Thorned Shadow [+18]

Chapter 18. Last Chapter

The bed had been too small for them both to sleep on, not that they had gotten any sleep because Cerelia couldn’t stop feeling like she wanted him inside of her again and again.

They had tried to sleep. Erix had laid on the bed, his arms curling around her body as she had laid above him with a thin blanket over them. Maybe she had drifted off to sleep for a few seconds, until she felt something hard poking her. He had muttered an apology but she hadn’t cared, not as she sucked his cock. He had made love to her, slow and sensual with her on top. No nightmares, not a single thought of the horrors had appeared in her mind as she had pressed her hands on his chest, her back arching in pleasure as he had thrusted up into her.

Erix had sat up then, unable to lay down still and he had wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up from the bed. She had squealed, a gasp of shock when he had stood up, still buried inside of her and pounded into her pussy.

Then he got down on his knees, her back against the wall as he licked her juices, making her see stars again and again. She had been tired after that and had laid down on the bed slowly, but that edge inside of her hadn’t disappeared if that was even possible. She was sore in between her thighs but her fingers had moved by itself. Erix had watched, his own hand curling around his cock as he watched her rub herself. He had begged. Please, Cerelia. And she sat up in bed, pulling him slowly over her.

Her heart was pounding rapidly inside of her but she hadn’t seemed to care as he buried himself inside, kissing her. Kissing Erix was wonderful. He pleasured her mouth and pussy at the same time. She had moaned, as he had made love to her, slow and sensual, his hips rolling every now and then which made her purr.

Maybe they had slept after that but she didn’t remember it. Not as Erix had offered to take the floor because he didn’t want to keep her up all night though not a single part of her was complaining. When she had heard his breathing even out slowly, she had walked to the small washroom that was in the room. It was why Aideen had given it to them.

Cerelia had showered under the spray of water that was cold enough that the need to pounce on Erix slowly started disappearing. Until she felt his arms wrap around her slowly from behind, a soft kiss to the place he had bit her on. And she had asked him to show her.

“Show me how you like it.”

Erix had been slow for her, giving her every drop of pleasure he could but she knew he liked it rough, he liked causing pain and she wanted that. She wanted it all like a hungry female. Erix had pressed on her back, tilting her body down as he lifted her ass up to his cock. He told her to press her hands onto the wall and she had. Her body had buckled as he had thrusted into her.

She loved it. She had loved the way his hands fisted in her hair, tilting her head backwards, a hand on her throat as he leaned over her body, kissing her. She had moaned when his voice had murmured words into her ear. You are mine.

She was his.

A cough pulled her away from her thoughts and she took a step back, as if stumbling back into reality. Aideen stood ahead of her, in front of the Witch Tower, glancing back at Cerelia as if to tell her to behave.

Erix’s hand snaked around her waist, pulling her back towards him as Aideen talked to Katara about putting her dagger away, talking about how this was a sacred place. “Let’s get this over with so we can return back to our room, where I don’t plan to let you leave for a very long while.” He purred in her ear, pressing a kiss on her neck as her toes curled.

The witch tower door opened and a robed female stepped to the side. Her body was stiff, and Cerelia wondered why she never saw their faces. “Rosa.” Aideen nodded her head towards the female. “Is Agatha downstairs?”

“A witch will guide you to her.” Rosa spoke softly, her voice barely a whisper as she pointed inside the tower. Aideen nodded and walked inside with Katara who had sheathed her weapon.

Cerelia took a deep breath and let it out as she remembered the way the witches had dragged her body up. “I’m right here with you.” Erix’s fingers wrapped around her hand as he moved to stand beside her.

Rosa held a hand out. “No males allowed.”

Katara and Aideen turned to look at them. “That has never been the rule before.” Aideen spoke to Rosa. Katara stood up straighter, her hand on the dagger as she looked around, as if waiting for something to jump out.

“Nobody has accessed the gate ever again.” Rosa spoke calmly.

“Move out of the way.” Erix said, his hand tightening around Cerelia’s hand. “We go inside together.”

Cerelia couldn’t help but grin as the shadows curled around them both, making Rosa flinch. Cerelia walked with Erix past the robed female and into the cold tower, where stairs led upstairs and another set of stairs led downstairs.

A silent robed female pointed downstairs to them, blocking their passage from upstairs. “This is some shady shit.” Katara muttered, her voice echoing against the dark walls as Aideen walked in front of them all. Erix stood behind Cerelia, a wall to her back.

“I’ve never been down this way.” Aideen said softly, opening an ancient wood door and stepping through it. Flames instantly danced along Katara’s arm, providing the light they all were thankful for.

“I’m not trusting this Agatha witch.” Katara said, holding the dagger in her other hand.

Erix pressed a gentle kiss on top of Cerelia’s head, his thumb pressing against the bite. “You’re fine.” He said softly.

She didn’t know how he knew that she was dreading this place because it wasn’t empty. It was a dungeon under the tower, and the doors were wide open to the room, she could smell different horrible scents from. “I don’t think we’re alone…” her voice was a whisper as she stopped before she crossed the first door.

Aideen turned her head towards the open room door, her eyes widening. On either side of her, the doors were wide open as well and Cerelia heard a snarl.

Erix gripped her arm, spinning her around and behind his back as his shadows attacked the male who charged at Aideen. Katara flung her dagger into the other one, beheading him before Aideen could even blink.

Erix looked at the two dead males lying beside Aideen’s feet. “They’re Fae.” He gaped in horror as he walked towards them. Cerelia’s body burned as if she was going to erupt like a star herself. Her fingers itched to move to the fae males, and she curled them into fists, pushing away the slight pain she felt as her mind exploded into light. She winced as Erix knelt down on the ground besides the Fae.

“They’re drained of magic.” He blurted in shock. “Leaving them as beasts.”

“Exactly how I am going to leave you all.” Agatha’s voice echoed in the hall.

Cerelia whirled around, as Agatha walked towards them through the door they had left. She stumbled backwards, feeling Erix’s arms around her instantly, holding her up. “Erix, somethings wrong with me.” She said softly, her nails digging into her palm, as if needing to touch the dead males. The blinding light in her mind was powering, making her body hum like it always did.

Agatha answered her before Erix could. “You’re a healing witch.”

Agatha didn’t look like the old witch who was slightly hunched, who walked slower than most. She stood with her back straight, a sword in her hand and her fingers danced with a silver light. It sparked like electricity.

Erix’s hands tightened around her arm, as if he was ready to spin her around and to protect her but she didn’t move her feet.

“What do you mean? There’s never been a healing witch.” Aideen spoke from behind her, barely moving herself. Katara didn’t move either.

Agatha laughed. “You think the queen of witches wanted me to take her child away? How stupid can you all be?”

“You said it was a prophecy.” Aideen was in disbelief. Nobody else spoke. “The Fae King would find the Witch Queen in another realm, fighting through all battles of life to return to their homes to stop the war.”

“No.” Agatha frowned, turning to look at Cerelia. “Your mother didn’t want you to leave because you were a healing witch. They knew the moment you were born because the world erupted with light. Ask that old bastard Emrys. He’ll remember it.”

She was not breathing and neither was Erix.

The dragons had healed by themselves when she had kissed them, begging them to wake up.

“I knew your magic was the only one who could stop the fae. You could heal the hate out of their minds, but you could also kill them.” She chuckled, watching the sparks on her palm. “You could have done so much but I knew your mother wouldn’t leave you.”

“You lied.” Cerelia said.

“I lied about everything, darling.” Agatha turned those dark eyes on her again, earning a snarl from Erix. “I killed your mother, sliced her throat right open as she held you. I had already killed his mother-” she pointed the sword at Erix. “And I was going to take you, the heirs of the kingdoms. I could take both of your magic, I could end life on Kavan and take life from other realms.” She smiled wickedly at Katara.

“But when I brought you down here, he fought me.” She turned to look at Erix. “A ten year old child who hadn’t accessed all of his magic fought me and he won.” She sounded disappointed but Erix moved one hand down Cerelia’s shoulder slightly. “He picked you up-” her eyes moved back to Erix’s gaze. “And you ran away. Her magic opened the gates widely and you ran through it. I followed, limping towards you but you continued to fall until you were both separated. I saw you, Erix, walking in the mortal lands.” She grinned. “I saw the queen. All it took was a little witch magic and you were bound to her, forgetting everything. ”

“You’re a fucking bitch.” Erix snarled. Before Cerelia could say anything, he spun her around, throwing her into Aideen’s arms as he ran towards Agatha. Darkness surrounded them, his shadows curling against the walls of every opened door, blocking the beasts that snarled viciously.

“I have been waiting for this day!” Agatha laughed, blasting electricity towards Erix.

Cerelia gaped as he snarled like a cornered beast ready to fight one last time. He spun out of the way of the blast, a dagger forming of darkness thrown straight at Agatha. It slipped off her body. Erix blinked, the only second of surprise he gave himself before he charged at the old witch.

“I need to help him.” She breathed out, unfurling her fists.

Aideen gripped her arm and pulled her away. “You can’t. You don’t know how to fight and you’re just going to distract him.”

Katara lingered for a second before she turned her back on Erix and followed them. “She’s right.” She muttered as they both dragged Cerelia away.

“Let go of me!” She protested, looking over her shoulder as Agatha plunged a sword into Erix’s chest. “HE NEEDS ME!” She snarled at the two females who pulled her around the corner, towards the golden door that was shining behind a black gate. The only light in the hallway.

Katara immediately let her go running towards the gate but Aideen pushed her against the wall, holding her there. “Let me go, Aideen!” She screamed, kicking and punching the female witch who watched Katara pull the gate open.

Katara looked once over her shoulder at Cerelia, a thankful look in her face before she stepped through the door.

Agatha screamed.

“Aideen please!” Cerelia cried.

Aideen didn’t move away from her position even as silence filled the hallway. A snarl escaped Cerelia’s lips, her hands tingling with what she assumed was the healing magic. Her nails shifted into claws and she thanked the Gods before stabbing them into Aideen’s back who gasped, her body arching. “I’m so sorry.“Cerelia forced the words out of her, throwing Aideen to the ground and she ran back to Erix.

Her body froze as she saw him lying on the ground, covered completely in blood that was his and Agatha’s. The old witch’s head was laying further away from her body.

“You’re a little bitch…” Aideen gasped from behind her but Cerelia couldn’t look away from Erix. “But I’m healing.” Her voice was shocked.

“Erix?” She called out softly to him, her heart clenching with every step she took. She held the gasp from her mouth as she saw the claw marks on his chest where the old witch had ripped into him. He was blooded, she could barely hear a heartbeat but he opened his eyes.

His golden eyes were not glowing as she knelt next to him, her shaking hands glowing with light. “Hi baby.” He breathed out, covering her hand with his. “I’m okay.”

He was not okay. He was dying.

Cerelia saw the ink peeking out from under the blood. I am worthy. A sob escaped her parted lips as she reached her shaking hands up to his face. He closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh at her touch.

“You’re my mate.” She said softly.

He opened his eyes at her words, as she wrapped her arm around his waist, laying down beside him. She pressed her body against his, and let out a sigh of relief as the light inside of her exploded.

She closed her eyes, the light making Aideen hiss but she didn’t care, not as she held onto Erix, who’s arm tightened around her slightly. “I knew the moment I saw you.” Her voice was barely a whisper as the tears slid down her face. “I didn’t understand it but your scent would always push the fear away and when you saved me from the Fae, it clicked. It made so much sense to me but I still didn’t want to understand it. It wasn’t until the night I went to the Inn.” She felt his body move over hers and a shuddering breath escaped her as she opened her eyes.

A healed, glowing eyed Erix was staring at her with love in his eyes. His shadows danced with the light pouring out of her, towards the fae that were still held behind his shadows. Agatha was using their magic, and had been doing it for centuries.

“Don’t stop talking.” His voice was hoarse as he cupped her face.

“I saw it in your eyes.” She said softly, as he leaned down and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “You weren’t angry at me. It wasn’t anger directed towards me. It was more to yourself, that you hadn’t realised I had left. You were looking at me, touching me in the way only you knew.” He had wrapped his hand around her throat that day and now he was pressing a soft kiss on her eyes as she had them closed. “I knew you were my mate.” She breathed out.

She had wanted to tell him yesterday but had been so focused on other things that she hadn’t been able to say the words.

“You want to know when I knew, Cerelia?” He pressed a kiss on her cheek softly.

She opened her eyes. “You knew?”

“I knew last night.” Her toes curled as he pressed a hand on the ground beside her, lifting himself up so he could look at her face. “I knew you when you bared your neck to me. I saw it in your eyes, the only confirmation I needed.”

She slapped his chest, a smile on her face as he chuckled. “We’re going to fix this kingdom of ours. I promise you that.” He leaned down and brushed his lips with hers. “No more war. Only love.” He kissed her.

Cerelia’s light disappeared as she kissed him back, as if she was absorbing his darkness and he was absorbing her light. Aideen’s disgusted groan filled her mind but she ignored it, her hands snaking up into Erix’s hair and pulling her closer as she wrapped her legs around his hips. She needed him right now.

Instantly the darkness wrapped around her body and his, and she felt the world moving as his kiss deepened. Cerelia felt the bed under her back, the soft mattress, wide enough for them to fit. She was back at the castle.

Erix pulled away slowly. She reached up, trying to pull him back down but he gripped her right hand, kissing it gently before pressing it above his heart. I am worthy.

They were worthy of loving each other.


The End (:

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