Three Swedish Mountain Men: A Reverse Harem Romance

Three Swedish Mountain Men: Chapter 22

Every muscle in my body stills as I take in the scene in front of me. My grip tightens on my cup.

I’m tired. After seeing Johanna and the kid in town, I came back and chopped us a good month’s worth of firewood. We don’t even need it, but I had to do something physical.

Now I’m exhausted, more than ready to turn in. I just stepped out here to get a drink of water; but instead, I find my three housemates rutting frantically in the living room.

Suddenly, I don’t feel so tired anymore.

Daisy licks her lips and extends a hand out to me. “Wanna join?” She asks, her voice deep and husky.

I run my eyes over her slowly. Riv and Eli have ruined her. Her skin is flushed and glistening with sweat, and her brown hair is falling in tangled curls around her face. She’s wearing lingerie—something pale and silky. I watch her tits tremble against the lace on her cleavage as she pants for breath.

“You want that?” I ask, eventually. I’ve been a dick to this girl. There’s no reason she should want anything to do with me.

But she bites her lip and nods, her eyes dropping to the growing bulge in my jeans. “A lot.”

I consider for a few seconds, then nod, stepping forward. Eli graciously goes to stand, offering up his place between her legs, but I shake my head. “No.” I go to stand behind her. “I want your mouth.”

Her eyes darken. I reach down and touch my thumb to her bottom lip. “You want that?” I ask again.

She nods, slowly. I run my hand down her throat, down past her collarbone, in between her soft tits. She wriggles under me as my fingers slip over the slick fabric, looking up at me from under her lashes. I thumb at one of her nipples, making her gasp.

“Then take this off.” I tug at the strap of her little nightdress. “I’ll just end up ruining it.” She sits up and slips out of it, and I settle back into position behind her head, unzipping my jeans and taking out my cock. I’m already painfully hard.

“You, too,” she says.


She scowls. “What, you think you’re just going to unzip your jeans and fuck me with half your clothes on? If I’m naked, everyone is.”

I stare at her. She stares right back, narrowing her eyes. Slowly, I push down the waistband of my jeans, letting them drop to the floor. Her eyes fall to my cock, and her lips part.

“Will your ego explode the cabin to bits if I comment on how big it is?”

I grunt. “You’ll manage. Open up.”

She tilts her head. “When was the last time you had sex?”

“A while ago.”

“It shows, smooth talker. You sound like a goddamn dentis—” she suddenly yelps as Eli, who has been quietly dying, half-buried in her pussy, apparently decides he can’t take it anymore. He grips her hips, thrusting into her.

“Can you two flirt while I fuck you?” He mutters through gritted teeth. “I’m losing the will to live.” He rolls his hips, grinding up against her, and Daisy’s head lolls back. I keep stroking myself, just enjoying the view for a moment, before she reaches back for me. I help her guide the head of my cock to her lips. She plays with it for a few seconds, kissing the tip, running her tongue across my slit. I close my eyes as she licks me, all the way from my balls up to my shaft, then takes me into her mouth slowly, not breaking eye contact as she inches her lips down my cock. I hiss. Her mouth feels incredible; scaldingly hot and unbelievably soft. I expect her to stop at the head, but she just keeps going, pulling almost all of me into her mouth. “Don’t hurt yourself,” I mutter. She rolls her eyes, going even deeper. I swear softly under my breath as I slide against the back of her throat. Jesus. Does the girl not have a gag reflex?

Slowly, she pulls out again, and pushes back in, her head bobbing. I swear stars burst behind my eyes.

Her eyes flutter shut, and she hums softly as Eli hitches one of her legs higher, pounding even further into her. Whatever he’s doing, he’s clearly doing well; every time he thrusts into her, her breath hitches, and her whole body jerks a little. Fuck. I love this. Love feeling her reactions to him fucking her, through her mouth.

“You know,” I curl my fingers under her jaw, “I think I like you better when you can’t talk.”

She pulls back and says something that sounds an awful lot like do you want me to bite you? But I can’t really pay attention, because vibrations running down my cock pretty much zap my brain dead. I grip her head, forcing my hips to stay still and not batter into her mouth. She probably wouldn’t appreciate that.

Suddenly, she starts moaning loudly, gasping around my cock. I feel her body tightening, and look up to see Eli slamming his balls up against her clit. She flings out a hand, grasping at the air, and without thinking, I reach down and squeeze her fingers between mine. She clings to my hand, her moans getting louder and louder, and then her whole body arches and shudders as she comes, crying out.

Holy fucking shit. I twist my spare hand in her hair and pull out a bit so she won’t choke. Never, in all our time doing this, have I felt a girl come while I was in her mouth. It rocks over her in waves, leaving her shaking and flushed and hot, gasping around me. I squeeze her hand the whole time, drinking in the sight.

Eventually, she calms down, making tiny little whimpering sounds. I let her hand go, stroking through her long hair, and Riv steps forward, palming at himself. He’s already gone, judging by the sticky come glistening between Daisy’s thighs, but he’s hard again. I can’t blame him, after that show. Daisy reaches for him, drawing him closer, and starts stroking him rough and fast. He chokes, running a hand over his mouth.

There’s a few awkward seconds when she tries to keep up the rhythm of jerking him off while simultaneously sucking on me and getting pounded into by Eli. She quickly realises that she’s not coordinated enough, and pulls her mouth away, kissing sloppily up to the tip of my dick, licking and sucking the head. “Fuck my mouth,” she murmurs huskily.

I swallow. My cock twitches against her lips, and she smiles. “Don’t wanna hurt you,” I rough out.

“Do it,” she orders. When I hesitate, she glares. “If I tell you I can handle it, I can fucking handle it.”

Groaning deeply, I grab her head, hold it steady, and thrust into the hot wetness of her mouth. Again. And again. I try not to go too deep, but she doesn’t even flinch when I lose control and my hips smack forward. She feels incredible, shivering under me as Eli keeps jackhammering into her pussy. And the whole time, she keeps rubbing Riven.

It’s apparently more than he can take. He tips his head back, square jaw clenching. “Can I—”

“Come on my tits,” she breathes, twisting her hand at the base of his cock. He grips a hand onto the sofa arm, bracing himself. The thick muscles in his arms shake as he hisses through his teeth and spills over her chest. Daisy squirms and sighs under him, rubbing his come into her skin, and the visual is too fucking much for me. I feel my balls tingle and tighten painfully.

I can’t hold on much longer. I tug her head back to look at me. She’s nodding before I even open my mouth. “Yes.”

I nod, gritting my teeth as I thrust into her, once, twice, three more times—

I lose it.

I feel myself spill into her mouth, my hot come sliding down her throat. Her eyes flicker shut as she swallows, sucking at me, and the sight is so fucking hot I can’t help grinding up against her face. It feels like I come for fucking years, all of the tension leaving my body as I drain myself into her, but she doesn’t pull back as I spasm in her mouth. In fact, she seems to like it. She starts to moan around my cock again, staring up at me, her ass squirming against the couch cushions she’s laid on, her cheeks flushing red. From her trembling thighs, I can see she’s building up to another orgasm. My brain still hazed up with endorphins, I bend and start groping her tits roughly, tugging hard at one of her nipples. She cries out, arches, and comes again with a scream, her mouth falling open as she convulses. Opposite me, Eli shouts as he grips into her thighs and explodes into her, his whole body shaking. Daisy keeps on coming right through it, moaning and gasping and wriggling underneath us both. I squeeze her breasts, feeling her heart hammer under my fingers, and she twists, grabbing for my hand again, clinging to it.

Eventually, she calms down. We’re all silent for a few seconds, panting. I rub my eyes, carefully pulling out of her mouth. I feel lighter than I have in years. All the colours in the room seem too bright around me, as if I’m in a dream.

Daisy sighs under me, curling up on the sofa. “I dreamt of this,” she says breathily, wiping her red lips with the back of her hand. “All of you together like this. I dreamt of it.” She tugs my hand down and traps it under her cheek like a pillow, then tilts her lips up for me. “Kiss me?”

I hesitate. God, I want to. She looks so sweet, spread below me like this. I don’t even remember the last time I kissed someone, but my eyes are drawn to her soft mouth like magnets. I clear my throat. “I don’t kiss the girls I sleep with.”

“What, not ever?”


“You got really bad breath, or something?” I roll my eyes. She stretches. “Seriously, I just sucked your dick, and you won’t even give me a peck?”


She frowns slightly. “You’re weird, Teddy,” she whispers, snuggling her cheek into my hand.

“Don’t call me Teddy.”

She hums. Her eyes flutter closed.

I raise an eyebrow. “Tired?”

“She’s worse than us,” Eli puts in. “Always wants to fall asleep right after.” He gives the arch of her foot a squeeze, and she shivers deliciously. “What do you want, Tink?”

“Cuddle me!” She orders, tossing her arms out dramatically. The other two both laugh.

I extricate my hand and stand back, hating the way I’m still trembling slightly. Riven and Eli curl around her as I pick up my pants from the floor. Riven dabs come off her skin, while Eli presses kisses into her hair, making soft, comforting sounds. She smiles and wriggles happily under their hands, basking in the attention.

Shucking on my shirt, I turn, leaving them to it. I don’t cuddle after sex. I don’t coddle. If she wants kisses and caresses and comfort, Riven and Eli have her covered.

“Stay,” she says quietly, as I head for the door.

I pause in the doorway, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Please?” She whispers. “You don’t have to cuddle. Or kiss me. You can just stay.”

I grit my teeth and leave.

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