Three Swedish Mountain Men: A Reverse Harem Romance

Three Swedish Mountain Men: Chapter 13

Eli cooks spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and I make a Cesar salad to go with it. After we eat, we all crack open the booze and migrate to the fire. The boys have a record player, and me and Eli sift through their piles of old rock records, picking out what to play.

To my surprise, Cole is out here too. He’s not saying much; just sitting in the armchair by the window, drinking his whiskey and watching the snow fall outside. He has a book on his lap, but he’s ignoring it.

As I flip through old record sleeves, I watch him out of the corner of my eye. There’s something mysterious about him that I can’t put my finger on. When we first met, I assumed he was just an asshole—and he is that—but there’s something deeper to him. Another layer. He looks almost sad as he stares out of the window, watching snowflakes flutter to the ground. Lonely.

Eli sets a record on the turntable, then pulls a plastic crate out of the fridge. It’s full of tiny glass bottles, like the spirits you’d buy on an aeroplane. “Alright. Let’s get you a drink.”

I eye the little bottles dubiously. “Snaps?”

“You bet. It’s kinda like vodka flavoured with herbs, I guess. Let’s start you off easy.” He checks a label on one of the bottles. “How does orange peel and cinnamon sound?”


“Right.” He twists off the cap and pours the bottle into a little glass. “Here you go, babe.”

I sip it tentatively. It burns going down, but it leaves a pleasant, spicy aftertaste. I smack my lips. “Nice.”

Eli pours his own drink, then slumps down on the sofa next to me. “So. How was everyone’s day?”

Riven plucks a bottle from the box. “Well, my mother called, and offered me twenty grand to come home.”

Eli whistles. “Dollars or SEK?”



“Yeah.” Riven’s mouth is grim. “It’s the last thing I want to do, but the local hospital could really use that money. I don’t know what to do.”

“Hold out until she offers you more,” Eli shrugs. “She can afford a shitton more than that.” He points at me. “What about you, babe? How was the garage? Is your car gonna be okay?”

I pull a face. I was so worried about the creep outside the pub that I completely forgot about the mechanic. “Bad. It’s so much more expensive than I thought it would be.”

Eli nods. “Pretty much everything is expensive in Sweden. Taxes.”

“If you don’t have the money, we can cover it, it’s fine,” Riven adds.

“No. Absolutely not. No way in Hell.” I’m already indebted to these guys, as is. The last thing I want to do is take money from them. “I can afford to get the car fixed myself; the only problem is, it’ll use up all the money I had saved up for the trip. I wouldn’t be able to rent a room anywhere. I’d just have to go straight home again.”

I have to hide a shudder at that thought. I can’t go home, back to all the awful, judgy neighbours, and the journalists banging down my front door. I can’t.

“Didn’t you say you had commissions?” Riven asks. “Will they be enough to pay for the rest of your trip?”

I nod. “I can’t work in my car, though.”

Eli slaps his thighs, standing. “Well, then. That’s it. You’ll just have to stay.”

I blink. “Stay?”

“Yeah,” he says simply. “Stay with us until you’ve finished your commissions, Tink. That way, there’s no rent, and you can save up the money quicker.”

“I don’t want charity—” I start.

“It’s not charity. We want you here, as a guest. We’re inviting you to stay. Right, guys?”

He looks at the other two. Riven hesitates for a few seconds, then nods.

I turn to Cole. I’m not imposing on him anymore if he doesn’t want me to. It isn’t fair. This is his house, too.

He considers me over the rim of his whiskey glass, his smoky blue eyes considering. “Why did you really come here?” He says suddenly.

I squirm. “I told you. To paint the Northern Lights.”

“Don’t bullshit me.”

I take a breath. “I… wanted a place to get away from everyone.” I fiddle with the hem of my shirt. “A place without internet.”

“We can get internet.”

“You know what I mean. Someplace remote, where people would be less plugged-in. And no one could find me.”

He narrows his eyes. “You ran away.”

I nod. There’s no use denying it.


“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want you to know.”

His lips tighten. “Are you in danger?”

I consider. Honestly, I don’t know. I feel like I am. The creep in the village today seemed to prove that theory. But maybe I’m just being paranoid.

Either way, my hesitation is apparently enough to convince him. “Until your car is fixed,” he mutters, standing and picking up his bottle. Then he just leaves without another word.

“Bye, Nalle!” Eli calls. “We love you!”

There’s a low grunt in response, then the door slams shut.

“So, I’m still not super convinced he likes me,” I say.

Eli shrugs, leaning over to refill my little glass. “As we say, smaken är som baken. Taste is like a butt.”


“Divided.” He gives my ass a playful swat, then clinks his glass to mine. “Skål.

Skål,” I echo, then choke as the snaps burns down my throat. “Jesus. What was that?”

He checks the bottle. “Peppercorn and dill. No?”

“Absolutely not.” 

He tips his head back and laughs. In the corner of the room, the record player switches track. I don’t recognise the tune, but it’s a ballad, slow and crooning. I yawn, stretching, and let my hair full in a curtain over my face as I curl up on the sofa.

“Aww,” Eli says, his voice soft in my ear. “Our baby’s getting tired.” He tugs me into the crook of his neck, and I breathe in the scent of him.

Our baby. What a weird thing to call me. It makes my insides quiver.

Riven sits down on my other side with a sigh, setting his glass on the coffee table. Eli grumbles but moves up to give him space as Riv throws his arm across the back of the settee. I snuggle back into the sofa cushions. God, this is the life. Fire crackling in the fireplace. Snow falling outside the windows. And a hot man on either side of you, keeping you warm. I could fall asleep right here.

I’ve actually just started to drift off when Riven pulls my hair away from my neck and presses his lips to my throat.

I’m immediately wide awake. My heart pounds in my chest as heat burns through me. I don’t move a muscle as he runs his hot mouth over my neck, pressing his lips over my fluttering pulse.

On my other side, Eli starts idly playing with my bra strap, running his thumb under the fabric. I swallow hard. Holy shit.

Riven leans a little closer, his stubbled cheek rubbing against the sensitive skin of my throat. Eli inches in, tracing his finger down my bra strap and across my neckline, sending tingles shooting through my skin. I open my mouth, but no sound comes out.

I cannot believe this is happening. I’m sitting between two men making a move on me, and neither of them knows the other one is doing it. This is simultaneously the hottest and most awkward experience of my life.

I squeeze my eyes shut and force myself to pull away. “Wait. Stop.” I look between them, my cheeks flushing. “Guys. Um. I have to tell you something.”

Both men look amused. “Yes?” Riven prompts.

“I, um…” God, why is this so hard to get out? I feel my cheeks heating.

Eli reaches out, untangling my bra strap. “What is it, baby?”

I wince. “I kind of—kissed both of you?”

The two exchange a glance. I run a hand over my face. “I just got caught up in the moment. And you’re both so hot. And I’m… well, I’m not sorry I did it, I can kiss who I want, and it’s all just casual anyway so it’s not like either of you has some kind of claim on me but I get that it’s weird because you’re both best friends and I didn’t mean to make things awkward between the two of you so I just thought you should know—”

Eli puts a finger on my lips. “Oh, my God, stop before you explode. He already knows, Tink.”

I blink. “What?” I turn to Riven. “What do you know?”

“I knew that you and Eli had been together when I kissed you in the square,” he says calmly, taking a sip of snaps.


His lip tips up. “You weren’t exactly subtle,” he points out. “Besides,” he gives Eli a fondly irritated look. “He told me. Very excitedly.”

I scramble to understand. “But… then… why did you kiss me?”

He sets his drink down again and takes my hand between his warm fingers. Slowly, he starts to massage my hand, relaxing all the tendons of muscle. It feels so good my eyes drop half-shut.

“It’s been a while since we did this,” Eli says by my ear.

“Did what?” I whisper. Eli’s teeth graze my earlobe, and I shudder. “Oh…” I can’t stop the moan falling out of my mouth.

Both men take identical deep breaths. Riven’s fingers tighten on my hand. “You’re right,” he tells Eli. “I have fucking missed this.”

The redhead grins.

“Missed wha’?” I practically slur, as Eli’s warm breath ghosts over my ear. Riv brings my hand to his mouth and presses a hot kiss right in the centre of my palm. Desire spikes through me.

I push away from them both, shaking my head to clear it. “Okay, will you please just tell me what’s going on?”

Riven sits back and picks up his drink again, like nothing just happened. “We always used to share women,” he says casually, taking a sip.

I stare at him. “Share as in—you both had sex with her?” I look between the two men. “At the same time?”

“All three of us. Cole, too.” Eli kisses my bare shoulder. “Not just sex.”

Riven shoots him a look, but I barely notice. My head is spinning with all of this new information. “Why?”

“We’ve been best friends since we were kids. We’ve shared pretty much everything,” Eli says flippantly. “It just sort of happened, the first time around. And it felt so good that we kept doing it.”

“And… it gets you off?”

His green eyes darken. “Fuck yeah.”

“But what are you guys getting out of it?” It kind of sounds like they’re getting the raw end of the deal.

He shrugs. “There’s nothing hotter than watching a girl getting more and more turned on. And when you’re seeing her with someone else,” he blows a hot breath over my ear, making me shiver, “You get to really enjoy the show.”

“Only if you want to, though,” Riven amends. “We don’t want you to feel pressured because you’re staying here.” He picks up my hand and resumes his massage. When his thumb rolls against my palm, I arch, sighing.

It seems ridiculous that just a couple of days ago, I was slapping Riv’s hands away from me. Now, I want them on me more than anything. After he defended me in the square, I feel more than safe with him. And I swear my lips are still tingling from his kiss. If he keeps up the hand massage, I’ll probably crawl into his lap and purr like a cat.

“I’ve never really thought about threesomes,” I admit. “They just never crossed my mind.”

“Think about them now,” Eli suggests. “We’ll wait.”

So, I do.

I wasn’t always so nervous about sex. Before I met Sam, I used to love being sexually adventurous. I loved men. I loved my body. I loved trying new things. I lost that part of myself for a while, but now I’ve got a chance to get her back. No one here knows me. I can do anything I want.

So why the fuck not?

A little sparkle of anticipation shivers down my spine. I lick my lips. “I… okay then. I’ll give it a try. Please.”

Eli relaxes. “Thank God. I thought you were offended.”

My eyes widen. “Why would I be offended?” Having two drop-dead gorgeous men trying to sleep with me is actually doing wonders for my ego.

“We don’t want you to feel used, is all,” Riven says.

I scoff. “I’ve been used. Trust me. Choosing to have sex with two sweet, sexy men is not being used.”

Concern floats across Riv’s face. “What do you mean?”

Jesus. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut if my life depended on it. “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

His frown deepens. “Daisy…”

I take the plunge and just grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it up over my head. That shuts him up.

My tits usually have that effect.

“Holy shit,” Eli rasps, his already deep voice lowering. I slide back against the sofa cushions, letting them both get a good look. “You are…”

“Incredible,” Riv says quietly. His intense gaze trails all over my cleavage.

Eli traces his thumb over the lace fringing the cups. “Riv. Look at the little flowers,” he whispers. “God. You are cute as fuck.”

I squirm. My breasts suddenly feel uncomfortably full and heavy. I want them in his hands. I clear my throat. It’s a very odd feeling, to be half-naked in front of two fully dressed men while they chat about your body. “How do we do this, then? Do you just—spit roast me like a pig on a stick?”

The men exchange a glance, then both burst out laughing.

I scowl. “What?”

Riven lifts a hand and strokes gently down my arm, feeling my skin. “We can do that, if you like. But maybe we could start off a little slower.”

My heart is thudding in my throat. “Like what?”

Riven nods at Eli. “Kiss him,” he orders.

I don’t even have time to turn around before strong arms wrap around my shoulders, and I’m pulled into a warm chest. I close my eyes, breathing in the scent of pine. Eli’s lips meet mine in a hot crush, and I sigh as his tongue curls over mine, plundering deep in my mouth. Red firelight flickers over us as we kiss slowly, languorously, taking slow open-mouthed sips from each other’s mouths. His fingertips skim over my naked back, drawing tickly patterns over my skin, making me shiver.

My head is floaty and my skin is heated when I finally pull away from him, heart pounding. I turn to look at Riven. He’s watching with dark eyes, slowly palming himself through his jeans. I don’t even think before I lean forward and press my lips to his as well. He cups my jaw and kisses me back hungrily, his tongue sliding hot and possessive against mine. Behind me, I hear Eli make a little punched-out sound. There’s a rustle of fabric. I hope to Hell he’s getting naked.

Riven’s hands smooth down over my back to the curve of my waist, sending waves of goosebumps rolling over my skin. When he reaches my hips, he grips them, yanking me onto his lap. I straddle him, kissing him harder, and harder, until tension starts building in my belly and I’m trying not to rub into his lap. I’m so hot, all over. Behind me, I feel warm fingers on my back. My bra strap is unlooped, and my bra falls away. Eli’s big hands wrap around me, cupping my breasts. I bite my lip, arching into him, then moan as Riv sucks on my tongue.

“Fuck,” he breathes against me, watching as Eli starts slowly squeezing my tits. My mouth falls slack as his thumbs rub tiny circles on my stiffening nipples. “I think we should relocate.”

“Let’s stay here,” I whisper, my eyes falling dreamily shut. “I always wanted to fuck in front of a fireplace.” Eli suddenly tugs one of my nipples, sending a bright spark flying to my clit.

Ah!” I gasp, my body jerking between the two men.

Riv closes his eyes. Eli presses his forehead to my back. “I’m going to die tonight,” he announces. “Tink, pick me out a pretty headstone, won’t you? Don’t let Cole do it, he’ll just dump me in an unmarked grave.”

A thought strikes me. I run my fingernails down the back of Riven’s neck. “Should we ask Cole? If he wants to join?”

Yeah, I don’t like the guy. But as long as he kept his mouth shut, I think I’d definitely like screwing him. It would be like getting nailed by Thor’s hammer.

“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t,” Riven says gently. “He’s, ah—still warming to you.”

“Oh.” I try not to let my disappointment show. It quickly melts away as he leans in, brushing his lips against the shell of my ear.

“You want me inside you?”

I nod, blood shooting to my cheeks at the thought.

Eli slides off the sofa. “Turn her around,” he says over my shoulder, and Riv grabs my hips. They seem to know what they’re doing, so I just let them gently manhandle me. I end up sitting in Riv’s lap, his naked chest against my back, facing the fire. As he pulls back my hair and starts sucking on my neck, Eli drops to his knees in front of me, kissing up the inside of my leg. I close my eyes, loving the feel of his hot lips on my skin. “You might want me to loosen you up a bit first,” he says. “Before, you know, the spit-roasting. Riv’s pretty big.”

“Eli…” Riv sounds exasperated.

“What? Am I supposed to pretend not to notice? I don’t go temporarily blind every time you get your dick out.”

I arch back, grinding my ass into Riv’s hips. Holy shit. He’s not kidding. Riv hisses in a breath through his teeth, cupping my jaw and pulling my mouth to his. The kiss starts off chaste, but soon devolves into something filthy and wet. Our tongues slide together, and his hands smooth over my tits and waist and hips, squeezing and feeling. Between my legs, Eli’s mouth climbs higher. His thick curls brush up to my thighs, and I clench my muscles as he pauses, his open mouth millimetres over my clit. His hot breath ghosts over me, sending tingles rushing over the sensitive skin. My hands fly out. “God.

Behind me, Riv wraps a thick forearm around my front, pinning my arms to my sides. “Is she wet?” He asks calmly.

Eli nuzzles between my legs, his nose nudging my clit. “Oh, yes.” He presses a kiss to my slit.


“I bet we can get her wetter, though. I want to see her dripping.”

“Hello?” I squeak. “I’m right here.”

“Sorry, love,” Eli blows another hot breath right over my clit. It feels almost like feathers, brushing my sensitive nerves almost imperceptibly, and I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling more wellness pool between my folds. Eli laps it up slowly, then smiles, licking his lips. “Jesus, woman. You taste like fucking heaven.” He leans in again, and his tongue finally roughs over my clit.

“Oh, God.” My whole body jerks. He pulls back a little, running the very tip of his tongue around my clit, brushing it with almost enough pressure. “Please, please.”

He hums, giving me another teasing lick. It’s not enough, so I start slowly rubbing myself against his mouth. He groans deeply. “Yeah, babe,” he mumbles, pressing a sweet kiss to my clit. “God. That’s right. Take what you need.” I do, drawing little circles over his face with my hips. Apparently, that drives him fucking crazy. He starts groaning and shifting around, panting hard into me, as if he’s too turned on to even stay still. I peep down and see that he’s stroking himself slowly through his tight black boxers. Even covered by fabric, it’s obvious that he’s seriously packing. “Fuck,” he mumbles, nibbling lightly on my clit. I flinch against him, and his hand grasps at my thigh. “Oh my God, babe. You’re perfect, perfect.” He licks a strip between my labia. “Fuckin’ perfect.”

“T-take them off,” I rasp.

Without lifting his mouth from me, Eli hooks a finger in the waistband of his underwear and shucks it off. I watch as his cock bounces free. He’s thick and swollen. The smooth head shines in the gold firelight, a drop of pre-come glistening on the tip. My mouth aches at the thought of my lips around it. He drops a hand, palming himself roughly.

“Don’t,” I whisper. “Wait for me.”

His hand spasms, but he lets it fall by his side. “Fucking aches,” he moans, kissing my clit again.

I sigh, letting my head fall back on Riv’s shoulder—then whimper as he wraps his hand around my jaw and turns my neck to the side, pressing his mouth to my throat and sucking at my beating skin. At the same time, Eli slips two fingers inside me. I squirm as he works them in and out, curling them to stretch me open as he licks my sensitive nub harder and faster, lapping at me with his rough tongue. The tension building inside me breaks, and I can feel myself rushing towards orgasm faster than I ever have before. I bend and twist, but I have barely any range of movement.

“I’m gonna—Riv, Eli—I can’t—”

Riv holds me even tighter to his chest, his muscled arms like iron around me as he rolls my breasts in his hands. I buck against him. I want to grab Eli’s head and shove him into me. I want to curl my fingers in his hair, or wrap my hands around Riv’s cock. I want to do something. But I can’t. All I can do is give myself up to the feeling of two mouths on my body. Four hands squeezing me. Skin sliding over mine. It’s too much. I can’t stop shaking. My hips are jerking and twitching under Eli’s mouth. I start rocking over him, riding his face, helplessly rubbing my wet pussy against his mouth, and he lets out an agonized sound. “Oh my fucking God,” he groans, desperately burrowing his face in closer, getting his cheeks and mouth and chin wet as he kisses and licks and nibbles at me. My eyes fly open. It’s too much. Too much sensation. I dig my nails into Riven’s forearms, panting for breath— then Eli locks his lips around my clit and sucks, hard. My back arches, and I half-scream as I fall apart.

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