Throne of Vengeance: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 2)

Throne of Vengeance: Chapter 21

Kyle drives me to the nearest hospital.

I tried arguing that I feel great and don’t need medical care, but Kyle being Kyle, he didn’t listen to those protests. Why can’t the mule understand that I would rather be in our bed right now?

While I did fight, there was a moment where I thought I would be raped then killed and would never see him again.

It doesn’t matter that none of that happened. The thought is already planted in the dark recesses of my psyche, and that idea killed me slowly. That thought broke my heart, which only beat back to life after I saw him again.

So no, a hospital isn’t where I want to go right now.

I want him to take me, to make me forget about the scum who put his limp dick inside my mouth. I want him to wash away everything and everyone so he’s the only one who remains.

But we obviously have different ideas of what I need. For someone so smart, Kyle can be such an idiot sometimes.

He’s currently driving. One of his strong hands is on the steering wheel, and the other lies motionless in his lap. Even his side profile exudes a potent type of masculinity. I’ve always loved watching him while he’s quiet and in his element. While Kyle usually has a huge amount of energy, it’s mostly camouflage. Now, he’s more relaxed, and I feel at peace when I look at him.

Well, aside from the tingling at my core that didn’t stop once we left the Albanians’ compound.

It should be wrong and demented that I want him this much after what just happened, but I do. I’m not even deterred by the stains of blood on his white shirt from when he murdered those men.

I have no right to judge when I’m a killer myself. Besides, he was strangely attractive at that moment when he showed his actual nature for me.

Kyle’s gaze keeps flitting back to me every now and then, as if he’s checking for something.

“What?” I ask.

“Are you really okay?”

“I am. And I would really rather we go home instead of to the hospital.”

“No. You’re pale and you almost fainted earlier.”

“It’s because I haven’t had a proper meal all day.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I was in a hurry in the morning, and I wasn’t exactly focused on food during the meeting with the Japanese.”

“Fuck, Rai. You need to take care of your health.”

I suppress a smile at how worried he sounds. Why do I like this feeling a bit too much? “I’ll pay extra attention in the future. Happy?”

“I’ll only be happy when you start acting on it. In the meantime, we’re going to the hospital.”

“Ugh. You’re infuriating.”

“Glad to be.” He pauses, his voice decreasing in volume as if he doesn’t want to speak. “Did they do anything to you?”

“They didn’t rape me,” I say quietly. “Or Sasha.”

“Then what did they do?” A muscle clenches in his jaw as though he’s struggling to hold on to his cool. “Don’t leave any detail out.”

“They…well, one of them tried to force me to suck him off.” My voice chokes at the end and I swallow. What the hell? I thought I was fine, so why do I feel dirty all of a sudden?

“Fuck!” Kyle hits the steering wheel, and I flinch at the sudden sound, even though I don’t usually get affected. I guess I’m more emotionally distressed than I thought.

He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles, then speaks against them. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner, Princess. I’m so sorry.”

The feel of his lips on my skin triggers something raw inside me, and I shake my head even though a tear slides down my cheek. “The only thing that matters is that you did show up.”

“Not soon enough.”

“It was for me. Besides, Sasha and I saved ourselves.”

“What if you couldn’t?”

“But I did. I’m here, Kyle.”

“Was the fucker who touched you one of the guards I executed?”

I shake my head.

“I’m going back in there to burn him alive.”

“No need to. I already finished his life.” I puff my chest. “I shot him straight in the dick after I bit it off, and then I also shot him in the forehead.”

Kyle chuckles softly. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my beautiful wife. I’m so proud of you, Princess.”

His words make me want to purr, to snuggle into his side and hug him—among other things. I’ve always been strong and independent and didn’t allow people close. Dedushka taught me that I needed to protect myself because no one was going to do it for me, but there are situations like these where I realize just how much I love having Kyle around.

It’s not only about how he came for me, but also the fact that I know he has my back as much as I have his.

And for that, I want to show my gratitude. Slipping my hand from his, I undo my seatbelt and fumble with his. It takes me seconds I don’t have to spare to undo his belt and free his cock.

It jumps to semi-erectness at my first stroke. I had it in me last night, but the size still gets me all hot and tingly whenever I study it.

“What are you doing, Princess?” Kyle stares at me with fiery lust.

“Just keep driving,” I murmur as I lower my head and take him down my throat as far as I can. He’s too big for me to have him all in, so I make up for that by stroking his balls.

Kyle groans, eyes momentarily closing before he focuses back on the road. His hand tightens on the wheel as the other gets lost in my hair. “Fuck, Princess. Your mouth feels like sin.”

His words get me working harder, teasing his balls and bobbing my head up and down at the speed he prefers. I may have been a newbie that first time I gave him a blowjob, but I have learned to adapt to his rhythm. Kyle likes rough and fast, even when it comes to blowjobs. He gets off on the endless flow of movement and has converted me to the dark side with him. Or maybe it’s been there all along, and he just yanked it out.

With every second, he grows bigger in my mouth, and I’m sure he’s close to the finish line. I increase my speed, even though my jaw hurts from his size.

Kyle pulls me back by the hair, making me release him, a streak of precum sticking to my lips.

“But…why…” I pant.

“First of all, I can’t drive like this.” It isn’t until then that I realize the car has stopped on some unknown, deserted road. “Second of all, I love your mouth, but I’m not coming inside it today.”

He jumps me—literally. One moment, he’s sitting; the next, he’s on top of me, fumbling with my seat so it falls backward. I squeal, hands pressing against his chest, but the sound is stolen when he captures my lips in an animalistic kiss.

There’s nothing gentle about his touch right now. Not when he kisses me, sucking and nibbling on my lips like he’s drunk on the taste, and certainly not when he yanks my dress up and then my panties down. His fingernails dig into my skin with a tangible urgency while he fuses his body with mine.

He’s like a beast with nothing in his sights but me.

I could cry with gratitude.

If he treated me differently, as if I were a broken doll, it would hurt so much. I would think he no longer wanted me, that what I experienced today made him hate me.

But that seems far from the case now when he kisses me with so much wildness I can’t keep up. It’s like he’s sucking at my life essence and giving me his in return.

He lowers his hand down my body until he grabs the globes of my ass. “I’m going to own this soon, baby. You better be ready for that.”

I don’t know if it’s his words or the strange rush of arousal, but a tinge of impatience grabs hold of me. I want him inside me. Anywhere would do, even if it hurts—especially if it hurts.

His cock nudges against my entrance and I spread my leg wide, locking my ankles around his waist as he slams inside me with one brutal thrust. I cry out, flattening myself against the hard ridges of his muscled chest.

“Fuck, Princess.” He strains at how my inner wall tighten around his length.

I gasp for air, and he only leaves me a second to breathe before he claims my lips again. That’s the only second he allows me to adjust to his size, too—not that I need it. Yes, it hurts, but I want to hurt right now because that means I’m alive, it means I survived and Kyle is right here with me.

His tongue dances against mine as he thrusts into me hard and fast, his hips jerking with the motion. The seat creaks with the force of his hips. If someone passed by, they’d think a war was going on in here, and that might as well be the truth.

We’re both fighters in this war, and at this moment, we only have each other.

I kiss him with renewed energy, pushing my hips up when he rams down. My arms wind around his neck and his hand grips me by the throat.

Surprisingly—or not really—that’s all it takes to push me over the edge. I come with a gasp, my legs trembling around his waist.

Kyle joins soon after, cursing in what I now recognize as a Northern Irish accent. I find it strangely erotic that he switches to his original accent when he’s this turned on. It’s like he can’t think straight enough to switch accents, and I like being the cause of that.

Both his hands rest on either side of my head to not crush me, even though his head lies on my shoulder.

I dig my fingers into his shirt, feeling the hard muscles underneath my touch.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs.

“For what?”

“For being such an animal right now. I should’ve taken it easy on you.”

I tilt my head, kissing his cheek, and then tighten my arms around his broad back. “There’s nothing to apologize about. It was…fine.”

“Fine?” he teases. “I should up my game.”

“More than fine. It was perfect.”

“You’re a masochist, aren’t you, Princess?”

“Only with you, Kyle.”

He pushes back, his intense gaze shining with unhidden possessiveness. “Only with me.”

“Mmm.” I smile. “Now, can we go home? I would love a shower. I can also wear that red nightgown.”

“You’re killing me, Princess.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Doctor first.”

He pulls out, cleans me with tissues, and then takes care of himself before he drives to the hospital. Why did I think he would forget about it after the sex?

Wishful thinking.

We sit down in one of the examination rooms, waiting for the test results. Kyle’s words were, and I quote, “Check all of her.” The nurse smiled, and I had to apologize for his overbearing nature.

“I’m going to be fine.” I sigh, throwing my head back on the hospital bed. The pillow feels soft to the touch. After the nurse drew blood, she told me to rest and not attempt to stand up too soon.

“Then we will just confirm it.” Kyle smiles in that infuriating way from his sitting position on the bed beside me.

“We’re wasting time here when we could be doing other stuff.”

His gaze gleams. “Other stuff like what?”

“You know.”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t. How about you enlighten me?”

“Do you want me to say it?”

“Fuck yeah, baby.”

My cheeks heat at the way he calls me that.

“So what type of stuff?” he asks when I don’t say anything.

“Husband and wife stuff.”

“Husband and wife stuff, huh? You’re surprisingly very horny tonight. Not that I mind.”

“Shut up,” I tell him, even though it’s definitely true. I don’t know why I feel like I want to jump him and let him fuck me all night long.

Part of it is because of the rush of life that invaded me after the whole shitstorm today, but the other part is something else I can’t put my finger on.

Kyle cups my jaw before his fingers slide to my throat and he closes his hand around it. The position has become so familiar that my heart leaps whenever he does it. It’s not helping my libido, though, because my body associates this gesture with sex, and he obviously won’t do it while we’re waiting for the test results.

“Once I make sure you’re all good, I’m going to fuck you until tomorrow, Princess.”

“Until tomorrow?” I whisper.

“It’ll be rough, too just how you like it.”


“Absolutely, so don’t beg me to slow down or stop.”

“I won’t tonight.”

“Mmm. Does that mean I get to do whatever I like?”

I nod once, biting my lower lip.

The door opens and I pull back against the pillow, but Kyle doesn’t release me.

“Let me go,” I murmur as the doctor approaches us.

Kyle tightens his hold around my throat for a second before he does as he’s told. My face must be all red as the doctor stands beside us. He appears to be in his fifties with some white strands in his ginger hair.

If he noticed the scene, he doesn’t comment on it, just busies himself with the papers in his hand. “The tests came back normal. There were traces of propofol in your system, but thankfully, it’s not a dangerous amount that could harm the baby.” His gaze slides to Kyle. “There are a few bruises on your stomach that aren’t critical either, but if you’d like to talk to someone, please let me know.”

My mouth hangs open as one word he said stays in my mind. “Wait—go back. Did you just mention a baby?”

The doctor’s gaze doesn’t change as he flips between the papers. “Yes. You’re pregnant.”

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