
Chapter 23: The Wedding Night

Derak was suddenly aware that his body was hypersensitive in a way that he had never known before. Nothing compared to these new, startling sensations. His mind raced back to every encounter he had ever had with women on Earth and in the surrounding realms of space. There had been many, many women. The courtships always had been the same: all too brief encounters that were followed by brief couplings, save for Tara. But, she, too, had never aroused such feelings in him. His trysts had left him sexually sated and exhilarated from another conquest. That was all. Every one of them was brief, random acts that left him unfulfilled, emotionally remote, and empty inside. And, yet, he never knew there was anything missing. Wasn’t that the way it was supposed to be? Wasn’t this the way most, if not all, men approached the act of sex and love? He was aware now, on many levels, that those brief encounters were erroneously labeled “lovemaking.” Were there any men who actually knew true love?

As these moments passed, he realized, for the first time, that sex was not love, and love had nothing to do with sex or lust. Sex was an expression of love. The act of love itself made sex magnificent. He also realized, at this moment, that he did not need sex to be with this woman the rest of his natural life. Derak could not believe what he was thinking. Love without sex, and, yet, he knew deeply that this was the measure of true love.

There was something vital and thrilling about the mental, emotional, and spiritual connection he had with Shesain. The physical unification, to come, was the icing on the wedding cake, so to speak. He could not wait to partake of that sumptuous dessert. Never before had he wanted to fulfill a woman’s desire for him so totally. He was for Shesain, and she was for him.

This was his destiny, and he stumbled upon it, by accident. Though Derak knew his prowess in bed, his feelings, how he would approach this night and this woman, were different. Never before had he wanted to take in the entire essence of a woman from head to foot. He wanted this woman inside him, engulfing him. He wanted to abandon himself within her, utterly and completely.

It was so new and inexplicable, so strange, so compelling, that his mind reeled with the possibility of the dynamic connection he could achieve. Shesain, his alluring, exotic bride, was beyond the quintessence of any woman he had ever known or dreamed about. Could this be real? Did he imagine these feelings that were so new, so scintillating, so daring?

This was not a dream. This was reality beyond all imagining and beyond all ideas of perfection. How, with such a past, could he have ever hoped to know such a moment of supreme exhilaration? Derak could sense that Shesain was right there with him, feeling his exhilaration. He knew her senses were heightened, as well, in ways she had never before experienced.

Shesain was in the adjacent room, preparing herself for the man she loved. She, too, was going through wild emotions as she bathed herself in steaming water, knowing the warmth of her skin would heighten the transition to come. As she toweled off her voluptuous body, she admired the perfection she was about to offer Derak.

Shesain had spent the past month preparing for this night, practicing rituals of purification, instruction, fertility, and blessing. Now, the time was finally here. Initially, she thought, after waiting so long to find the right man, she would be fearful and hesitant. She had never experienced love-making before. She had listened to other women talk about it and dreamed about how it would feel, but she had always been unsure of how she would actually respond. She was no longer unsure.

Derak was in her mind. His presence was with her always, emotionally and spiritually. They

shared a connection few women or men on Earth would ever know. Her desire was boundless as she thought of intimacy with Derak. She knew his past. But this was very different. Tonight he would be her first, just as she would be his, in spite of all the other women he had before. They were both virgins this night. The thought of this excited her more than all her wildest dreams.

As Shesain continued the final rituals of cleansing and purification, she thought of all the times she had longed to touch Derak. The times she had watched him. The times she had gripped his strong arms and felt the strength of him beneath his clothing. The thought of him almost made her swoon.

Tonight, he would be hers forever. She was giddy, from the sensations coursing through her body, and mystified. Soon, she would be holding his naked body next to hers, while she allowed him to enter her forbidden treasures, treasures meant only for him, for the first time.

She splashed herself with an exotic scent, knowing full-well her natural pheromones would already be surrounding Derak. Finally, she was ready. She took one last look at herself in the reflector and realized that tomorrow she would be a different woman. She was filled with expectation and wonder.

Derak was, indeed, enveloped in Shesain’s intoxicating scent. Every fiber of his being was alive with anticipation. This was one of the most singular aspects of Thumarian woman that no Earth woman could compete with. Derak took her scent in through every pore. Her fragrance was around him, inside him, and he reveled in the deluge of passion Shesain’s scent invoked. As she opened the door, his hand, involuntarily, went to his heart, and he gasped. It seemed as if time stopped, for a moment.

She stood there, unmoving, staging the moment for its full effect. She smiled as the moonlight filtered through her flimsy, shimmering gown. A gown so transparent and thin, that Derak could see every curve of her sumptuous body. Derak drank in the sight of her, experiencing the absolute realization that Shesain was his and his alone. No man before had ever had the pleasure of her magnificent body. His soul filled with awe. He had never felt so honored.

Derak rose from the bed in all his muscular perfection. He was confident in his virility, sure of his abilities, proud in his stance. She glided toward him, a blithe, beautiful creature from some magnificent fantasy, the shimmering gown flowing in the moonlight. She was surreal ecstasy in motion. Then, suddenly, she was in his arms and the sensations heightened to an even more exultant level. Their lips touched briefly, for the first time, and they found themselves drowning in the most glorious kiss. It was beyond all imagining, their embrace resplendent with passion. Derak could not believe Shesain’s warmth. Shesain could not believe how fine Derak’s body felt against hers, so virile and protective.

That kiss was not just passion, but a freely given pact to love one another forever, their souls merging into one. Derak’s mind engaged Shesain’s and they knew the deepest feelings of love. All the secret longings, the treasured thoughts of commitment, the hopes for the future — they all blended at once. Derak broke from the kiss, first, as Shesain swooned lightly. He gathered her in his arms and carried her to the magnificent bed that had been prepared for this night.

He laid her down and disrobed her, tenderly, tossing the glimmering piece of material away from her now nude body. She was a goddess, an idol. Derak couldn’t believe his feelings. They were the most intense emotions he had ever experienced. It was thrilling beyond expression. Somehow, after a lifetime of searching for something, never knowing quite what, he had now found it in this woman.

He looked down at her, unashamedly, and she accepted his gaze. The moonlight caressed the mounds and curves of her body as gently as his gaze. He was lost in wonderment. He wanted to fill the core of his being with the visions and feelings of this night. Nothing about this experience would be fast, perfunctory, or forgotten.

He realized he was making memories. Shesain smiled, knowing exactly what he was going through, for she was doing the same thing as she watched him standing above her. The moonlight silhouetted his beautiful facial features and his body’s sculpted perfection. When her eyes finally wandered down to his pelvis, the standard of his manhood was revealed. He was magnificent, and soon his one man army – Derak’s expression — would be hers forever.

Derak took his time visually exploring her body with his eyes before he lay down beside Shesain. When he did, she trembled with delight, anticipating his next move. The waiting was scintillating. Not knowing what he would do made the sensations all the more intense. He felt her shudder underneath him as he discovered, with his lips, her supple neck. His ministrations sent courses of sensation down her body, exciting her most private parts. She squealed and wriggled toward him.

Shesain gathered Derak in her arms. They embraced with a kiss that seemed endless as they explored each other’s soft, moist, and succulent mouths. Shesain thought that she could drown in this moment forever, in its infinite satisfaction, never resurfacing from the erotic waves that washed over her.

Derak could not believe the thrill of nurturing an embrace for the sake of Shesain, and, surprisingly, for himself, as well. Derak had no goal in mind; this was too special to do quickly. He wanted to extend the moment forever.

He knew this melding with Shesain would last a lifetime. He was fulfilled in a way he had never thought possible. What he and Shesain had together was indelible, a permanent tattoo on the soul. Time stood still for the two lovers. Derak explored every part of Shesain’s body, lingering, ignoring her entreaties for him to consummate the act. He focused his attention on her bounteous breasts, nipping and tickling, and devouring them in long ardent ministrations that sent Shesain into tremors of pleasure. He moved beyond those wonders down to her abdomen and pelvic mound, gently nibbling at her clitoris. He spent a timeless eternity reveling in Shesain’s ecstasy, as her pleasure reached heights she had never dreamed existed. Her magnificent body writhed with passionate joy, as wild erotic sensations coursed through her every cell. Her rising passion motivated Derak; he was blind to everything but her fulfillment.

Shesain pleaded wildly with Derak to release his passion inside her, and he swept his body upon her in one remarkable move as his legs swiftly spread hers apart. He paused at the entrance of her treasures, pondering her indescribable essence. Her hips rose as he placed the consummation towel under her hips. The move, so manly and sudden, heightened Shesain’s need for him, even more. She could hardly breathe.

The moment was so amazingly erotic. He was above her, staring deeply into her deep brown eyes as he inserted his wondrous organ into her pulsating warmth. He was surprised to find that she was a virgin, even though he already knew this in his heart. He paused upon the realization.

Never before had he encountered a virgin. It was almost too much for Derak to process — the absolute truth that this woman had saved herself for one man. Yet, here she was, beneath him, a wondrous woman who offered her body to him like a sacrament. He was overwhelmed. Tears filled his eyes as Shesain’s hands caressed his face and guided it close. Gently, her full moist lips pressed against his mouth. The entire universe consisted of nothing but their joining. They lingered long in this kiss of realization.

Then, Shesain’s body rhythms brought Derak back to the present, as she wrapped her long shapely legs around him and squeezed with all her might. Her thighs, buttocks, and sphincter muscles contracted and pulsated, trapping his manhood in their embrace. Now, that she had him inside her, it seemed she would never let him go. Shesain’s body urged him onward. With every thrust of his throbbing member, they climbed, in unison, to another level of passion.

Derak took Shesain deeply into his arms and continued the slow, penetrating thrusts that he knew pleased Shesain, while, simultaneously, deeply kissing her, He penetrated her from below, above, and within. Derak kissed her with ardent passion as the thrusts became more urgent. He felt her clitoris rising to meet his thrusts. He deepened his angle to meet Shesain, ensuring that the connection completely engulfed and intoxicated her.

Shesain was in a delirium, moaning softly, totally immersed in erotic passion. Her desire obscured every other emotion and thought she had ever known. Derak was her universe. Derak had never before made such a connection with another female. This was new, thrilling, and significant, in ways the Earthman had never before fathomed. This was two souls blending, in concert with one another. This was real love.

As his motions escalated, so did Shesain’s need. She started to dig her fingertips into Derak’s back, pulling him closer as if she were trying to absorb him. Derak loved the sensation and responded with the same intensity. Shesain started to moan loudly. She was lost in sensation. Nothing else existed for her but Derak and this moment.

It was like a tsunami had captured her and whirled her in its orbit, as it sent her dashing against one sensation to the next. She was drowning in primal need. She could barely endure the overwhelming desire, yet she never wanted it to end. Derak was totally engulfed by the same sensations.

They were both riding this wave of ecstasy together, and nothing would ever, ever be the same. Suddenly, Shesain emitted a cry of fulfillment. Her body arched to accept Derak, in all his glory. At precisely the same moment, Derak released his desire in a wave of extreme pulsations. With all of the might and majesty a man can offer his woman, he filled her. The miracle of love and life, the potential for a future beyond them, was conceived in that one exultant moment.

Derak was spent. He slumped over Shesain. He never wanted to extract himself from this place of bliss. Derak looked into Shesain’s beautiful eyes and marveled at how amazing she was. In a moment of epiphany, Derak saw the great flaw in the way most cultures viewed sex and love. The truth was only revealed in the deepest wilds of time and space.

Shesain and Derak lay together, each languorously savoring the beauty of the other. They knew exactly what the other was feeling and honored the great gift of this knowledge. They were now one soul, the embodiment of each other’s dreams.

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