Three Swedish Mountain Men: A Reverse Harem Romance

Three Swedish Mountain Men: Chapter 29

Daisy feels blazing hot and soft as sin as she sinks onto my cock. God, she’s tight. I’m not even sure that she’s going to be able to take me, but she just presses her lips together and keeps going, sliding down until she’s completely full. Her lips open on a silent gasp. Her chocolate brown eyes melt into mine, full of softness and anger and passion that I sure as fuck don’t deserve.

Why the Hell am I still looking at her eyes? 

I grip her hips and thrust up into her, hard, pushing as deep as I can go. She keens, scrabbling at me. Together, we start up a fast rhythm that just gets more and more frantic. She rides me hard, rolling her hips, rubbing her clit up against the base of my shaft. I grip my fingers in the soft flesh of her ass, then smack one of her cheeks, hard. She hisses in a breath through her teeth, and I smooth my palm over the skin, feeling it heat.

She looks fucking unreal on top of me, her naked curves flushed and glowing with sweat, her long, dark curls tumbling loose around her shoulders. Her tits are in my face, trembling and bouncing with each thrust. I can see her pale pink nipples beading and scrunching right in front of my eyes. I lean forward and catch one in my mouth, nipping at it punishingly, and she moans, rubbing her tit into my mouth like she’s desperate for more. “Cole,” she gasps. “Cole. Jesus, I’m sorry, I can’t… I can’t…”

“Can’t what,” I force out, holding her tighter.

Her thrusts start getting jerky and weak, then she stops moving completely. She flops over me. “I can’t—” she pants. “My legs—”

I’m so turned on, it takes a couple seconds for me to work out what the problem is. I grab her around the waist and roll us both over so I’m lying on top of her. The tent shudders as we slip around on the blankets. I plant my fist over her head and keep on pumping into her.

“You had fucking hypothermia,” I mutter between thrusts. “You think you have the energy to ride me? You can barely walk.”

“Next time,” she mutters, “I’m usually good at that.”

“Oh, you’re plenty good at it.” She cries out when I slip my hands under her soft ass and lift her hips, changing the angle. The head of my dick finds the sensitive bundle of nerves inside her, and I hammer into it, over and over and over again. She shouts with every thrust, shivers running through her body. “Holy shit. Yes. Yes. Cole, fuck, you feel so fucking good—oh—” 

I love how loud she’s being. With the wind howling outside, she may as well be. No one in the world can hear her but me.

I pull her closer, getting her nipple in my mouth and suckling hard, tasting the soft warmth of her.

“Oh,” Daisy gasps under me. “Oh, God. Cole.” I can feel her weakening as the orgasm builds. Her thighs start to tremble. Her hands slide off my back and cling desperately to my shoulders. “Oh. I’m gonna…”

“You’re going to come,” I rasp out, pounding into her even harder. My dick feels about ready to burst, like a champagne bottle that’s been shaken up for half an hour. The pressure is damn near painful.

She squirms under me, hot and slick and desperate. “Please,” she chokes out. “Please, Cole.”

“Please what?”

She forces her eyes open and grabs at my face, dragging it to hers. I kiss her roughly on the mouth, and she just falls apart, convulsing in my arms. Her pussy clenches, squeezing me in rhythmic waves. It’s enough to send me over the edge. I tip my head back and roar as I explode inside her. She screams right alongside me, her fingernails scratching down my back.

For just a few seconds, my mind goes blank and white. I forget who I am. I forget my history. I forget that I absolutely should not be having sex with this sweet, kind, hurt girl in the middle of a snowstorm. For the first time in years, I have a woman I care about in my arms, and it feels like coming home.

And then the feeling fades, and I come back down to Earth. I look around the tent. Clothes and cans and other supplies are strewn everywhere. Daisy is lying underneath me, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath.


I pull out gently, climbing off her. “We shouldn’t have done that,” I mutter.

She glares at me. “Fuck you,” she spits.

Surprise jolts through me. “Excuse me?”

She pushes herself weakly up onto an elbow. Her eyes glitter. “I liked it. You liked it. So stop with the that was a mistake bullshit. I happened to enjoy myself.”

“I mean,” I grit out, “you’re still weak. You just used a Hell of a lot of energy. You’ll be lucky if you can walk tomorrow.”

“At least I’m warm,” she mumbles, rolling onto her side and closing her eyes.

I sigh and reach into my pack, fumbling with a packet of tissues. Pulling a couple out, I quickly dispose of the evidence, then swipe at some streaks of wetness on her thighs. She murmurs under the attention, curling up around my hand.

My heart stops. I have no idea what to do now. She clearly wants some comfort, and I’m not the person who can give it to her. “I don’t hug after sex,” I blurt out.

She looks up at me sleepily. “What do you do?”


“Alright, then.” She waves at the tent entrance. “Off you go.” I scowl at her. She scowls right back. “You’ve literally spent all night hugging me. But here is where you draw the line?” She rolls over, snuggling crossly into the blanket. “You may not have noticed this, but I didn’t actually ask you for a hug. Asshole.”



We’re silent for a few minutes. I tidy up the tent, then light up another cake of gel to keep us warm. Daisy stays still, breathing steadily, but I can tell she’s awake. She’s found her shirt, which has dried over the night, and is clutching it to her chest like she’s covering herself. As I watch, she balls up even tighter, shivering.

She’s right. I am an asshole. She’s cold and naked and scared. We’re in the middle of a blizzard. She’s probably worried about dying, and I won’t even hold her after I fuck her. I close my eyes.


She ignores me. A new thought occurs to me. Fuck. Maybe I’m making her feel used. That’s the last thing I want, after everything else she’s been through. Setting my jaw, I lie down next to her. “Come here,” I say quietly.

She doesn’t move.

“I’ll hug you.”

She sniffs. “No need to force yourself.”

Christ. “Come here, sweetheart,” I try, keeping my voice soft.

She hesitates, then rolls into me, burying her face in my chest. She’s asleep in seconds, her little breaths fluttering against my skin. I watch over her, my heart beating in my throat.

Sleeping with her was stupid. But if I’m honest, my biggest mistake was kissing her.

One kiss. That’s all it fucking took for her to unravel me completely.

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