Thrown Away

Chapter 32

A week had gone past and Finn had asked everyone to just leave her alone. She wanted time away from the club stuff. Myles was taking over Texas club anyway but they text every day. Zane and Sunny had handed Jarrod over to the other clubs to be dealt with. They had text Finn a few times to check on her and Jai but respected the fact she needed some space.

Nikora had handed Tama to his Tupuna and told her what he had planned to do with Finn. She was annoyed and immediately organised for him and and his kids to be sent to her brother in New Zealand so he couldn't bother Finn at all. Nikora stripped him of his cut in the MC and also banned him. There was no way he would risk Finn's safety even for family. His Tupuna supported him especially when he told her that Finn was the one. She and his grandfather laughed when they saw his face and Knuckles told them about the hit to his groin. They were impressed with what she had done to Jarrod.

Finn decided she was going to take Jai to the beach today. She had spent her time at home mainly in the week after her breakdown but now she needed to do something. Jai had never been to the beach before so she thought it would be a great day out for both of them. She packed her car with a small tent and everything she would need plus a small picnic for herself and Jai.

The guy Nikora had watching Finn immediately called him to let Nikora know Finn was heading out. Nikora had wanted to see Finn again but didn't want to be a creep just turning up to her house. Especially not when he knew of what had happened to the girl on her 18th birthday. He was going to just run into her when she was out. But she hadn't left her place for the entire week. Nikora ordered the guy to follow Finn and let him know where she was headed so he could run into her.

When Finn pulled up at the beach, she couldn't help but smile. She always loved the beach as a child but was now a little self conscious of her body after having her son. She also had a few scars on her back from where she was beaten. She wasn't going to allow that to stop her though, it was time she accepted herself and the person she had become.

The minute Nikora found out the Finn was at the beach he and a few of his members decided to enjoy a day at the beach. He organised his members who had been claimed and in stable relationships to come along. So he and 3 other guys and their partners with their children headed to the beach. Nikora hoped this way Finn wouldn't think he was a creep. One of the guys partners was going to meet them there.

As Nikora and his mates pulled up at the beach he immediately saw Finn and Jai heading to the water. "Fuck she is gorgeous" Nikora muttered to himself. Finn was in a two piece emerald green bikini which suited her form and showed all her curves. She had a large white hat on her head and sunglasses. Jai was in shorts and a rash vest with a hat on his head. Buzz chuckled and shook his head at Nikora who was now glaring at men in the area. "Hurry up, come on, I need to get in the water" Nikora barked wanting to go and see Finn.

Nikora dumped all the gear and stripped down to his shorts marching straight into the water. Finn was knee deep and bending so Jai could put his feet in the water. Jai was banging his hands on the water and laughing as it splashed in his face. His legs were moving like he was running. Finn was laughing at her son and wished she had someone to take a photo of this very moment for her. She wanted to capture all of Jai's firsts.

Nikora dived into the water to the side of Finn then turned to the shore going to call his mates in. "Hey, Finn right?" He said looking at her. Finn looked up and saw Nikora looking at her. "Yeh. Hi" Finn said turning back to Jai. Finn was pulling him up as the white wash from the waves was coming to make sure he didn't go under.

Nikora moved closer to Finn wanting to talk to her but she really wasn't paying attention to him. His mates and there families were watching on laughing at Nikora. "Are you here with someone?" Nikora asked. Finn again looked at Nikora, "my son" Finn replied before picking up Jai and putting him on her hip. Jai hit his mothers chest wanting to get back into the water. "Oh, what's his name?" Nikora asked. He knew his name but didn't want to stop talking to Finn.

Finn headed into deeper water wanting to cool off a little bit. "His name is Jai" Finn replied. Finn tried to lay back while holding Jai but he was now grabbing at her bikini top and blowing raspberries on her chest. Nikora watched and worked out quickly that Finn was trying to cool off. "I can hold Jai while you cool off for a minute if you like" Nikora offered stepping closer to Finn.

When Jai heard his name he turned his head to see who was calling him. Jai squealed and waved his arms and legs in excitement at Nikora, he liked people and he had seen Nikora before. Nikora chuckled seeing how excited Jai got seeing him. "He seems to like me" Nikora laughed. "No accounting for taste" Finn replied which earned a laugh from Nikora's mates who had joined them in the water.

Finn swung around seeing three new men and quickly stepped away from them. She didn't trust men and didn't want to feel trapped. "Hey these are some of my mates. This guy is Buzz and his wife Jo Jo is with the kids on the beach, middle one is Cut and his wife Steph is feeding there daughter in the tent thing and that is Whisky his partner will be here soon" Nikora introduced. "This is Finn and her son Jai" Nikora added. Finn nodded but decided she needed to go and feed Jai but he kept trying to get to Nikora. "Nice meeting you but I am going to feed Jai" Finn stated just as Jai managed to head butting Nikora trying to get in his arms. "I don't mind holding him while you have a dip" Nikora offered again.

Jai was getting fussy wanting to be held by Nikora. Finn was unsure about handing her son to Nikora though, she didn't trust anyone. "He is good with kids" Buzz offered up thinking that was the problem. "I swear I will stand right here" Nikora stated. Finn nodded her head and handed Jai to Nikora. Jai squealed and then bent towards the water. "Can I put him back in the water?" Nikora asked. Finn nodded her head and then submerged her shoulders into the water.

Nikora held Jai in the water facing Finn and he was extremely happy, squealing and splashing away while blowing raspberries. Finn couldn't help but laugh at her son. "Gosh I wish I brought my camera" Finn said laughing at Jai who was turning his nose up as the water splashed in his mouth. Nikora looked at Cut who quickly moved back to the beach. He had brought his camera with him as it was his daughters first time at the beach.

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