Three for Thorn

Chapter 11 Thorn

That bitch!

How dare she come up into my house and put her filthy paws all over my damn mate!

I will fucking kill her!

"Woah there beautiful you need to calm down. She is not going anywhere!" Slay tells me while his arms are wrapped around my waist holding me back from that bitch Nina!

It felt so damn good when I crushed her ass with my spiral wind and now I so want to do it again!

But Slay won't fucking let me!

She woke up a few minutes ago in a damn daze. When her ass hit the floor nobody moved for a second. Then suddenly Sin took it upon himself to rush over and help her stupid ass.

He unfortunately helped her to get back on her feet and as soon as she was on her feet she started sprouting out her hateful vile words to me again.

I was ready to hit her with another one of my spiraling winds but unfortunately Slay stopped me before I could. Why won't he let me go? All I want to do is murder her. That seems somewhat reasonable to me.

"Sunny if you don't get this crazy ass woman away from me I will hurt her!" She whines like a damn bitch to my mate! How dare she?

"Hurt me? Bitch you couldn't hurt a damn fly!" I yell at her trying my hardest to get out of Slays hold on me.

"Sun baby are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Nina purrs staring wistfully over at Sunny.

If she takes one mother fucking step near him. I will definitely rip her damn head off of her scrawny little neck!

"Don't call me baby Nina. Lila said that you had to talk to us. She said it was important. State whatever it is you have to say then fucking leave!" Sunny states angrily toward her.

Nina eyes him curiously as she starts to make her way over to him Sin steps in front of her, instantly blocking her way to him.

I smile when I see him do it maybe Sin is good for something after all.

"Fine but I need to talk to all of you privately." Nina replies with satisfaction. I don't fucking think so!

"That's not going to happen!" I speak up aggressively.

"Nina just say what you have to say before I release Thorn on you." Slay suggest. What a wonderful idea. Release me I would love to get my hands on her. Preferably around her damn neck. I'm fixated on her damn neck!

Sighing in resignation, Nina finally decides to speak up, "I wanted to ask if I could stay here just for a little while." She rushes out quickly.

"Hell no!" I scream loudly making the bitch flinch away from me to my great satisfaction.

"Please. I have no where else to go the Alpha of my pack is trying his best to sleep with me and he already has a Luna. She's not his mate but he chose her nonetheless and if I stay she will end up killing me if she finds out." Nina pleads so sweetly it actually makes me nauseous.

"Then let her kill you. I don't see the problem here!" I state rather briskly.

"Thorn." Slay drawls out my name.

"What? This is not going to happen Slay. If she stays I go, simple as that." I promise with determination lacing my tone.

Then the entire room suddenly gets hauntingly quiet.

"Seriously? It's not like either of you wouldn't do the same?" I ask begrudgingly glancing over at everyone in the room one by one.

"He tried to rape me!" Nina announces abruptly with a very forlorn look suddenly appearing on her face.

"Riiight!" I don't fucking believe the bitch.

"He did!" She presses.

"I don't want her around. I think she's full of shit! If any of you believe this shit then you are not the people that I thought you were." I vaguely state searching the room.

"Thorn we don't know the complete story. Why don't we all take a minute and try to calm down. We can't throw her out on the street when she is so upset like this." Sun insists as Nina just smiles on.

"No it's either her or me?" I state to them all, frustrated beyond belief.

They all remain silent. It's like a damn deja vu all over again.

Hell no! They are not going to make me feel guilty for not wanting this bitch around.

"Fine. Then I'll go." I simply state glancing over to my brother, "is that safe house still an option?" I ask.

"You know it is Thorn. Always." Fier says to me lovingly.

"Let me go Slay. I need to pack." I forcefully tell him. He slowly lets his arms drop away from me as he hesitantly releases me from his hold. Turning back to Slay the shell shocked looked on his face almost has me faltering. But then I remembered how they all just disregarded my own wishes so easily.

Blowing out a breath I peer over to Nina still standing beside Sin.

"You can fucking have them!" I grit out pivoting on my heels, I walk away from them all headed up to my room to pack. I hear Sunny and Slay calling out for me as I go but I ignore them both of them they had their chance to speak up just now and instead they both chose not to do it. Fuck them both!

Slamming my bedroom door behind me with bang, I walk over to the bags of clothes that Sunny and Slay purchased for me eyeing them all wistfully.

Fuck it!

I don't need their shit anyway.

Leaving the new clothes behind I pick up my own clothes that I wore when I first met them all and walk out of my bedroom in a huff.

Walking down the stairs with determination in my steps I ignore the others around me heading straight for the door.

Opening the front door I hear foot steps coming up from behind me but I don't turn around I just keep walking out the fucking door without even looking back.

"Thorn are you okay?" Tristan ask me as he's running fast to catch up with me.

"I'm fine. Can we go?" I ask my brother that's walking up behind Tristan with worry written all over face.

"Are you sure Thorn? They all seem pretty upset that you're leaving!" Fier states.

"I'm sure. Let's just go." I tell him walking off to his truck I climb into the cab sitting my one set of clothes on my lap. Sighing.

I hear my brother start up the truck with Tristan climbing in the back of the cab as he puts the truck in gear.

As we back out of the driveway I give one final look back to the house of my mates that's when I notice Sunny and Slay running after the truck.

"Go hurry?" I demand of my brother. He swiftly drives away from my mates as I glance back I see both of them standing in the middle of damn road looking at the truck with longing as we drive away from them both.

They should of spoke up when they had the chance like I wish they did. I feel my unshed tears fill my eyes instantly but I dare not let them fall.

The safe house is different than I thought it would be, in my mind I envisioned a quaint little cottage but this, well this is like something out of a damn Steven King novel.

The three story mansion is completely faded. Here there once was what looked liked a grayish color is now covered with a dark mildew like exterior. It daunting as hell. No wonder my brother would think that my father would never find me here. It looks like no one has lived in this house for years.

"Are you sure the is the place?" I ask Fier with trepidation standing in front of the haunted looking house.

"Yes Thorn. It may not look like much from the outside but the inside is up to date. You have a kitchen full of food and supplies enough to do you and Tristan for at least a month or so and I have bought you new clothes for you to wear they are up in room along with a few accessories for you." Fier states as we all enter the estate.

He's absolutely right though. The inside of the house looks nothing like the exterior thank goodness. It's fitted with beautiful furnishings all around. I blow out a breath in relief.

"I'll be back in about a week or two to check on you until then here is a new cellphone for you to use. I already have mine and Tristan's numbers programmed into it for you. Just in case you need us. So do not answer any unknown numbers that call it. Okay?" Fier ask handing my new cellphone.

Astonishingly it has a pretty little phone case on it that has a beautiful picture of a rose with a girl and wolf and moon on the back of it. I love it.

"Thank you but do you really have to go?" I ask him a little apprehensively.

"I'm sorry Thorn but we need to stop dad before he has a chance to get to you. Tristan will not leave your sight and I have a couple of friends casing the place just case there's any trouble. Don't worry you will be fine. I'll make damn sure of it." Fier replies solemnly to me.

I just nod my head at him nimbly wishing that he could stay. With Slay and Sunny now out of my life he and Tristan are the only ones I can depend on now. Maybe they were the only ones I could ever depend on really.

"I'll miss you." I lowly tell him.

"I'll miss you to but I will do everything I can to get back to you quickly." Fier assures me.

"Don't worry little one I'll be here with you we can play games or watch a movie what ever your little heart desires, we can do." Tristan quips.

"Thank you."

"Anytime little one. Now come on let's find something to eat because I am freaking starving." He suggest dragging me away by my hand to wherever he's taking us.

"I'll see you later Thorn love you." Fier hollers at me as Tristan keeps dragging me along with him.

"Love you too." I barely get the words out before my brother leaves out of the front door.

Bye. I mentally tell him wistfully feeling his the loss of his presence already.

"So what do you want to watch?" Tristan ask me after we finished up our dinner of tacos and chips we grab a few snacks to take along to living area to watch a movie.

"I don't know what are you in the mood for?" I honestly could care less about the movie at the moment. I feel so down about everything that's happened that my heart just isn't in to it.

But seeing the pleading look in Tristan's eyes that flashed at me when he asked me to watch a movie with him, I caved instantly. I can't help it I'm a sucker for those puppy dog eyes.

"How about a horror movie?" He ask me knowing that they are my favorite. I can see right through his little schemes but it's really thoughtful of him to do it.

"How about It I heard it was good?" Tristan tilts his head faking concentrating mindlessly.

"Seriously? Stop that!" I laugh at his childish behavior.

"At least I got you to laugh." Awe I could actually swoon. Why is he being so damn sweet to me?

"Yes you did, thank you." I earnestly tell him. I'm truly grateful for him.

"You're welcome. Now let's watch this movie!" He says with excitement as he turns on the movie for us to both watch.

Three longs days and nights has passed by slowly since I left my mates behind.

Tristan has been a complete saving grace for me. During the entire time he has been there for me to wipe away my tears or just to listen to me babble on about them.

I don't know what I would do without him.

When he offered to switch places with Sin at first I thought it was bad idea. Now I'm not sure about that. If my mates apparently don't want me then I just may see a future with him. Maybe?

I have been so confused lately. Questioning my every thoughts and actions pertaining to the night I left them behind.

Did I do it too hastily? Should I have stayed and fought for them? Was I being to presumptuous? Was Nina really lying?

I don't know any more.

All I know is that in my mind they should of spoke up right then and there without a second thought on my behave. Right?

But they didn't and I can't change that now. Regret and remorse is all I have to hold on to now. It's pathetic!

This desperation that I feel now is nothing but pathetic in my eyes.

I should be stronger than this! Why am I letting them get to me so easily? If they truly wanted to be with me then they would of found me already right?

I'm tired of all of the questions that keep floating around in my restless mind endlessly.

As I'm preparing our dinner tonight these continuous thoughts are driving me crazy.

Chopping the onions for our hamburgers I start to cry but I don't actually know if it's from these dry onions or out my own self pity anymore.

This is ridiculous!

Finishing up the food I place the food on our plates aimlessly going through the motions like a robot.

"Uhm, Thorn we have company." Tristan states startling me as he comes walking in the kitchen.

I nearly drop the salad bowl on the floor, luckily I caught it quickly before it was able slip out of my hands.

"Who?" I ask him confused. Who can possibly know were here? Fier said no one knew but us.

"Uhm, one of your mates." What? They actually came for me well at least one of them has I think.

"Okay." I reply numbly placing the bowl of salad on the table.

"Are you sure you want to see him Thorn. I can tell him to go." Do I?

Without thinking about it too much I just start to walk around Tristan.

"No I got this but thank you." I tell him as I pass by him.

As soon a I entered the room I stop right in my tracks surprisingly astonished at who I'm seeing standing in the middle of the living area. The last one I thought that would ever come for me.

"Sin?" I ask breathlessly out of all of my mates I didn't expect him!

He turns to me when he hears my voice the look on his face shocks me. All I see is regret and a touch of shame captured on it.

"Thorn. I have been looking for you everywhere." Sin says as he walks a few steps toward me. I take a step back away from him making him halt his progress toward me.

That seems to be the running theme when it comes to me though. Everyone is always looking for me everywhere it seems.

"Why are you here?" I ask him harshly.

"To bring you back of course." He states it so simply.

"Why?" I question. He scowls at me pondering me in amazement.

"Because you are our mate Thorn. Why else?" It makes no sense.

"That's not a very good reason for me to go back Sin! Where's the others?" I ask him a bit defensively.

"They are outside. They were to scared to come in knowing how upset you were at them when you left." They came for me? Elation hits me suddenly at the very thought then it subsides quickly remembering what they exactly did.

"No. I don't think so. They had a chance to speak up then and choose me and they didn't. They chose her. I won't go back." I define my determination simply.

"Thorn they are sorry. They were just surprised by Nina's revaluation that's all." Bullshit.

"I don't think so. Surprised or not they had their chance and they blew it. So I think you should just leave now." I tell him waving my hand toward the front door.

"Not without you." He exclaims assuredly. Why is he acting so different? He never wanted anything to do with me before so why the drastic change all of the sudden? It's strange.

"Yes without me and why you? Why did they send you to come in here to talk to me? You never wanted me as a mate. So why?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Listen Thorn I know I have been a major jackass to you and I am sorry for all that I have done to you. Let's just say I had a change of heart and I see the error of my ways." I don't buy it! Not one damn bit.

"Too little, too late. Just leave Sin. This is not how mates are suppose to act or be around each other. I can't take all of this negativity any longer. Don't worry I won't reject any of you but I just can't see a future for us. Not anymore anyway." I whisper the last sentence to him lowly. Full of regret.

"Don't say that please Thorn what can I do to make up to you?" He ask me with a soft pleading voice. I don't think there's any way to salvage this relationship any longer though.

"Nothing. There's nothing you can do Sin. Is she still living there?" I timidly ask him. Feeling self conscious suddenly.

"Yes. I'm sorry she has no where is to go Thorn." Yea right!

"Really? Why can't she live in your sisters pack then? They are friends right?" I ask laughing under my breath at this stupid conversation.

When I see the sudden realization hit him I can't help but to laugh loudly at his surprised face.

"Just leave. You knew you had the option to let her live with your sister and all of you still allowed her to live with you anyway. What kind of fool do you take me for Sin? Is Sunny still in love with her?" I get my answer when I see the guilt written look on his face.

Without saying another word I storm over to the front door opening it up for him.

"Leave. Now!" I say with force.

He hesitates for a second then slowly starts making his way over to the front door. Before he exits the door he looks down at me.

I refuse to meet his eyes with mine so I keep them focused on Tristan that's standing at the edge of the living area looking over at me with a sadden expression on his face.

"Thorn." Sin drawls out my name.

"She said leave. I suggest you do just that." Tristan gruffly exclaims walking over to me.

Sin glances back at him over his shoulder glowering at him.

"She's our mate Tristan not yours?" Sin speaks out roughly.

"Not for long." Tristan states. I don't dispute his words I just lower my head staring down at my shoes instead.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Sin ask turning to face Tristan. I look back up to judge his reaction.

"Take it however you want." Tristan says condescendingly to him folding his arms across his chest he boldly glares over at him.

Sin doesn't offer Tristan a reply when I glance over at him I note that he is mindlinking with his brothers presumably. Panic soon consumes me.

"Just leave Sin." I demand scared of what's to come.

"You heard her. Leave." Tristan rudely tells him.

Before another word can be spoken Sin punches Tristan right in his face suddenly forcing Tristan to fall back on his ass onto the floor roughly.

"Sin!" I scream bending down to Tristan, I cradle his upper body in my arms as he holds his hand against his damaged nose.

"She's mine! Ours! And I'll be damned if I allow you to have her!" Sin yells at Tristan who is trying to rise up from the floor.

"After the way you all have treated her I don't blame her if she never goes back to any of you!" Tristan yells.

Slay and Sunny soon make an appearance behind Sin eyeing Tristan who has finally made it to his feet with me standing right behind him.

"You all chose a damn whore over her! How do expect her to act? Did you honestly think she would come running back into your fucking arms so openly? No! And she never will either. So just leave us alone. You made your choice!" Tristan keeps screaming at them.

I make my way around him standing directly in front of all three of my mates. This needs to stop now before it gets anymore out of hand.

They all seem to have disparaging looks on their faces and regret coursing through all of them. I wish I could just let this go and get back to the way we were but I don't know if I can trust them any longer.

"Thorn please just listen to us. We have a reasonable explanation." Sunny finally speaks up. I hear the desperation in his voice.

"No explanation will ever be good enough as to why you chose another over me. You know what I changed my mind." I discreetly tell them as I take another step closer to them.

"I, Thorn Lee Rose, of the White Moon Pack, reject...." I didn't get a chance to go any further before Sin descended on my mouth kissing me feverishly to shut me the hell up!

The kiss is so enticing I can feel the sparks alight within me firing me up to my very core. Without even thinking I deepen the kiss even more wrapping my arms around his neck I actually fucking moan while doing it.

Slipping my tongue into his moist mouth I hear him groan out huskily. He pushes his body against me deepening the kiss I can feel his erection clearly pressed up against stomach my eyes widen when I feel how damn hard he is for me.

Suddenly breaking the kiss I pull myself away from him breathing heavily.

I'm in a blissful haze and I truly don't know what to make of it.

It's all too much!

Pushing Sin out of the door, while Slay and Sunny go stumbling back on the porch behind him. Hurriedly I shut and lock the door once I get them out of the doorway.

Leaning up against the door I place my hand against my chest with my other hand going straight to my mouth I run my fingers across my lips.

"I can't believe you let him kiss you! How damn stupid are you Thorn? They have acted reprehensibly toward you and you still allow them to grope you like you're a damn slut!"

What the fuck did he just say to me?

I'm shocked or hear Tristan talking to me in such a manner.

"What the fuck Tristan I'm no damn slut. If you didn't notice he was the one who kissed me while I was trying to reject him! How could you think of me that way?" I question him mortified by his hurtful words to me.

"You were the one who wrapped your damn arms around him Thorn. You liked it. Admit it. I thought better of you, I guess I was wrong." He tells me shaking his head as he walks away from me stomping his feet as he goes.

I stand there watching him storm away from me with a questioning look on my face.

I try to but I can't lie to myself. Tristan is right I did enjoy it. Far too much actually. But he is my mate after all why should I feel guilty about it just because Tristan thinks it's wrong?

Now I feel like I have nobody left.

The loneliness hits me like a punch in the gut and I start to cry unabashedly from it.


I can't take all of this shit any longer. I'm done! Completely done!

I'm just going to fucking leave them all! Fuck it!

Hey! Stop where you are and hot that star 💫! Thx!!! Peeps!!!

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