes.”

I smiled.

She started to ask me about my father again. She said Lucian didn’t have much information about him so I told her as much as I could.

“Your mother died, or so he told me?” she asked.

I kept quiet for a while. I couldn’t lie to her. “He was misinformed. She didn’t die; she left after she found out what my father was.” It was the only explanation that made sense.

She gave me a sad, soft look. “I’m so sorry to hear that, Elena.”

“I should’ve corrected him that day but I was so scared he wouldn’t feel the same way about me anymore.”

“Nothing you do will ever change his mind, Elena. Once it’s made, it can’t be changed. Unless you prove him wrong” She looked at his sleeping figure and smiled. “He was always like that ever since he could crawl.”

I laughed. It was silent for a minute. “Can I ask you something?”

She nodded.

“Why did you change your mind about me?”

“Easy. We saw Lucian’s strength through you. You are just like him you know. Brave, strong and you know exactly what you want. It was something we couldn’t ignore. Finding someone to love is hard, but when it comes as naturally as the way it comes with the two of you…we knew we couldn’t break that up.”

I gave her a lopsided smile and kissed the top of Lucian’s knuckles softly.

“I’m sorry that you lost your father. I can’t imagine what it must be like to discover a world like ours and to cope with this alone.”

“I wasn’t alone. I had my friends and him.” I cocked my head toward Lucian’s body.

“We used to know a Copper-Horn a long time ago. He was brave and one of King Albert’s best friends.” She giggled. “He used to unravel all the consequences made by each possible decision. It resulted in King Albert not making a choice without him.”

I laughed with her. “Yeah, my father used to be a master at that too.” I sighed. “Once, I really wanted to go to this party and he sat down with me and gave me so many scenarios of how it could go wrong. It made me so confused that I didn’t even remember wanting to go to the party in the first place.”

She laughed. “I guess all Copper-Horns are like that.”

“What was his name, the dragon that King Albert looked up to as his decision maker?”

“Jako. When he left, we all missed him so much.”

“Why did he leave?”

“His wife…she ran away with their daughter and he followed three days later. We never saw them again.”

“Why did she leave?”

“No one knows, and it doesn’t matter. It’s just sad that we never heard anything of him again. I have to admit, I never liked his wife that much but he adored her in some creepy way. They had the most beautiful little dragon though.” She didn’t speak further and slipped into her chair.

That was my first encountering with Queen Margerite and after that I became quite fond of our times together.

Lucian woke up around the third day. I wanted to slap him silly for scaring me like that but decided he’d learned his lesson. I just hoped he wasn’t going to attempt a fourth one soon.

I found Lucian wearing a pair of jeans and shirt. He looked brand new, as if nothing major had happened five days ago. Queen Margerite spoke to Constance as I found my arms around his waist.

“I’m going home for two days.” He sulked and I grunted a bit.

“So I’m going to have to spend two whole days without you?”

“It sucks doesn’t it, but the old lady really got a scare and she wants my presence at the palace for a couple of days.”

“Then I think you should go.”

His eyes rose a bit as if he remembered something. “Wait here.” He walked to his Mom and interrupted her and Constance’s conversation.

She nodded her head and he ran back to me. “Go pack your bags. You’re coming with.”

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