Those Three Little Words

: Chapter 32

“So . . . you and Penny are really going at it, huh?” Taters says as the orange of the bonfire in front of us lights up his face.

Taters, Posey, Holmes, and I are all circled around the fire pit, staring into the flames, beers in our hands. Pacey and Winnie haven’t made the trip yet, despite Pacey’s valiant attempts to make things better. Stephan has been a wizard in the kitchen, especially catering to Penny’s cravings. Having her here has made this one of the best trips to the cabin ever.

Not just because of the sex. I mean, don’t get me wrong, that’s been life-altering, especially the morning sex. Fuck, when she’s all warm . . .

But having her here to take walks with, to cuddle into next to the pool, and even to have someone to talk to at night, it’s just made this visit special, and I’m so fucking glad she came with me.

She’s been exhausted lately, though, so she went to bed early, leaving me with some guy time for the first time since we got here over two weeks ago.

“Do you really think I’m going to talk about that?” I ask Taters.

“No, but just pointing out, we can all hear you.”

“I’m starting to wake up hornier now than ever,” Posey says while rubbing his hand over his leg. “Dude, this is not healthy for me.”

“I told her to try to be quiet.” I shrug. “That’s all I can do.”

“Or you can give the girl a break,” Posey says.

“Dude, it’s not me. She’s the one who initiates.”

“Really?” Taters asks while scratching his chin. “Sarah was never like that.”

“Sarah was made from ice,” Holmes chimes in.

“Penny is also in her second trimester, which increases, uh . . . how she feels,” I say, to put it nicely. I’m not about to give the boys specifics. That’s between Penny and me. But I’ll say this, she loves sucking my cock, and she easily, hands down, gives the best blow job I’ve ever had.

Nothing comes close.

She can make me come in fucking seconds. It’s embarrassing.

“Well, can you let us sleep in tomorrow morning?” Taters says, disgruntled. “You two are waking the whole house up, and it’s getting on my goddamn nerves.”

“Is that what’s bothering you, or is it the shop girl you can’t stop thinking about?” Posey asks.

“Shop girl?” I bring my beer bottle to my lips. “What’s this about?”

“Nothing,” Taters dismisses. “So what’s going on with you and Penny? You guys a full-on couple now?”

“We’re seeing how things go,” I say, unsure honestly of where we stand with labels. “I, uh, I asked her to move in with me when we get back.”

“Aren’t you already living together?” Holmes asks.

“We are, but we need a bigger place for the baby, and my place is plenty big, so I asked her to move in.”

Taters straightens up in his chair. “Dude, are you ready for that?”

“What’s the difference? I’ve been living with her for a few months anyway.”

“Yeah, but this is in your space.”

“So?” I shrug. “I don’t see a problem with that.”

“So wait.” Posey leans in. “Does this mean you’re going to marry her?”

“Marry her?” I ask incredulously. “Posey, we’re still getting to know each other. Having her move in is just a small step, more transitional than anything since we already live together. It will give us more room and the ability for me to continue to be there for her.”

“And still have tons of sex,” Taters adds.

“There’s more to us than sex,” I say, growing angry. “Stop disparaging her like that.”

“Sorry,” Taters says while letting out a loud sigh. “Christ, I think I’m fucked in the head.”

“You’re just realizing that?” Holmes asks.

“Bro, we’ve known for a while,” Posey adds. “We’ve just been waiting for you to realize it. And you did for a second before you got back with Sarah this season, which we all agreed was a huge mistake on your part.”

“I thought you guys liked her,” he says.

“Not after the way she manipulated you,” Holmes says. “I think it’s good you’re trying to clear your head up here. It will be healthy to finally break away from her.”

“Facts,” Posey says while pulling a sandwich from a bag next to him. He holds it out to us. “Bologna, anyone?”

“Christ, how can you eat that?” I ask.

“Easy.” He takes a bite and smiles at us while chewing.

“You’re sick,” Taters says and then turns back to me. “So . . . it’s safe to say that things are getting serious with Penny. You like her.”

“A lot,” I answer. “And I’m going to see where that feeling for her takes me.”

“Have you found out what you’re having?” Posey asks.

“Yup.” I smile.

“Wait, you have?” Holmes asks, looking more lively than ever.

“And you haven’t told us?” Posey bellows. “Dude, that’s some messed-up shit.”

“Why haven’t you said anything?” Taters asks.

“Because we’re just keeping it to ourselves right now.”

“That’s some bullshit,” Posey says, mouth full of bologna. “How do I know what kind of presents I should get you?”

“You’re going to get me presents?” I ask with a raise of my brow.

“We’re not assholes,” Taters says. “Of course we’re going to get you stuff. Blakely invited us to the baby shower, so we’re not going to show up empty-handed. And it would be helpful if we had some direction.”

I chuckle. “I can’t imagine you three walking around a baby store, picking stuff out.”

“Why the hell not?” Posey asks, offended. “We know things about babies.”

“Oh yeah? What do you know?”

“Uh . . . that they shit,” Taters says.

“They take naps,” Holmes offers.

“They suck on boobs,” Posey adds. “Basically, they’re mini versions of us.”

“Well put.” Taters gives him a nod.

“That’s awkwardly accurate,” Holmes says.

“Oh, yeah?” I say. “When was the last time you’ve sucked on a boob?”

Holmes shifts in his seat. “Doesn’t matter.”

Posey thumbs toward Holmes. “Talk about blue balls. I walked in on this guy taking a shower during the season, and his balls were like two mini Violet Beauregardes hanging from his junk. The hue of his balls was frightening.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Holmes says, kicking at Posey, who’s laughing now. “Just haven’t been into that shit recently.”

“You haven’t been into fucking anyone? Wow, interesting.” Taters shakes his head.

“I’ve been dealing with things, don’t have time for that.”

Whispering, Posey says, “Yeah, dealing with things, aka, crushing on someone who has a boyfriend.”

“Dude, shut the actual fuck up,” Holmes seethes.

Taters and I both whip our heads to look at Holmes, who, even in the light of the fire, is blushing.

“Holmes, you crushing on someone?” I ask.

He’s practically trying to murder Posey with his eyes, and it’s not affecting him at all as Posey gleefully eats his bologna sandwich.

“Who is it?” Taters asks.

“No one’s goddamn business.” Holmes leans toward Posey and says, “I swear to God, if you tell anyone, I’ll murder you.”

Posey pretends to zip his lips and toss away the key.

“Well, we have one clue,” Taters says. “She’s attached. Who do we know that has a boyfriend?”

“It has to be in our circle,” I say. “Because Holmes never goes out.”

“Could be someone in his building, though, like a neighbor.”

“True.” I nod. “Has he worked with anyone recently that could have caused him to form a crush?”

“Can we stop talking about this?” Holmes asks.

“Uh, not that I recall,” Taters says, ignoring Holmes completely. “He’s only been working with Penny . . .” He trails off, and Holmes quickly holds up his hands.

“It’s not Penny, I swear. Posey, back me up.”

“I thought you were going to murder me?”

“Tell them it’s not Penny.”

Posey deeply sighs. “It’s not Penny . . .”

“Why did he trail off like that?” Taters asks, pointing at Posey.

“There was a trail,” I add. “He’s alluding to something. But what?” I wrack my brain as Holmes shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

“Uh, how about Pacey and Winnie? Has anyone heard anything from them?” Holmes asks, trying to change the subject.

We both ignore him. “If it’s not Penny, maybe someone close to Penny,” Taters offers.

And just like that . . . I snap my fingers and say, “You fucking like Blakely, don’t you?”

Holmes groans and slowly sinks into his chair, covering his eyes with his hand. “Fucking hell.”

We glance at Posey, who taps his nose, indicating that my guess is correct.

“Holy shit, you like Blakely,” I repeat and then say, “Dude, she has a boyfriend.”

“I know. We established that. And it’s nothing. I just mentioned that she was pretty, that’s all. Can we drop it?”

“He said more than she was pretty,” Posey mumbles.

“Drop. It,” Holmes says in a stern tone and then looks at me. “You can’t fucking tell Penny. I don’t want Blakely finding out. It’s nothing, okay?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep that one close to me. But seriously, you like her?”

He lifts from the chair. “This is exactly why I stick to my books.”

“Sit down,” Taters groans. “Stop being a diva and just talk to us about it.”

“I’m good.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets and maneuvers around the bonfire. “See you in the morning.”

Once he’s out of earshot, Taters leans forward. “Now that was some interesting shit. Halsey Holmes has a crush on an already-taken girl. I might just stay tuned in to see that unfold.”

I don’t think he’s the only one.

“YOU SMELL LIKE CAMPFIRE,” Penny mumbles as she curls into me the moment I slip into bed.

I spent the past five minutes tiptoeing around the bathroom, getting ready for bed, not wanting to wake Penny, but it seems like I woke her anyway.

“Want me to take a shower?”

She shakes her head against my bare chest. “No, I like it.” Her hand falls to my stomach as she presses a kiss to my pec. “Have fun with the guys?”

“Just talked.” I swallow down the knowledge about Blakely, even though it’s slowly eating away at me. Halsey likes Blakely. I couldn’t be more shocked. Not just because the guy hasn’t expressed interest in anything but hockey and books, but because Blakely would be the LAST girl I’d consider for him. She’s loud and opinionated and very outgoing where he is very quiet, doesn’t like to talk much, and would prefer to be a hermit for the rest of his life.

“What did you talk about?”

“Just stupid shit,” I answer. “Well, and you, of course.”

“I figured as much. You tell them we’re moving in together?”

“Yes, but they were confused and pointed out that we already lived together.”

“It’s different,” she mumbles.

I stroke her hair, letting the silky strands fall through my fingers. “That’s what I told them, but they were still confused. They were pissed I didn’t tell them about the sex of the baby.”

“I don’t want to say anything until Winnie and Pacey are okay.”

“I know, babe.” I kiss the top of her head. “Did you talk with Winnie tonight?”

“Yes.” She sits up on her elbow so she can look me in the eyes. And under the light of the moon, in this dark room, I can’t help being in awe at how goddamn beautiful she is. Not an ounce of makeup on her face because she doesn’t need it, and her hair falls over her cheek, like a picture frame, molding her into a work of art. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?” I ask.

“All dreamy-like.”

I smile. “Because you’re beautiful, and I was just thinking about how beautiful you are. And that’s not a line. It’s the truth.”

“You can’t say things like that,” she says, her hand sliding down my stomach.

“Why not?”

“Because it makes me want to do things to you, and I’m trying to tell you about Pacey and Winnie.”

Her hand reaches the waistband of my briefs, and instead of stopping her, I place my hands behind my head and say, “I won’t take it back because it’s real. True. The image of you, fresh from bed, looking gorgeous as hell, it’s ingrained, and I’m one fucking lucky guy to be privileged to sleep in the same bed as you.”

“Ugh, Eli,” she groans as she straddles my lap now. “You’re turning me on.”

“I’m not trying to, babe. I’m just telling you the truth.”

“I know.” Her hands lay flat on my stomach as she moves over my hardening erection. The only thing between us is my boxer briefs. I know this because she never wears underwear to bed anymore. She thinks it gets in the way. Which . . . is true. “God, Eli, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

She leans back and slips me out of my briefs before positioning me at her entrance and sitting down on my length.

I’ll never get enough either. Until my dying day, I don’t think it will ever be enough to satisfy this craving I have for her.

“I love your cock.”

I bite down on my lip as she rocks over me, her nipples pressing against the fabric of her nightgown, her hair falling over her shoulders in waves.

“Babe, slow down.”

She shakes her head. “Can’t. Already . . . there.”

Her hips roll faster, and I’m trying to think of a scenario where I can prolong this, where she doesn’t come as fast because fuck, I want to live out this feeling. So I lift and halt her hips from moving.

Her eyes round with surprise as I move her off me and to her side.

“What are you doing?” she asks, disappointed.

“Slowing you down.” I gently put her on her side and then lift one of her legs so the bottom of her foot is pressing against the mattress, spreading her just the way I want. I wiggle in behind her after completely removing my briefs, and then place my cock right where it needs to be. Her head falls back against my shoulder as she moans.

“This will not slow me down.”

“It will if I don’t enter you.”

“Eli, don’t.”

I gently drag my fingers up and down her stomach, then whisper, “I know how wet you are, but are you throbbing yet?”

She shakes her head.

“Then we have some work to do.”

“Eli, please, just let me fuck you.”

“No, baby,” I say while I press a kiss to her shoulder. “I just don’t want to be fucked anymore. I want to feel you. Every part of you. I don’t want quick, I want to drag out the best feeling I’ve ever had in my life, and that’s being inside you.”

I drag my fingers over her breasts, circling her nipples, then moving down her cleavage to her stomach again and repeat the route. My cock plays with her entrance but is never fully inserted, despite the urge I have to thrust deep within her.

“You’re . . . you’re making me breathless, Eli.”

“Good,” I answer while leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “Keep talking to me.”

She reaches back and loops her hand behind my neck, keeping her close. “I feel so safe with you, Eli. When you’re around, I know nothing will happen to me.”

My fingers pause at her breasts and then gently cup them.

“I look forward to the moments when I get to hold your hand.”

I press her nipples between my fingers.

She groans. “God, I love it when I wake up to you wrapped around me.”

With just enough pressure, I roll her nipples between my fingers, causing her to arch against my back.

“You make me feel seen for more than Pacey’s sister.”

I pause and then whisper into her ear, “Because you are, baby, you are so much more than that title.”

Her breathing really picks up, and her grip on the nape of my neck grows tighter. “I’m throbbing, Eli. I’m so wet. Please . . . please give me what I need.”

“And what is that?” I ask.

“You,” she answers just as I slip inside her. “Yes,” she moans loudly. “Oh God, Eli, this, you . . . it’s amazing. It’s all I want.”

I thrust into her tight center, feeling the beginning of her pussy contracting around me, throbbing against me.

“Fuck, baby, you feel so good.”

“Tell me you want me,” she says, panting now.

“I want you, Penny. No one else, only you.”

“You make me happy, Eli,” she says while bringing my hand back to her breast and forcing me to squeeze hard. “Oh . . . oh . . .” She clenches around me.

My cock surges and swells as her orgasm starts to peak.

“More, I want more, all of you,” she cries out as I thrust faster and faster until she’s crying out in ecstasy.

Her pussy clenches, my balls contract, and then I’m coming inside this woman I can’t get enough of.

White-hot pleasure rips through me, creating the most blissful feeling of my life, wrapped up in this woman who cares so deeply about me.

After a few seconds, we both slow our movements and catch our breath.

“God, Eli,” she mumbles, her voice sounding dreamy now. “I love you so much.”

And that’s when I still, freeze, make no movement whatsoever because she just . . . she . . .


Those three words. I can’t remember the last time I heard them. The last time they were said to me from a person I trusted, a person I knew wouldn’t hurt me.

There they are.

Hanging in the air.

Reverberating in my head, beating me down until I can’t feel a thing.

My legs.

My arms.

My heart . . .

I can’t feel any of them.

I’m like stone, unable to move one inch.

What do I say? What the hell do I do?

Penny moves off me and then slowly sits up and turns toward me. Hand on my chest, she leans forward and presses a kiss to my mouth, before getting up and walking toward the bathroom.

Fucking hell.

I madly push my hands through my hair, wondering where that came from and . . . did she truly mean it?

Of course she did. Penny doesn’t say things just to say them.

So that means . . . she loves me. And I have no idea how to react to that other than to hope this doesn’t end us.

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