Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 133

Part 2 Chapter 51
Melinda POV
It feels like several years have gone by since the last time I saw Daniel and when I finally am in his arms again, I can’t move my
body or talk at all. My mother and Fa nny and Carol were there when they found me and they have tried several things to “wake”
me up.
But they all have agreed that I am catatonic, I am trapped inside my mind and my body is a shell, I see them and I hear them but
I can’t do anything. No matter how hard I try I can’t do anything. Gosh, I have come to realize that I really hate my sister by this
Even when she killed my Mia, I couldn’t come to hate her, she is my sister after all but now? Forcing me to watch and hear how
life is going on but I can’t do anything? Yep, I hate her.
I don’t understand why Daniel is still by my side even after all this time. I love him so much that it hurts but am just a burden to
him by now.
I am a bystander, watching through my lifeless eyes, the surroundings are shifting, spring, summer, fall, winter and then it begins
again. I feel Daniel, he is trying so hard as not to break down in front of me. My mother and the coven are also trying to find a
way for me to come out of my shell that is my body but I can’t seem to grasp the situation.
Tw atch as the kingdom is blossoming as Nora is taking her
rightful place beside her mates and I also see the kingdom fall
when Nora dies. Immortality is a myth, all will die, it’s just a matter of time.
I watch the world come to life after everything is burnt to the ground, I hear laughter and screams, I feel their happiness and
sadness. Life and death. I just sat there in my chair and watched as Daniel finally broke down and he killed himself. I watched
how Ares and Helios killed each other. I watched how Samantha killed the king after he killed Ben.
I watched the hidden people come to life, I saw them take over everything. I watched how the world became black as darkness
seeped in everywhere. I watched as everything became chaos. I watched through these eyes of mine how a vampire tore my
throat open and I cried.
I cried as I felt the vampire slice my stomach open and I saw it kill my unborn child in front of me and then I died.
Daniel POV
Melinda is right there, there in the town surrounding the sapphire castle. She is a wind witch so spreading the fire is no...
problem for her. But her movements are stiff, like they arent her own, as someone is controlling her.
Ari is furious as he doesn’t understand how someone can do this to another person and he forces our shift. Prince Ares takes
control of the sapphire army and we begin to move through the town down to the witches that are adamant in killing every living

being here.
I see children out of the corner of my eyes as I rush head into the fire. I need to find her, my Melinda, she is everything for me
and she is Mine. I will not let anyone take her from me, not even my lycan.
I growl at the people that are in my way and I jump over the fire wall and land right in front of her. Melinda. I hear Prince Ares yell
as he and the others can’t pass through or over the wall of fire. But I don’t care as I am standing right in front of my mate. She
stands there with lifeless eyes, like she is there but not in control of her body. She moves towards me and I can see a mini
tornado in her hand but I ignore it for the time being and I approach her carefully. When I finally caress her cheek I see a lone
tear slide down from her eyes and I use my thumb to wipe it off her. “Melinda, sweetie, come back to me, please” I whisper to her
as I gently put my nose against hers. I see her eyes widen and she looks up at mine and I see it. She is struggling, as she is
trying to answer me or do something to let me know that she is still in there. I am trying to decide if I should knock her out or let
her battle whatever it is that is blocking her from coming out. *Don’t knock her out, she can be trapped inside her mind forever* I
hear Mariah’s voice inside my mind. *How did you do that?* I ask her and she chuckles.
*Melinda’s father showed me a trick or two* she says with
*Melinda’s father, she never speaks of him, who was he?* I ask her and I think the information can be vital this time.
*Does that matter now? But sure. Melinda’s father was a Tycan, but he couldn’t shift so I don’t think his genes was so
strong* Mariah says and I tense.
*That is impossible* I say back to her.
*I know* Mariah answers.
I focus on Melinda again and then I enter her mind.
Everything in Melinda’s mind is beautiful, colorful, flowers and birds, animals and even stars and then I see her. She must be a
child here and by her side is a puppy.
*Hello, Melinda* I say to her and she lifts her head and I take a step back. She has no eyes.
*Hello, Daniel* the puppy answers and the child/puts her head down again.
*What?* I ask and I can’t wrap my mind around what I just
*Melinda’s mind are scary isn’t it, look again at all the colorful things, if you dare* The puppy says and looks at a bird above my
head and I look up.
I feel sick as I notice the gaping hole in its chest as it flies over my head. It looks like its heart has been taken out or something
else. I look around and notice different things now. Even if her world here is colorful, it’s missing something and I know what it is.
Life. Her mind is literally missing the life piece.

*Where is Melinda?* I ask the puppy and it tilts its head at me
*I am Melinda, dummy* It laughs at me
*Did you know that I was a stillborn when mother had me, because of the curse so she and the coven did something
bad. They killed off my wolf and ever since then they killed me. All my emotions and the very being of myself* Puppy Melinda
says and I nod.
*I understand that Mariah thought that she was saving you by killing off a piece of you in the process. It is not something to be
happy for but let me tell you that Tam happy that she did. I met you and I love you my beautiful mate* I say and she opens up her
mouth to say something when I am shoved out of her mind.
I shake my head and notice that Maya is standing behind Melinda and she throws a fireball at me. Melinda raises her hand and
the mini tornado moves out to me, effectively capturing the fire surrounding my body and I feel that I am burning.
I feel and smell my burning flesh but I refuse to scream and look-Melinda in the eyes instead. I can see her horror in them.
“You are stronger than her”

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