Thrown Away

Chapter 21

Zane and Sunny heard Tex threatening Finn and rushed into the room to see Sally standing in front of Tex. "Watch yourself Tex" Sally said firmly. "She needs to learn respect" Tex bit back. "Respect is earned not given" Finn spat back. She was really getting under Tex's skin but she had enough of being everyone's puppet.

Tex went to launch at Finn who was cradling Jai in her arms. Sally, Myles and Tama all threw themselves in front of Finn stopping Tex from reaching Finn and Jai. "Take a walk" Zane boomed out annoyed that another man thought he had a right to put his hands on Finn. He couldn't believe Tex at all and knew there was something that had to be done.

Sally managed to push Tex out of the room after he saw the damage his threats caused Finn who was a shaking mess struggling to get a breath. "Fuck" Tex stated and he marched out of the room. Sally was out the door after him wanting to tear into him for being so stupid. "You stupid stupid man. How could you? After everything that girl has been through. You just keep ordering her around like everyone else has done" Sally yelled at her husband.

Myles stood at the door watching his sister trying to calm herself down. He had tried to go and help her but she held out her hand indicating for Myles to stop. "Please Finn, let me help" Myles said softly. Jai was awake and was watching his mother. Tama also tried to get close but was stopped by Finn shaking her head no. Finn just needed space from them all.

"How about you two go and get something for Finn to drink and maybe some chicken soup?" Sunny asked seeing how distressed Finn was with Tama and Myles constantly trying to get close to her. "I'll stay" Myles quickly replied. "I think it's best you go for a walk to get the stuff for Finn" Zane stated seeing the brief flash of relief that crossed Finn's face when Sunny mentioned them leaving. Myles went to object again but was stopped by Tama. "Come on, the hospital food is horrible and Finn still is feeding Jai" Tama stated seeing Finn was not calming down. Myles nodded and stepped outside. Both Tama and Myles wanted answers from Tex anyway.

Finn was finally able to breath properly when both men were out of the room. "Thank you" Finn whispered. "Are you ok?" Sunny asked. Zane was glaring at the door wanting to go and beat the shit out of Tex for what he had done. Finn just nodded her head not bothering to look at either Sunny or Zane. "Would you like me to change Jai so you can feed before Myles and Tama return?" Sunny asked seeing Finn seemed to be lost in her own mind. Finn nodded her head and handed Sunny Jai.

Zane sat next to Finn and gently placed his hands on top of hers. "Finlay talk to me, what's going on?" Zane asked softly. "The are just like the snipers, ordering me around, telling me what to do, when to do it. I told them I was moving out after them snapping at me cause Jai was sick and Texas doesn't think I can do it" Finn replied. "You listen here Finn, you are the strongest person I know. You can do anything you set your mind to. If you want to leave Tex's club you will do it" Zane stated.

Sunny finished changing Jai who was getting hungry. "Finn we have a house you are more then welcome to use. Zane and I have taken over the snipers because of what Jarrod did. We are going to get the old club back. The house will be empty for a while and you would be doing us a favour by looking after it" Sunny stated. Her and Zane had talked at length about moving forward with the club. They both decided they needed to be living at the club to get the old club up and running and make it family friendly again.

"I'm not going back to the snipers" Finn said firmly, she would flee the country before she ever went back there. Finn took her son so she could feed him and looked at Sunny and Zane. "We don't expect you to go back to the snipers. They no longer exist anyway. We are changing the clubs name and got rid of all those that Jarrod brought in. The ones that hurt you are being held accountable, don't you worry" Zane stated causing Finn to nod in understanding. She had grown up in the club so knew exactly what that meant. "The club is Jai's birth right and I'm going to bring it back to what it was for him if he wants to take over when he is of age" Zane explained.

Finn was quiet while Zane and Sunny explained everything that they would be doing. "Can I think about it?" Finn asked at the end. "Finn you don't need to answer straight away. This is your life and Jai's, you need to do what is best for both of you. Do not let anyone ever make the decisions for either of you. That's your son, you do what you think is best" Sunny stated firmly. She did not like the fact that Finn was questioning herself and asking permission to make choices that would impact her and Jai. Finn nodded her head smiling.

Tama and Myles walked back in seeing Finn smiling at Sunny and Zane and looking more relaxed then before. "Hey Finn, I got you some noodle soup and a apple juice" Myles stated. Finn nodded her head and finished feeding Jai. Zane held Jai who was watching everyone in the room. "Can I talk to Finn by ourselves?" Myles asked when Finn hadn't bothered to look at him. He wanted to make sure his sister was ok. He had confronted Tex and made it clear that Tex would stay the hell away from Finn. Myles wouldn't allow another club to harm his sister.

Tama, Sunny and Zane headed outside. Myles held Jai so his sister could eat something. "Hey Finn, I wanted to check if you are ok?" Myles asked softly. "Did you hit him?" Finn replied noticing the blood on Myles' hands. Myles looked at his hand and then nodded. "He deserved it Finn. Uncle or not, I won't let another club hurt you" Myles replied. Finn nodded her head before adding "you don't need to keep protecting me Myles". "I failed in protecting you before and I won't do it again. You're my baby sister Finn" Myles replied. Finn started eating her soup glad to have something with a little taste.

"I'm moving out of the flat and in with Zane and Sunny" Finn stated firmly after she finished her soup. "Good. I'll help you move if you like. You deserve to be happy and if that's away from clubs, I'm happy for you Finn" Myles stated before kissing his sister on the top of her head. Jai leaned in to kiss him mum just like Myles but instead ended up dribbling on his mum causing both Finn and Myles to laugh.

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