Throne of Power: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 1)

Throne of Power: Chapter 23

I wake up early.

Not that I actually slept.

I was on an adrenaline wave all night long, and the only thing I thought about was the best way to take Rai over and over again.

She passed out on me after the third round. After begging me to stop, then asking for more when I was inside her, her body lost the stamina battle and she eventually drifted off.

I lean on my elbow and drink in her sleeping naked form. She looks so docile when asleep, those tiny features and that slim body so fucking fragile it seems they can be broken to pieces like a porcelain doll.

But instead of destructive thoughts, the only thing I want to do is protect that delicate side of her—the side she only shows to me. I want to be the one she turns to when she wants to let that side loose. Because no matter how tough she acts on the outside, she’s still caring on the inside. She still feels too much and hurts as much, too.

After the sniper attack yesterday, when I saw the red dot at her back, I thought I was going to lose her, thought everything would end before it even started.

My heart has never tightened as hard as it did in that moment. I didn’t even think when I used my body as a shield, because right then, the only one who mattered was this fiery woman.

Neither Flame nor I could find the sniper no matter how much we searched. At first, I thought it could be Flame playing a distasteful joke, but his rifle doesn’t fit the description. We never use those with laser targeting. It’s not like us to make ourselves noticeable.

But I will find out who nearly snatched her from between my fingers, and when I do, he’ll wish he was never born.

No one hurts Rai under my watch. Not even one of my own.

I brush my lips against her forehead, and she lets out a sigh.

It’s not even a sexual sound, but my dick resurrects back to life, demanding another worshipping session at her altar.

Her lips are parted, begging for my cock between them.

Since I can’t do that while she’s asleep, I slide down the bed, pushing the sheets out of the way, and settle at the foot on my knees.

Pulling her legs apart, a sense of utter animalistic possession takes hold of me at the view of my dried seed between her legs.

She tried to clean herself, but I didn’t let her erase the evidence of my ownership. She eventually forgot about it when she lost the battle to sleep.

I run my fingers over the silky skin of her thighs, stopping at each hickey I decorated her with. She’s my canvas, and I’m the only brush that will touch her.

As I watch her, splayed out and marked, the need to own her again ripples under my skin and crunches against my bones. No idea if it’s an obsession or an addiction, or both. All I know is that the urge is burning me from the inside out.

It’s darkness, and it’s probably wrong considering my plans, but I don’t give two fucks about right or wrong now.

Not that I ever did.

I slowly slide her to the edge and place her legs over my shoulders. She’s out of it and doesn’t even stir.

Parting her folds with my fingers, I thrust my tongue straight inside her. She’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever had: sweet, a bit naïve, and so bloody feisty it drives me bonkers.

Rai bucks off the bed, a moan spilling from her lips as her eyes shoot open. At first, she studies her surroundings with a confused expression. Then, when her bright blue eyes meet mine, they widen.

“K-Kyle…? What are you…oh, holy shit…” Her words trail off when I tease her clit with my thumb and index finger as I eat the fuck out of her entrance.

Her back arches and her glorious tits remain suspended in midair for my viewing pleasure. Her fingers latch onto my hair, and I revel in the sting of her pulling on it. She’s fighting her orgasm and losing.

The faster my rhythm becomes, the louder her moans turn. She doesn’t last long. She can’t.

Her head rolls back as she screams my name. But then, her gaze returns to mine as she rides out her orgasm, almost like she doesn’t want to break eye contact.

She’s my princess for a reason.

“Did you come already?” I speak against her folds, making sure she sees me licking her sweet taste off my lips. “I was only getting started.”

“A-again?” Her voice is slightly sleepy, slightly aroused, and fuck if I know why that’s such a turn-on.

“Again and again.” I place kiss after kiss on her pussy. “And fucking again.”

Her face turns a pale shade of pink. “S-stop kissing me there.”

I climb onto her body and imprison both her wrists above her head. “Then should I kiss you here?”

I capture her lips with a roughness that leaves her gasping. I don’t only kiss her, I consume her. I suck her tongue, bite on it until the skin nearly breaks, then latch onto her lips until she’s whimpering.

Obsession. This is so fucking close to being obsessed.

And because I am, I can’t stop. I reach between us and position my dick at her entrance.

Rai tries to say something, but I don’t release her lips. I can’t. It’s like my surroundings are black and she’s the only light I can see, the only sound I can hear, the only bloody thing I can taste with my whole body.

I thrust balls deep inside her, causing her to slide on the bed. Her fingers sink into the palm of her hand, and she squeals into my mouth but doesn’t attempt to pull away.

I try telling myself that she’s sore, that I’m big, that I should take it easy on her, but the moment I have her near me, my beast-like nature takes charge and the only thing I can do is possess her, own her, tie her to me in every sense of the fucking word.

My thrusts start slow because I don’t want to hurt her any more than this. While I have an impeccable record of self-restraint, all of that is null and void when it comes to this woman.

My wife.

She is now my wife.

All I want to do is unleash myself whole on her—the bad and the ugly included—but I know that will only confirm her suspicions about me and give her an incentive to leave me.

So I do the only other thing I can think of: I make her mine, because I’m that selfish, because the cards I was dealt fucking suck.

My thrusts are deep but unhurried, letting her body fall into synergy with mine as I tongue her into the mattress. She wraps her legs around my ass, caging me in.

That’s my clue to increase my rhythm. I release her hands and lift her up by the nape so she’s sitting on my thighs. The position gives me more room, and I power into her hard and fast, my abs tightening with each thrust.

She wraps her arms around me, mouth dropping open. I capture those lips, feasting on them as I fuck her so hard she nearly falls over.

Rai comes with a scream, her inner walls clenching around my dick, inviting me to join her.

And join her I do.

I curse as my own orgasm turns my whole body rigid. There’s black magic created whenever I come inside Rai. I can’t get enough of it, not ever.

Just when I’m spilling inside her, Rai tries to push me away.

“Stay still,” I groan. “Unless you want me to paint your tits with my cum.”

She nods frantically. “D-do it.”

Fuck me. She really wants me to come all over her tits? I’ll have to tuck that idea away for the future, though, because it’s too late.

I empty inside her, my groans echoing in the air. She has the power to suck me dry in no time.

My hand loosens from around her throat, and I pull out to see the sticky mess I made of her. That’s fast becoming my favorite view.

Rai stares down at herself with me, but unlike me, her face is pale, expression frozen.

“Hey…” I reach a hand for her. “What’s wrong?”

She slaps my hand away and stumbles from the bed, falls to her knees, and then stands up again. “Asshole.”

I smile menacingly. What’s wrong with her all of a sudden? “Is that an invitation to fuck yours, Princess?”

She grabs a pillow and hits me with it. “I told you not to come inside me.”

I hold the pillow between us, then tug on it to bring her close. “You told me to do it. ‘Do it’ can be anywhere, and it was already too late.”

She breathes heavily, tits rising and falling and those rosy nipples begging to be sucked, bitten, and marked. I try to focus on her anger instead of how much I want to flip her under me and devour her all over again.

It’s like Rai senses my thoughts. She abandons the pillow and storms to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

My jaw clenches. That habit will have to go. She can’t hide from me or lock herself away from me.

Not anymore.

But first, I need to find out what the fuck got her knickers in such a twist just now.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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