Through the Earth

Chapter 10

Gold stood on a balcony outside the castle that overlooked the town square of Diamond City. She was getting ready to address all the goddesses down there that had all just been transformed back. Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, Anthemist, Pearl, Jade, and myself all stood back so we couldn’t be seen, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t hear the confused questions the goddesses were asking.“Why did Queen Silver switch us back? Isn’t Silver evil? Nobody trusted her ever, so what gives her a reason to save us?”

“My subjects!” Gold announced. “I know there is a lot of confusion going on, so I’m going to be honest with you. I’ve kept the truth from you about where goddesses come from and what really happened within the walls of this castle. I did this so there could be peace, but I’m tired of hiding things from you.”

Gold proceeded to tell them about Diamond and how she created the core and goddesses. She spoke about how she stole the Time Diamond and discovered that most humans lost their barbaric ways. She told them about why she disappeared for the past three years. She even spoke about the child she lost and later found out was me.

Eventually, every goddess knew what I knew, even Pearl. Anthemist translated the speech with sign language to her. Every goddess was silent.

Silver stepped out onto the balcony and said, “I’m sorry for what I did, and I know that I could never repay you all.”

We can never repay you,” Gold added.

“Yes, that is why Gold and I are going to step down from our position as queens of the core.” Shocked cries came from the goddesses. I felt the same way, letting my jaw drop in surprise.

“We feel that this is for the best.” Gold said. Her voice calmed them down. “We have been queens for years, and we want something more with our lives. That is why we are going to strip ourselves of our immortality and slow aging and we will both live the rest of our lives on Earth. You will need two new queens to rule the core, one with magic and the other with witchcraft.” Gold turned to me. “Emerald, step forward.”

I walked forward, getting ready for the question I knew Gold would ask me. “Emerald, my daughter. You inherit the throne, but do you want to rule in my place?” I could tell by the look in Gold’s eye that she wasn’t forcing me to say yes, so I thought about my two options.

If I say no, I will go back to the life I had before. I know that I found out the purpose of my life, but that won’t change the fact that I still wanted adventure and something new in life.

If I say yes, I will become a queen of the core, and that is new and exciting, but it isn’t an adventure. How long will it take before I get bored of that, too?

Was this all life had to offer me? Just then, an idea hit me. One that would lead me into a new and adventurous life.

“No,” I said. “I will not take up the throne. Instead, I wish to go to Earth with Gold and Silver. My mom and aunt.”

Gold smiled. “Is there anyone in mind that you think should be our queen of magic?”

“Sapphire,” I said without missing a beat. “She is kind, outgoing, a good leader, and I trust her with my life. She would be an amazing queen.” Sapphire stepped forward with surprise shimmering in her dark blue eyes.

Gold stepped towards her. “Sapphire, would you like the honor of taking my place as a queen of the core?”

“Yes,” Sapphire said with nervous excitement. “I will.”

“Do you swear to protect the goddesses, keep the peace, and continue spreading the power of magic?”

Sapphire shook away her nervousness and stood there confidently. “I swear.”

“Then give me your hand.” Gold held out her hand and Sapphire took it. She was engulfed in a flash of gold light, and when it faded, Sapphire’s dark blue hair was streaked with Gold. “I have given you Diamond’s magic that she had once given me. Use it to keep the peace and protect the goddesses.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Gold once again turned to me, “I think you’ve already chosen the second queen.”

“Yes, I have.” I turned to look behind me. “Ruby. I know you have made some poor directions recently, but you saw it was wrong and changed your ways. The core would be lucky to have a queen that’s willing to change for the better.” Ruby stepped forward beaming with happiness.

Silver looked at Ruby. “Do you want to take up the responsibility as a queen of the core?”

“Of course. Yes.” Ruby’s smile widened.

“Do you swear to protect the goddesses, keep the peace, and start spreading the power of witchcraft?”

“I swear.”

Silver held out her hand and Ruby grasped it as she glowed in a silver light. When it faded, Ruby’s red hair had streaks identical to Sapphire’s, except hers were silver.

“I give you the gift of Diamond’s witchcraft. Hopefully, it’s better than other things I may have given you.”

Ruby turned into her werewolf form. “Well, I actually think the ears and tail look cute on me.” She turned to the crowd. “All goddesses that can’t use magic, I have something for you.” She outstretched her hand and a beautiful beam of red light with silver sparkles shone onto the goddesses down below. Then she turned and shined her light at Anthemist, the only person on the balcony with no magic. “Now every goddess has magical abilities.”

The crowd cheered in excitement. “Everyone.” Gold said. “I present to you, Queen Sapphire and Queen Ruby.

I felt so happy for them as the crowd kept cheering. I slipped away from the group and into the grand dining room that the balcony was connected to. I materialized the Time Diamond in my hand and stared at its luminous, rainbow glow.

“Emerald.” I turned around to see Gold walking towards me. “I had a feeling you would do that.”

“Do what?” I asked.

“Want to live on Earth. You know, I’ve thought about it and I think I know why you’ve always been unsatisfied with your long life. Humans live shorter lives, but want to fill them with as many exciting things as possible. Goddesses on the other hand live long lives but are more patient, making them content throughout their life, even when not doing anything. You are half goddess, so you never went crazy living as long as you did, but your human half makes you want to do more things in life.”

“Wow. That makes sense.” I felt relieved to finally know why everyone didn’t understand my struggle. “Speaking of long lives, Silver and I need to get rid of our immortality and slow aging.”

Silver walked up to us. “Yes. Gold doesn’t have to worry about that, I already took that away from her.”

“Ha ha. Yes.” It was nice to hear Gold laugh instead of resenting Silver.

I handed Gold the Time Diamond and as she used it on us, Sapphire and Ruby approached.

Once I was finished, I felt light and carefree, like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I ran to my friends and encased them in a group hug. “I’m going to miss you guys.” I sounded happy, but with a hint of heartache.

“Don’t be upset,” Sapphire said. “Ruby and I came up with an idea.”

“Yes.” Ruby sounded very excited as we stepped away from the hug. “It might take a bit of studying, but we are going to make a portal that takes you to and from the core without having to fall through a long, dangerous pit. Also, it would be a cool idea if it was open all the time that way no one would have to recast it.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “You guys would do that for me.”

“Of course,” Ruby said.

“We would want to see your new home.” Sapphire wrapped me in another hug and Ruby joined. “Thank you, my sisters. We may not be related in blood, but we definitely joined together in spirit.”

I went to stand next to Silver as Gold handed the Time Diamond to Ruby. “If you use some extra witchcraft,” she coached, “you can teleport us to Earth without the tunnel.”

I was excited. My new life is going to start, and I won’t have to lose my old one. I couldn’t wait to tell Ethan that he is my dad and be best friends with Liam. Maybe one day we could be more.

Gold stood next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. As everything disappeared in a rainbow of light, for the first time I felt like my life was full of opportunities.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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