Thunder Thighs: A Small Town Instalove Curvy BBW Romance (Larsson Sibling Series Book 1)

Thunder Thighs: Chapter 3

I heard Ella moving in her bedroom while I dug through her pantry and fridge. The candles around the house filled the space with warm, flickering light. Outside, the storm continued to rage, thunder and lightning locked in combat.

Ella’s pantry was surprisingly well stocked—though I should have expected a restaurant owner to be a foodie who loved to cook.

I laid my ingredients on her kitchen island, settling on a breakfast dish. I whisked eggs, cinnamon, vanilla, milk, and a pinch of sugar together, pouring the wet mix into a flat pan. Putting it aside, I sliced thick pieces of sourdough bread, dipping them into the liquid and then laying them flat on a heated pan.

‘That smells good,’ Ella said, moving toward me. I paused mid-flip, my mouth watering as I drank her in. She’d dried her hair, letting it fall freely around her face in a messy tangle. She wore a printed kimono, which she’d left untied at the front. Under the robe lay a black slip of lace and satin, which clung provocatively to her every dip and curve.

Fuck breakfast. I wanted to taste every inch of her.

‘What?’ She glanced down, hands hovering above her stomach. ‘Do I have something on here? I had to pull it out of storage. I’m not normally a lingerie sort of girl, so it may have some dust—’

I pulled her into me, my mouth silencing hers. She fell into the kiss, letting me take what I needed, willingly following me down any path I chose. This level of trust—of blind innocence—was a heady, powerful thing.

And so goddamned humbling. I wanted this to be good for her. Wanted her to enjoy every moment. I needed to make this perfect.

I’d never believed in love at first sight. Hell, I hadn’t even been convinced that love really existed. But this pull between us was undeniable. The longer I spent with her, the more I became convinced that this wasn’t just lust or infatuation. Ella made me consider things I hadn’t ever turned my mind to before. Things like maybe these feelings between us weren’t simply sexual.

Could I have found my soul mate? Did I even believe in soul mates?

The fact was, I’d known this woman less than four hours, and here I stood in her kitchen considering the possibility of settling down, of making a life here with her.

My family would laugh themselves silly if they could see me right now. I wasn’t exactly known as Mister Love. Workaholic, decisive, stoic? Yep.

The kind to fall head-over-heels for a woman I’d just met? Fuck no.

I broke our kiss, returning to the stove just in time to rescue the toast.

‘What are you making?’ Ella asked, wrapping arms around my middle.

‘French toast with maple bananas.’

‘Can I help?’

‘Sure, can you slice the banana?’

She pressed a kiss to my back before moving to the kitchen island. We worked in companionable silence for a few minutes, me cooking the toast, her slicing and transferring the bananas to the waiting pan.

‘One minute on each side,’ I explained, flipping the toast slices. ‘Then we’ll coat with a generous glug of maple, and it’ll be done.’

‘Glug, huh?’ She leaned her hip against the counter beside me, her stunning eyes warm with amusement. ‘Is that an official measurement?’

I chuckled. ‘Oh ye of little faith. Just you wait.’

I held up the maple bottle, tipping it over the pan. An air bubble formed in the neck and bubbled up, making a glug sound as the liquid squeezed past.

‘No way!’ Ella exclaimed, slapping my arm playfully. ‘That’s ridiculous.’

‘It’s a Viking trade secret,” I told her solemnly, holding the spatula to my chest. ‘We only divulge it to the noblest of Valkyries.’

She laughed, her stunning eyes dancing with mirth. ‘I swear to take it to my grave.’

I divided the food, decorating the toast with the caramelized banana pieces. We sat at her breakfast bar, digging into the syrupy mess.

‘Oh, God,” Ella groaned, closing her eyes. ‘This is divine. I should add it to our menu.’

I grinned, enjoying her pleasure. ‘You’re welcome. It’s not every day I get to feed a beautiful woman.’

She tipped to head to one side, considering me as she chewed.

‘What?’ I asked, slicing into the toast with my fork. ‘What’s that look?’

‘I guess I just realize I know nothing about you. You say it’s not every day, yet I wouldn’t know if that were true.’

I laid down my fork and reached for her free hand, entwining my fingers with hers. Turning fully toward her, I leaned in, catching and holding her gaze.

‘It’s true. Contrary to what tonight might seem, I’m not someone who sleeps around. It’s been—’ I paused, trying to remember the last time I’d hooked up with someone. ‘—a while. And before that, it was a relationship that lasted a year.’ I leaned my forehead against hers. ‘This attraction between us? It’s hot as fuck and is making me lose all my cool.’

‘I don’t know whether to be happy about that.’

I pulled back, slowly letting her go. ‘You can tell me after I make you come multiple times.’

She blushed, dropping her head to her plate and shoveling food in her mouth. Grinning at her reaction, I changed the subject.

‘Have you always lived in Capricorn Cove?’

Ella nodded. ‘My mother’s family traces our line back to the original Manari tribes. They were fishermen and women who settled in this area, living off the land and sea until the colonizers arrived. Later some became farmers while others chose the sea.’

‘And your father’s side?’

‘A Hodge podge mix of Europeans who washed up on Astipia’s shores.’ She chuckled, spearing a banana piece. ‘My father’s people are not sailors. They’re mostly academics from way back. I think we even have a former priest in the mix.’

‘And you’ve never thought of leaving?’

‘Absolutely not. This is my home. This is where I feel connected to country and family.’

I understood the sentiment. ‘My mother’s people are from America and, before that, Europe. But my father’s are from Norway. We’re able to trace his line back to the Vikings. I went to Norway for work a few years back, and stepping onto the country that ran so deep in my DNA felt like coming home. Like I’d connected to a piece of myself I didn’t know was missing.’

‘Exactly!’ She pointed her fork at me, her eyes sparkling. ‘It’s why I don’t think I’ll ever leave. I love it here. There’s so much beauty and history. Astipia itself is a land rich in culture, but Capricorn Cove?’ She shook her head. ‘It’s glorious.’

‘I’m beginning to see the appeal.’

Our conversation roamed freely and easily as we ate, and despite the desire humming through my veins, I found myself loathed to rush us to the bedroom. Ella delighted the hell out of me and learning more about her simply increased my attraction.

I’m in over my head.

‘I attended Norwell, I got my business degree, then got the hell out,” I told her. ‘I fucking hated college. Hated studying. I’m better when I can act on what I know—being forced to learn without any outcome? It’s like torture to me. You?’

‘Community college. It’s about an hour from here. Even a few years away would have been too many.’

I nodded. ‘What did you study?’

‘Hospitality and business.’ She grinned. ‘I always knew I wanted to make a go of it here. People are searching for the quaint, quiet spots they remember from childhood—but with all the amenities they expect as an adult. We started with a food van, but after my grandmother passed and left me some money, Anika convinced me to invest it.’

‘Sorry for your loss.’

‘Thank you.’ She offered me a small smile. ‘I still miss her, but I think she’d be proud of what we’ve built.’ She leaned forward, her slip dipping just enough to reveal the shadow of her nipples. ‘And she loved this town. The ocean, the people. I think she’d adore that I’m creating a life for myself here.’

‘I feel you,’ I replied, ignoring my cock that now tented the towel I wore. ‘I’d get home every chance I got. I grew up on boats and beaches. It felt like a part of me was missing while living on campus.’

‘Lake Muniahra didn’t do it for you?” she teased, reaching out to squeeze my knee.

I captured her hand, entwining her fingers with mine. ‘I doubt anyone would think the lake was a substitute for a great beach.’ I rested our hands on the towel covering my thigh. ‘So, what’s next for you? Expansion?’

‘Actually, the property is so large that this year we’ve been doing brunch in the yard on weekends. It’s taken off enough to justify opening for lunch and breakfast next year in addition to the evening hours. We’re beginning to see more competition with new places opening, but we’re tried and true with a stellar reputation.’ She laughed. ‘Not to mention the local connections to get all the best produce.’

I chuckled. ‘Nothing like some good local nepotism.’

‘Absolutely! I’m also toying with the idea of buying a few more properties. There are three along the cliff road—all outdated and needing repairs—but their owners are getting on and thinking of selling. They have amazing views, which would be a real selling point. I was considering maybe snapping up a few and doing them up as holiday homes. Offering them with a package deal for weddings.’

‘Well, shit. You’re a Queen building an empire.’ I pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

She flushed but didn’t look away. Our gazes caught, holding, the relaxed atmosphere giving way to crackling tension.

‘Ella.’ I ran my thumb over the back of her hand.


‘Get on the counter.’

Her eyebrows rose. ‘Excuse me?’

‘Hop up on the counter, baby.’

‘But.’ She tilted her head to one side, a thick chunk of her hair falling over her shoulder. ‘Why?’

I slid off my stool, pulling my towel free with one tug. My cock sprang up, ready and rearing to go. ‘Because I want to eat your pussy.’

Her gaze dropped to my cock. Her lips parted, her eyes glazing over.

Fuck yes. This is one hell of a woman.

I was about to lose my patience and lift her onto the counter when she slid off her chair and sank to her knees.

‘Ella, what are you—?’

‘I wanna taste,’ she murmured, reaching a hand out to my cock. She hesitated, glancing up at me. ‘Is this okay?’

‘Fuck yes.’ It took all my goddamned willpower to keep from reaching for her. ‘You do whatever makes you feel good—whatever you want.’

I fucking loved that Ella had taken one look at me and liked what she saw. It drove me wild to know that she wanted me in her mouth, the taste of me on her tongue.

I watched as she settled on her knees, her hand wrapping around the base of my cock as she considered me. She licked her lips, a slight frown in place.

‘Okay, baby?’ I asked, tensing.

‘Yeah, just—working it out,” she muttered.

‘Working—’ I broke off, a mangled groan bursting from my throat as she leaned forward, taking hold of me in one quick slide. The heat of her mouth, the drag of her tongue, the warmth enveloping my cock—all of it was fucking incredible.

Valhalla. Heaven. Nirvana.

I didn’t care what name you assigned to this pleasure. All I knew was I never wanted this to end.

Ella drew back, one hand reaching up to brush hair from her face.

‘Let me,’ I grunted, wrangling movement from my pleasure-soaked body. I reached down, fisting her hair, and pulling it back from her face. She moaned as my fingers delved into her thick mass, massaging her scalp.

‘You like that?’ I asked, testing the waters a little.

‘So much,’ she panted, licking her lips.

I pulled at her hair with my fist, just enough to add a small bite of tension.

Ella groaned, her eyes closing as she enthusiastically surged forward against my pull, mouth desperately sucking me back in.

It seemed as if my woman liked a little pain with her pleasure.

She’s fucking perfect.

She sucked and swallowed, her hand stroking the base of my cock while her lips and tongue drove me crazy. There was no finesse to her movements, no practiced artifice to take away from her enthusiasm. This was raw, desperate need.

And I fucking loved every moment.

She pulled back, tonguing my crown to find a sensitive spot on the underside of my cock.

‘Fuck,’ I panted, holding her head still as my hips jerked, my cock thrusting in and out of her willing mouth. ‘Gonna come, baby. Tap my leg if you want me to pull out.’

She didn’t. She kept up her pace, hungry, wanton sounds escaping her throat.

‘Fuck!’ I exploded into her mouth, cum hitting the back of her throat. She swallowed it down with a small hum of pleasure.

‘Jesus Christ,’ I collapsed back on the stool, hand stroking her hair. ‘Fuck.’

Ella giggled, rising to her feet. She stumbled, and my hands shot out to grip her hips to steady her.

‘That was—’ She bit her lip, searching for the words. ‘Beautiful.’

‘Yeah.’ I grinned, pulling her in close to nuzzle her cheek. ‘I have to agree. You looked pretty fucking gorgeous with my cock down your throat.’

I felt the blush heat her cheek.


‘What?’ I pulled back, one hand following the curve of her body to graze over her abdomen and down to the seam of her pussy. I slipped a hand under her lingerie, finding her naked and soaked. My fingers captured her wet heat, the musky smell of her desire driving me crazy.

Finding her clit, I drew lazy circles around the sensitive flesh, loving her gasped moan. Her nails dug into my forearm, her body arching as she searched for more.

‘You ever do that for anyone else?’

She shook her head, her hips shifting restlessly against my hand. Arrogant satisfaction settled in my gut.

I would be her first everything. Her final too, if I had my way.

I shoved that last thought aside, unable to process the possessive instinct that drove me to lay claim to this woman.

‘I think that effort deserves a reward, baby,” I murmured, increasing the pressure against her clit. Her hands gripped my arms, her mouth parting as tiny mews escaped.

I kept her like that, imprisoned between my thighs, one hand pressing her to me, the other delivering pleasure.

‘Ready?’ I asked, my lips pressed to the shell of her ear.

She nodded, frantic in her search for an ending to this exquisite torture. I tugged at her slip dress, sliding the material down over her breasts until they spilled free. I moved in, pressing hot kisses to her nipples, sucking them into my mouth to tongue her.

Desperate pleas began to spill from her lips, filthy demands for more.

I shifted my fingers a fraction up and to the right, finding a spot that drove her wild.

Ella shattered, her legs imprisoning my hand as her cries filled the house, her body convulsing as she coated my fingers in her cream.

‘Fuck,’ I muttered, letting her ride out her orgasm. My cock hardened against my thigh, a bone-deep hunger taking up residence in my gut.

Ella trembled against me, her breath short and sharp.

‘Shhh, baby,” I whispered, brushing comforting hands along her back. I pulled the slip back up, hiding her glorious tits from my view. ‘Just breathe.’

‘I’ve never—that was—’ She shuddered.

‘I know.’ I pressed a kiss to her forehead, her cheek, tilting her head up to reach her lips. ‘Just breathe.’

We stayed there for a long moment, wrapped in each other. I prayed to the Gods that she felt the same mix of crazy emotions I did. Fucking hell, if I was the only one feeling this way…. At this point, I’d be ready to raze this town to the ground for her if she asked.

You need to dial it down a notch. This is fucking ridiculous.

Ignoring the sensible voice in my head, I drew back a fraction to look down at the gorgeous woman in my arms.

‘Bed?’ I asked.


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