They Will Fall: A Dark College Romance (Wicked Boys of BCU Book 3)

Chapter They Will Fall: Epilogue

One Week Later

MY GAZE DANCES around at the many different dishes Maddox’s mom has made. Maddox said she stress cooks, and this has obviously been a stressful time for her. Tack on Thanksgiving and she’s been cooking up a storm. The windows and the sliding glass door in the kitchen have a milky film of fog covering them from the three pots of boiling water on the stove.

Lev and I just left dinner at my parents’ house, then made the two-hour drive to Glendale, so we could have dinner with Maddox’s mom. I’m still stuffed from the first feast, but I saved a little room for more.

My eyes land on the three pies, fresh out of the oven, and my mouth waters. “Everything smells delicious, Mrs. Crane.”

“Thank you, dear,” she says as she sticks a wooden spoon into the casserole. She lifts it up with her hand underneath to catch anything that falls, and she brings it toward my face.

“Oh. Okay. Thank you.” I open my mouth and she puts the tip of the spoon in, feeding me a taste of the cornbread dressing. “Wow,” I say. “That is really good.”

“It was my great-grandmother’s recipe—one of Maddox’s favorite holiday dishes. The secret is to double up on the celery.”

I lick my lips and swallow down the bite. “Are you sure I can’t help with anything?” I glance around at all the dishes that are complete and those still cooking. The least I can do is help her clean or cook.

“You can get those boys to quit wrestling in my living room.” She cracks a smile, just before a crashing sound hits our ears.

We look at each other with wide eyes before rushing to the doorway of the living room. Maddox and Lev are standing innocently in the middle of the large space with their hands at their sides and a look of worry on their faces.

“It fell,” Maddox quips, and when I look at their feet, I see what he’s talking about. Lying in three pieces is a blue-and-white vase.

Mrs. Crane scowls with her hands on her hips. “Maddox Crane! How many times do I have to tell you boys not to wrestle in this house.” She tsks as she looks at me. “I swear they’re like toddlers, no matter how old they get.”

Maddox crouches down and picks up the remnants of their roughhousing, careful not to cut his finger as he handles the larger pieces. “Sorry, Mom.”

Lev helps by grabbing the base of the vase that broke. “Yeah. Sorry, Mrs. Crane.”

“You boys are lucky I hated that vase.” She taps my shoulder. “Come on, Riley. Let’s get back in the kitchen while these Neanderthals clean up their mess. My potatoes are boiling.”

As we’re walking away, I shoot the guys a smile over my shoulder, and Maddox waggles his brows at me. It’s nice seeing Maddox and Lev in this environment. I’ve only ever seen them at school and the many places we hid out. This feels nice—it feels normal. My only wish is that Ridge was here.

He said he’s going to try and make it, but he’s in Cedarville having dinner with his sister. That’s right. A few days ago, Ridge went back to BCA and talked to Temper. They hit it off immediately, and by that night, they were in Cedarville, where Temper’s mom lives, and she told them all about their father.

Ridge and Temper have a plan to track him down and hear his excuse for leaving, but Temper’s mom doesn’t want them to get their hopes up. There hasn’t been a single trace of him for years. From what she heard, he assumed a new identity and is living down south. But those were just rumors and no one knows for sure. I hope one day they find him, if only for some peace of mind.

Ridge also got the names of the three guys I met in the woods that day. I now call them the Three Bad Wolves. And Temper, well, she was a modern-day Little Red Riding Hood that night. So helpful and sweet, until she wasn’t. Only, Temper hates the color red and she’s certainly no damsel in distress.

An hour later, we’re all being summoned to the dining room table, where we find Mrs. Crane standing at the head of it. “I want to thank you all for coming here. I know how dear you are to Maddox’s heart and it means the world to me that you can be here for him during this trying time.” Her eyes are downcast and she runs her fingers down the dew of her wineglass as she continues. “I’d also like to apologize for the actions of my late ex-husband.” She lifts her glass in the air and smiles. “May he rot in hell.”

I’m a bit shocked by her words, but then again, I shouldn’t be. Stanley Crane was a horrible man who did horrible things. According to Maddox, his mom isn’t hurt as much as she is angry. In time, I have no doubt that she will be just fine. Maddox will, too. The past is in the past and we’re all moving forward, one day at a time.

A familiar voice comes from behind me. “I think we can all cheers to that.” My eyes shoot over my shoulder and I see Ridge and Temper entering the dining room.

His gaze sets on mine and I smile back at him. Contentedness washes over me, having all three of my guys here at the same time is an indescribable feeling.

“Hope you all don’t mind that I brought…my sister,” Ridge says as he looks at Temper.

Mrs. Crane pulls out a chair to the left of her, then the one beside it. “Not at all. The more the merrier. Have a seat, you two.”

Ridge takes the seat across from me, his feet brushing softly against mine. Temper sits beside him, wearing a black lace dress and black knee-high boots. Her sleek black hair is down, flowing around her face. She looks beautiful…and happy. She and Ridge both do.

“So, what’d we miss?” Ridge asks.

I take a sip of my water and say, “Lev and Maddox got in a little bit of trouble.”

Ridge’s eyebrows rise. “Who are we fighting now?”

I give him a teasing kick while everyone laughs. “Not that kind of trouble. They just broke a vase. No one needs to fight.”

“It was a horrid vase,” Mrs. Crane cuts in. “It was a gift from Stanley’s wretched mother.” We all keep our mouths shut and our eyes on our empty plates while trying not to laugh. She quickly changes the subject for us, freeing us from having to decide how to react to that statement. I swear, I like her more and more each minute. “Dig in, everyone. Eat before it gets cold.”

“Actually,” Maddox pushes his chair back and stands, “there’s something I’d like to say first.” He looks from Lev, to Ridge, to me. “Thank you all for being the best friends a guy could ask for. No matter where life takes us all, I know we’ll all be together.” He raises his glass. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Happy Thanksgiving,” we all say in unison.

We fill our plates with food and eat while talking about the present and the future, leaving the past where it belongs.

Once we finish eating, Temper and I help Mrs. Crane clear the table. “Ugh,” I grumble as I walk into the kitchen with a half-empty platter of mashed potatoes. “I am so stuffed.”

“Me too,” Temper says. “Everything was delicious, Mrs. Crane. Thank you so much.”

I’m setting the platter on the counter when I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Can we talk?” I turn around to see Temper with her mouth curved in a frown.

“Sure,” I tell her as I wipe my hands on a kitchen towel. I set it down beside the mashed potatoes and take a deep breath. “What do you wanna talk about?”

“I’ll give you girls some privacy,” Mrs. Crane says before she dips out of the room.

Temper’s shoulders slump in defeat. “I owe you an apology, Riley. I’m so sorry.”

“Really?” My eyes perk up. “For what, exactly? Hiding me then disappearing, or telling a serial killer where he could find me?”

“All of the above.” She shrugs with a half-smile on her face, reminding me so much of Ridge, I might actually hit him just because it makes it that much easier to trust her again.

“Listen, Temper,” I say with a bout of grace in my tone. “I’m really fucking pissed at you for what you did. But, I love Ridge so much and I’m so happy he’s got a sister. It’s literally the best thing that’s happened to him.”

“Not really,” she says, and I squint at her in confusion. “The best thing that’s happened to him is you, silly.”

“Okay.” I chuckle. “Now you’re just kissing my ass.”

“Maybe.” She shrugs. “Or maybe I’m telling the truth. My intuition about people is pretty spot on and I knew the minute I saw you in those woods that you were one of the good ones.”

“You obviously don’t know me, or my boyfriends.”

The corner of her mouth lifts up in a crooked smile. “I don’t. But I hope to get to know all of you. So what d’ya say? Think you can ever forgive me?”

I roll my lips together, studying her. Wondering if I could truly ever trust this girl. Then, I remember the things I’ve done in the past and how I’d hate for my actions to be held against me. So I say, “I guess time will tell.”

“I can work with that. I swear I’m going to make it up to you, one way or another.”

‘I actually know how you can start.”

“Do tell.”

“Don’t let your brother kill those three guys. They’re disgusting jerks, but Ridge doesn’t need any more blood on his hands. And those guys are going to learn the hard way that karma is a fucking bitch.”

“Ohhhh,” she drawls. “Don’t you worry about that. All three of those guys are about to get exactly what they deserve.”

“Is that so?” I tsk. “Is it safe to assume you have something to do with that?”

Temper waggles her brows with a mischievous grin on her face. “No one fucks with my friend Riley and gets away with it.”

“Oh, Temper.” I put an arm around her shoulders. “Something tells me we’re going to be good friends.”

“Well, yeah.” She huffs. “We’re practically sisters now.”

“Whoa now. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” We laugh in unison and I can already feel how close we are. I feel connected to my boys, but somehow with Temper, I feel like she’s the little sister I never had.

Ridge walks into the room wearing a smile. “Look at that. My sister and my girl becoming besties.”

“You shush.” I tease. “Baby steps.”

He curls his fingers at me, calling me over. “I’m gonna need you to baby step right over here because I’ve missed you.”

I drop my arm from Temper’s shoulders and eat up the space between Ridge and me. On my tiptoes, I press my lips to his. “I missed you, too.”

Lev and Maddox come into the kitchen and Maddox slithers up to my side. His mouth finds the crease of my neck. “Having fun without me?”

“Just talking,” I tell him, but the way the heat of his breath is riding down the V of my shirt makes me think I could certainly go for some fun.

Lev comes up behind me and his hands rest on my hips. “I think it’s time to say good night to Mrs. Crane and go back to our apartment.”

My insides quiver with excitement. It’s been so long since I’ve been alone with all three of my guys. Aside from tonight when I’m sure Temper will be there and Maddox will be here, we have the rest of break together. Netflix and chill, with a whole lot of spice.

“You all go,” Temper says as she scrubs a dish in the sink. “I don’t know this lady from Eve, but I suppose I can stick around and help her clean up.”

Maddox takes a step back as he gestures to the wine cabinet. “Crack open a bottle of wine and you two will be best friends by the end of the night. My mom loves to talk.”

“Oh joy,” Temper says, her voice laced with sarcasm, but she heads to the wine cabinet anyway.

“It’s settled then.” Ridge pumps his fist in the air. “Best fucking sister ever.” Then he scoops me in his arms like a baby. “Take my car and I’ll text you directions to the apartment. Give us an hour.”

“Two,” Lev says, then scans the rest of us. “Maybe even three.”

Three hours? All my holes are begging for that to be a joke. “Wait a minute, you guys. We can’t just leave her here alone.”

Temper sweeps her hand through the air, holding up a bottle of red and a bottle of white. “It’s not a big deal. Besides, I owe you.”

“Good point,” I tell her, taking advantage of her kindness because I have an odd feeling it won’t last forever. “Ridge, take me out of here.”

He squeezes my ass with his hand that’s cradling it and I wince as he carries me out of the kitchen, through the massive house, and to the front door. Maddox pulls the door open, then hollers, “I’ll be back in a couple hours, Mom.”

Maddox decided it was best if he sleeps at home tonight. He’s been worried about his mom being alone, but fortunately, his grandma is arriving in town tomorrow, so she’ll have company for a while.

Mrs. Crane comes rushing into the living room and I try my best to hold my skirt down so I’m not flashing her while Ridge holds me. “Y’all are leaving already?”

“Riley isn’t feeling well,” Ridge lies. “We’ve gotta get her to bed.”

“Oh no,” Mrs. Crane grasps her chest. “Was it something you ate?”

“Cramps,” Lev spits out and I wanna slap his face off.

“Yeah, Mom. Riley’s bloated and has cramps. So…we gotta go. Love ya.” He goes to step out the door, but I reach out and grab the sleeve of his hoodie.

My cheeks flush with heat in complete embarrassment for not only what they’re saying, but also the way they’re behaving like a bunch of horny teenagers—which they are. “I’m so sorry to rush out, Mrs. Crane. Thank you so much for being so generous. The food was amazing and I look forward to seeing you again before we head back to BCU.”

“Anytime, honey. And if that son of mine gives you any trouble, you let me know.”

I smirk at Maddox as I say, “I sure will.”

The guys thank Mrs. Crane, then Ridge carries me out the door, and the minute it closes, I tear into them all. “Cramps!? Bloated!? You’re assholes.”

Lev shrugs. “No one else was saying anything, so I went with the first thing that came to mind.”

I roll my eyes while trying not to laugh because it is pretty funny. “You didn’t give anyone else a chance to say anything,” I point out.

Ridge finally sets me down and we all pile into Lev’s car. It’s a short five-minute drive to the apartment they lease and my nerves are on edge the entire time.

When I walk inside the small space, I’m actually pretty surprised at how clean it is. I take that to be Maddox’s doing because Ridge and Lev sure as hell don’t know how to pick up after themselves. It smells like a mixture of all three of them—sandalwood, sea salt, and spiced pine.

As my eyes are skating around the space, taking it all in, Maddox takes my hand and leads me down a short hallway and into a room. Almost immediately, I know it’s Ridge’s room. Not because of the king-size bed, but because of the gothic decor and slew of clothes scattered on the floor. Also, because there’s a picture of him and a woman, who I take to be his mom, sitting on a dresser.

As Maddox is leading me over to the bed, Ridge and Lev come through the door and Ridge closes it, then clicks the lock. Maddox steps behind me with his back to the bed. He sweeps my hair to one side and trails kisses down the nape of my neck.

“Expecting company?” I ask Ridge with raised eyebrows.

“You just never know in this town,” Ridge says. “Crazy psychos everywhere.”

Lev peels his shirt over his head and drops it to the floor. “That’s rich coming from you.”

Ridge ignores the jab and strolls toward me with a grin on his face. “I got the girl, didn’t I?”

His hands run down my sides and he grips the hem of my shirt before lifting it up. “That you did.” I bite the corner of my lip anxiously. “You all did.” His hands gather behind my back and the next thing I know, my bra is falling at my feet.

Maddox steps out from behind me and drops his jeans to the floor while Ridge lowers me to the bed, settling between my legs. Eagerness surges through my body. This will be my first time with all three guys and the thought sends a tingle down my spine.

Ridge leans in, his warm breath tickling my skin. Slowly, his hand moves from the back of my knee to my thigh. His fingers graze over the fabric of my damp panties before resting at my entrance.

“You ready to be fucked by your men, Angel?”

Heat courses through me at his words and I let out a raspy, “Yes, please.”

Lev rests into the mattress on my left side, and Maddox to my right. Both are on their sides watching me. Staring like I’m some rare art piece worth millions. I’ve never felt so wanted in my entire life.

I extend my hand and stroke Maddox’s cheek before forcing his lips to mine.

Lev cups my left breast in his hand before sucking my nipple between his teeth. My back arches off the bed, and just as it does, Ridge pulls down my skirt and panties and replaces them with his face between my thighs.

I spread my legs wider, letting them fall to the sides, and my back arches off the bed.

Two fingers circle at my entrance before pushing deep inside me. I whimper into Maddox’s mouth and he adds pressure to our kiss. His erection grinds against my side, and I know I need to do something about it.

I break our kiss and say, “Get on your knees.”

His eyes grow wide in response to my request and he jumps up without hesitation. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

Maddox’s body hovers over mine. One of his knees presses against my shoulder while the other slides behind my head. I feel the heat of his body radiate against me as I take his stiff length in my hand. Dragging my fingers slowly down his cock, my mouth salivates at the sight and the velvety surface ripples beneath my touch.

Lev’s weight shifts on the other side of me and I look over to see him getting off the bed. I slow my strokes on Maddox and lift my head to see where Lev’s going. But when he stops and watches Ridge finger-fuck me, I pick up my pace and stroke Maddox faster.

Ridge continues to work his fingers inside me, then he presses his hands to both of my knees, spreading me wider before he buries his face in my sex. His tongue circles around my clit, sending a ripple of electricity through my body.

I lift my head again, only this time, it’s angled at Maddox. I gesture at him to come forward and when he does, I trail my tongue from the base of his shaft up to the tip. When I reach his head, I swirl my tongue and feel him shudder with pleasure.

He leans into me and I wrap my lips around his girth while his palm cradles the back of my head. His hips glide back and forth as he feeds me more and more of his cock. I continue to circle my tongue around the head, using my hand to create friction at the base, then I begin to pump him in tandem with my mouth.

“Fuck, baby.” He growls as he slows my pace and trails his fingertips through my hair. ‘God, you feel so fucking good. You keep that up, I’m not gonna last much longer.”

“Trouble, I think we need you on your hands and knees,” Lev says, so I slide Maddox out of my mouth while he moves back, so I can reposition.

“Okay,” I say breathlessly. As I go to turn onto my stomach, Lev lies down and pulls me on top of him.

Ridge grabs my hips and jerks my lower half upward. His fingers trail feather-like marks down my legs before running between my ass cheeks. When I glance over my shoulder to get a look at him, he levels his face with my ass, then spits before raising his eyebrows with a smirk. His fingertips prod at my asshole before going in fingernail deep.

I turn my head to find Maddox in front of me, stroking his cock, and it’s so damn sexy, all the tension in my body at the idea of what’s to come melts away. “Isn’t that my job?” I tease.

“Well, then open up, baby, and get to work.”

He guides his cock into my mouth while I brace myself with both of my hands. And he’s the one who ends up doing all the work. Rolling his hips and fucking my mouth while fisting my hair.

Lev grabs my hips while Ridge pushes my ass down gently, guiding me onto Lev’s cock that slips inside my pussy with ease. The cold metal of his piercing sends a chill down my spine. I’m grateful he’s the one in this hole because I can’t imagine him stretching the tight muscle of my ass with that metal.

Continuing to bob my ass up and down on Lev’s cock, Ridge does the work while his fingertip slowly moves inside me farther and farther. I moan in response, feeling the rumble climb up my throat, vibrating against Maddox’s cock.

The next thing I know, Ridge is pulling his finger out and I hear the sound of him spitting again, followed by a warm liquid coating my asshole. He positions his head against my hole. “Take a deep breath for me, Angel.”

Eyes wide, I inhale deeply with Maddox’s length practically touching my tonsils.

Ridge enters slowly, inching the head of his dick inside me, and it literally feels like I’m being ripped apart by a red-hot torch. I’m forced to stop sucking off Maddox until the pain subsides.

“Tell me if you want me to stop, Angel.” Ridge’s voice is raspy and thick and the last thing I want is for him to stop. I want this so damn bad. I will endure all the pain, just to get to the rapture because I know this is going to feel amazing if I can just get past this point.

Lev grips my cheeks in his hands and pulls my face down until our noses are touching. “Focus on me, Trouble.” He lifts his hips slightly, then drops them, repeating the motion as he fucks me slowly. His hand moves between us and when he starts rubbing my clit, I’m lost. There’s no pain, only pure intense pleasure.

I sink into Lev, relishing the way his size completely fills me up. My walls stretch around him, tightening with each thrust.

Before I know it, Ridge has slid all the way inside me and the pain I expected to feel is only bliss.

“You doing all right, Angel?”

I nod in response before reaching out and wrapping my fingers around Maddox again. I guide the shallow end of his cock into my mouth, while stroking the lower half. With each thrust from Ridge, I pant around Maddox’s cock. And with each lunge from Lev beneath me, I cry out in pleasure. Before long, I don’t recognize the sounds escaping me.

Each guy picks up his pace until all my entrances are rapid-firing with a zing of electricity.

“You’re fucking amazing, Trouble,” Lev rasps as he bucks his hips. The feeling of them both working together inside me has my pussy taut with tension. I swear they make me feel so full, I could explode at any given second.

“So damn good.” Ridge growls as his fingertips delve into the meaty flesh of my hips. I wish I could see him. Watch his face while he works.

Instead, I peer up at Maddox and take in the way his mouth forms an O as he fucks my throat.

A rush of heat spreads through me. All my muscles clench as my mind enters a state of ecstasy. I cry out, practically screaming as I come undone. My sounds only arouse the guys further and each one of them fucks me harder, faster, forcing another orgasm to take over my body. I’m a shell of a human and I’m certain my soul has left my body.

“I’m gonna come,” Maddox says just as his head swells in my mouth. I take him in as far as he’ll go, feeling the warmth of his orgasm shoot down my throat. He pulses against my tongue, leaving a salty and bitter taste behind as he pulls out. I look at him as another orgasm hits me when Lev pinches my nipples. Maddox’s eyes stay pinned on mine, his thumb grazing my lower lip.

“Oh god,” I roar.

“That’s right, Angel. Come for us.” Ridge groans.

And I do. I come again and again. By the time I start to come down from the high, I’m certain I’ve had at least three orgasms. Or one really big one. I don’t even know. All I know is it felt fantastic and I can’t wait to do it again.

Lev thrusts once more, then pauses, holding me in place as he comes inside me. “Fuck,” he moans airily.

At the same time, Ridge moans and does the same thing, halting his movements as he fills me up.

Lev’s body relaxes onto the mattress and I collapse on top of him. His arms wrap around my waist and our sweaty bodies melt together like hot wax.

“I’m pulling out now, Trouble,” Ridge warns me. I hold my breath as he slides out slowly, but the pain of his exit is nothing compared to his entrance. He drops down on the bed beside us and Lev slides over a tad and folds his arms under his head. Maddox lies on the other side and a whole new wave of emotion hits me. I’ve never felt more at home in my entire life. I lean down and kiss Lev’s lips and he doesn’t even hesitate to reciprocate my kiss after I just sucked Maddox off.

“I love you,” Lev says softly into my mouth.

I smile against his lips. “I love you, too.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” I turn to Ridge, and he strokes my cheek with the back of his hand.

“You’ve got my heart, Angel. Always and forever. You’ll never have to find out.”

I turn to the left to Maddox, who’s on his side with his head propped up. His fingernails drag gentle lines down my back, leaving a trail of goosebumps. “You all complete me.”

“You complete us,” Maddox says with a smile.

Lying here in bed with all three of my guys, my heart feels like it’s tripled in size. This night was more than anything I could have ever dreamed up. And the reality is, this is the first night of the rest of my life with these guys. Each one of them is a puzzle piece that connects with my heart, and with them, I am complete.

With them, I feel like I can take on the world. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for all of us, because we’re in this together. For life or longer. My boys and me.

As I doze off to sleep, I remember the promise they made to each other, the promise they made to me, and I feel it in the depths of my soul.

We will reign.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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