Throne of Vengeance: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 2)

Throne of Vengeance: Chapter 31

I did it.

I’m in the Irish’s club, which Rolan has a back office in.

It hasn’t been an individual effort. Thanks to Julian and his acquaintance with Kyle’s insider with the Irish, we were able to figure out the location.

While Sergei was completely against handing over territories, he said he’d turn a blind eye if I took his men and came here.

I had to beg Vlad to help, and it wasn’t easy since he doesn’t like Kyle. The growly mountain of a man only softened when I mentioned the baby and that I don’t want him to grow up fatherless.

Damien agreed to help because, in his words, “It should be fun.”

I asked Kirill for his intel help because he has the best spies. He was the hardest to crack, and only agreed when I gave him an oath in front of Sasha that no one except for the three of us will know of her true gender. Well, Kyle already knows somehow, but I’m not the one who told him.

Igor sent men, too, but Adrian has been MIA today. Even his closest guards couldn’t be reached. Something is wrong, and Vlad thinks it has to do with Adrian’s wife, Lia.

If—no, after I save Kyle, I’ll have to check on her and see if everything is fine.

Mikhail insisted on joining, even though no one invited him. It surprised the shit out of me when he showed up with his best guards. Instead of arguing, I left my disagreements with him aside. Those don’t matter right now.

Saving Kyle does.

Coming here with all these men with me didn’t calm my nerves. Not really, especially since Julian couldn’t get ahold of his guy for the last half hour.

Shooting our way inside the closed Irish club wasn’t too difficult. The guards were taken by surprise by our large numbers. Damien killed everyone in his path like a bull out to destroy the world.

Julian and Vlad accompany me as I take the stairs two at a time. I dressed for the occasion, putting on leggings and a T-shirt, then completing the outfit with running shoes.

A wave of adrenaline has been holding me prisoner ever since I decided I’d save Kyle even if it was the last thing I do. I feel like I can kill anyone in my path if I have to. I don’t care if I’m turning into a monster; they shouldn’t have messed with my light.

Because he is. Even with his darkness, he’s the light I’ve held on to ever since Dedushka’s death.

By the time we reach Rolan’s office, most of his guards are either dead or injured. There will probably be backup soon, but hopefully, we’ll be out of here before that happens.

When we barge inside, Rolan is holding a gun in his hand as if he’s been waiting for us all along. Vlad and Julian step in front of me, to protect me, I guess, but I don’t hide behind them.

I raise my own gun and approach Rolan so we’re standing toe to toe. When I speak, my voice is hard, non-negotiable, just like Dedushka’s when he issued orders. “Where is he?”

He smiles, his upper lip thinning with the movement. “Probably dying. He has my most ruthless lads with him.”

I try not to think much about that possibility—the one where Kyle’s dying—and repeat, “Where. Is. He? If you don’t tell me, I’ll blow your brains out.”

“That will cause a diplomatic problem, Russian princess. Didn’t your grandpa teach you not to shoot leaders no matter what?”

“My grandpa would’ve shot you in the face if he were alive. If you don’t tell me where he is right now, I’m going to kill you.”

“Then how will you find him? He’s not even here.”

Rolan must be bluffing. He couldn’t have moved him away from the club this fast. If anyone had left the building, Kirill and Sasha would’ve told me.

The sound of footsteps can be heard from behind me and my attention falters. It’s only a fraction of a second, but Rolan uses it and points the gun at my head. “Drop your weapon.”

My breathing shortens as I comply.

He motions at both Vlad and Julian. “Ye too, unless ye’re in the mood for her funeral.”

Vlad curses under his breath as he and Julian slowly lower their guns to the ground.

Think, Rai. What would Kyle do in this situation?

I slowly close my eyes, contemplating the best option to get rid of Rolan. It would’ve been easier if it was only me. Now, I have the baby to worry about, so I can’t make any rash decisions.

“Stupid little bitch thinks she’s all that,” Rolan hisses at my ear. “Did ye really believe that a wee thing like ye can kill me?”

I open my eyes slowly, and that’s when I see him. At first, I think it’s a trick of my imagination because of how much I’ve been thinking about him all day, but when Julian takes a bit more time to stand up after placing his weapon on the ground, I catch a glimpse of Kyle behind him.

He’s soaked in blood, his face, his shirt, and even his hair. Oh, God—has he been shot?

Rolan must notice him too because he says, “Ye—”

He’s interrupted as a loud shot rings through the air and his weight disappears from my back. I stare behind me to find him lying on his back with a bloody hole in his forehead. His tongue sticks out and his eyes stare at nowhere.

Strong hands grab me by the shoulders and I stare up at Kyle, incredulous.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken that shot when he was so close to you.” He massages my ear, and that’s when I realize it’s buzzing. “But he saw me and was ready to shoot you so…”

He trails off when I palm his cheeks, wiping the blood with my thumb. “Are you shot? Wounded? Vlad, call Dr. Putin and have Ruslan pick him up—”

Kyle’s hand slides from my shoulder to my face. “The blood is not mine. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” I touch him up the sides and down his chest, feeling him. “Are you not injured anywhere?”

“I’m good as new. Told you bullets can’t kill me.” He grins, motioning behind him at a red-bearded man who seems to be around the same age as Julian. “Ask Flame or Godfather.”

“I told you not to joke about that!” I hit him across the chest, forcing him to release me. “You’re not bulletproof, you idiot. And what’s with the whole suicide mission? Were you really going to take Rolan on your own?”

“I would’ve sniped him down just fine if not for that fucking kid. I’m going to kill him.”

“So now you’re blaming it on a kid?”

“Peter was the one who handed me over.”

“That good-for-nothing?”

“He’s not good for nothing, after all. He was the one who pushed you down the stairs, and I’m going to find him and push him into a grave.”

Oh. So Peter was the perpetrator. I knew his voice sounded familiar back then. I shake my head, not wanting to focus on that.

“Don’t change the subject,” I scold. “This is about how you went on this mission without telling anyone.”

“It’s what I do.”

“I can’t believe you. I really can’t believe you. You will never change, will you? You’ll just continue to do whatever you please and to hell with what everyone else thinks or feels.” My voice breaks at the end and I hate the vulnerability in it.

God damn him.

“Hey, Princess…” He tries to catch me by the arm, but I pull away and stride to the exit.

“Let’s go home, Vlad.”

The latter glares at Kyle as if he wants to kill him on my behalf, then follows after me.

“You’re leaving?” Vlad asks once it’s just the two of us.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I breathe harshly, then whisper, “Is he following?”


“Really?” I snap.

Vlad grunts. “If you wanted him to follow you, then maybe you shouldn’t have, I don’t know, rejected him?”

“Screw him.”

If he doesn’t know how to take a hint, I’m not going to do his job for him.

But he will eventually follow.


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