Their Vicious Darling (Vicious Lost Boys Book 3)

Their Vicious Darling: Chapter 21

They weren’t lying. It hurts. A lot. There is a sharp stinging as they stretch me over both of them, filling me up much more than I have ever been filled up.

But I’m already dripping wet, already full of Kas’s cum.

And being mid-air, practically weightless, helps.

Pan grunts as he struggles to seat himself inside of me, but Vane has the better angle and pushes me down the length of him. He’s got his hands on my ass, spreading me open for both of them.

“Does it hurt, Darling?” Pan asks on a rasp.


“Do you like being used like a whore?”

“Yes.” Heat paints my cheeks admitting it. It may hurt, but there is a tide rising in my belly that I can’t deny. A shameful thumping in my chest that I don’t want to shake.

I like it.

I like it too much.

And that dark thing inside of me feasts on it.

I can feel its satisfaction just as surely as I could hear the wolf speaking in my head.

Both things are crazy and yet they seem to be true.

Let me in, that voice says.

Let me in.

The breath catches midway up my throat and Vane’s eyes narrow as he slows his pace, the look on his face asking and searching.

He can feel it too.

I know he can.

And I think Peter Pan might be right.

I can feel the Dark Shadow like a thousand whirlpools all over my body. An endless churning and a hunger to consume.

Let me in, it says again in the far dark corners of my mind. Let’s revel in it as one.

Okay, I say.

And the darkness rides in.

My nerves are electric. The air is cold, but my skin is hot and my lips pull back in a devilish grin.

Vane’s eyes widen. “The fuck?” he says.

“Don’t stop,” I order him, my voice raspier than it was just a few minutes before.

I sense his shadow reaching out, desperate to connect with something like itself.

His cock thickens inside of me.

“You have the shadow,” he says to me.

“Don’t stop,” Pan orders. “It’ll be better for the shadow if we let her take what she needs.”

“Yes, fuck me, Dark One. Make me your cum slut.”

Vane growls like he hates my words, but his cock gets even harder, betraying how he feels.

We are all creatures of debauchery, debased at the core.

Excitement beats beneath my ribs and some of the pain ebbs away as Pan and Vane turn back to my punishment.

“Yes.” I moan and clutch tighter at Vane. “Fuck yes.” I hitch my legs higher on his hips and hook my ankles behind him so I can grind against his pelvis as they fuck me together and carry us higher into the dark twilight sky.

“Spread her wider,” Pan orders and Vane’s grip sinks lower on my ass so he can spread me open.

Pan wraps his hand around my throat and yanks my head back. “Come for us, Darling. Your king commands it.”

I shift forward more and find just the right spot to grind my clit against Vane. The pressure builds slower this time. It is that slow ascent of a roller coaster. The pleasure is rising, rising. I pant out a breath, squeeze my eyes shut as Pan and Vane stretch me around their cocks.

“Go on, Win,” Vane says with a rumble that reverberates through his chest. “Soak our cocks.”

I don’t think they’re fucking me so much as I’m fucking them now. I get lost in the friction building between me and Vane, the electric pulse at my clit, the power of fucking them both at the same time.

And then the wave chases me, gets closer and closer, all my nerves lighting up.

“Fuck!” I scream as the pleasure crashes over me and Pan and Vane slam into me together, Pan coming, then Vane, both with a loud, animalistic grunt, both filling me up with their cum.

A sharp wind cuts in, cooling some of the sweat on the back of my neck as several quick breaths escape me and the muscles in my arms and legs jerk with the aftershocks.

The dark thing curls away from the surface, sated and I cling to Vane with Pan shielding my backside, keeping the colder twilight air from my nakedness.

Pan is the first to slide out of me and there’s a sharp sting as he does and a dull, thudding ache in my pussy.

Vane is next, but I stay locked around him, my face now buried in the crook of his neck.

I don’t want to let go.

For one, we’re still several hundred feet in the clouds and two…I don’t want to let go of him.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he says to Pan as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer, cradling me against him.

The heat of Peter Pan disappears as he flies back. “I just found out.”

“Win?” Vane asks.

“She didn’t know either,” Pan says.

“How did it happen?”

My voice is muffled in his neck as I answer, “I can’t remember.”

“We should get her back.” Pan’s voice is fading away. “Get her warm.”

“Hold on to me, Win,” Vane says.

I keep my arms tightly locked around his neck as he goes parallel with the earth and flies us back to the treehouse.

They all dote on me when we’re back together.

Kas gets me clean clothes and a warm sweater. Bash whips up a batch of cloudberry pancakes and then drizzles the stack with fresh maple syrup. I’m stuffing my face with the deliciousness when Vane pours me a drink, but only a shot worth, because apparently it’s for “my own good.”

Pan makes me a cup of fresh coffee to chase down the alcohol.

It’s Pan who fills the twins in on what we’ve discovered, but I notice he leaves out the part about where I supposedly hurt Vane’s brother.

I’m not even going to contemplate having killed him.

There’s no way.


“So Winnie Darling has the Neverland Death Shadow.” Bash beams at me. “I’m proud of you, kid.”

“No we’re not proud of her,” Vane argues. “The fucking thing will kill her if we don’t get it out.”

“It will?” I say, the hot mug of coffee in my hands, warming me up. “It doesn’t feel like it would.”

“You’ve been ill since we returned home,” Pan points out. “So it’s not out of the question that it’ll eventually cause you irreparable harm.”

And then it dawns on me…

“Smee knew,” I say.

The boys all look at me.

“She said something about power and that you all were jackasses because you couldn’t see it when it was looking you right in the face. I’m paraphrasing,” I add with a smirk.

Pan snorts. “Of course she knew and kept it from me. Fucking Smee.”

“It’s not like she owes us anything,” Kas points out. “She’s not technically our ally and we did kidnap her once.”

Vane lights a cigarette and takes a long drag on it. After blowing out smoke, he adds, “It was certainly in her best interest to let the Dark Shadow surprise us.”

“So how do we get it out?” I ask and as soon as the question is out of my mouth, I can sense the shadow shaking its head.

Kas runs his fingers through his hair to tie it into a bun. “How did our mother take yours?” he asks Pan. “We were never told the story.”

Pan leans against the kitchen counter between Kas and Vane.

God they are gorgeous. Like marble and obsidian carved sharp enough to cut.

I would bleed for them any day.

In the next room, I catch the now familiar sound of wolf nails clicking on the hardwood floor and a second later, the wolf trots in.

“Where have you been?” Bash asks.

“He says he was hunting,” I answer.

“Well did he catch anything?” Kas tucks a few loose strands of hair behind his ear.

“Hare, I guess?”

“Good job, Balder.” Bash kneels in front of the wolf and gives him a scratch behind the ears.

The wolf practically groans with delight.

“Is Balder his name?” I ask.

Kas pulls himself up on the counter and grabs a handful of leftover berries. “We think so. We had a wolf once named Balder and he—”

The wolf yips and wags his tail.

“Wait,” Pan says, his eyes narrowing. “Didn’t your wolf end up in the lagoon?”

“He did.” Bash straightens and returns to his plate of pancakes, shoveling in a large bite, the muscle in his biceps twining like rope.

“The lagoon returned him?” Pan asks.

“I guess?” Kas pops another berry in his mouth and then takes one between his fingers and gestures for me to open up. I do, because I like any game, especially with Kas. He aims and then throws the berry and I catch it easily. It’s a plump, juicy one and it pops between my teeth.

Vane looks over at Pan. “What is it? I can sense your anxiety.”

“I don’t like the lagoon bringing things back to life, is all.” He pushes away from the counter and goes to the cabinet opposite the kitchen island and pulls out a bottle of scotch. It’s so old, the label is handwritten, the paper curling at the edges.

He pops out the cork and takes a drink straight from the bottle.

Vane’s frown deepens.

“So how do we remove the Death Shadow from our Darling?” Kas asks.

“Maybe the better question is, how did she get it?” Vane says.

They all look at me, even Peter Pan.


All of my memories after the pirates in the treehouse are super muddied. But I distinctly remember Cherry asking me for help and then—

Oh no.

“What is it?” Vane comes forward. “You have a look on your face.”

Oh no no Cherry!

“Spit it out, Win,” Vane says, his bright violet eye searching my face.

I don’t want to tell him.

He’s going to lose his fucking shit.

I close my eyes and try to conjure the exact memories, the exact words, the exact look on Cherry’s face…

She said a bird was stuck in her room and she wanted help getting it out and I was second guessing it because Vane had ordered me into Pan’s tomb. But I felt bad for her because I had already taken Vane from her and the twins too.

So I went down to the ground floor and down the hallway to her room and then…

She shoved me inside.

The first edge of the old fear comes back.

The shadow had been darting around the room and I could feel its panic and its hunger.

Then it went still and I could sense it sizing me up.

Then it lunged for me.

“Winnie,” Vane says again, this time with more command in his voice.

And that dark thing takes notice. It practically preens for him.

Tell him, it says. Tell them all the truth. They will kill the girl and they will have proven their loyalty to us.

I don’t want that, I answer.

Don’t you?

I can no longer tell if that dark edge of excitement welling in my gut is mine or the shadow’s.

“It was Cherry,” I answer. “Cherry locked me in a room with it.”

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