Thrown Away

Chapter 8

Sally helped Finn put the shirt and boxers on. Sunny cleaned her face as best she could. "Thanks" Finn whispered after taking a moment to gather herself. Sally just nodded her head, she was to chocked up to speak. She was extremely proud of her niece and how she used her body to protect her little boy. "I want Jai" Finn stated with determination. She wanted to make sure her little boy was ok and she knew it was time to feed.

"Hunny, you can't feed for a few more hours. We need to make sure the medication is out of your system" Sally whispered. It had been 16 hours since the medication was given and Sally wasn't sure if there would be any left in the milk or not. "She should be ok to feed now" the female doctor stated before adding "it will most likely hurt". "I don't care I need to feed my son" Finn sobbed. Sally nodded going to get Myles. "She wants to feed Jai, can you place her on the couch?" Sally asked Myles.

Myles raced in to his sister gently lifting her in to his arms and walked carefully to the couch placing her down. Sunny set up some cushions so Finn could use them to support Jai while feeding. Tex handed Jai to Sally who carefully placed the baby on the pillow. "Help" Finn mumbled. She could not lift her shirt herself without being in pain. Sally nodded lifting her shirt and positioned Jai so he was able to suckle. Jai nuzzled his little face into the breast before latching on.

Finn sucked in a breath to fight the scream that she wanted to release with the pain. One look at her little boys face had her sobbing "I'm sorry Jj. I'm such a bad mother. I let them hurt you" she cried. "You listen to me Finlay. You protected that boy, you protected my grandson even when his father wanted to harm him and you. You have nothing to be sorry for" Zane stated wanting nothing more then to go and comfort the girl but fearing he would hurt her more.

After 30 minutes it was time to move. No one wanted to be here any longer then they had to. They also had a three hour drive to Tex's clubhouse. Finn would need to be in the infirmary for a few more days but didn't want to be anywhere near the snipers. Tex headed out the door letting the other presidents and his members know they were on the move. The snipers were all around the clubhouse and had no idea what was going on.

All the brothers moved towards the door forming a tunnel for Finn and her baby to walk threw all the way out to the waiting van which would take them both to Tex's clubhouse. Tex nodded his head before opening the door.

Myles picked his sister up draping a blanket over her legs to block the view of some of the damage that was done. "Don't you dare put your head down Finn. You keep your head held high. They should be hanging their heads" Myles told his sister as he moved towards the door. Finn didn't know that the other clubs were making a path for her to walk through so Jarrod wouldn't be able to touch her to lay claim on her.

Finn held her head up high as Myles moved to the door. In front of her Tex smiled at his niece and his wife who was holding Jai. Jai's bruises and the haematoma were not covered. Everyone wanted the club to see the damage Louise had done to an innocent child.

Taylor attempted to push his way to the door when he saw it open as did Jarrod, but the brothers weren't letting him through. "Get me to my girl, I need to claim her before they get her out" Jarrod yelled to his members.

Zane and Tex walked in front of Finn but the gasps from those who could see Finn went through the entire clubhouse. "Keep it down, don't scare the baby" Tex boomed out when the noise in the club caused Jai to wail. The members of the snipers who had been around Finn since birth soon joined the other brothers keeping her father and Jarrod away from Finn. After seeing the damage to the person who really couldn't be identified, there were a lot of angry brothers around. If people had not said it was Finn you wouldn't of recognised the girl that Myles was carrying slowly through the club house.

Most of the brothers bowed their head in respect after seeing Finn and her baby. A silent promise that they would protect them both. The old ladies who knew Finn had tears in their eyes. They had stood on tables to get a glimpse of the girl and hoped it wasn't as bad as people had been saying. It was worse then what had been said and they all felt responsible.

"Let me get to my daughter" Taylor continued to scream trying to get his way through the crowd. As Finn passed the brothers joined behind her making sure she knew that they all had her back. "That's my woman there. I am going to claim her. Move out of my fucken way" Jarrod barked. No one was listening to him except the members who had blindly followed him and had hurt the girl he was now trying to claim.

Finn held her head up high, she would now bow to these people. She once considered them family, but now they were the monsters who would haunt her for life. She wanted no connection to any one of them besides her brother, Zane and Sunny. The rest, she wanted to forget they ever existed and forget she ever considered this place home.

As Myles got to the van the brothers formed a semi circle around the back. Sally and Sunny had broken off to the back to place Jai in the back. Tex's members had covered the baby with Tex and the other presidents and their clubs were with Finn.

Jarrod managed to get through and was three guys from his target of touching Finn. He went to reach his hand out just as Myles stepped back to place Finn into the back when another man grabbed his arms preventing him from touching Finn.

"Uncle Stu let me the fuck go. I need to claim my woman and kid" Jarrod yelled alerting Myles and Finn of what was happening behind them. "You had your chance boy. If you ever loved her, let her go because she will never want to be here or near you again" Stu stated. "That's my kid and my woman. She loved the club and will be fine here. She belongs to me" Jarrod spat. Stu shook his head pulling his nephew into a chokehold.

"I belong to no one, I belong to me and that's my son. I will never be yours, I will never be part of the snipers. You all did this to me and I will never forgive any of you" Finn stated before nodding at Stu and being placed in the back of the van. Stu nodded back at the girl in respect. He couldn't believe little Finlay had been harmed so much and by a club that vowed to protect her.

Myles threw his cut down on the ground before spitting on it. "I am no longer a sniper. Come near my sister again and I will fuck you up. That includes you Taylor and Jarrod. Mark my words, you will pay for what you all did to Finn" Myles spat before pouring gasoline onto the patch and lighting the fucker up.

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