THREE DOORS: Chapter 8


Deck: Wake up!

My phone dinged with notifications entirely too fuckin’ early for a weekend morning. I initially rolled away with groggy defiance and slumped against the wall, but it chirped again, and my curiosity conquered my fatigue. I blinked awake and held the screen above my face.

Evan: answer or we’ll just keep bugging you

You gotta be fucking kidding me. And we were concerned about appearing too thirsty?

Deck: wear something cute

Judge: are you girls in Callie’s bed

Evan: send pics

Shay: shut the fuck up

I figured this wouldn’t die down anytime soon. My phone vibrated relentlessly in between my fingers before I could even reply.

Judge: hi Shay

Deck: so, you ARE in Callie’s bed

Evan: nice, but still waiting on a pic

 Mia: I’m going down on Callie

 Mia: you guys are interrupting

I laughed out loud in my bed. I could just picture the guys hovered over their screens at the kitchen counter, guzzling protein shakes and trying to determine if that could possibly be true.

Evan: are you jacking with us or no

Deck: we could come up, if you want


I heard movement from both side walls as the girls crawled out of bed. Shay whipped open my door and shook her head with amusement. “I’m gonna get my shower. You guys got this?”

Mia yawned beside her. “Yeah, but send another text in a minute to stall them while we set up.”

“Set up?” I asked with confusion.

Mia climbed on the foot of my bed and waved her phone, then peeked under my fluffy comforter with a cocked brow. “Just checking,” she giggled.

“Oh, shut up with that,” I laughed. “You wanna fake a pic?”

“Yeah. Lay back and look like you’re getting off.”

Hell, this could be fun. I’d never seen my fuck face firsthand, but I was hella intrigued about shipping the ultimate tease before our sex toy shopping adventure. I propped myself up against my pillow, pushed a strap of my pink tank from my bare shoulder to reveal a hint of cleavage, and then I puffed my messy hair into a just-fucked look. I heard the notification of Shay’s stall text and a few reply dings after.

“Impressive.” Mia grinned, then she waved me on with encouragement. “Now, do something with your hands, but not too much.” I had a feeling that this wasn’t Mia’s first dirty directing gig, but I didn’t ask.

I figured I should make this as realistic as possible, so I summoned some outside inspiration. Hmm. Which scene with the potential peen had pushed my biggest buttons so far?  One vivid memory stood tall above them all, so I envisioned that very moment as warm tingles stirred in my belly. I twisted my light locks between my clenched fingers and snagged my lower lip between my teeth.

“Fucking perfect,” she laughed and motioned to my cell. “Now get one of me.”

We were both cracking up as we repositioned for the kill shot. I couldn’t deny the cheap thrill that crept up my spine when Mia eased my knees apart and covered my panties with a comforter corner. She lined up at just the right angle and height between my thighs, effortlessly appearing as if she were coming up for air from my puss.

“Mess up your hair,” I instructed. “I’m a hair grabber.”

“Noted.” She shook her head until long brown layers fell unevenly to one side, then licked her lips until they glistened with my fake juice.

“Nice touch.” I snapped the seductive scene, then we checked our texts right after and belly laughed in a clump on my disheveled bed.

Shay: leave them alone, they’re busy

Judge: wait what

Evan: why aren’t you in there?

Deck: receipts?

Mia nudged my leg. “Ship the pic of me.”

I clicked send, then reviewed our fake evidence again. Mia looked stunning with her lusty morning eyes and smooth, sunny complexion. My stems didn’t look too bad either. I’d even draped one over her shoulder for added effect.

Deck: well, fuck me

Evan: that’s not fucking real

We paused for what we assumed would be enough time for Mia to dive back in and for me to climax, then shipped my final pose. A ridiculous sense of pride kicked in when I viewed the finished product. Of course, I lacked Mia’s natural beauty, but I had to admit, I looked kinda hot in my peak-pleasure position. My ratty strands spilled over the pillow perfectly, and the light tank revealed just a faint outline of nip. We waited impatiently for a response. Nothing.

“Interesting turn of events,” she said as she sprawled across my legs.


“I wonder what they’re doing.”

Judge: no FUCKING way

Ahh, here we go.

Evan: did you just finish?

Deck: are you still in bed?

Mia laughed out loud at her screen. “They’re such fucking tools.”

“I know, but they’re our tools now.”

Right on cue, we heard pounding at the front door a few minutes later. I swear, these men hit the next fucking level. Shivers of excitement rushed over my skin at the thought of them dropping everything and racing to see us. I hadn’t been gifted with dedication like that in, well, forever. The very vibe of these guys was so adorable and addictive that I didn’t mind sharing the ample wealth with my best friends. Sure, the immediate purpose was simply to dip their sticks, but I knew that underneath that macho, primal hunger, Deck, Judge, and Evan actually cared. The feeling was almost euphoric.

“Well, now what?”

“I guess I’ll answer it,” Mia said as she slid from my mattress. “Stay in here and play along.”

I snuggled in deeper under my bed linens, fully prepared to take part in this Saturday morning show. My partner-in-crime answered the door with an enthusiastic greeting, and I heard the guys’ psyched voices almost immediately. At the last minute, I decided to wiggle from my panties and toss them to the floor.

“Mia, come on!” Deck whined. “What was that?”

“Hey, you asked for receipts.”

Evan jumped in. “Where’s Shay?

“In the shower.”

“Where’s Callie?” Hell, even Judge had made the trip.

“In bed. Recovering.”

I covered my giggling lips.

“She is not,” Evan doubted.

“Go look for yourself. Middle room.”

Time for my spotlight.

All three guys crowded brawny bodies in my doorway, nudging past each other for front row seats. I usually wouldn’t want them to see me in such disarray, but I was fully invested in this role and the potential antics after.

“Good morning!” I stretched my arms and sighed dramatically, selling my satisfaction like a seasoned porn star.

Judge cleared his throat. “Um, hey, Callie. What’s up?”

Don’t laugh.

“Nothing now. Just relaxing.”

Evan scanned my room, his view landing on my makeshift prop. “Are those your panties?” Three sets of eager eyes focused on my floor, then swerved to me with disbelief. Guys were so gullible.

“Oh, yeah! I guess they are! Mia’s a fuckin’ animal.”

Decker’s dark, curious gaze melted into sizzling heat. “So, you have nothing on under there?”

“This tank top.” I thumbed a pink spaghetti strap and snapped it.

Shay peeked in from her quick morning shower, her black locks dripping over her cheeks. I realized that we’d leveled up the comfort with the boys since her prissy ass hadn’t applied one smear of makeup. She shot us a bright-eyed smile and tightened the belt of her elegant robe. “Well? How was it?”

Eyes darted between us.

“She’s so good,” I replied with a theatrical moan. “I can’t believe we didn’t do this sooner.”

“Ugh, I know. She can wake me up any day. Oh, and the shower is free when you’re ready.” I heard the closing click of Shay’s bedroom door and guessed that she was likely pressed against it listening. All three boys stood dumbfounded.

“But you girls don’t mess like that, right?” Deck asked, cocking his head with doubt.

Evan shifted his weight with frustration. “Did she really lick you?”

These fuckin’ guys.

“What do you think?”

“I mean, I wanna believe it,” Judge muttered.

I laughed and sat up. “Um, do you mind? I need a shower.” I pointed to my cooch region for added effect. “You get it.”

“Oh, you want us to step out?”

“Please.” They pouted with scorn, then stepped one by one into the hallway.

“Callie, are you getting in now?” Mia called.

I took her cue to deepen the tease. “Whenever you’re ready!”

“Okay! I’ll be right in!”

“Get the fuck out with that, Mia!” Judge moaned. “Can’t we just stay?”

I couldn’t act to save my life, so I finally caved. I lost it laughing and Mia joined in as she rounded the corner from her room.

“I fuckin’ knew it,” Evan bitched.

Right.” Mia rolled her eyes as they convened in front of my open door. “You guys would believe anything.”

“That’s so wrong.”

Decker laughed at himself. “I ran up the stairs in bare feet, for fuck’s sake.”

“We just couldn’t resist.” I smiled at the faces peeking in.

“So, nothing happened?”

Shay had emerged, fully dressed, and patted a sulking Judge on the shoulder. “We’re all about our boys.”

“Are those really your panties, though?” Evan hit me with flirty eyes. “You’re naked under there?”

“I tried to tell ya,” Mia cackled. “She’s always naked under there.”

“That part is true, but now I need to get up for real. Go home.”

~ • ~

Not long later, we shuffled together to the parking garage and slid into Evan’s fancy SUV, then cruised to a freaky little sex shop right off the interstate. The boys were still worked up, mumbling grumbles about our fake morning fantasy and shooting us disappointed smirks. I parked in the middle seat next to Judge and batted my lashes innocently.

‘I can’t believe you girls did that,” he groaned.

“You went all out,” Deck complained from the back bench. “Hell, even Shay joined in.”

“Those pictures were hella convincing,” Evan praised in the rearview mirror. “Fuckin’ art.”

Mia spoke up. “Speaking of pictures, I think it’s time for a witnessed delete.”

“I knew that was fuckin’ coming,” Judge muttered and retrieved his cell.

“Not that we don’t trust you,” I explained as I patted his knee, “but we have reps to protect. You understand.”

Decker held his phone in front of his face and stared. “It kills me to hit this button. Let me take one last look.”

Mia took no prisoners. “Delete them. Now. Both the message and the download, which I know damned well you all have.”

We glided into the parking lot of the enthralling establishment, and Evan threw the vehicle into park. I leaned over the back of his seat and poked his muscled shoulder. “You, too, mister. Cough it up.”

He obliged, then man-giggled in the mirror. ‘Hell, maybe I’ll see that scene for real one day.’

~ • ~

The toy shop had just opened and we were the only car in the customer lot. We piled out with purpose and entered single file through the tinted front door. As a novice, I’d heard of joints like this but had never stepped inside one before. My eyes darted with bashful interest to the colorful containers and wild walls. A middle-aged male clerk offered us a flat, obligatory greeting from behind the checkout counter.

“Welcome to The Basement. Can I help you find anything?’”

“We’re just browsing.” Shay smiled like an innocent princess. “Thank you!”

Sure,” he replied, then he returned to scrolling through his computer screen.

I strolled through the front aisles of daring devices, and I felt a bit overwhelmed as my heart picked up the pace. I tucked my hands in my jacket pockets and hugged myself as my eyes wandered over a variety of elaborate collars and chains. Were the guys really into all this stuff?

Judge fingered a feathered thing beside me. “I’m not even sure what some of this is for.”

“I’m with you.” I relaxed in relief. “This is Mia’s world.”

“True.” Mia shrugged casually. “I can’t deny that I’m kinky.”

He raised intrigued brows. “Well, why don’t you show me some of your favorites?”

Her smile shined with pride. “I’d love to.”

“I’m coming with,” Shay insisted as she linked her arm through Mia’s. “I have so much to learn.”

I decided to stick with the somewhat familiar, thanks to both common knowledge and porn, so I wandered alone through a side aisle of countless vibrators. A rocket-shaped purple option caught my eye, so I sheepishly removed it from the rack for inspection. I wide-eyed the thick, curved tip and flipped the box to the back for more detail. I was engrossed in the elaborate description of vibration patterns when I felt a light brush against my ass.

“You like that one?”


He crowded against my backside and peeked over my shoulder. I took a slow, controlled breath, the essence of his assertiveness sending a hot, damp thrill to my panties.

“I honestly don’t know much about these,” I confessed in a whisper. “I’m pretty basic.”

Evan innocently palmed my hip with hesitation, then changed gears, slowly and brazenly snaking his fingers under my warm layers. His teasing touch danced over the front of my slender waist and tickled above my zipper.

Well, welcome to Club Callie.

He inched his lips through my blond hair as I tried to fake nonchalance. “Toys can be fun,” he murmured, “but I bet we wouldn’t need any.”

Collect yourself, Callie.


“I’m not even sure how to use this stuff with a partner,” I admitted. I had some ideas from watching smut, but my plain preferences showed little more than the actresses pleasuring themselves before someone rolled in and railed them with real peen.

Evan’s raspy voice tickled my ear. “Well, the first way is obvious. I could just pump it inside you and watch you go crazy.”

Jesus Christ.

I closed my thighs tightly together as moist flames gathered south of his leisurely strokes. Desperation clenched between my ribs at the mere thought of those fingers fucking my wetness. Evan noticed.

“Oh, you liked that,” he exhaled.

I nodded, still facing forward as his bold hand wandered higher. I urgently scanned the room from my vertically challenged view. Deck was hamming it up against the clerk’s counter with his back to us while the others were living large in the bondage section. The rack height kept Evan’s naughty touches from the public eye, or so I hoped. My content cooch was more than comfortable with this individual attention, but my heart and mind hadn’t quite caught up.

Evan sensed my concern and paused his tease above my jeans. “They can’t see. I checked,” he assured me, confirming that he had planned this otherwise surprising moment between us.

I swallowed hard with a nod of approval. Fuck, my body begged both of us for more.

“Now, back to business,” he continued with a throaty rasp against my ear. “I could also use it to enhance your pleasure in other areas.” His fingertips made a slow, smooth trip north to skim my tightened nipple, trapping the breath in my chest, then he sauntered mercilessly downstairs. He trailed a finger against my trembling pussy, coaxing my clit over my tight jeans, then he returned slowly to his starting position on my hip.

“You’re killing me.” My heart thundered behind my breasts as my senses overloaded with his every move. Could he hear it? Feel it? Christ, this agonizing, public slow dance almost sent me spiraling.

“Oh, I’m not finished yet,” he laughed lightly and continued the game with no shame. “If I had my choice, I’d use it on you right here.” He grinded his heavy cock against my ass, shifting with sweet friction between my cheeks until my weakened knees nearly buckled.

‘Evan,’ I whimpered.

He grew even bolder after hearing my lips surrender his name. His rough, wet tongue swept against my earlobe with a thrilling confession.

“I can’t wait much longer to fuck you, Callie.”

I shrugged one shoulder against his kiss, the gentle scratch of his stubble revealing that we wouldn’t be waiting much longer at all. He stepped away with no warning, and I sucked in a sharp recovery breath.

“Did Callie pick a vibrator?” Shay’s approaching voice snapped me right back to reality.

Get yourself together, Callie.

“I think she did,” Evan chuckled.

“Yay! Lemme see!” Mia chirped as I held up the forgotten toy in my hand.

Judge laughed. “It’s fuckin’ purple.”

“Maybe I like purple.” I grinned, simultaneously defending my abrupt choice and attempting to deflect from my obvious arousal.

Mia took the vibe package from my hands and gave it a once-over. “Oh, that’s a nice one. We’ll get three.”

“You sure you like this one best, Callie?” No one noticed, but Evan’s suddenly subtle eyes darted down to his groin, then back up to meet mine. A cocky smile stretched across his lips.

I returned the tease. “I haven’t tried it yet, so I’m not so sure.”

He laughed and shook his head. “Right.”

With her arms full of the purple rocket vibrators, Mia captained us to the front of the store. Decker met us with a sneaky grin in the kinky candy department.

“Just what have you been doing up here?” Shay pried. “Did you even look around?”

“I was just chatting with this Joe guy and thinking of ideas for Hour of Power tonight.”

“And the verdict?”

“Wait, what are those, Mia?” Deck asked, eyeing the freaky pile against her tits.

Mia grinned and raised the goods. “Our matching vibrators.”

Evan gestured to me with a nod, then shot Deck a wide smile. “Callie picked them out for us.”

“Oh, did she now?” Decker met my eyes with heated amusement.

“I did,” I bragged, blushing under their scrutiny.

Deck seemed satisfied with the selections, then he huddled us up in front of the edible panty section. “So, I have an idea,” he whispered. “It could be fun, but it’s a gamble.”

“Go on,” Shay coaxed.

“First, to get in the mood, we play an innocent game of Spin the Bottle.”

Mia giggled. “You think we need help getting ready to fuck? Read the room, Deck.” My girl was entirely too much, and I fuckin’ loved her for it.

“And after?” Evan asked.

“Porn. We watch porn together.”


“You think we could all curb ourselves? Not take it too far? I mean, if any of us fuck, it’s game over.” I reminded everyone of the harsh truth. Three Doors was on the line.

“Bring it on,” Shay challenged like a hardass. “I have nerves of steel.”

“And I’m the queen of control,” Mia laughed.

Crazy fuckin’ liars.

A hopeful and excited Deck looked directly at me for final consent. I was already dripping from Evan’s advances, and now I had to face that simmering gaze. Could I trust myself to stop if the opportunity to fuck presented itself on one of these gorgeous platters?

I rolled my eyes with mock reluctance. “Fine, but there better be at least a little chick action.”

“I think we can manage that.”

Evan smirked with sarcasm. “We’ll try our best to get through it.”

“Let’s get outta here,” Shay said with a glance at her cell. “It’s barely noon, but I’m already hot and bothered.”

“Fuck streaming something,” Judge laughed, looking around the store before his eyes settled in the back corner. “I think they stash the movies behind that curtain over there. Let’s grab some hardware instead.”

“Old school.” Mia grinned. “I like it.”

Eagerness rushed through me as I followed the others to the restricted section. Deck held the dark drapes aside as the girls passed through and flashed me a sultry smile.

“It’s about to be a wild night, Callie. You ready?”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.