Thunder Thighs: A Small Town Instalove Curvy BBW Romance (Larsson Sibling Series Book 1)

Thunder Thighs: Chapter 7

‘This is gorgeous.’ Gunnar spread his arms out wide, taking a deep breath of the salty air. ‘You don’t get places like this back home.’

The Bronze Horseman was closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, and apart from book club yesterday, I’d spent all my free time with Gunnar.

Not a hardship.

With the weather so perfect, I’d decided to show him the Cove’s secret beach. While it necessitated a long trek through the national park and down into a cave, exiting onto the pristine beach with it’s beautiful rock walls and perfectly white sand made the walk worth it. In the decades I’d been coming here I’d only ever once found it in use by another local.

I reclined on my beach towel, adjusting my glasses against the sun’s glare. ‘What is Cape Hardgrave like?’

Gunnar dropped to the towel beside mine.

‘Our coastline isn’t anywhere near this dramatic. It’s mostly long stretches of white sand with giant piers stretching out to the deeper water.’ He covered his eyes with his arm as he stretched out, tilting his head back to enjoy the sun. ‘And there are always tourists—even in the middle of winter.’

I tried to picture him leaving that bustling area for the relaxed pace of the Cove.

‘Sounds busy.’

He chuckled. ‘Understatement. The place is a mecca of activity.’ He peeked at me from beneath his arm. ‘I’d forgotten what quiet felt like.’

Sand swirled as I created patterns with my fingers, considering his statement. ‘You like being busy?’

It wasn’t a question so much as a statement.

‘Mm.’ His foot stretched to touch mine. ‘This is the first break I’ve had in years.’

‘Why years?’

He shrugged. ‘The business needs me, you know how it is.’

I frowned. ‘Not really. Anika and I make a point of taking a holiday every year. We want to ensure that we have longevity, and killing ourselves over our restaurant isn’t going to achieve that.’

Gunnar lifted his arm, opening one eye to blink at me. ‘Every year?’

I nodded.

‘Huh.’ He rolled to his side, propping his head on his arm. ‘Would you ever consider heading my way?’

I swallowed. ‘I guess that depends.’


I stared down at my fingers, watching the patterns form in the sand. ‘You said it’s quite a busy place.’

‘It is.’

I glanced up but found myself unable to hold his eyes. ‘I might have some trouble finding a place to stay.’

He sat up. ‘Ella. Are you asking if I’d put you up?’

I shrugged.

‘Baby.’ He shuffled forward to lay hands on my knees. ‘Ella, look at me.’

I forced myself to meet his gaze.

‘Why on earth would you think you’re not welcome?’

I shrugged.

He shook his head. ‘Is this a fling for you?’

I bit my lip, unsure of how to answer. ‘Is it for you?’

‘Fuck no.’ He combed his fingers through my hair, his gaze direct. ‘You’re incredible, Ella Bronze. And while this might have started fast, I’m not just hanging around for the sex—though it’s a nice bonus.’

He paused, seeming to search for the words he needed.

‘You intrigue me. You’re a boss woman—stern and direct, ambitious and motivated. You light up when you talk about your work and I adore that.’ He brushed sand from my shoulder. ‘But you’re not like me. You don’t live and die by the turn of the clock. You’re not thinking about work every minute of every day. You’re not consumed by your ambitions. And I find that….’ He trailed off.

‘You find that?’ I prompted.

‘Intriguing. You push me to see things differently. You’re challenging me in a way I haven’t been before.’ He ran a sandy hand through his hair, the damp strands catching the grains. ‘I’m not sure what to make of you if I’m honest. I can’t find the box you fit into.’

‘I need to fit into a box?’

His hands dropped to my legs, gliding down their length. ‘It’d make my life a whole lot easier.’


He chuckled, tracing the lightning tattoo on my ankle. ‘Just trust me.’ His thumb grazed my tattoo for a third time. ‘Tell me about this.’

‘My tattoo?’

‘Mm. What’s it mean?’

I watched his fingers slowly follow the zig-zag pattern on my skin.

‘I want to be proud of the body I’m in. There are many times in life when I’ve looked in a mirror and found myself wanting. This—’ I tapped the tattoo. ‘Reminds me to love my thunder.’

Gunnar leaned down to kiss the ink. ‘You’re gorgeous, Ella. This world will put you down—even when you’ve done nothing wrong. I’m glad you’re not listening to it.’

I tilted my head to one side. ‘That sounded like you speaking from experience.’

He huffed. ‘That’s because I am. Sometimes, no matter how hard you work or how much you fight, people will still crap on you.’

I winced. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Thanks, but it was a long time ago.’

‘Doesn’t make it any less painful.’ I hesitated. ‘Do you want to talk about it?’

‘No.’ His lips quirked. ‘But I will because you asked.’

He looked off to the distance, his gaze unfocused. ‘Dad had a heart attack. Only minor—thank the Gods. But it put him out of commission for a while. I took over and—’ he grimaced. ‘I botched a job. Badly. I’d been distracted, worried, but it wasn’t an excuse. People got hurt and it damaged our reputation.’ He sighed. ‘It took us years to regain the clients we’d lost.’

‘Is that why you work so hard?’ I asked. ‘Because you feel guilty?’

‘Not guilt. Responsibility. Our employees rely on me for their livelihood. They depend on me to ensure they have a job and can provide for their families.’

‘That’s a big weight to take on.’

He shrugged. ‘Is it any less than you do?’

A wry smile touched my lips. ‘Touché.’

He seemed to shake off the morose mood that had descended.

‘Come on.’ He rose to his feet, pulling me up with him.

‘Where?’ I asked, laughing when he bent to throw me over his shoulder. ‘Gunnar! Put me down! I’m too heavy.’

‘Nonsense.’ He headed for the water. ‘You ever make love in the ocean?’

Squealing, laughing, and soon begging—the man claimed another one of my firsts.

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