This Gothic World

Chapter 5


The night was still young. Irene knew to always work on early. Tonight was no exception. Her hands grabbed onto the small spice leaves left in the tops of trees she had to climb. But as she got down her body wasn’t minding her at all.

It dragged her down like a hound dragged food. She could barely keep her balance when she landed on the ground and goodness gracious she looked a tangled mess. Then again, what did it matter to her to be a tangled mess?

Irene brushed the thought off as she slowly counted the amount of leaves in her hand. One…two…three…

Then how are you holding me hostage?

Her hands stopped abruptly before her eyes started to see nothing except the murky grey of death all around. The Almighty Destroyer’s angry moans were close. Very close…as much as her own breathing…

Irene’s body remained still for but a moment before returning to the work at hand. She busied herself again on counting the leaves.

There is no point in avoiding death. Only the foolish feel they can cheat him. The brave meet him on the grounds and fight until the end to stay alive.

Then again…people who meet death at the door were foolish in their own rights weren’t they?

The thought otherwise would’ve brought a smile to Irene’s face if it weren’t in her agenda to do the same thing she had been mocking. She was cheating death. She was using the small amount of power she had inside of her when she had promised herself to never use it.

After all, the prophecy of Death always spoke the truth to her. She knew well what it said.

Death is eternal, unavoidable, and unmatched

No magic can ever catch the eternity from Death’s grip

Thus magic is forbidden which shall infringe upon Almighty Destroyer’s rights

And dare to brag of the eternity only his powers can bring.

The texts were clear. No magic usage ever. The punishment was simple. Death would begin soon after a person started to use the magic in their blood.

Then why was it possible for the King to use magic?

Irene shrugged the thought off before it went too far. No, she couldn’t think of comparing herself to the Royals. They were old magus blood and they knew better than to practice magic. They were there to act upon the Almighty Destroyer’s will.

After all, they were chosen by the destroyer himself in order to bring peace upon the living while the dead dwelled in Hel surrounded by peace and eternal melancholy.

Melancholy...what of love? What of happiness? What of culture?

Yet again, Irene caught herself pondering the meaning of life which was nothing but a speck of dust compared to other more meaningful existences. She shouldn’t think in her own manner. She should truly not underestimate herself but actually go on fulfilling her promise to the Followers of the Tomb.

We prayed and prayed until the Almighty Destroyer revealed his mercy upon us. We prayed and prayed until the Almighty Destroyer revealed the truth to us. We prayed and prayed until the Almighty Destroyer saved us from decay and destruction by bringing us to the world of Hel and providing us peace and eternal melancholy. We prayed and prayed and prayed until we found the blessed path of Almighty Destroyer.

Irene chanted the words until she felt herself stabilize and tilt a bit towards the world in humble surrender. Then and only then could she focus on the task at hand…His Majesty Ceres’s morning meal…

Her hands picked the broken branches relentlessly as she gathered enough fuel to burn under the cauldron she had carved from a stone using her magic. She knew well, Magic wasn’t possible to be used but she would use it since it was the best way to keep His Majesty alive.

And if it helped to feed him properly she’d do it. What was one more sin in her book?

She arranged everything in place and then proceeded to light the fire when her senses tingled with the awareness of magic. His Majesty was rising. Irene sighed in relief once she heard him groan and her body continued on with the task at hand.

No wasting time in preparing a meal. She quickly lit the fire and started to cook the fish within her sufficiently angered magical flame. Surprising to even her, the magic usage hadn’t tapped out her boundaries yet. If she were going too close to tapping out she would probably find it difficult to actually do anything in general.

After all, many of the people around her home had done the same thing in her childhood and had died horrifying deaths themselves. Those souls, The Almighty knew what happened to those souls…

Irene didn’t think twice about them now as she quickly prepared the meal and then came by His Majesty’s side with the grace of a leopard holding the bowl of food. He was still looking up at the crimson sky when Irene remembered to make him sit up and move into position for eating. It was becoming more and more evident Irene would have to be careful.

Her hands automatically fed Ceres as she quickly finished it up and then started to pack up again. Thankfully, he wasn’t speaking lest Irene would have to start again with her vigilance. For the most part, Ceres was truly an ally rather than a hindrance. Yet, Irene was taking him to his death. No matter what, it was a horrible deed and she knew what she would pay for it. Thus, the price was of no matter. As long as Halona would be alright she’d do it.

Even if it meant leaving the living world…nothing would stop her…

Irene sighed before using her magic to command His Majesty’s limbs to start waking up and walking beside her. City of Cranes wasn’t far away. It would be only a few days of work before they’d arrive. Thus, Irene had no care as she walked on and pressed His Majesty to follow with her magical talent.

After all, time was short and soon…very soon she’d be united with Halona…if she didn’t die in the process of freeing the child from their very own flesh and blood…

Irene had about enough from the King. He was talking incessantly and his words were rather pleasant were they not sarcastic. She’d even answered a couple which only fanned the fire of his conversational skills.

At the end of the day, she had about enough of the stories and the questions and all other words necessary for the incessant conversation. She finally sat him down at the nearest riverbank.

“We must rest, Sire.”

Her voice was curt and she was probably more exhausted than she let on. Still, her heart had no desire to disfavor the King or make his life harder or anything similar. After all, she was doing a service and she’d never do half her job at any rate.

“Where are you going?”

His voice was trembling a bit which only assured Irene of her current strength. She hadn’t taken it to her head since she knew the consequence would be grave if she did. She only turned to his Majesty’s face with a slight smile and bowed gently before leaving into the forest to gather some herbs for the mid-afternoon meal.

Sunlight was filtering through the woods and it was enchanting to see everything alight with golden rays. Irene hummed on a tune as she continued to search for herbs. Her magical senses were tingling with awareness of his Majesty’s powers.

She hummed on along while keeping a tight rein on his muscles lest he flee which would be a less than pleasant surprise if she had any clue. No wonder, her powers were growing.

Well, technically she was using them from her emergency reservoir which probably meant she had less time…

The nagging thought made her vigilance spring up as she broke from her reverie and quickly sniffed out the herbals and went back to the river bank. Fortunately, His Majesty was still tied to his previous position.

Nothing was wrong. Nothing would be wrong; Irene assured herself as she lowered her body near the water bank and overlooked the natural beauty of the Callelan illuminated with the Sun’s rays. Her eyes watched the river’s gentle swaying as she hummed a tune while cutting the herbs for the right flavor of her next food dish.

“What song are you humming?”

His Majesty was surely a curious person. Irene sighed before her eyes met his strong gaze and she felt a smile creep in her face despite everything.

“Old River”

His eyes were similar to saucers as she turned back to her herbs. Irene chuckled lightly as she continued to hum the same tune over and over. It was an old folk song she had heard everyone sing while growing up as a child.

Although, the words were rather mean spirited, she still loved the tune and it had always stuck with her.

Despite the connotation of the song where every relative of the wanderer dies…

Irene brushed the thoughts aside as she wondered what she’d fry. There were several different fish dishes she could make with her current herbal mix.

She smiled as she saw the fish selection as her mind lit up with an idea extraordinaire.


“What is this?” Ceres tried to yell at the top of his lungs. He had tried previously but before he could raise his voice another octave, his throat constricted as Irene’s eyes glowed a bright Emerald. Ceres felt the pain of having his airways closed up but as he struggled to breathe Irene glowered at him and an almost inhumane voice spoke through her mouth.

You shall not escape this fate, Master of Crane.

Her voice resounded within Ceres’s mind’s corners as he made unknowable words. His fear paralyzed him. Who was she? Why did she have such power?

Who are you?

A maniacal laughter resounded throughout making him shiver as he heard the chill of her voice freeze his core.

There is no escape, Ceres. You must obey the rule of the Almighty as must I.

Then suddenly, the invisible noose around his neck loosened and as he gasped and choked Irene’s eyes rolled up to her head and she fell to the ground with a thud.

You shall not escape this fate, Ceres. You must obey the rule of the Almighty as must I.

Ceres kept on choking before gentle hands brought him up to a sitting position and he breathed in the scent of wild grass and dandelions.

“Are you alright, Highness?”

Her voice was the same as before but to Ceres it seemed more potent than sharp daggers. He struggled to calm himself down as he looked up into her eyes to see the depths of Hel swirling within a pool of smoky green magic.

“Just—Just Who—Are—You?”

His questions came up in gasps as she slowly released his body from control. Her eyes finally vanquished the entire green aura as Ceres collapsed to the grassy plains and felt the gentle embrace of the maiden and sweet grassy scent.

“Res now, My King, Rest for now. “

And Ceres felt himself drift into the depths of sleep. But the words of the woman echoed in his dreams still.

You shall not escape this fate, Ceres. We must all obey the Almighty for it is the will of the Lord.

Yes. It is the will of the Lord. But, what of humanity?

Humanity shall find its fate intact. But for it to occur you must obey.

Hearing the chuckle Ceres made a mental bow to the Lord. I shall obey. Forgive me, Almighty Lord for I have learned obedience.

The world faded into darkness, the voices drifted to complete silence, and at last Ceres knew rest without vigilance and he slumbered for a long…long time.


The morning was yet again beautiful as Ceres walked alongside the wary maiden. Her shoulders were vigilant and her eyes were ever fleeting as she scanned the world around her.

It had become three long days since the kidnapping. Ceres had become aware of an unknown force at play in this treasonous plot to overthrow the Crown. He could no longer understand what his fate would be.

Should he become King at all? Wasn’t he the King already? What of the Country? What of the world?

Questions became prominent yet there were no answers to them and Ceres wandered behind the young maiden Irene who gracefully led him through the forest of Zolios, navigating the dangerous terrain with efficiency.

“So where is this hideout of yours?”

He questioned and to his amazement, the girl was receptive today as her head swiveled to meet his gaze.

“City of Cranes, Sire.”

Her voice did not waver as she continued to navigate the road. Her dress had become muddy and wet from the night’s escapade near the river and her slight scent of dandelion wafted in the air.

Ceres wondered how she kept about such a charming fragrance without so much as a sweat while his staff invested large amounts in order to smell not nearly as divine as her. Also, her lush curves were tempting to observe as he continued to follow her from behind.

“We are near the fort, Sire.”

Her voice wasn’t so sure. Ceres could tell from the sudden wobble in it as if afraid of something utmost to the horror. During this time of their journey, Ceres had been observing the young maiden and to his judgement she was honest and loyal.

Yet she was desperate and thus her loyalty went to someone of questionable morale under whom she was sent to commit a terrible crime.

But what made it so?

Ceres hadn’t gotten close to the answer as he had been trying since the previous night to make her commit to an answer yet she avoided it efficiently and Ceres was gentleman enough to not pry. After all, the Almighty had asked him to follow this girl to this place as it was his destiny.

You shall not avoid this fate, Ceres.

He remembered it as if it was happening in the present and his body trembled with fear. Almighty Lord had asked him to do this and thus, he was oath bound to obey. As was the fate of all creatures under his rule…after all they all came from him.

But who then created the Evil High King? Who then created the false god and his armies? Who then created the devilish monster snake?

Ceres couldn’t ponder much longer as they were suddenly surrounded by soldiers of the night who had the kolovrat symbol etched into their armory. Irene stopped her struggles immediately as they spoke in muffled tones while other guards took Ceres and bound his body in ropes and restraints. Then, they turned with Irene towards the North as the march began.

Ceres watched the procession with helpless desire to be free as the words from the previous night reverberated throughout his mind.

You shall not escape this fate.

I shall not escape this fate for the Almighty is truth and he shall show me the way.

Ceres did not flinch as they led him through throngs of secret passages and dank smelling caverns which stank of urine and feces. Ceres did not feel the least bit surprised as they entered the broken down ruins of a grand court where at the dais stood a stone throne with a man of gigantic stature sitting regally on it.

Ceres didn’t need to be told to bow he was forced into it as Irene stood with her head held high. Ceres watched the dynamic play in front of him as she refused to bow down to him. He made several men force her but no one could but finally he spoke with a gruff voice.

“Bend the knee, or else…”

Still she wouldn’t bend as she stared at him. Ceres hadn’t a thought as to what would happen next but his gut clenched as a bad premonition hit him. He knew it when he felt himself shiver at the icy sight of the blue eyed giant standing up to come and manhandle the maiden to lift her face to face to him.

The man said something in a whisper which Ceres didn’t catch and neither could he catch the expression Irene held as he punched her chest and then proceeded to brutally crush her ribcage with his steel-toed leather boots but nothing would make her cave as she coughed up blood silent as the night at her attempt to stay calm.

Nothing escaped her except for some groans and moans. As the man was done with torturing her he got out and made servants remove the blood on his shoes as he ordered the cleanup crew. It was then Ceres felt his body stiffen and his breathing stop in its track as the man muttered.

“Take my disobedient little daughter and the King into the dungeons. Give them the same cell. Let’s see how she recovers after that. Make sure to chain them up good.”

Ceres got another glimpse of the man as he was dragged towards a dark cell. His body was not behaving well. At any minute he would start to vomit.

Disobedient little daughter…His disobedient little daughter…

Did it serve her right? Did it make it even for the kidnapping?

Ceres thought back as the guards roughly handled his shackles. Moments later, Ceres saw the limp body of the girl dumped right beside him in the horrid smelling hay. It was something to see the bloodied and bruised body but it seemed she was dignified even in death.

You shall not escape this fate, Ceres.

Yes, I shall not escape.

Thoughts went through his mind as he struggled to keep himself sane. Then suddenly with a choke he felt himself become a sobbing mess. Sobbing…for the kidnapper…sobbing for someone he should be hating…yet he couldn’t help it. Ceres could no longer help it.

The tears fell as he recounted everything and finally he fell asleep yet again within the cramped space of the damned dungeon smelling the horrid hay and a dead body…a body which once belonged to a human maiden named…Irene Methuselah.


“Your Highness…”

The voice and its gentleness was something Ceres thought he was dreaming of when his body started to rebel against the shackles and the electricity of a thunderbolt jolted him awake.

“Do not resist with your magic, Highness. The shackles aren’t forgiving.”

Ceres spit out in spite. “Neither are you.”

His vision slowly cleared into the images of a broken and battered girl staring up at the ceiling with dark eyes seeing nothing. Ceres felt his gut clench as he struggled to keep his powers under his control.

Finally, his body gave in as he felt the thunderbolt lightning shocks fade. His eyes were adjusting to the darkness of the cell as he saw more detail in Irene’s battered and bruised face. She wasn’t looking up at nothing. She was looking up at him with some unknown expression. It made him fidget uncomfortably.

“What is it?”

Her voice was hoarse and her cheeks were wet with tears as the expression deepened to almost a chiseled statuesque pose.

“I sincerely apologize for my crimes against you, Your Majesty. I apologize for my crimes and confess to having led to the demise of not only you but the whole of Crane. For it all, I sincerely apologize.”

“Tch! Yeah, I know.”

Ceres’s voice wasn’t soothing in the least. What was he doing? He felt the cold truth of reality gut him as he saw the wry smile light up the girl’s face from battered to an ethereal expression of regret. Regret…she was truly repentant…

“Why did you do it?”

Ceres couldn’t help but asking. He had known all this time she was desperate. But, he hadn’t known why. His mind was curious as was his body. Why did he have to go through such humiliation? Why did he have to go through such pains for this maiden? A maiden who was but a slave to her father’s whims despite having the nerve to defy the consequences? How far had she fallen from grace?

He observed the wry smile turn into a sour expression as she coughed up blood and spit on the ground beside her. The hay turned bright burgundy and Ceres’s body ached for release as she smiled up at him with clenched teeth.

“A girl of my questionable behavior should be of less intrigue to you Sire. Yet, Your Majesty has treated me with kindness. I pray he will spare me his spite in the afterworld.”

Ceres sighed in indifference. “I will. Rather, I have no choice. The people of Crane are my subjects and as such I love them more than my soul. I have no choice in this matter to not pardon you since you have shown some form of…innocence”

Though innocence would be a word far from what Ceres would use to describe Irene but his heart somehow trusted the girl. He had no idea as of yet to the true reason of why still he was a human and a King. He was bound to have made a mistake once in his life.

So what if it was made due to forgiving someone of questionable actions. Not to mention she was intriguing beyond anything he had encountered in his entire life.

Ceres leaned forward and with a determined gaze met the girl’s worn out eyes full on. She only smiled up at him wryly and coughed up more blood near the heap of hay.

“Tell me about your desperation. See if your King can do anything about it after all.”

He couldn’t keep the bite out of his voice. He was after all, mad as a hornet and angry as a scorned woman. He was at the last end of his patience and it would take a lot to actually talk him out of interrogating her at this crucial point of his life…perhaps the only point where he would get to ask questions…


Her eyes drifted everywhere before finally landing on him and then she began with a heavy voice after a long sigh and bouts of cough.

“It all began on the first Morrow of Summer…the day of my uncle’s wedding…

Nan had done much to make the home very beautiful. Everything was perfect when we learned from a messenger; the bride was to be accompanied to the Mammon Guild near the outskirts of town.

The Guild was powerful, and power hungry but seeing as they would easily wipe out the family, my Nan and mot—Aunt Alina let it go. My uncle visited the guild with his new wife before coming home to greet us.

The night went well but soon after, Uncle was asked to join the Guild to which again my family was forced to comply and he left to accomplish his duties. In the meantime, Uncle’s wife—Nahass—Judas asked—no demanded several key things from my Grandmother.”

Ceres saw her take a deep breath as she spoke a string of curses and coughed miserably. His body was trembling with a bad premonition. Something was wrong here. Something was terribly wrong here.

“Take a break—

“So, my Grandmother complied. I was surprised seeing the things she demanded were—impossible by our standards to provide her. Impossible on several accounts yet my Grandmother complied.” Her voice droned on as bouts of cough assaulted her. Ceres didn’t dare to interrupt as he stared at her impassively.

“After getting everything she finally set her sights on...on me…

I was the first daughter and I had always been kept safely away from all of this but Nahass Judas wanted me to marry her nephew.”

Her voice grew low as a sense of overwhelming sadness gripped her face making a mark inside Ceres’ heart. He said nothing as she coughed up more thick blood but his gaze met hers when she continued.

“I—I refused…

“The refusal didn’t sit well with Nahass who I had always known to be a selfish woman yet had ignored. One stormy night, I was returning from the Tombs of the Dead where I served as an apprentice for many years but something was wrong.

“My sister…Halona…she—she had come running at me with my eldest Aunt Sapientia in tow. I saw it then. Their skin was covered in dust and what seemed peculiarly similar to…blood.

“Taking their advice I went home using the rooftops of the surrounding buildings and when I came near enough, I peeked at the house’s courtyard. There was Nahass and there was blood of every other servant in the house and there were kneeling figures…about to die…

Another deep breath and heavy coughing made Ceres uncomfortable but he let her continue as her voice became hoarse with each attempt. It was horrible to hear her voice break so many times. Ceres could feel it from her. The feeling of despair…of overwhelming grief which made him uncomfortable in so many levels…yet he could understand because it wasn’t long since he had gone through the same.

“I watched at first silently then with a fear akin to a prey of a mantis as Nahass sliced their necks and dismembered them right in front of my eyes. I knew who she was then. Their chants were evoking the Evil King. Their words were ancient but I knew those words.

“I ran away from there…barely escaping their guards and making my way out of the sewers with my sister Halona in tow. Aunt Sapientia had died far before I could reach her.

“Just when I had thought I was free, we were caught by the Mammon Guild and brought before their leader…

Ceres joined in this time as understanding flared into life within him. “Your father.”

She only nodded in response as her breathing slowed and her voice calmed.

“He—he had Halona imprisoned…I—I am sorry your Majesty…I—I had to save her…I had to do something…

“So you bargained with him to kidnap me in exchange of your sister?”

Her eyes swam with water as Ceres felt himself dissipate into darkness and a controlled chaos of anger. He could not believe such treachery. Such treachery from one’s own flesh and blood…

“I—I had no choice, your Majesty. He said, he’d kill her if I—

Ceres only nodded in solemn acknowledgement. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions but something still felt wrong. Some detail was wrong here.

“Halona—they—they had cut off her finger, your Majesty…”

Ceres’s body tingled as he met Irene’s gaze yet again. She was telling him the truth. He knew it but something was off. Something was not right here.

You shall not escape this fate, Ceres.

I shall not escape this fate.

The answer dawned on him at once as he looked at the helpless and desperate face of the maiden. She was trying to protect a sister. She was trying to protect a sister yet—they sent her a piece of the sister’s body…

“Your Majesty? May I beg for your forgiveness?” Her voice trembled as she looked up at him with hope in her dead eyes. Ceres felt an overwhelming sense of pity for her then. Yet, his voice did not falter as he uttered the words with utmost precision. “No. For your sister is dead, Irene.”

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