Thorned Shadow [+18]

Chapter 16

The wedding was today and Cerelia wanted to be sick.

Agatha had walked into her room early in the morning, followed by Aideen, a couple of robed females and Nyota. Katara had jumped up, a dagger from the Gods knew where, in her hands and held out, her body tilted enough as if she was protecting Cerelia.

Agatha had hissed at her. Katara had growled back until Cerelia had told them both to calm down and asked why Agatha was in her room. Of course, Agatha being the High Witch was going to officiate their wedding.

Katara had hugged Cerelia tightly, whispering thank you, and left to get changed for tomorrow, and apologised for not being at the wedding. Cerelia had told her it was fine, that she did not mind.

Then her life took a turn. Agatha had fussed about her face, about the way her skin was so dry. She didn’t comment on the scars. Aideen had pushed her into the washroom and told her to bathe for three hours until her skin was prune and about to peel off her body.

“Can you sit still?” Nyota complained as Cerelia moved a little, trying to peek at herself in the mirror. Nyota groaned, complaining to Annalise who had brought her gown in a few hours ago.

All Cerelia wanted to do was step into the gown and never take it off. It was beautifully laced. Every inch of the gown was tight fitted, long sleeves just as she liked. The lace traveled up along her shoulders, a high neckline for the gown. It was as if they had simply rummaged through her mind to see the perfect gown. The gown was black, the darkest shade, reminding her of Erix’s magic. A veil hung beside the dress, and it was long, too long that she wanted to scream in joy.

“I want to wear it.” Cerelia complained as Nyota pulled down on the skin under her eyes, sliding a dark pencil in her eyes. Cerelia blinked several times as Nyota blew on her eyes.

“I think you’re more excited about the dress than the wedding.” Annalise grinned from where she sat on the bed, wearing a beautiful flowy dress. Aideen wore an identical one, as did Nyota, wanting to match with the three main females in her life.

Aideen chuckled, pushing a black stone into her ear piercings. “You should have seen the king this morning.” She grinned at Cerelia who parted her lips as Nyota painted them the darkest shade of red. “Apparently he was shouting at everyone.”

“Why?” Cerelia tried not to frown.

“The cleaning maids said they heard him telling Emrys that he wanted to see you.” Annalise added a smile on her face. “He wanted to know if you would come.”

Nyota grinned at her wickedly. “She’ll definitely be coming.”

Cerelia rolled her eyes just as the door to her room opened up. Agatha walked inside. “Are you ready? They’ve been waiting for hours.” She gaped at Cerelia. “You are not even dressed yet!”

The next few minutes were the fastest she had moved. Cerelia was pulled up onto her feet by Agatha who pushed the black gown into her arms and instantly told all the females to turn around. Cerelia had worn the beautiful gown that was like a comforting second skin to her body.

The females had turned around, a gasp from Annalise, tears from Nyota and a big grin from Aideen. Agatha had just blinked as if in shock but then told them to hurry up. Seconds turned to minutes where she wore her heels, the veil was tucked into her hair, and she was hurriedly walking down the stairs, Cadmjs continuously saying he had never seen a more beautiful queen than her as he opened every door.

“Why are you not running?” Agatha hissed at the girls, glancing over her shoulder to see them all trying to move as quickly as they could, trying not to trip on Cerelia’s veil.

Her heart was beating fast inside of her, realising they were walking to the castle gardens. Her palms were sweating the closer she got to the closed double doors that would lead to the gardens.

She heard the violins playing, the harp following the same tune they had made together the night Erix had hugged her. A small smile appeared on her face as she saw Emrys standing there, besides the closed gates. He beamed at her with a bright smile.

“You look absolutely beautiful, child!”

Before he could say anything else, Agatha told him they needed to leave right now. Emrys grinned at her again and walked towards the door, his cane painted black than the usual white he had. Cerelia let out a deep shuddering breath, as she stood alone with the three females who were grinning at her. “You’re going to be fine.” Nyota said, pressing a kiss on her cheek. “We’ll be right outside.”

She thanked them, keeping her words low as the three females left, joining the wedding while she stood outside the closed doors. Cerelia kept her back straight, her left hand curled around her right hand in front of her. She exhaled another breath, hearing the music getting louder. The two doors pushed open from the outside.

Cerelia walked out of the door. The gardens were full of people. Most of them sat on the wall, wearing their best clothes and watching history be made in Kavan.

An alliance, a marriage between the Fae King who had suffered at the hands of a queen, and a Witch Queen who had suffered at the hands of a king.

Cerelia saw Erix staring. She stared back. He was the most handsome male she had ever seen. Erix had combed his hair back, but did not wrap a leather strap, letting the breeze float through it. He was watching every step she took towards him, as if nothing else mattered.

Erix wore a black blazer. There were no designs on it, he looked absolutely simple and she loved it. His golden eyes were shining with the same intensity as it had the night he had hugged her. The night apologised and cried.

She smiled softly, glancing away and looking at the people who shouted her name from the wall. A chuckle left her lips as she saw the people from the Inn, the large males sat on the wall, waving. They had cleaned up nicely, their beards trimmed and their long hair cut short around their heads.

Cerelia lifted her right hand, waving slightly just before she reached Erix who instantly took a step towards her. Erix held his hand out. “You look absolutely breathtaking.” He exhaled as if he had been holding his breath for a while.

She blushed, placing her hand in his and stepping up onto the stage in the clearing where she had held a sword for the first time. Agatha stood besides them.

Erix turned his body towards Cerelia, not letting go of the hand he held. She wanted to point out his hands were as sweaty as hers but she could hear the pounding heartbeat that belonged to him. Cerelia squeezed his hands and he looked at her.

Agatha spoke of ancient laws and ancient traditions, saying that they would have their crowning ceremony a week after the marriage but Cerelia barely listened. Erix was marrying her. She was getting married.

People cheered around them and she didn’t know what for because she saw his eyes glowing with hunger. Cold breeze blew around her, the sky a beautiful shade of purple as the sun slowly set.

She would have never thought in a thousand years that she would get married because she was always going to be the broken female from the dungeons. But Cerelia was much more than that. She could hear it as the males and females around them, as the children as well, shouted the words that made her body tingle. Long live the Royals.

She was a Queen.

“Cerelia, will you say anything?” Agatha asked, her voice a demand and a little louder than usual as if she was asking for the third time. A smirk tugged on Erix’s face as he caught her staring but she caught him staring as well.

“About?” Her voice was so low she knew nobody else heard it other than Erix and Agatha.

“About your marriage with the Fae King.”

She looked up at Erix who was staring at her. There was so much she could say, thank him a thousand times for making her believe herself, for pushing her out of her comfort zone though he wouldn’t believe he had done anything. “I-” what was she supposed to say to a male who was her husband in the next few minutes. “I would spend a thousand lives with you.” She said softly, her hand clenching his.

“Erix?” Agatha turned to look at him.

Erix lifted their joined hands, pressing a soft kiss on her hand. “I would go through everything again if it leads me to you. Every time.”

He would go through the torture again and again, just so he could be with her.

“You may kiss the Queen.” Agatha muttered.

Her heart beated loudly as thousands of people cheered, Nyota’s voice louder than them all as Erix took a step closer. His eyes glowed and she watched as he leaned down. He was going to kiss her. He was going to kiss her. She tried to wipe the smile off her face as his fingers brushed under his chin, tilting her face up.

Cerelia sucked in a breath as his lips brushed her cheek, lingering for a second too long before he pulled away. She forced the disappointment and longing deep inside of her.

Agatha told them they could enjoy the party inside the castle and outside if they wished. Nyota instantly came running up to her. She bowed to Erix who nodded his head, not removing his hand around Cerelia’s.

“You’re married!” Nyota wrapped her arms around Cerelia tightly who chuckled. “What you said was so sweet, and I wanted to cry but I spent too much time on this.” She pointed to her face after pulling away from the hug. “Let’s go dance, please.” Nyota practically pulled her away from Erix. Before he could snarl or growl at the females they whisked her into the castle.

She glanced over her shoulder, a smile on her face as Erix stood alone in the gardens staring up at the sky as he let out a groan. “He didn’t kiss me.” She mumbled, as Nyota pulled the long veil out of her hair before wrapping it around her arms to fold it up before leaving it on the closest table as they all walked.

“I’m telling you,” Aideen grinned at her. “He doesn’t want to push his luck. Or maybe he panicked. Males can panic.”

“So I’m supposed to spend the rest of my night dancing and drinking a drink that makes me want to fly out of a balcony?” She groaned as Annalise laughed.

“What else do you want to do?” Nyota wiggled her eyebrows.

She wanted to go to her room, to tease Erix before the confidence left her body today. Tomorrow she had promised Katara the whole day, Katara who hadn’t left her room all day today. She wouldn’t be able to spend time with Erix tomorrow even though there was something she wanted to say to him. She wanted to wait after the marriage.

“I need to eat.” Cerelia muttered.


She let out a groan, dragging her feet up the stairs. Cadmus was not at the door but she ignored it as she pushed her body on the door, forcing it to open. Her feet ached in the shoes. She could still hear people dancing and the music getting louder in the ballroom.

Erix had talked to her once during the party when she had looked around, waiting to see people in crowns and tiaras. He had once told her that Orson, his distant cousin, was going to invite the Royals from other kingdoms. Orson had not shown and Erix had told her he was not coming when males pulled Erix away from her, forcing a drink into his hands.

She hadn’t seen him after that.

Cerelia walked into her room, pressing her hand against the switch on the wall that brightened the lights. It was empty. She let out a deep sigh. She hadn’t drunk any of the drinks, not wanting to be intoxicated on a night like this.

She walked towards her closet, opening the door and walking inside to find her night dresses. She lifted the white cotton dress with the wide long sleeves, identical to the one Nyota had taken to wash.

Cerelia turned around, walking out of the closet and instantly freezing. Erix stood beside the door, staring at her. “Hi.” She said softly.

“I saw you leave.” He said as if it was the perfect and only explanation he could give.

“My feet were hurting.” She walked around the bed, lifting the bottom of her gown. “See? Nyota made me wear heels again.”

Erix moved before she could say another word. He knelt down beside her, his long fingers brushing against her ankles. She pressed a hand on his shoulders, balancing herself up right as he unfastened the straps and slowly pulled the heels off.

Her toes curled on the soft carpet as he stood up, standing too close to her for her to breathe. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“No problem.” He took a step back forcefully.

“I should get changed.” She lifted the night dress up.

He didn’t look at it. “...Will you—” Erix sighed, rubbing his neck. “Are we staying in this room?”

She tried to hide her smile as she walked around his body, which instantly tensed up as her shoulders brushed against his back. “I would prefer this room.”

“Okay. Yeah. That’s fine.”

Cerelia walked into the washroom, closing the door behind her. She let out a sigh, staring at her face in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed.

The next ten minutes, she spent taking the dress off, pulling her flowy night dress on, relieved herself in the toilet, flushed it, brushed her teeth and washed her face. Cerelia lifted the towel, and patted her face the way Nyota had one day shown her, informing her that her face would not burn red if she patted it rather than scrubbed it.

Lifting her wedding dress from the floor, Cerelia walked out of the washroom. Erix had not moved from his spot. “Erix, are you okay?” She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. He was tensed up but he turned to look at her, those golden eyes still glowing.

“Can I use your washroom?”

She nodded and before she could open her mouth to ask what was wrong, he instantly walked around her body, careful to not touch her, and walked inside. Cerelia walked to the main door, closing it and laid her wedding gown on the sofa.

She walked towards the vanity table just as Erix walked out of the room, his clothes instantly changed. He wore a soft black lightweight tunic and a thin pair of soft grey pants. He looked at her, his face slightly pained, his body still stiff as he saw her sitting on the small stool in front of the vanity table.

“Are you okay, Erix?”

“Yeah.” He answered her shortly, walking around the bed and pulling the blankets back. “I think I should sleep early today.”

She could feel his eyes on her back as she brushed out her long hair. One day she would cut it shorter. Erix didn’t say another word but she felt his eyes still glued to her body, to every movement she made. Cerelia lifted the small pot of moisturising lip cream, and with her thumb, she applied the tiny bit of cream onto her lips, massaging it in the way Nyota had shown her.

Nyotas words yesterday came racing into her mind, of getting in between his knees. But as Cerelia turned and looked at Erix who had shut his eyes, still wearing his tunic, and his back pressed against the headboard.

Fine. She would do it herself if he was not going to touch her.

Cerelia walked towards the door, dimming the lights slowly, enough that she could still see his closed eyes, and walked back towards the bed. Pulling the blankets up from her side, she climbed into the bed. “What’s wrong?” She asked, turning her body towards him.

He didn’t say a word, his hands curling into fists besides him. Take him into your mouth. Fine. She wanted something today. If he pushed her away, she would go at his pace but she wanted a little, not a lot, but just a little bit of pleasure.

“Erix..” Her voice was a whisper as she placed a hand on his cheek. His eyes opened instantly. “Have I done something wrong?” He was barely talking to her, even as her thumb caressed his scar slowly.

“Nothing.” His voice was hoarse. “I just can’t lay in the same bed with you all night.”

He was disgusted by her. Cerelia pulled her hand away, feeling the sudden chills up her back and wondering if the window was shut. “Why not?” She didn’t look at him, couldn’t see the disgust in his eyes.

“I’m going to fuck up.” He blurted out.

She lifted her gaze. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to push you, I shouldn’t even be thinking about it but ever since I’ve seen you in that dress, I don’t want to keep my hands to myself.” He groaned, slamming his head backwards.

Cerelia laughed.

“I’m glad you find this amusing, Cerelia.”

He was struggling. She could see in his hands, the way he pulled the blankets up a little further, moving his body slightly as if he was uncomfortable.

“Can I try something?”

“I don’t think you should..” His voice was wary but there was a glow in his eyes that begged her.

Before she could say another word Cerelia placed one leg on either side of him, sitting down on his thigh. Erix jerked upwards, something hard poking her instantly, making her gasp. “Please, Cerelia..” His voice was a beg as she pressed her hands onto his knees behind her.

“Don’t do that again.” She could have sworn her voice was more husky than it ever was. Cerelia gripped the bottom of the tunic as he watched her. “Can I take this off?” She asked.

“If you speak in that voice again, I won’t be able to stop myself.” He said, nodding his head at her request.

Cerelia lifted his tunic over his head, and threw it somewhere behind her, leaving him completely bare, like Nyota said she should. Her fingers traced the ink over his heart. “I am worthy.” She read the words slowly. “Why did you write that?”

“Because the bitch always told me I was nothing but worthless. It’s a reminder to myself every time I look in the mirror that I survived, that I left, that I am worthy of a good life.”

Cerelia leaned down slowly, letting instincts take over. She pressed a kiss above his heart, on the words. “You are worthy, Erix, more than you know.” She kissed his chest again, and again, until she felt his body tense up the closer she got to his neck.


So she didn’t. She moved away from his throat, his neck and up his jaw, leaving kisses. “You didn’t kiss me.”

“I thought you wouldn’t want me to.” He turned his face, his lips brushing against hers.

“And now?”

“I was so fucking wrong.” He groaned, as she held his face away from her lips. “Let me kiss you.” He was begging again, as if a male starved of her touch.

“No.” Her lips brushed the corner of his. “Can I touch you?” She asked softly. He nodded, as if not being able to say a word. “I don’t want you to touch me though.”

He groaned but nodded again, his glowing eyes watching as she moved her body down his thighs and onto his knees. Cerelia kissed her way down his chest, once again kissing his ink, before she lifted her hands, grabbed his pants and pulled slowly.

Cerelia had been forced to see many cocks but her eyes blinked once, twice, at Erix’s cock. He was massive, bigger than hundreds of males she had seen. Her body tingled in what she could only assume was burning hunger as lights flickered in her mind.

Erix moved his hand, about to grab her by the hair and lift her face up to his face, but she wrapped her hands around his large wrist. “No touching.” She warned, pressing his hand into the bed, as the confidence she felt instantly disappeared at the size of him. “Guide me with words.” She said softly, her face heating up.

“Lift your hands and hold my cock, Cerelia.”

Her pulse quickened at his words but she listened, slowly wrapping both of her hands around his cock. He jerked up into her hand, groaning and she watched as he tilted his head back. “And now?” She asked again, his voice still a husky whisper as she lifted her hands, watching the skin roll to the tip of his cock, and then lowered her hands.

“Bend down. Lift your ass up.” He was panting, but he watched her.

She did as he instructed, bending until her mouth was inches away from his cock, and tilting slightly so her ass lifted up, wanting to please him. “Open your mouth, Cerelia.” He fisted his hands in the duvet, as if forcing himself not to touch her.

Cerelia opened her mouth, lowering her face and taking him into her mouth. Erix let out a shuddering breath as she closed her lips around him. “Use your tongue.” He panted. “Lick my-” before he could finish his words, Cerelia licked his cock, her tongue swirling on the tip before she opened her mouth wider, taking as much as she could.

With one hand, she moved it up and down the length she couldn’t fit into her mouth, and with her other hand, she wrapped it around his fisted open. Instantly he opened his hand, a gasp of pleasure groaning out of him, as he thrusted his cock into her mouth, lifting his hips off the bed.

Cerelia lifted her gaze up to his glowing eyes that were watching as she bobbed her head, up and down onto his cock. “You’re fucking killing me.” He thrusted into her mouth, against the back of her throat, groaning as her hands tightened around him. “Just a bit harder, love.”

Her hand tightened on his cock, her lips moving up and down, and slightly daring herself, she scraped her teeth slightly up his cock, before licking the tip. Erix was moaning, his thrusts faster.

Before she could grab his hands, he fisted his hand into her hair, pushing her down onto his cock and thrusted up. She looked at him from under her lashes, opening her mouth wide as he fucked her mouth. His head was tilted back as if he loved the feeling of her mouth around him. A groan escaped his lips, the hand still fisted in her hair, his thrusts faster and harder to the back of her throat but her body loved it. She didn’t stop moving her hand on the length she couldn’t fit into her mouth as her other hand rested on the perfectly carved muscles in his chest.

“Oh fuck.” He cursed, and something slightly salty yet sweet shot into her mouth. Cerelia swallowed every drop of it, the hunger in her eyes growing as she saw the way he stared at her, mirroring the same look.

Erix, with one hand in her hair, lifted her mouth from his cock and pulled her towards him. She giggled, licking her lips, pressing a hand on his chest before he could kiss her. “Was that good?” She asked softly.

“The fucking best.” He leaned up, reaching to kiss her.

“I think I’m going to sleep early.” Instantly Cerelia pulled away from him. With a big grin on her face, a lick to her lips as if she could still taste him, she pulled the duvets up to her neck and laid down in the bed.

“You’re fucking with me.”

“I certainly am not.” She turned her body so she was facing him, as he watched her with disbelief. “I have to wake up early tomorrow.”

She wanted him to touch her, for him to use that cock in other parts of her but she didn’t know if she was ready. If she would scream if he laid on top of her. She wanted to remember her wedding night as one of the best days, a happy memory.


She patted the bed, the pillow besides her. “Sleep.” She said,

He laid down slowly as the lights instantly turned off, probably with his magic. She could feel his warmth as he moved closer. “I think-” He hesitated with his words before reaching out into the darkness as if he could still see her clearly. It was the Fae sight, the one she had forced her body to get used to. She could see his outline, the way his hand reached hers and she allowed him to wrap his hand around hers. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“Because of what I did?” Was that all it took?

“No.” He chuckled. “It’s a possibility.” He answered again as she entwined their fingers slowly. “It’s your scent. It was confusing me at first, as if you were standing near me all the goddamn time. It would calm me down, turn me into a fae and not a raging beast.” She felt his soft lips on her hand as he lifted their joined hands to his lips. “It was the day I thought I nearly lost you. I saw you tied to a chair and all I wanted to do was keep you safe.”

She listened to every word he said. “I’ve never felt this before, not with anyone I’ve been with. There was this sort of dread, as if a part of me had died when I heard you scream that day. All I wanted to do was kill everyone until I found you. Nobody could stop me and then I saw you and you were looking at me and I wanted to hold you but you were going to walk away, and I was going to let you because I didn’t want to hurt you any further, but you nearly fell, and I thanked the Gods. I thanked the Gods so selfishly that day because I could lift you in my arms.”

“You felt perfect that day and I walked with you, my head held high because I was not ashamed. I would never be ashamed of you. All I wanted to do after that day was be with you. I tried to ignore it, to push the desire out of me, because I didn’t want to scare you.”

“Why would I be scared of you?” She moved her body closer though there was hardly space in between them.

“I don’t know how to be gentle.” He muttered as if he was ashamed. “I tried to make love, but it never worked out. I don’t want to fuck it up with you. Right now all I want to do is be buried inside of you, making you scream in pleasure.”

She clenched her thighs.

Cerelia tilted her head up a little, pressing her lips just besides his. “I’ll teach you just like you’re going to teach me.”

“What can I teach you?”

“How to be rough? I don’t want you to feel like you’d have to change yourself for me only. I want to change for you as well. You can slowly teach me, how to be…fucked."

He turned his face, brushing her lips and leaning down but she pulled away, a smile on her face as he groaned. “Cerelia, I want to kiss you.”

“Maybe tomorrow.” She pulled her hand away from his, and grabbed his hand, pulling his arm over her body. “Hug me, Erix.” She said softly, closing her eyes.

Erix didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed an arm under pillow, and his other arm pulled her closer to his body, as she laid her head against his bare chest. He kissed her shoulder softly.

Cerelia smiled.

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