Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 1.


“FOR FUCKS’ SAKE!” His raw voice boomed through the dark room. This was the third time this week he stepped on a sharp object on the ground. Maybe he should consider one of the young omega’s to be his servant, his room started to become a real mess.

Kadi entered the small bathroom, and took a quick, cold shower, so he could handle his hangover a little better.

Five days ago they had arrived behind Earths moon, and yesterday they had already caught 47 of the 51 Earth women they had traced down with the right DNA, so they only had 4 more to go. He’d checked the captured women yesterday, along with his Beta, Bors, but hadn’t been very enamoured with any of them. Even now, after his 12th tour to Earth, she wasn’t among them.

Grinning about his own, stupid thoughts, he brushed his teeth. There were no mates among those pathetic human women. Good Goddess, most of those women weren’t really his type. They were small, thin, or just unbelievable fat, and smelly. He also got the chills of those long, stringy, hairs that many of the women had. He liked hair on a woman, that wasn’t the problem, but if was so hideous long... But the thing he despised most was their fear…, man…, it seeped out of their pores, he just had to look at them, and they immediately started wailing and crying. If one of them had happened to be his mate, he would have killed himself.

Yesterday’s drinking, started as a joke. Even though, Kadi never wanted a mate, occasionally he felt a sting of disappointment when he was observing a group of unknown women and his mate was not among them, last night, Bors revealed the same. To ease the tension they both felt inside, they joked and mocked each other about their own pathetic, stupidity and got totally wasted.

When he was finished, he headed off, to go to the bridge. Hopefully they would be able to locate the rest of the women and take them without suspicion.

First one up, was a woman living in a small town, in a country they called France. Whatever… The trouble was, she didn’t get out of her place a lot. Causing an accident in which she could die was therefore a problem. But the moment Kadi wanted to give up and switch to one of the other women, the woman left the house to go shopping with her husband. This allowed Kadi and his men to cause an accident and transfer the woman to their ship just before her death. In her place, they put a living “dummy” body in the car and made everything catch fire, simple yet effective.

The next one was easy to trace, besides, she was already in her car, so this gave them enough opportunities to create an accident. They were even more lucky when the woman decided to drive up on to a busy, and very foggy highway. Creating an accident wasn’t even necessary, the accident happened before the men even realized it. Suddenly they had to act quickly before their prey was left to the flames, and would be lost.

The last two, were even more easy to get to, that was an identical twin, hiking in the mountains with a group of people, some were in New Mexico. Have them plunged into a ravine was simple, transporting them out of mid-air was a bit tricky, but as always, his men got the job done. Finally, they were able to go home again.

Although Kadi and his crew had already been abducting women for the last couple of years, they hadn’t been on Bryar’morr for more than 2 months in a row. They weren’t the only ship that were abducting women from earth. Humans weren’t the smartest ones and their technology wasn’t as advanced as theirs, but they weren’t complete morons. A huge spaceship would surly been detected after more than a week. You could cloak any kind of ship, but the emission of a big one would betray them. With smaller ships, it was far more easy to hide their emission, especially if there were more ships on different sides of the planet. The moment his ship and that of his colleagues headed back home with their load, 6 or 7 other ships were ready to leave Bryar’morr, which meant that every 4 to 6 months or so, 150 to 300 women were abducted. This meant there had to be more than 6000 human woman and girls walking around on Bryar’morr.

He had no idea, if the women adapted well, he had his orders and followed them, but he assumed they did, otherwise the United Governments wouldn’t be sending them off to Earth for the last 6 years.

Damn, it had been a hell of a long time since he had taken a woman. Even though most of the human women didn’t really appeal to him, some of them were…, well…, okay. As long as their backs were facing them, their heads down and their asses up, it worked just fine.

Kadi new he was an asshole. Not only the women were afraid of him, his own men feared, but also respected him as well. He wasn’t like his two other brothers.

Rann, Kadi’s 4 minute older brother, was a master manipulator. Charming, well-spoken, and able to bent certain circumstances to his own benefit. His pack was pretty large and had a lot of power in politics. Kadi hated the man’s guts.

Ivac, the youngest by 20 minutes, on the other hand, was the opposite of both of them. He looked rough and distant, but was the most friendly, loyal, honest and social of them. He was one hell of an Alpha, his pack would die for him.

Nah, Kadi was rude, straight up, hot-tempered, as well as fair and hierarchical. But he had no problem having an entertaining conversation, not at all. Besides, he could be witty and had a good sense of humour, if you liked sharp and black humour, that is. He just wasn’t a likeable guy.

What he said, happened, whether his men liked it or not. The only person whom’s advice and comment he accepted was Bors’s, his Beta. The man had far too much patience with him and wasn’t afraid to counter him, which earned him a few cuts and bruises when they were younger.

“Alpha, I think you want to see this”

Kadi just wanted to head out to find himself a piece of ass among the woman, when Bors called him back. There had been another woman spotted with the right DNA. She’d also been in the traffic accident, the first thing they had to do was to make sure she was still alive. Luckily, she was. This meant he had to wait a little longer to get that piece of ass.

"Let's get to it, people! Another lucky lady to take home!"

Him, being the commander, had to verify if the woman had indeed the right DNA, if, after the pick-up, she’d been properly entered into the system, specify which dummy they had used to replace her body in the accident. Then he had to describe in detail why, how and what they had done, and so on...

Let’s not forget, he had to give Bors clearance to bring her to the alteration chamber. Sounds worse than it in was... The women were taken into a chamber, which slowly filled with the oxygen and gases they were about to inhale on this ship and on Bryar’morr. Most of them would pass out, due to their anxiety, sometimes a hart stopped beating, so they had to give her CPR, but that was all. Then they were taken to the ships’ medic to see if they were physically alright. Small improvements were made, such as hearing and eye damage were resolved, dental problems were taken care of, those kinds of things.

The problem with all the other women had been, they weren’t capable of adapting to his world. Even if they’d worn masks, the environmental conditions of his world would attack the women through their skin.

Usually, he came and watched the women, go through this, it took the boredom away a little. Yeah, he was a prick, alright. But not today, though, this one he had to leave to Bors.

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