Three Swedish Mountain Men: A Reverse Harem Romance

Three Swedish Mountain Men: Chapter 33


I’m shaking hard as we step out of the courtroom. Cole keeps a steady arm around my waist as he leads me back into the atrium. My head is spinning. I feel like I’m in a dream.

We barely make it three steps out of the door before Eli appears, tugs me right out of Cole’s arms, and pulls me into a kiss. I squeak with surprise, then melt into him, letting his tongue slip between my lips. Footsteps click on the marble floor around us as official-looking people in suits pass through the hall, but I don’t care about all the disapproving stares we’re probably getting. I’m too happy for that.

Eventually, we have to pull up for air. He touches his forehead to mine. “I’m so proud of you, Tink,” he murmurs, pushing back a strand of hair that’s fallen out of my bun. “You did so fucking good.”

I burrow into his chest, breathing in his shirt. “I was so scared.”

So scared. I haven’t slept at all in two days, worrying about the trial. I spent most of last night hyperventilating on the hotel room floor. The guys took shifts, passing me between them, trying to soothe and comfort me—but I could tell they were almost as anxious as I was.

Eli kisses my hair. “I know,” he rasps. “I know, baby. You were incredible.”

Eli was the most stressed of all of them. I thought he was going to throw up when we stepped into the courtroom this morning. Which is understandable. The last time he was in one, a year of his life was sentenced away. The judge chose somebody else’s story over the truth.

But not today.

Today, after a tense, heated, long debate, Samuel Warner was finally judged guilty of disclosing private sexual images, and sentenced with the full two years in prison. He’s also being made to register as a sex offender, so even when he does get out of jail, his life is ruined. I was given the right to demand the videos be removed from websites and search engine results. Riven organised to have a man on standby, waiting for the all-clear to send the cease and desists, so it should be happening right this second. Even as we talk, all those images of me are getting wiped away.

I can practically feel it happening. It’s like an iron band is unwinding from around my ribcage. I can finally breathe again.

I give Eli another peck, but pull away as I see my parents coming out of the courtroom, talking to Riven. I take a moment to appreciate how good Riv looks in his sharp navy suit. All of the boys are suited up: Eli looks like a model in his silvery-grey three piece, and Cole has somehow stuffed his broad shoulders and thick thighs into a stylish black ensemble. He’d flat-out refused to wear a tie, and with his shirt collar open at his throat, he looks incredibly sexy, and incredibly uncomfortable.

I force myself to stop checking out my boyfriends, and tune into my parents’ conversation. “Thank you so much for supporting my daughter,” my dad is saying. “She’s so lucky to have you as a friend.”

“Trust me,” Riv says, “I’m the lucky one. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Daisy.” He looks at me in Eli’s arms, longing all over his face, and my mum gives him a sympathetic look. She clearly thinks he’s pining away in unrequited love.

Little she knows. It’s very, very requited. She steps forward, taking my hands. “Baby—” she starts. “We are so, so sorry for not listening to you.”

I have to force a smile onto my face. If I’m honest, I don’t fully forgive my parents. I know I will someday, but right now, the wound is still too raw. It’s kind of heartbreaking that it took a judge and jury to convince them to believe me, when I’ve been telling the truth this whole time.

“You should’ve,” Cole grumbles from behind me.

Mum looks up. “Excuse me?”

“You should’ve believed her,” he repeats. “It’s fucking ridiculous that you didn’t.”

My dad frowns, annoyed. “I’m sorry, who are you? And why are you even here?”

The boys all hesitate, looking at me. I haven’t told my parents about our relationship yet. As far as my mum and dad know, they’re just friends I made on my trip.

I think it’s time I set the record straight.

“He’s here because he’s my boyfriend,” I say, my voice very clear. Cole’s face turns bright red under his beard. It’s adorable.

My mum looks between me and Cole. “He’s your boyfriend? Him?”

“Yep,” I say simply. “We’ve been together for months, now.”

“But…” Dad points at Eli. “Didn’t you two just…”

“Kiss? Yes.” I straighten my back. “I’m dating Eli, too.”

Eli gives them both a shit-eating grin. “Surprise.”

My dad’s eyes widen. “You’re what?” 

“And—” I hold my hand out to Riven. He steps forwards and threads our fingers together. “Riv, too. I’m dating them all.”

My parents look absolutely fucking horrified.

In their defence, I guess it’s a lot to spring on them at once. I actually wanted to tell them earlier, but the lawyer Riven’s dad found me advised that we keep the relationship under wraps until after the hearing. Some bullshit about how the jurors might think I’m a sexual deviant, if it got leaked that I’m dating three men.

I think it’s dumb. Let people love who they want, it shouldn’t be this hard.

“All three of them?” Mum asks hoarsely, looking between us. “H-how is that possible?”

I shrug. “They each get two days a week with me, and they all share me on a Sunday.”

Her mouth drops open. Eli snorts softly behind me. I sigh, feeling my shoulders slump. “I don’t know what to say, mum. I love all three of them. They all love me. That’s all there is to it. I’m not going to apologise for who I love.”

Dad’s face is turning dangerously purple. “So, what? You’re just going to live with these men up in the mountains? Alone? They could do anything to you!” He spins on Cole. “Look, I don’t know what the Hell kind of crap you’re pulling on my daughter, but—”

Cole’s eyes blaze. “Crap we’re pulling on your daughter?” He steps forward, looming over my dad. “We are not the ones who hurt her.”

My dad bristles. “Don’t use that tone with me. Neither am I. I didn’t take the video.”

“You hurt her.” Cole insists. “You hurt her when you didn’t believe her. The way you treated your own child is fucking disgusting. She was a victim of a sex crime, and when she told you, you blamed her.” He shakes his head. “And now, you think you can judge her for the relationships that she actually chooses? You think your opinion fucking matters to her? To any of us? You don’t deserve to be a member of her family. You don’t deserve to be related to her. She’s a better person than you’ll ever be.”

He steps back, his chest heaving. There’s a very long, very awkward pause.

My dad licks his lips, slowly turning to me. “Sweetheart—”

“It’s okay,” I say. “Really. And I do care about your opinion. Not enough to change my mind about the guys, but I’d like for you to be happy for me.”

“So… what? You’re going to move to Sweden?” Mum asks, worry creasing her forehead.

I nod. “Yep. I’m already in SFI classes to learn Swedish—”

“She’s terrible,” Eli cuts in. “I’ve literally never met anyone with a worse accent.”

“Sounds like she’s gargling with rocks,” Riven adds under his breath.

“I’ll get it,” I wave them off. “I’m moving into their cabin.”

Her eyes widen. “But what will you do there, up in the mountains? How will you find a teaching position?”

“I never really wanted to teach, mum,” I say gently. “I always wanted to paint. And now, my oil paintings are giving me a pretty steady income.” It’s actually a funny story. When we were talking to his parents about finding me a lawyer, I told Riven’s mum that I did oil paintings. She was so excited that she commissioned a portrait of him for his dad’s birthday, and now all the rich hotshot lawyers that visit their house want their own pieces from the hot upcoming artist. “I’m thinking of doing a whole collection based on Kiruna,” I continue. “There’s so many beautiful things to paint. The Northern Lights. The midnight sun. The villages. Reindeers and huskies and mountains and…” I trail off, excitement flowing through me. “I’m so inspired up there.”

“Plus me,” Eli chips in. “I’m a great model.”

My cheeks flush. The last time Eli modelled for me, I didn’t get a whole lot of work done. He insisted on me painting him nude. It was pretty distracting.

My parents still look worried. I give them my most convincing smile. “I’m okay, Mum, Dad. Really. I’m happier now than I’ve been in years. I think—maybe ever.”

Dad shakes his head. “We can discuss this back at home,” he says flatly. “Come on. If we hurry, we can catch the fast train.”

I take a step back. “I’m not going home with you, Dad.”

His frown deepens. “Don’t be silly. You flew all this way; the least you can do is stay with us. Maybe then we can talk some sense into you.”

I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I can’t. I promised I’d show the boys around Brighton before we fly back. We’ve already booked a hotel room.”

“Of course,” he mutters, wiping his forehead. “Just one room for the four of you.”

“We had to get the honeymoon suite,” Eli informs him. “It’s the only one with a big enough bed.”

I kick him in the ankle. “I’ll come back sometime soon,” I promise. “Just to visit, though. I’ve found my own home, now.”

My mum blinks back tears. “We’re not going to change your mind, are we, sweetheart?”

I shake my head. “If we could move past the arguing and straight to the accepting, that would save us a lot of time,” I say hopefully.

She laughs tearfully. “You always were so stubborn.” She looks over my shoulder, giving all three men a stern look. “You take care of her up there, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Riven says. Cole and Eli both nod.

“Alright, then.” She wipes off her cheeks. “We ought to get going if we’re going to catch the train, Harry.”


“Leave her. She’s an adult. She gets to make her own decisions. I think after the last few months, we owe her some trust.” She steps forward and squeezes me in a big hug. “He’ll come around,” she whispers. “He’s just shocked. He never liked when you brought a boy home. I think three is a bit much for him to handle.”

I nod. I know my dad just needs time. She steps aside, and he takes her place. We watch each other for a moment. I set my jaw, preparing for him to start arguing again.

Instead, he bends and tugs me into a rough hug. “You sure you can’t come home with us?” He mutters in my ear.

“Nope. Sorry. We’ve got plans.”

He sighs. “Okay.” He pushes back, holding me at arm’s length. “Call us tonight, okay? When you get back in.”

I nod, and he presses a kiss to my forehead. “I’m very proud of you, Jennifer. You’ve been very strong.”

My mum tugs as his sleeve, and he turns to go. I watch them push out of the big glass doors of the courthouse, feeling my heart swell in my chest. They made a mistake—a bad one—but they do still love me. I believe that. And that’s enough for me. The doors swing shut behind them, leaving me with my three mountain men in the middle of the atrium.

“Great.” Eli claps his hands together. “Can we please get out of here? All these lawyers are making me antsy. And Tink looks really hot in her court clothes.”

We spend the rest of the day in Brighton, wandering around my hometown. I show them all the spots I went to when I was a kid. My old school, the arcade, the quaint little shops by the sea. When dinner rolls around, I introduce them to fish and chips. I have never seen Cole eat so much, so fast. After food, we head down the pier and onto the beach, stopping to get ninety-nines from an ice cream van. The sun is setting over the sea, reflecting off the gentle waves in gold and orange flashes. The air is warm and breezy. The guys all lose their suit jackets and roll up their shirt sleeves, and I kick off my heels, squidging my toes in the sand. Riven and Cole take my hands as we meander through the small clusters of people laying out on towels.

“I haven’t had ice cream in ages,” Eli practically moans. “It’s too fucking cold back home.” I pop up on my tiptoes to lick the sauce dribbling down the side of the cone. Then I lick a smudge off his bottom lip. He smiles, nuzzling into me. “Do legal matters make you horny, babe? You can barely keep your hands off us. Understandable, in my case, but I don’t know about those two.”

I run my palm up Riven’s chest, feeling the muscle under the well-tailored shirt. “You all look so hot in your suits. I can’t handle it.” I tweak Riv’s collar, and he catches my hand, brushing his lips over my knuckles.

“Those people are staring,” Cole warns, and Riven freezes.

I look up and follow his gaze to see a couple staring at us, whispering to each other. As I watch, the girl points at me, giving her boyfriend a nudge.

All three men automatically move to stand in front of me. This still happens pretty often when I’m out in public. People will recognise me from the video. I hate it. I hate having people looking at me, judging me, mentally undressing me.

I’m pretty sure that’s not why this couple is staring, though. It probably has more to do with me snuggling up against three different men. I wait for the pang of nerves and embarrassment to hit me, but instead, there’s nothing. Just the warm glow of happiness in my chest, and the sweetness of vanilla ice cream in my mouth.

“I’ll have a word with them,” Riven mutters, dropping my hand.

“Wait.” I grab his arm. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”

Cole frowns. “You hate when people stare at you in public. It scares you.” His scowl deepens. “You don’t need to be scared.”

“Well, I guess I don’t mind it anymore. I actually feel kind of… proud.” Three sets of eyebrows rise. I shrug. “I didn’t choose to put out the video. But I choose you. All of you. It feels empowering, I guess, to actually be judged on something I chose to do. Instead of something someone did to me.” I glance back at the couple, who are still gaping like fish, and grin as an idea blooms. “Why don’t we give them something to stare at?”

Before any of them can react, I go up on my tiptoes, wrap my hands around the back of Cole’s neck, and kiss him as deeply as I can. He yanks me in at the waist, and heat wires through me as his tongue roughly plunders my mouth. By the time we gasp apart, I feel hot and shivery all over. Next, I reach for Riv, twisting my hands in his collar and tugging him down to my level. He winds his fingers in my hair and slips his tongue between my lips, curling it against mine. His strong arms around me make me feel so safe and cherished, I can barely catch my breath.

Finally, I turn to Eli, breathing hard. He’s watching with pink cheeks, his curls blowing over his forehead in the sea breeze.

“Saving the best ‘til last?” He teases, as I stroke my hands down his chest.

“I told you. I’m not ranking your kissing techniques.”

“Sure, sure. But that’s just to protect their fragile egos, right?” He lowers his voice. “We know the truth.”

“Oh, just fucking kiss me.”

So he does. Passing the rest of his ice cream to Cole, he tugs me close and presses his mouth over mine. I lick into him, tasting vanilla and sugar—and then the world suddenly spins as he dips me right off my feet. My stomach flips as the sky tilts over my head. It’s a proper romance-movie kiss, right in the middle of the pier. I’m laughing against his lips when he finally sets me upright.

“Wow. Holy shit, guys.” I press a hand over my hot cheek, then straighten out my skirt. “Are they still staring?”

“Uh. Yes.” Riv looks around. “Quite a lot of people are.”

“Probably wow-ed by my kissing skills,” Eli muses.

I shrug. We’re standing on a beach, watching the sun set over the sea. Couples around us are snogging everywhere. Why shouldn’t kiss the men I love? “Good. Now everybody knows. Everybody knows how much I love all three of you.”

They share a soft look over my head.


“Nothing,” Riven says. “You just seem so much more relaxed, already.”

I look out at the sea churning over the sand. The wind picks up a bit, whipping my hair around my face. “I was so ashamed, for so long. But I’m not anymore. I just feel…” I trail off, trying to find the right word.

“Safe?” Cole guesses.

“Happy?” Riven offers.

“Horny?” Eli wonders.

“Free,” I decide. “I’ve never felt so free. Like I could do anything I wanted. Anything at all.”

Eli throws an arm over my shoulders. “Great. What shall we start with?”

I consider for a few seconds, then smile.

“Bet I can beat you all to the water.” I take off, flying across the beach towards the sea. The boys may be better at walking in snow than me, but sand is my home turf. Eli catches up with me just as I’m reaching the surf. Swinging me up into his arms, he carries me into the waves, kissing me hard. Cole and Riv follow us in, rolling up the legs of their dress pants as we wade in deeper. They crowd around me, and I’m lowered into the freezing cold water. A wave sweeps me off my feet, and I fall back into somebody’s arms. Someone kisses my neck, and someone else trails hot lips over my cheeks. Hands slide over my hips, my arms, my waist, keeping me upright. The sea burns orange around us, reflecting the setting sun. I let my eyes fall closed, just feeling.

“Us too,” Riven says by my ear, his voice low and grating.

“Hm?” I loll lazily against a muscled chest, blissed out.

“We all feel free again, too.”

I smile, and tip my face up for a kiss or three.

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