Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 169

Part 2 Chapter 85
Nora’s POV
I hate this, I am a freak, I have always been one and I will always be. Aurelie and Lillie are equally strong and so am I and with
the goddess powers I can feel both of them.
Mariah and Samantha try to explain that Aurelie and Lillie need to accept each other so we can shift back. But a lycan is
possessive and really stubborn and Aurelie is filled with so much pride that it is hurting me.
I close my eyes and let their voices guide me when I enter my own mind and with the goddess power I set up a meeting place of
sorts. Aurelie and Lille are there as well and I shake my head at them.
*Both of you stop it right now* I say and both stop and look at me
*But Nora, I am your lycan I should have been by your side since the day you were born* Lille huffs and Aurelie growls
*No, I don’t want to hear any of your excuses. It is enough now. Either accept each other or I will banish you from my mind,
forever* I
threaten them and they actually shut up.
“Good, Nora.” Now you just need to take control over them, show them both which one of you is in control” The moon goddess
voice comes and I turn to see her standing there with Artemis by her side.
“Yes, but how.” Lillie’ is jealous because of Artemis and Aurelie is defending her mother.” I say with a sigh
“Well you have already got to the point where you know what is
troubling them. Now you just need to put your foot down and tell them what place they have” the moon goddess giggles and I
look at Aurelie and Lillie again
Sure I can make them submit and shove them back in my mind, a lot of werewolves do that to their wolves but I don’t want it to
be that way.
I walk over to Aurelie and Lillie, I stand in front of them and I force them to submit by letting out the powers that I have.

*Submit* I say to both of them and Lillie growls and claws at herself so I concentrate more on her and even though it is killing me
she finally submits.
*Weakling* Aurelie laughs at her and Lillie growls at her where she is kneeling and showing her neck at me.
I turn and put out my hand towards Aurelie and she takes a step backwards.
*Submit* I say to her and she whines. She put her tail under her stomach as I released my powers on her, forcing her will to bend
in the way I wanted her to.
She growls and tries to break my powers, she tries to attack me but Artemis is faster as her aura comes easy and I turn to look
at her when I feel her aura smash into me and I gasp and lose my hold over Aurelie.
I feel Artemis’ aura smash into me, not just my mind but into my entire being, I feel it blend inside of me and I know by pure
instinct that I can use it on my own.
I turn to face Aurélie again and this time I smile sadly and hold out my hand again and release Artemis’ aura that is mine now
and force Aurelie to submit.
*Submit* I scream at Aurelie and she tries to fight my aura but she
whimpers and whines as my aura is more powerful than her and I can see that I am hurting her but I can’t let her control me.
Lillie growls at her and I glance at her when an idea comes to me, since Lillie has submitted to me already I borrow her strength
and put weight on my aura and Aurelie howls in pain. I hate that I am forced to break her will but she fights with all her might.
“Keep it together Nora, you aren’t hurting her, she is just so da mn stubborn just like her mother” the moon goddess says and I
nod and take a deep breath when I hear Ares’ voice.
“Keep going Nora, you can do it, I love you” Ares says and I pull on my bond to him. He lends me his strength and this time
Aurelie whelps and I look at her
She is laying on her stomach, clawing the ground as she is fighting my command when I realized that I am hesitating and she
can feel it. I think about all of my friends, my mates, the kids and then I think about myself and I put away all my worries and let
the love I have received and given, let it fill me up.
I opened my eyes to see Aurelie and this time put all pressure on her.

*Submit* I say and she doesn’t say anything, she just bares her neck at me and I keep holding her there until I see her give up at
last and I drop the command.
“Well done Nora, it took me about a week to make Artemis submit to me” the moon goddess says and I nod.
Then I walk so I stand between Aurelie and Lillie and I crouch there. I put a hand on Lillie’s cheek and the other hand on
Aurelie’s cheek and then I speak to them
*I made the two of you submit so you will listen to me. I love both of
you and it is time that both of you accept each other. Not only for me but for yourselves as well. Submit to each other and accept
each other and become one.. with me* I say and both of them look up at me in surprise
“Nóra?” what are you doing?” the moon goddess asks but I don’t have time to answer her yet.
*Lillie and Aurelie, please* Is all I say when Lillie reach out her paw and put it over my heart and Aurelie does the same and I can
feel both of them
Not just physically but inside of me as well I watch in surprise how both of them are fading until they are both gone and I look
around. The moon goddess and Artemis are smiling when I feel them and I shift into Aurelie’s beautiful form until I jump so I
stand on my back legs and Lillie takes over and I shift into her lycan form.
Lillie is also black but with a white head and white tail. Beautiful. I can feel both of my girls inside of me, they are no longer a part
of me, they are me and I am them. We belong to each other as one.
I smile brightly as I shift back to my human form and the moon goddess comes over to me.
“Well done, Nora and just because you found the balance between you and Aurelie and Lillie I will give you a gift that I think that
you will
But please be careful with it because if you do too much you will feel the consequences.” The moon goddess says and I nod
when she suddenly fades along with Artemis and then the entire place fades

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