Throne of Power: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 1)

Throne of Power: Chapter 16

I muffle my scream with the cloth of Kyle’s shirt as he casually walks me out of the room. I barely register the murmurs from inside, Kyle’s sure and confident excuses, and finally, the guard closing the door after we exit.

That didn’t just happen.

I didn’t orgasm in front of my granduncle and the leaders of the brotherhood.

Just when I’m contemplating the best way to get rid of Kyle’s body, the humming intensifies between my legs.

“Stop it…” I trail off at the moan in my voice. The arousal in it is like nothing I’ve ever heard before.

“Stop what?” He comes to a slow halt at the foot of the stairs and murmurs against my ear, “Bringing you pleasure?”

The heat of his breath and the slight stubble of his jaw against the shell of my ear awakens a different type of friction that starts at my auditory sense and shoots between my legs.

No, this isn’t happening again. Not again.

I wiggle so he’ll let me down, but he only heightens the intensity level at my clit.

“Holy shit…” I exhale, sinking my nails into his shirt.

“Does it feel good?” He smirks.

“Fuck you,” I manage to mutter.

“Not yet, but I can keep you satisfied with my toys in the meantime.” He licks the lobe of my ear, sliding his tongue over it, flicking and biting as if he’s feasting on my tongue. “I didn’t expect you to be this sensitive. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when my dick is plunged deep inside your tight cunt.”

I can’t help the whimper that spills free from between my clenched teeth. I tell myself it’s only because of the toy’s stimulation, but his words add more fuel to the fire.

He says them with sure certainty, as if they’re meant to happen. For him, the question is when, not if, and for some reason, my chest flips at the promise, at the explosive pleasure I now know is waiting for me in the future.

“You’re going to come one more time, aren’t you?” he muses, releasing my earlobe just so he can show me the way he licks his lips.

I try to ignore the view as I shake my head frantically. I’ll be damned if I let him get a hold on me again.

“Yes, you will. Are you picturing me inside you, taking my dick like a good little princess while I thrust into you hard and fast and rough?”

My thighs clench at the image he’s painted in my head. I couldn’t get rid of it even if I tried. It’s so crude, so explicit, and yet my body responds to it in ways I never thought were possible.


I gasp inaudibly at Vlad’s voice coming from behind us. He can’t see me like this. No one can. This is a sure way to destroy the image I’ve spent years building and sacrificing for.

And yet, I can’t, for the life of me, stop the storm that’s brewing in the distance. I can feel the air inside me changing, heating, prepping for the impact that will sweep me over and never let me go.

“Is everything all right?” Vlad’s voice gets nearer, which means he’s approaching us and won’t let this go.

He, of all people, knows I never allow anyone to carry me unless I’m ill or injured or something. Why has it become easy to let Kyle manhandle me this way? But I couldn’t put a halt to it even if I wanted to. My legs would fail me and my weakness would be visible for Vlad to see.

“Tell him to piss off,” Kyle murmurs.

“Shut up,” I hiss.

“Then maybe I should drop you right here and now so he can see how much of a slut his little mafia princess actually is.” His voice darkens with every word.

“K-Kyle…” My eyes widen as I shake my head. “D-don’t…”

“Add a please.”

“Please go fuck yourself,” I mutter.

“Not the right attitude when you need me.” He starts to release his hands from around me as the thing inside me increases its vibrations.

Shit. I’m going to orgasm.

I claw at his shirt with my nails so he doesn’t release me. “Don’t! Please, please.”

“Perfect. Now tell your knight in shining armor to—as I said earlier—piss. Off.”

“I-I’m fine, Vlad.” My voice trembles and I bite my lower lip to stop any other sounds from escaping.

“You don’t sound fine.” Vlad stops in my peripheral vision, and I hide in Kyle’s shirt. I would rather die than let Vlad see my face right now—a face even I wouldn’t recognize.

“She’s just a little unwell,” Kyle speaks in the welcoming tone that usually gets him what he wants. “I’ll take her to our room.”

Our room? When the hell did it become our room?

“Let me look at her.” Vlad steps in front of us.

“Why the fuck would you look at my wife?” All Kyle’s nonchalance vanishes. “She’s not the Rai you had free access to. She’s now bound to me, married to me, and took vows to be with me so keep your fucking eyes and hands off her.”

There’s a grunt from Vlad, but he steps aside. No one gets between a husband and his wife in the brotherhood. No one, not even the Pakhan himself. The relationship is even more sacred than the one we have among each other.

That’s why even Vlad doesn’t push it.

“I’m really f-fine, Vlad,” I repeat to reassure him without lifting my head.

By the time Kyle finally ascends the stairs, I can’t keep on trapping the violent sensation brewing inside me.

I tighten my hold around Kyle’s neck as I let the orgasm hit me. While the stimulation is mostly between my legs, my whole body clenches and I shake uncontrollably in Kyle’s hold.

“That’s it,” he whispers. “Show me that abandonment face. Your real freedom.”

I lift my head to stare at his expression because, for some reason, it feels like he’s shed his mask.

Katia and Ruslan’s silhouettes in front of my room put a halt to my curiosity. They rush toward us—or me, to be more specific.

I hide my face in Kyle’s shirt so they don’t witness me like this. They will see me as weak, and weak people don’t survive in the Vory.

“Rai feels a bit unwell. I will put her to bed,” Kyle offers on my behalf, and I’m so thankful for it, even if he’s the reason I’m like this in the first place.

“Should we take her to the hospital?” Katia asks.

“I’ll bring the car.” Ruslan starts to leave.

“There’s no need.” Kyle motions at them. “You should go downstairs. She will call if she needs you.”

They appear hesitant, but after a small nod from me, they comply and head to the stairs.

He pushes the door to my room open, and I take a peek to make sure no one is inside. Sure enough, it’s empty.

My bedroom is simple. There’s a queen-sized bed, a console, and two doors aligned symmetrically. One leads to the bathroom, the other to my walk-in closet.

The balcony’s door is closed, as always. Dedushka taught me to be wary of snipers since I was little. That’s why every window in this house is made of bulletproof glass. It cost a fortune to set up, but when you live a dangerous life like ours, nothing can be taken for granted.

Dedushka shouldn’t have brought this killer who’s carrying me in his arms after he taught me to be cautious of them. It shouldn’t work that way.

Kyle places me on my feet to lock the door. I push away from him and brace myself against the wall for balance because, even now, the thing is still vibrating inside me, demanding more orgasms.

Holding on to the wall with a sweaty, trembling hand, I reach under my dress and close my eyes in mortification when the evidence of my arousal soaks my fingers.


The commanding word makes me pause, my eyes slowly fluttering open. I’ve never been one to bow down in front of authority, but the way Kyle uses it always stabs me in a secret part that confuses the hell out of me.

Kyle isn’t hyper-authoritative like the men downstairs whom I’ve spent all my life with. I’m used to male reign and stopped being intimidated by it at a young age.

However, Kyle appears tame, approachable even, almost like he should be a doctor or some hot CEO instead of being in this line of work. While I know it’s a deceptive façade, he’s perfected it so well that when he shows his masculine, authoritative side, I have no choice but to stop and stare.

“If you remove it, our deal is null and void.” He tips his chin in my direction. “The ball is in your court.”

“You expect me to walk around with this thing inside me all day?” I hate how much my voice is trembling and how needy and out of control I sound.

“It should loosen you up a little, bring you down from your ivory tower.”

“Kyle…” I meant to warn, but his name comes out like a whimper instead.

“We had a deal: you wear my toys, I get the Irish where you want. Are you going back on your world, Miss Sokolov?”

I hate when he calls me that. It feels so distant and strange after all the time we’ve known each other and everything we’ve been through. But who am I kidding? That time only meant something to me in the past. Now, it’s nothing.

“At least make it stop,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Say the word that will get you things from me.”

“What word?”

“Beg me. Beg this filthy stray dog to relieve you of your misery.”

“I’m Rai Sokolov. I beg no one.”

“You did it in front of Vladimir. You can do it again. Don’t worry, it will become a habit with time.”

“I’m not going to beg you—ahhhh…” My words end on a moan when he increases the intensity of the vibrator until its sound can be heard. “Stop…ahhh…”

“I still have five more intensity levels to go, one for every minute you remain stubborn.” He removes his hand from his pocket, revealing a small black remote. “Actually, let’s take it up a notch and make that every second—starting now.”

He clicks on the button, and I sag against the wall as the vibration intensifies to an unbearable level. My nipples tighten against the dress’s built-in bra, and my legs shake.


“That’s not begging. Try harder.” He clicks again and I moan, my lips trembling in mortification as I feel my wetness soaking my panties and coating my inner thighs.


“Yeah, he’s not going to help in this unholy union.” He clicks again, and this time, I scream as the dildo gets deeper inside me. I’m no virgin, but the last time I was sexually active was a decade ago, so I might as well be.

“Two more to go…oh, wait. Turns out there are seven. I forgot it has special modes for naughty girls like you.”

“Fine, you win, stop it.”

“Not unless you beg and you make it convincing.”

“Stop it…p-please…”

“What was that at the end? I didn’t quite catch it.”


“That’s it.” He clicks on a button and the vibration stops.

I slide to the floor, catching my breath and trying to stop the disappointed sensation that’s settling at the pit of my stomach.

A shadow falls over me before his voice fills the air. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”

I pull myself up to my feet, raise my hand and slap him across the face. The sound echoes in the silence surrounding us and my palm stings. “Don’t you ever put me in a weak position in front of the men downstairs. I’m not only your wife, I’m V Corp’s executive manager and an asset to the brotherhood. I didn’t get this far for you to drag me down.”

His jaw clenches, and instead of the anger I expected, a manic smirk tugs on his lips. “I’ll play with you however I please.”

“You will not break me, do you hear me?”

“You shouldn’t tempt a predator with prey, Princess. That will only provoke my need to hunt.”

“I’ll get you back for this. You have my fucking word.” I push past him to the bathroom to clean up.

“Don’t remove the toy,” he calls after me. “I’ll know if you do.”

I flip him off over my shoulder without looking at him.

A low chuckle follows me as I get inside and lock the door. Fuck Kyle’s warnings about not doing just that.

I stare at my face in the mirror, and like this morning, I barely recognize the woman who greets me back. My cheeks are red, lips puffy, and my usually impeccable hair looks like a mess. The worst part? My insides are still tingling, demanding more of the torture I just endured at Kyle’s hands.

In no time, he’s turning me into a masochist who can’t get enough of him and his ministrations.

What the hell is he doing to me?

Frustrated at myself, I yank a towel off the rack, wet it, and wipe between my thighs. I remove my ruined panties and throw them in the trash since they’re not usable anymore. It takes me some time to make myself presentable again.

Kyle thought he could subdue me with this, but obviously he doesn’t know the Rai he left behind while he disappeared to God knows where.

I exit the bathroom just as he opens the room’s door. I catch a whiff of his last sentence: “…on my way. It’s all going according to plan.”

Or so he thinks.

Kyle won’t feel the disaster until he’s caught in the middle. As I promised, he’ll pay for the whole shit show he inflicted upon me today.

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